PUNKAMANIA #2: Are you with or against "CM Punk" Chants?

What are your thoughts on "CM Punk" chants?

  • Love 'em

  • Hate 'em

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Punk left for one reason. He could no longer fit inside the ring with his own Ego. I used to be a huge CM Punk fan too which is why I felt the need to comment here.

Now, I don't have an issue with a superstar doing things to try and elevate his career (ie. Zack Ryder with Long Island Iced Z) but flat out quitting and leaving just because you're not booked the way you'd like to be is selfish. If he has an injury that is affecting his ring work then fine, he has every right to leave. The problem is that he's simply being a whiny little baby.

Don't get me wrong, CM Punk is talented, in fact, he's probably the Best in The World (pun intended). But at the end of the day, the WWE and Vince McMahon is what made Punk his millions of dollars that he now has. One of my favourite wrestling quotes to date is "No one man is bigger than this company." So in conclusion, get over yourself Punk. You let your fans down...
Apparently WM30 was his last WM and therefore his last chance to main even the big event, since it seems like he wouldn't be renewing. He didn't get his way even after busting his ass off for so long, while he saw Batista being handed that spot for doing absolutely nothing. I support Punk 100% for this. He fought for everyone for 3 years ever since his pipebomb, he tried to show that hard work will get you to the top. Obviously, backstage politics do that for you, he figured it isn't worth fighting against and it would just be better to look out for himself. He is rich, he doesn't care if he doesn't get paid by WWE, he minds his own business and now he is his boss. Blame Punk all you want, but he actually tried, didn't get to achieve what he wanted because of Vince and Co and now he left, richer than ever, doing whatever makes him happy. Suck on that, haters.

Sooooo you're basically saying you support CM Punk for acting like a whiny little bitchboy by walking out after he didn't get his way? I believe the plan was for CM Punk to face HHH at Mania 30 but apparently one of the greatest wrestlers of all time isn't good enough for CM Punk on the grandest stage of them all... Also Batista has probably done more than CM Punk ever will inside a WWE ring and although people may not have been happy that he won the RR, he definitely has not done "absolutely nothing" for the business. In fact he was one of the company's top draws for over 4 years.

CM Punk fought for nobody but himself with his pipebomb promo and if you REALLY think he did it for you or any other one of his fans, you're kidding yourself... If Punk truly cared about his fans he WOULD NOT HAVE LEFT, no matter what the situation was. Also what do you mean backstage politics is the only way to get to the top? CM Punk was the longest reigning WWE Champion of our entire friggin era! What more does he want? Not everybody can main event Wrestlemania and this year was Daniel Bryan's year NOT CM Punk's.

Lastly you say CM Punk is richer than ever and his own boss.... How exactly did CM Punk make all that money exactly? Oh right, it was Vince Mcmahon and the WWE who made the guy a mega-star and gave him championships and payed for his lifestyle while he was busy bashing the company any chance he could get.

CM Punk may be doing what is making him happy nowadays but obviously that's not wrestling or entertaining his fans so good on you for your "undying" loyalty.
I was with them for a bit. When they were in Chicago for the first time after he left, I was with it. I can't recall if that was on RAW or just a pay per view. Regardless, I quit caring for the chants after Heyman came out and completely crushed it. It pretty much stopped them from "hijacking" the show, and it put an end to relevancy for me.
I hate those chants. To me it interferes with the product I'm trying to watch. I don't want someone to come back if they are not in it.

I feel his fans should get that he abandoned them. I don't know about you guys but, I can never trust someone who abandoned me. I also don't approve of the way he left the company. Not everything can be about you. Everyone wants to main event, but we all can't get it.

I had written a short rant about this that appeared on a different wrestling news site, back when WWE was coming through Chicago and we had the whole "Raw takeover" threatened to take place by fans on Twitter.

You're cheering for the guy who took your money, gave you all the middle finger, and walked away. You're insulting the performers who actually decide to honor their contracts and show up in the building to risk their health and safety to entertain you that night. The smark crowd has finally been getting what they wanted with seeing guys like Daniel Bryan and The Shield being placed in prominent positions on the show, and you're all too busy chanting for the guy who took the money that you allow WWE to pay him, and left.

