CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk!


Dark Match Winner
CM Punk for years has been one of the most entertaining wrestlers in the world,
from his days in the Ring of Honor/Independant circuit to his five or six years with WWE!

He is one of the best mic workers, he is twisted and sadistic! From his SES mic work to the Nexus stuff,
he has been working the crowd in what WWE'd think would be a alot of heat and yes I've heard the boos!

But at the Royal Rumble, at the beginning! There was massive CM Punk chants going! And alot of cheers
when he and Daniel Bryan started off!

What im getting at is, do you think over time, no matter how good a heel he is... It will be similar to Randy Ortons
face turn, where the crowd in a sense made the WWE turn him face? CM Punk is a great face character
but how can the WWE build up such a heel character for him that he gets bigger chants then poster boy Cena??

Discuss :)

As I personally think that after WM... Punk will turn face! And when he does, i feel he may well be one of the top faces the company
has ever had!
I don't see Punk turning face for awhile, only because of Mason Ryan factor. When the new Nexus eventually breaks up it will be similar to Evolution and not Legacy/SES where only the established star was more over and everyone else was buried.

Also, Punk gets both pops and boos depending on the arena. Even at last years Royal Rumble when he was in the SES he was getting huge PUNK chants. The only way Punk will be a face right after Wrestlemania is if the crowd turns on Orton. At the earliest, he is going to be a heel well into 2012.
Dude, Punk is just "cool". People love to react to him, be it a cheer or a boo. Same with Edge. People will "cool" gimmicks (bar Carlito) will always get cheered even as a heal, but not the same kind of cheering a face would recieve. Punk doesn't need to go face, nor should he anytime soon. As a face, the "cool" factor was the ONLY thing he had going for him. As a heal, he is a god on the mic, and he can stir up the crowd better then anyone on the roster ATM.

Punk should stay heal for a LONG time, far past Nexus.
Personally, I like heel CM Punk way better than face CM Punk. I never actually paid that much attention to CM Punk until he was heel. He was a mediocre face at best because of his mic work. But a face CM Punk would work if they had him be a smart ass type of face. Such as they have done with other superstars such as the rock, chris jericho, and other big faces.
He is so well liked and OVER, that in most cases, I would say his popularity might outshine whatever gimmick they give him.

But, in CM Punk's case, I might have to say no. I do not think it will be similar to Orton at all. The thing about Punk is his overall talent. I think he is so good on the mic, AND at getting his point across, that he will always find a way to present himself the way he or the way WWE wants him to be.

The guy has so much talent, he will always be able to get the casual fan, or children, to feel the way HE wants them to feel about him.

I, on the other hand, like him no matter what he does. He is one of the most well rounded talents, of not only today, but of all time. That is my opinion, some might not agree, and some might very well agree.
Punk is ideal as a Heel, he is the biggest the WWE has right now and along with the Miz, Del Rio, Ziggler and Barrett in the current youth initiative alone being elevated in a big way as Main Event heels it seems as though there is a strong bunch of heels who will be in contention for the titles for a long time to come, now they just need to get the faces sorted out
I wouldn't be surprised if at some point CM Punk was turned face purely due to the fact that he was getting cheered too much. It happened to Randy Orton like you said, and obviously WWE has their moments of listening to the crowd, especially if they can make money off it. Someone being super cheered is always gonna mean they draw money, so turning someone face based on that is bound to be good for business.

CM Punk most likely won't be turned any time soon though. Not only is he in a pretty over heel faction, as well as their leader. But he's not getting half the reaction that Randy Orton was getting before the face turn even started. And that I think would mean to the comparison of Randy Orton and CM Punk in terms of turning face, that WWE won't be turning Punk, unless there's a big, and I mean really big possibility that he would get red hot as hell the very moment he turned. Which of course is just as big a possibility, let's not forget how he turned heel.

But for now, I don't see CM Punk being turned face, at least not any time soon. I won't be surprised if it would happen down the line, in say, 1-2 years. But right now? Not a chance.
Punk is a natural heel, imo. Having watched him as a face before, I only really "noticed" him after he cashed in Money in the Bank on Jeff Hardy in 2009. His straight edge promos slowly got more and more heel heat, until he was a fully fledged heel for his feud with Jeff. He's been on a non-stop heel train since, starting up his SES, shaving heads, singing at Rey's daughter, crushing Big Show's hand, all the way through to his current role as New Nexus leader. He's a great talker, he has a "you'll do as I say" vibe to him which you can really buy into. Sure, he's not the biggest guy, but the announcers make you aware of his muay thai background and he always seems like a legitimate threat to anyone he's in the ring with.

