CM Punk should Turn Face in the Future

Using Heyman and Lesnar to turn Punk face would work. At some point, the two "Paul Heyman guys" have to clash, or have some sort of interaction with each other. It has to happen. And more importantly, Lesnar has to be the heel, because I can't imagine the crowds buying him as a face. WWE has portrayed Lesnar as a big, mean bully, and a soulless asshole/mercenary, who only cares about money. The heel role just suits Lesnar better, especially in the current role, where Heyman controls him, as the destructive monster. Plus, Lesnar needs someone to talk for him, Punk doesn't. Lesnar desperately needs a mouthpiece.

WWE will play up the dynamic of two Heyman guys facing each other, and Heyman will continue to draw more heat towards Lesnar, as the slimy snake. Because he's so believable as a dick, Lesnar helped Cena get more positive responses during their feud, and I have no doubt he can do the same for Punk.

Punk can get the fans on his side again. It might take some time, but Punk is a master on the microphone, and he's more than capable of convincing you to believe in every word coming out of his mouth. We all know he'll get the outsiders, and older adult males on his side, and if he tones done the smug jerk side of personality, he gather a stronger following.

Although, I can't see a face turn coming for some time. WWE really needs a top heel, and Punk is that guy. Yes, I know Ziggler just won the WHC, but it's WAY too soon to jump to any conclusions. As a creepy cult leader, or as a condescending dick, Punk has proven himself to be a great top heel. WWE needs that right now, because Lesnar only pops up every now and then, and you have to worry about Mark Henry's injury problems and age. So I don't see Punk stepping into a good guy role this year, or in the near future.
Definitely. His best work is as a heel, but his face work is still underrated.

When Cena turns heel (because it will happen before he retires), feuding with a face CM Punk will be a great dynamic and a good way to make that glorious feud even bigger.
No he shouldn't he should toe the line between good and bad, he will never be the no.1 face while Cena is around, so what's the point?
Cena *is* turning heel right now. Pay attention, people.

Waiting on some evidence of Punk turning face... but it would be simple enough to do. Maybe they can work towards Punk vs Cena for the strap at 30.
I've been watching for over 20 years. Ryback pushed Sabu out of the top spot, and Colin Delaney and Necro Butcher round out the Top 5.

Such an odd top 5 most hated all time... especially from someone who's been a wrestling fan for over 20 years.

Sabu? Who hates Sabu? The guy practically crippled himself to entertain people. You don't have to like the style he used, but to hate the guy to that level? Just odd

Colin Delaney? I had to google him to even know who he was, and in close to 30 years, there isn't a lot I don't know about the business. He seems like some kid who had a cup of coffee with the WWE that consisted of being a lower to mid carder with their ECW abortion, and he's just been an indy guy scraping together a living since

Necro Butcher? Yeah I'm not a fan, but he's not someone to even care about enough to have among their most hated of all time that spans two decades list

Fandango? Guys been around for maybe a month and is fleshing out a new gimmick. He hasn't had time to build up that level of hate

Ryback... yeah I'm with you there. Can't stand anything about him.
The best way to turn Punk back (and fans would tear the roof of the place) would be keep The Shield's winning streak intact for another couple of PPVs. No one can beat them. Then on a RAW where they are beating down Sheamus, Orton, etc., have Punk's music hit and have him run down to the ring and GTS and beat down the Shield. He can then say that he was never involved with them, Heyman was, and he's tired of their antics, or something like that. Boom, easy fast turn or at least tweener turn and everyone would eat it up.
Cena *is* turning heel right now. Pay attention, people.

Waiting on some evidence of Punk turning face... but it would be simple enough to do. Maybe they can work towards Punk vs Cena for the strap at 30.

It's funny, I saw the same thing about Cena posted elsewhere, it would be ironic if his clean non-heelish win over the Rock is actually what spurs him to turn heel, i.e the glory goes to his head and makes him arrogant.

If that's the case, then WWE is booking this in a clever/subtle manner, not officially turning Cena but instead having him push the annoying expressions and mannerisms that make him hated by some sections of the crowd to almost (key word almost) unbearable levels.

But deep down, we know they're probably not doing that. And to be honest, after having the image of Rock & Cena 'hugging it out' raped into the back of my eyballs by WWE at WM, I'm officially done playing the 'will he, wont he' game.

Punk never should have turned heel in the first place, as he was already surpassing Cena as the company's most beloved face, but I guess WWE realized that and relegated him, as champion, to the middle of the card which pissed him off and engendered the idea of a heel turn. Had Punk stayed a face, he could have easily overtaken Cena as the top face of the company by the time 2013 ends. Granted, he's the top heel right now, but Henry, Ryback, Ziggler or The Shield as a unit could easily fill that gap should they give him his Voice of the Voiceless gimmick back.
Punk was great as a face when they still allowed him to be a bit of a dick, I think these days fans like good guys to have a bit of cockiness to them, a bit of sarcasm and edge, however almost immediately Punk was converted to the full WWE babyface model and started grinning all the time and making lots of jokes, he tried to put his own twist on it but he was more hamstrung than he was when he first started the angle and his character was sort of a man without a country. Let Punk be the way he was at the start of summer 2011 and I'd love to see him back as a face.

The reason for the turn seemed partly down to Punk being sick of being treat as second fiddle while WWE champion, and partly because they needed a great heel for Rock to win the title off in order to set up Cena/Rockl II, and truth was no heel in the company at the time could have matched up with Rock.

He's done a great job as a heel without a doubt, he's not been quite as much of a total chickenshit as I expected, although he doesn't win clean all that often. The thing is while his heel work is great he's swimming upstream with the fans every week and it's not just "smarks" it's fans that he got over with that never wanted him heel. Basically the fans make turns work, it's why Sheamus and Del Rio are so lackluster as faces, there was no case of the fans turning these guys, WWE just did and hoped fans would follow along, Punk's heel turn likewise was not organic and that's why you still have a thunderous CM Punk chant while he's beating Taker with an urn supposedly filled with the recently deceased Paul Bearers ashes.

I think Punk going back face is inevitable if he is to work with Brock, there is no story in face Brock vs heel Punk, for starters Brock is terrible as a face and needs Heyman (Who could NEVER be a face) to talk for him, secondly the obvious story is the guy who bleeds the business vs the self admitted mercenary who is only in it for the money, and last but not least the Brock/Punk dynamic is tailor made for the classic monster heel vs underdog face match formula.

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