He is not your martyr. Him leaving did not send some huge signal to the WWE that things have to change. Punk said himself at earlier times, he knows he can't change things in the business from his couch in Chicago. You cheer him as the rebellious hero who walked away to prove a point, but bottom line is we never even got a single word directly from him, and still haven't, about why exactly he left. So you don't know that it had anything to do with wanting to send a message about the product. All signs to it just being a purely selfish move, not some sort of self-sacrifice for the sake of wrestling fans everywhere. He was tired and bored with the business and with all of you.

As usual stupid wrestling fans don't know who is really on their side and who is working them. Punk is not your savior. He looked down on wrestling fans the entire time he was in the business with all the stories about what an asshole he was to anyone who approached him in public, and now he decides that he doesn't even need to finish the job that he agreed to do.

Keep chanting for him, morons. You're the same type of crowd who tried to ruin "Husky Harris" Bray Wyatt the first night he came back to television.

Keep chanting for the guy who decided you're not even worth his time because he already earned enough money from your merchandise and ticket purchases to never have to work another day in his life.

Pick a new hero already. Chant for someone who actually bothers to show up.

You come across like people who can't stop raving about how amazing your ex who cheated on you is.
They're chants, practically one of the more harmless things in life unless you're chanting something like "Heil Hitler." The fans paid money to enter the stadium, as far as I'm concerned they can chant whatever they like. No skin off my back, and certainly no skin off of Punk's either.
Crowd participation jumped the shark with "What!?" and has been pretty awful every since IMHO

Too much interaction takes away the ability for anything to grow organically.
The fans shouldn't be determining the way they handle guys. The way they book shows should determine how the fans react if they are nailing on all cylinders.

Look how well they parlayed Daniel Bryan vs. The Authority into huge success. It built for six months. It was nothing but a knock off of Vince McMahon vs. Austin but it was done so well that it doesn't matter.
Sooooo you're basically saying you support CM Punk for acting like a whiny little bitchboy by walking out after he didn't get his way? I believe the plan was for CM Punk to face HHH at Mania 30 but apparently one of the greatest wrestlers of all time isn't good enough for CM Punk on the grandest stage of them all... Also Batista has probably done more than CM Punk ever will inside a WWE ring and although people may not have been happy that he won the RR, he definitely has not done "absolutely nothing" for the business. In fact he was one of the company's top draws for over 4 years.

CM Punk fought for nobody but himself with his pipebomb promo and if you REALLY think he did it for you or any other one of his fans, you're kidding yourself... If Punk truly cared about his fans he WOULD NOT HAVE LEFT, no matter what the situation was. Also what do you mean backstage politics is the only way to get to the top? CM Punk was the longest reigning WWE Champion of our entire friggin era! What more does he want? Not everybody can main event Wrestlemania and this year was Daniel Bryan's year NOT CM Punk's.

Lastly you say CM Punk is richer than ever and his own boss.... How exactly did CM Punk make all that money exactly? Oh right, it was Vince Mcmahon and the WWE who made the guy a mega-star and gave him championships and payed for his lifestyle while he was busy bashing the company any chance he could get.

CM Punk may be doing what is making him happy nowadays but obviously that's not wrestling or entertaining his fans so good on you for your "undying" loyalty.

You and your opinions are exactly what is wrong with society. Instead of standing up for yourself when you are being treated unfairly, you would sit there and take it like a bitch, because you are a pussy who can't help himself. That's why you will never succeed in life big time. Because you will take all the shit that is being thrown at you, eat it and call it the best thing ever with a smile on your face, even when inside, you will want to kill your boss.

Punk obviously doesn't need his boss and can do whatever he wants and that's why I admire what he did.
Wait till AJ comes back. If you thought the CM Punk chants were slowly but surely fading away, it's going to get ratcheted up a few notches whenever AJ wrestles.
The small but vocal and obsessive CM Punk fan club have been literally STALKING the man. I feel sorry for him.

It's fine if they can muster up a chant now and again. I've only heard one or two in the past month.

The truth is, Daniel Bryan passed CM Punk as the "non-WWE guy" at the end of Punk's tenure. If anything, Punk probably couldn't stand being second fiddle to Bryan's "Yes Movement".

