Dark Match Winner
CM Punk for years has been one of the most entertaining wrestlers in the world,
from his days in the Ring of Honor/Independant circuit to his five or six years with WWE!
He is one of the best mic workers, he is twisted and sadistic! From his SES mic work to the Nexus stuff,
he has been working the crowd in what WWE'd think would be a alot of heat and yes I've heard the boos!
But at the Royal Rumble, at the beginning! There was massive CM Punk chants going! And alot of cheers
when he and Daniel Bryan started off!
What im getting at is, do you think over time, no matter how good a heel he is... It will be similar to Randy Ortons
face turn, where the crowd in a sense made the WWE turn him face? CM Punk is a great face character
but how can the WWE build up such a heel character for him that he gets bigger chants then poster boy Cena??
As I personally think that after WM... Punk will turn face! And when he does, i feel he may well be one of the top faces the company
has ever had!
from his days in the Ring of Honor/Independant circuit to his five or six years with WWE!
He is one of the best mic workers, he is twisted and sadistic! From his SES mic work to the Nexus stuff,
he has been working the crowd in what WWE'd think would be a alot of heat and yes I've heard the boos!
But at the Royal Rumble, at the beginning! There was massive CM Punk chants going! And alot of cheers
when he and Daniel Bryan started off!
What im getting at is, do you think over time, no matter how good a heel he is... It will be similar to Randy Ortons
face turn, where the crowd in a sense made the WWE turn him face? CM Punk is a great face character
but how can the WWE build up such a heel character for him that he gets bigger chants then poster boy Cena??

As I personally think that after WM... Punk will turn face! And when he does, i feel he may well be one of the top faces the company
has ever had!