CM Punk = The Future of the WWE

I know CM Punk is good, but not THAT good.

His in ring skills are pretty good. I would say above average.

Looks... he looks like a regular guy. I don't know how he became a 2 time World Champion

Promo skills..... pretty good, but I don't know why everybody says that his promos sound real... they sound like he is reading off a script to me. He has overrated mic skills.

CM Punk is not the future of the WWE, so just face it, you stupid CM Punk marks.

He is slightly above average at best, nothing special.
Punk is part of the future but he isn't THE future. I've never really liked his matches THAT much, and as of late I've been thinking his promo's are a bit long winded, but he is a Main-Eventer. He's just not on Cena or Orton's level and you can tell because Orton's basically been squashing him for 2 months now. Don't think so? He just took Punk's entire group out by himself and pretty much beats him down whenever their near each other.

People say that Orton and Cena are the future, no they are the present. I really don't know who the next Face of the company is going to be. Wade Barrett might be the next great heel or Alberto Del Rio, maybe Jomo is the next great face? Otherwise I don't really see too many face candidates.
CM Punk might have awesome mic work sometimes...but not all the time.
While I am a Punk mark, I don't think he could carry this company as well as even someone like Cena (who i like but no where near as much as Punk)

Punk to me was basically that first step into the new age of wrestling. Where you really don't have steroid blasted men trying to act tough. You have more of a skillful tactic to the matches...

not to mention if I ever see him and DBD in a match that gets some time, I'll be completely happy
What was the point of Punk being the new Nexus leader, if you're going to just destroy the stable? Why make Barrett/Gabriel/Slater switch their name and downgrade in entrance music?

If anything we have seen that Barrett has true superstar potential he's the one diamond in the rough WWE discovered in the last year with NXT. The rest of that crew has been destined for failure for the most part
i have always liked punk as overall talent, he has the in ring ability to hang in there with the best of them, his mic skills are the best the wwe have right now, even better than the miz, punks promos are more heel than the miz, thats what makes him more believable, the miz throws in some funny stuff ever so often. i could see punk winning at mania to catapult him in the main event picture against the miz, since cena will feuding with rock after mania, i think punk vs miz will be a good feud.

i could probably see miz becoming a face at the end of mania, with cena becoming heel, just like austin became a heel at the end of wrestlemania 17

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