Even if Bryan quit like Punk, the "Yes" chant would be much like the Austin "What" chant or the Ric Flair "Woooo!".. it's solidified in fan wrestling participation. CM Punk has no such remembrance.
You and your opinions are exactly what is wrong with society. Instead of standing up for yourself when you are being treated unfairly, you would sit there and take it like a bitch, because you are a pussy who can't help himself. That's why you will never succeed in life big time. Because you will take all the shit that is being thrown at you, eat it and call it the best thing ever with a smile on your face, even when inside, you will want to kill your boss.
actually, you have to pick and choose your stances in life. If you have a spot on ANY work roster like Punk, you should be happy. Main eventing and lately on the top end of the card. However, if one can't take it if they're not getting everything they greedily want, and make a big stance that axes their career, they'll never truly "succeed" in the end. Punk might be financially sound for now, but his legacy in wrestling is forever tarnished. He won't be considered one of the greats, just a guy with a cult following like RVD. Anyone who goes into wrestling and does it for a living at the level cares about their legacy to some degree. Punk's wrestling career won't ever be considered a 100% "success"..

Why don't you just go into work tomorrow and tell your boss everything that pisses you off about the job and about them? Come on.. you talk a big game, go do it.. and then, I'll watch as your posting becomes more and more rapid because you have so much free time ;)

Punk obviously doesn't need his boss and can do whatever he wants and that's why I admire what he did.

He needed the WWE. Without it, he would have still been working indy shows in high school gyms. He was just ungreatful, and obviously so.
I'll take them or leave them. The fans paid there money they can chant whatever they want within reason. The chants don't bother me, but I don't intend on joining in anytime soon.

Yes GOAT, they are disrespectful, but they are not vulgar and the chants don't last very long and they don't take away from the show one bit. There are less and less of these chants every week and they become less loud each and every time. Those chanting are beginning to accept that WWE aint bringing Punk back and they are beginning to accept this fact.

One negative that can come from this is that the chants may continue for angles AJ Lee is involved with and she may get less or no TV time because of it.
actually, you have to pick and choose your stances in life. If you have a spot on ANY work roster like Punk, you should be happy. Main eventing and lately on the top end of the card. However, if one can't take it if they're not getting everything they greedily want, and make a big stance that axes their career, they'll never truly "succeed" in the end. Punk might be financially sound for now, but his legacy in wrestling is forever tarnished. He won't be considered one of the greats, just a guy with a cult following like RVD. Anyone who goes into wrestling and does it for a living at the level cares about their legacy to some degree. Punk's wrestling career won't ever be considered a 100% "success"..

Why don't you just go into work tomorrow and tell your boss everything that pisses you off about the job and about them? Come on.. you talk a big game, go do it.. and then, I'll watch as your posting becomes more and more rapid because you have so much free time ;)

He needed the WWE. Without it, he would have still been working indy shows in high school gyms. He was just ungreatful, and obviously so.

First of all, you can't compare RVD to Punk. RVD was just a great in ring talent. Punk is 10 times better than RVD in every aspect of it. Punk's career isn't tarnished. The only people who talk trash about him are his haters and the trolls. Everyone who knows pro wrestling will never say "oh, he was an ok guy, but he walked out". They will say "he was the greatest of his era". When people talk about Austin, then don't mention him quitting, they mentioned about how he was the catalyst of WWF beating WCW.

I'm not employed anywhere, but even if I was, if I was in need of the money, I would keep my job no matter what. If a new opportunity came up though, that seemed way better, or if I didn't need the money so much, I'd definitely piss on my boss (I also wanna be my own boss for that reason too).

Punk doesn't need the WWE NOW. Sure, he needed it before he became rich (DUH!), but not anymore. Through it, he became rich, became the "best in the world", getting an awesome woman etc etc. He got what he needed from it, so yea, he doesn't need it anymore, so he won't sit there and take all the crap that is given to him.

I wonder how you would feel if you were working hard, away from your home for 90% of the year, with injuries and all, proving that you belong on top and wanting a reward for it, then some guy who hasn't been seen for 4 years walks in and steals everything you worked so hard for. Not so good when you put yourself in Punk's shoes, eh? Not to mention the paycuts due to the Network and the overall direction the WWE is taking and the way they treat their employees....
First of all, you can't compare RVD to Punk. RVD was just a great in ring talent. Punk is 10 times better than RVD in every aspect of it.
Are you joking?

I need to make sure I'm not dealing with someone so infatuated with CM Punk that they can look at history in a somewhat realistic matter.