If Punk goes face, I hope it's not for a long time. He's much more entertaining as the bad guy.
Boston is a smarky town, and smarks love their heels. Punk is a fantastic heel, no doubt, but I think he's a little too polarizing to ever fill a tweener role like Stone Cold was able to.

His character is fantastic, no doubt, but I don't think CM Punk is really that great on the mic. He's just barely in the top 10 mic workers of the company, and most certainly not in the top 5. He is, however, very talented in the ring and does a great job of getting heat through methods other than his mic work.

I don't see Punk turning face anytime soon, as he is much more interesting as a heel than he ever was as a face. Even if he did turn face, he doesn't have the talent to be one of the best faces the company ever had.
I put this in caps for a reason...I ABSOLUTELY HATEDDDDDD PUNK AS A FACE. His talent is amazing, do not mistake that. I was ALWAYS a fan. However, his heel persona is the best thing to happen to Raw since Orton's IED phase. I love every last bit of his high and mighty, stable owning, Cena killing outlook. VKM finally realized that instead of trying to make kids straight edge, that making them hate CM was their best route...
He is BY FAR Raw's best talker. No ifs, ands, or buts. Cena and him are a great back-and-forth. And I definitely think him and Orton will be too. I would love to see what he has for the year in head of him. Despite the fact that it probably will happen, I would like to see them hold off on giving him the title this year. Just for the build up. Just for something big.
Overall, I DO NOT want a face turn. AT ALL. He's too good at the heel role.
CM Punk is the best heel in the company. Nothing against Miz, but Punk always keeps his promos fresh and knows exactly how to get heat without even trying TOO hard (see Michael Cole and Cody Rhodes). He's kind of like Jericho in which he gets heat but everyone loves him to the point he gets cheered. Like at Night of Champions, he gave a promo insulting his home crowd and the crowd still cheered for him (he should've won that match by the way).
I am a big CM Punk fan and was delighted when he signed for WWE. I think they are high on him as a performer and realise they have a unique talent on their hands. He is adaptable within his single gimmick, whether that is being a heel or a face. I think Punk could pull off the tweener role quite well. My experiences of tweeners are usually heels cheered beyond belief that there is no other option but to turn the individual face. I don't recall it ever happening the other way round, but am not saying it has never happened that way. I think Punk, with the way he carries himself and his straight edge gimmick, could provide a different take on the tweener role. He could easily play to those who cheer him, treating them like straight edge converts or something. His comedic arrogance as recently displayed during his commentator work could be saved for his interaction with those fans; whereas his more serious and darker "I'm better than you" approach would be used to keep the heat on him i.e. ridiculing a kid in the audience and so on. Whatever he or the WWE decides to do with the character will prove to be a success because of the hard work and talent of the man himself.
Cm Punk is just a brilliant character and is over with the fans,his mic work is gold,he's a very unique individual which makes him stand out from the rest,people see him as "cool",he just drives a reaction out of every single fan,wether that be a boo or a cheer,i think he got that reaction because people have come to relise what a big influeance he has in the WWE right now! i dont think WWE have to turn him face,i like it just the way it is at the moment!
To me, CM Punk is better as a heel than he ever was as a face. The man has some superb mic skills, no doubt but I think he was able to better showcase them as a heel than when he was face. But like Ferb said earlier, I wouldn't be surprised if he turned face at some point in the future because the crowd is loudly cheering for him (a la Randy Orton). The thing is that his heel portryal is a fantastic character and isn't something I would like to see change for awhile. Also, as mentioned earlier, after the whole New Nexus thing blows over, I don't think Punk will be the one to turn face but rather one of the New Nexus members.

I have no doubts that Punk will be a face again but not for another year or two at the very least. Right now, his heel character is one of the most interesting things on WWE TV right now that I don't think he'll be turned anytime soon.
IMO I don't think he should turn face anytime soon. He's a much better heel. Look at his gimmicks in the SES and the New Nexus. He treats his followers like crap most of the time and he uses them for his own personal benefit. He's an AMAZING talent and should get to show it every week. They've been foreshadowing a DBD/Punk feud for a while now and I just don't see them turning Bryan heel for a long time.
First post on this forum!!!!!

In my opinion,punk is way better as a heel persona than a face.The current heel gimmick should continue till it gets stale a la John Cena.
Punk is someone who people respect as a wrestler so he is bound to be cheered by the hardcore wrestling fans.
So no.He should not turn face anytime soon

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