I'm don't drink RVD Cool-aid, but Rob Van Dam and CM Punk have VERY comparable careers... RVD and Punk both came up through independent-style wrestling, with RVD coming in as a far more established name (which is actually a bad thing when dealing with the WWE). This hurt RVD for years. However, both clearly faced the "outsider" label within the WWE booking community.

But as far as RVD's Career, it's much longer and far more accoladed in the WWE, while Punk's is pretty short and sweet.

- his ECW Television Championship reign of almost 2 years is quite legendary in the overall wrestling universe
- fueded with Austin within the alliance and HHH after during his early WWE run for the WWE Championship.
- 5 time Intercontinental Champion
- 3 time WWE Tag Team Champion
- 1 time WWECW champion
- 1 time Money in the Bank winner
- 1 time WWE Champion with a giant asterisk next to it. He won the WWE title off John Cena and was planned for a lengthy title reign and long-term main even status. Unfortunately for him, the WWE can put up with Orton being busted for steroids on 4 seperate occasions, but if RVD gets pulled over with a marijuana pipe it's over. You probably know the story, he was stripped of both titles quickly and buried.
- RVD's main event profile was from approx 2001-2006, with a giant "what if".

- 2 time WWECW Champion
- 1 time WWE Tag Team Champion
- 1 time WWE Intercontinental Champion
- 2 time Money in the Bank winner, the only person to win it twice.
- 2 time Heavyweight Champion, with of course, the notorious 434 day title reign.
- Fueded with big names such as Cena for the WWE Championship.
- Punk's main event profile was approx 2008-2013 with a giant "what if".

As far as wrestling and skills? RVD is far more athletic than Punk, and just about anyone for that matter. RVD is far more innovative in the ring. Punk is definitely smoother in the ring (RVD has always been known to work stiff), and Punk's microphone work is far superior to RVD's, although to be fair Van Dam never got a chance while in WWE on the mic. He's no Punk, but he can sure shoot and give a great cocky gimmick promo.

Punk's career isn't tarnished. The only people who talk trash about him are his haters and the trolls. Everyone who knows pro wrestling will never say "oh, he was an ok guy, but he walked out". They will say "he was the greatest of his era". When people talk about Austin, then don't mention him quitting, they mentioned about how he was the catalyst of WWF beating WCW.
It is "tarnished" in a way that it didn't get a chance to truly pan out. It's "tarnished" as far as those who make absolute greatness claims. Austin was great for a solid 5 years of being "The Guy". Punk is not in Austin's league whatsoever. Punk was "The Guy" for less than 2 years. Punk's claim of being "the greatest of his era" is extremely fragile. He is absolutely considered "one of the greats of his era", but John Cena, Randy Orton, and now Daniel Bryan could easily also make the claim during Punk's short reign.

I'm not a hater or a troll, one doesn't have to be to question those who make claims as you do, claims of absolute greatness when history and non-emotional responses leave clear openings to say otherwise.
I'm not employed anywhere
That doesn't surprise me.
but even if I was, if I was in need of the money, I would keep my job no matter what. If a new opportunity came up though, that seemed way better, or if I didn't need the money so much, I'd definitely piss on my boss (I also wanna be my own boss for that reason too).

Punk doesn't need the WWE NOW. Sure, he needed it before he became rich (DUH!), but not anymore. Through it, he became rich, became the "best in the world", getting an awesome woman etc etc. He got what he needed from it, so yea, he doesn't need it anymore, so he won't sit there and take all the crap that is given to him.

I wonder how you would feel if you were working hard, away from your home for 90% of the year, with injuries and all, proving that you belong on top and wanting a reward for it, then some guy who hasn't been seen for 4 years walks in and steals everything you worked so hard for. Not so good when you put yourself in Punk's shoes, eh? Not to mention the paycuts due to the Network and the overall direction the WWE is taking and the way they treat their employees....

Cry me a river.. please, stop. Was Batista a clear inside-job by HHH? Absolutely. While I can't stand Batista, Punk should "Deal with it", because everyone else on the roster did. Punk still had plenty going for him, future main events and title reigns (just as RVD did). Punk had a spot that nearly the entire roster would LOVE to have.

However, My suspicions are that Punk's ego truly got the better of him. Once Daniel Bryan caught fire, Punk was no longer the "outside guy" who was the underground favorite. He certainly had his cult-following, which you clearly are a party of, but Bryan's YES movement is one of the most powerful establshed wrestling norms in the History of the business. "YES" will be chanted forever throughout Wrestling History, like Ric Flair's "WOOOO", Austin's "WHAT".. "CM PUNK" will not, and is rarely done so not even a year since Punk walked out.

Who knows, Punk might come back and really truly earn all of the true greatness claims you're making. I'm fine with him doing so, he just hasn't done so yet. He's been great, but not for nearly a long enough time to be considered a Steve Austin, The Rock, or John Cena type of character.

So until then, he's clearly a short and sweet guy, in the class of RVD, Bryan (so far), Sheamus, Del Rio.. NOTHING to sneeze at. Definitely a huge name in all-time wrestling history.
I like the chants, it lets the WWE know that they can't just sweep things they don't like to deal with under the rug. It let's them know when their product is lacking and that we believe in the change CM Punk spoke of for those years. Change from phony superstars with little experience getting booked to look like gods and for those guys who bust their ass for years and years to be treated fairly and given a chance. Punk/Bryan have become icons like Bob Marley, their image/name speaks of a certain strong belief in something. When the fans chant Punk, it just let's me know that they believed in what was fighting for.. especially when HHH and Steph are in the ring.

I don't really prefer it when a guy like Xavier Woods is trying to mount offense and impress you in the 15 seconds of action he is given to do so... Unknown Rusev crushes real world traveled talented wrestler like Xavier Woods... I guess I can see why the CM Punk chants possibly started.. they knew what was going to happen before it even started.

noTORRIEus brought up the scenario using sports figures and I loved it but I will continue to use SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT figures. Imagine that DB won the RR and Orton was supposed to drop the belt to Bryan at WM30 but a few weeks out he decided I should close the night by dropping the belt to Batista. Triple H says NO so Orton says I don't like the direction the WWE is going with vanilla midgets and just WALKS away. No explaination.... Nothing.... Just leaves and NEVER RESPONDS TO THE COMPANY OR THE FANS....

But DB didn't win the RR, Batista who had never been that good to begin with, waltzes in and wins after a crap performance... the WWE just wouldn't embrace Punk no matter what he did, yet if Cena or Orton had been getting the receptions Punk had been getting, the WWE would jump all over that..

So, if you purchase a ticket, you have the right the ruin the experience for someone else sitting right beside you, and they purchased a ticket, and have no right to enjoy the show without stupid idiotic asshole shit chants like CM PUNK! during a John Cena match?

You're obsession with the superstar named John Cena is ruining some of our experiences.. for F's sake.. he sucks.. yet you cheer him like he actually does something... and relentlessly.. for years.. and years... and years... and he sucks and sucks and sucks... stop ruining my experience by cheering for this cunt. Same thing as what you said in my opinion.
I can't vote in this, But I'm down with the fans who paid money for their seats chanting whatever they please, whenever they please, about whomever they please.
I really like CM Punk and respect him immensely as he seems like one of the smarter and more well rounded wrestlers there have been in a long time. There is also something to be said for living your dream and the realizing its no longer your dream.

That said the CM Punk chants kind of suck because they just come across as whiny and something the fans do when they're bored.

It would be one thing if he was coming back but hes gone and the fans need to accept it and move on.
You and your opinions are exactly what is wrong with society. Instead of standing up for yourself when you are being treated unfairly, you would sit there and take it like a bitch, because you are a pussy who can't help himself. That's why you will never succeed in life big time. Because you will take all the shit that is being thrown at you, eat it and call it the best thing ever with a smile on your face, even when inside, you will want to kill your boss.

Punk obviously doesn't need his boss and can do whatever he wants and that's why I admire what he did.

Haven't been on here for a little bit, but I thought I'd respond to your confusing and ******ed rant. Also weren't you the guy who posted "Can't we have a conversation without insulting each other"... Guess that's out the window...

Anyway, I don't think my opinions about a man not honoring his contract, acting like a spoiled brat, and biting the hand that feeds him is what's "wrong with society". Internet tough guys (also known as trolls such as yourself) are just one of the MANY things wrong with society but I digress. Tell me, how exactly was CM Punk being treated unfairly in any way? As I mentioned before Punk threw his little temper tantrum and WWE gave him the WWE title for well over a year. Punk got what he wanted. CM Punk wanted to be THE GUY. Punk got what he wanted. CM Punk wanted a chance to take Cena's spot. Once again, Punk got what he wanted. WWE was basically on their hands and knees making sure Punk was "content" with his spot on the roster, which is something that RARELY happens and the ONE time CM Punk doesn't get his way, he walks out? I'm sorry but isn't that how spoiled children act? Point is, you can't always get your way, which is a lesson you obviously haven't learned yet. Like I said, keep praising and worshiping CM Punk (and kidding yourself) while you tell yourself "Wow, CM Punk really walked out JUST for me!" If you were an informed WWE fan, you would ask questions such as, Why hasn't CM Punk issued one word of explanation for all of his loyal fans? Why did CM Punk REALLY walk away? If CM Punk cared about me as a fan why isn't he doing everything he can to fight for us instead of falling off the map? No, instead you'll blindly follow a guy who doesn't know your name and wouldn't give a shit if you fell off the face of the earth tomorrow. It's pathetic really.

And now to address the garbage you actually put in your post. If I signed a contract and agreed to do work until the day that contract ended, than yes, I would eat shit just like EVERYBODY ELSE HAS TO. It's called being a man and not running away at the first sign of trouble. It's called taking responsibility for your actions. Obviously though I'm talking to a boy who has no clue how the world works. You think I'm screwed out in the real world buddy? At least I'm not a child living in a fantasy world.
I take the chants as a sign of boredom from the crowd.

CM Punk is a douchebag, who does not care about his fans, yet his fans are undyingly loyal to him LOL.

I have no problem walking out, but don't ignore your fans for 6 months and act like they don't exist. Phil is a selfish person, he thinks he should main event everything and if he's not he cries because he doesn't want to share the spotlight
Haven't been on here for a little bit, but I thought I'd respond to your confusing and ******ed rant. Also weren't you the guy who posted "Can't we have a conversation without insulting each other"... Guess that's out the window...

Anyway, I don't think my opinions about a man not honoring his contract, acting like a spoiled brat, and biting the hand that feeds him is what's "wrong with society". Internet tough guys (also known as trolls such as yourself) are just one of the MANY things wrong with society but I digress. Tell me, how exactly was CM Punk being treated unfairly in any way? As I mentioned before Punk threw his little temper tantrum and WWE gave him the WWE title for well over a year. Punk got what he wanted. CM Punk wanted to be THE GUY. Punk got what he wanted. CM Punk wanted a chance to take Cena's spot. Once again, Punk got what he wanted. WWE was basically on their hands and knees making sure Punk was "content" with his spot on the roster, which is something that RARELY happens and the ONE time CM Punk doesn't get his way, he walks out? I'm sorry but isn't that how spoiled children act? Point is, you can't always get your way, which is a lesson you obviously haven't learned yet. Like I said, keep praising and worshiping CM Punk (and kidding yourself) while you tell yourself "Wow, CM Punk really walked out JUST for me!" If you were an informed WWE fan, you would ask questions such as, Why hasn't CM Punk issued one word of explanation for all of his loyal fans? Why did CM Punk REALLY walk away? If CM Punk cared about me as a fan why isn't he doing everything he can to fight for us instead of falling off the map? No, instead you'll blindly follow a guy who doesn't know your name and wouldn't give a shit if you fell off the face of the earth tomorrow. It's pathetic really.

And now to address the garbage you actually put in your post. If I signed a contract and agreed to do work until the day that contract ended, than yes, I would eat shit just like EVERYBODY ELSE HAS TO. It's called being a man and not running away at the first sign of trouble. It's called taking responsibility for your actions. Obviously though I'm talking to a boy who has no clue how the world works. You think I'm screwed out in the real world buddy? At least I'm not a child living in a fantasy world.

First of all, it is all speculation. Punk didn't fulfill his contract, but Vince might have gone back on his promises and didn't give what Punk and he had agreed on. Batista said that he wasn't given what he was promised either so it is possible. And I'm a troll? How? I say it here on the internet, and if the time comes that I won't have to depend on my boss's payment, I will take that stand for myself and do whatever I feel is best for myself when I feel mistreated. Opinions are like assholes though, everyone has one.

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