I feel it's time for WWE to address the CM Punk situation.

WWE is a publicly traded company... they would be legally obliged to announce on WWE.Com and the SECC the moment the contract was terminated or they would be in breach of the law... Punk is a "material asset" to the company, they have to announce wellness violations, sale of stock, all talent releases... no way anything is official until it's there... Sorry but either the sites are spewing garbage or it makes it sound like a work even more...


The latest report here is either the sheets trying to get more hits with this situation again, or it's a part of the work.

Because if it was legit, they would need some major assurances that Punk wouldn't be working for any other company until the time that his contract would have expired/non-compete clause expired. The last thing they need is to free him up to go somewhere else or say whatever he feels like publicly before the launch of their Network.

Plus while they would probably save some cash by releasing him early (assuming he's still being paid despite walking out on them)... they'd also be losing whatever merchandising dollars they could squeeze out of him in the last few months.

If this is legit (and with the way the sheets have been reporting on the Punk situation, I doubt it), then I think the report shows more that this is just a work, and Punk will be making a surprise return at Mania.
Why? What's the point? Would I enjoy Punk on my TV? Sure. But guess what? The moves that have been made in the last week getting some other guys into the main picture is great. I don't miss Punk. I really don't.

Punk is a polarizing figure. But like almost all superstars, he's replaceable. The longer things go with Punk, the less fans will give a shit.

"Ohhhh but wait for Chicago." Ok. BFD. Raw will come and go from Chicago. Let them chant. The more you ignore something, the more it will go away. The chants have already gone away for the most part. The show will go on. I'm not happy Punk is gone, but he was wrong in his actions so hell with him. On to the next guy that will make a big difference for the WWE.
Imagine this.....

Raw goes on the air and Michael Cole welcome's us to Raw

Right away CM Punk's music hits to a massive pop but nobody comes out.

All of a sudden the stage for bad news Barret starts shooting up from the stage to a chorus of boo's

he informs Chicago that he has some bad news and let's them know that CM Punk has a severe case of anal bleeding and won't be on raw tonight.

stage lowers and we start the first match.
i always hated that promo, cause the rock has no room to talk . he will go away , make a movie, comes back a raw, leave for untelling how long, come back a smackdown, leave, come back a ppv, leave. the rock had no room to talk . his situation is different, yes, but still, hes not dedicated like the promo he gives says so. at one point a few years ago, dewayne johnson said he wanted nothing to do with wrestling anymore. last few times he returned, we got dewayne, not the rock. character of the rock wasnt that good he played.

austin i think was hurt really bad, and really frustrated in 2002. yes , he could of dealt with the situation different, but still.

punks situation sorta reminds me of austin's. hes frustrated, and hurt. just give him some time off, let him recharge his battery and let injurys heal if they can

i dont think we have seen the last punk match in wwe. if this is a work, this is wwe's best kept secret in years.
They should just leave it alone. Nothing changes whether they do or don't address it. If he's gone, he's gone. If he comes back, he does.

The show rolls on and likely the only ones that are still invested in the situation are diehard CM Punk fans and many within the IWC.
If this were the week after it happened, I'd agree.

But it's almost a month removed. Just like people forgot about the Daniel Bryan/Batista thing, people forgot about Punk.

And at this point, why? So Punk can get mad and go do the best (for us, the best, but for WWE, the worst) shoot interview of all time and really air his grievances on the WWE?

Or even worse, hypothetically if he were to negotiate with ROH or TNA, if WWE buries him, that not only potentially burns a bridge with one out of the three top names in pro wrestling right now (Bryan, Punk, Cena), but it gives him motivation to go on ROH or TNA television and finish that June 2011 promo in Vegas, which wouldn't be good for the WWE.

The only way I'd agree with the WWE "addressing" it would have been for Wade Barrett to come out the week after it happened, to Punk's music and do his whole shtick. Maybe, depending on how rowdy the Chicago crowd is, the audible could be made to do it then. But it seems like to me, they have no intentions of using that gimmick correctly and giving that uber heat to Barrett, since they ignored two golden opportunities (coming out at Daniel Bryan's number 30 spot in the Rumble; coming out to Punk's music the week after he left) in favor of him kicking over Lego sets and trading lunchroom fight comebacks with Jerry Lawler.

Any mention of CM Punk that doesn't involve Wade Barrett using the situation to get more heat is pointless and would only put the ball in Punk's court.
I'll say this if Punk is so upset about not main eventing wrestlemania why in the bluest of blue hells would people assume he would sign with TNA or ROH? That's a huge step in the wrong direction if he honestly feels he's a main event superstar...that's like saying "Hmm I can't main event wrestlemania I guess I better go to the minor leagues now"
I'll say this if Punk is so upset about not main eventing wrestlemania why in the bluest of blue hells would people assume he would sign with TNA or ROH? That's a huge step in the wrong direction if he honestly feels he's a main event superstar...that's like saying "Hmm I can't main event wrestlemania I guess I better go to the minor leagues now"

Well for one, we don't know if a WM main event is the reason he left. I remember watching the Royal Rumble and seeing that he was down just laying there until the Kane spot for an awful long time. Dude is probably just tired physically and taking a break. The fact that creative hasn't had anything for him in a while and was putting him in a pointless match with HHH was probably icing on the cake.

But if the WWE were to do anything to piss Punk off, it's not unrealistic for him to say fuck them and when he is ready to come back to pro wrestling, to take a shot at another company.

It isn't unrealistic at all for Punk to go back to ROH and put money behind it to expand it and truly provide what he believes pro wrestling should be. Even without the aspect of him managing or putting money behind it, Punk seems like he just likes to wrestle. And him going to ROH to just wrestle without worrying about a PR image or without worrying about whatever politics he didn't like in WWE isn't far fetched.

Even with TNA, they are undergoing a lot of change right now and we don't know what they will look like in a year. Even then, who's to say Heyman and Punk don't go over there and take a shot at transforming the company?

All of these are hypothetical situations and what's most likely going to happen is that Punk is going to stay home for the next year or two and pop up in the Rumble, but none of these scenarios are impossible at all. Especially if WWE does something to piss Punk off.
With new's coming out that WWE has officially terminated CM Punk's contract last Friday I think it's time they addressed the situation much like they did when Steve Austin walked out.

They gotta be careful how they do this tho or else the crowd is just gonna crap on the product and chant his name non stop...so here's my idea.

Have Daniel Bryan come out and cut a promo much like The Rock did in 2002 talking about how CM Punk walked out of the company and his fan's and how Daniel is committed to his fans and committed to WWE.

If anyone else would address the situation it will just get shut out with chants but I don't think the fans wouldnt do it to Bryan because I think the YES! chants are much more catchy.

This is the first time I read your actual OP, I just read the title and responded.

But the idea of having Daniel Bryan to be the one to bury Punk is terrible. Why would they even risk squandering Bryan's white hot following? Triple H is that you? Lol.

What are the possible positives of them doing that?

At least with Barrett, it would get people to boo them because that's what they are supposed to do, because he's a heel. But Daniel Bryan is the most over face in pro wrestling in a long time, why would they risk losing that.

Bryan's over is a different type of over from Punk. Bryan is over because of four things:

- He's entertaining in the ring.

- He's a hard worker who has been shitted on many times and is overdue for his glory.

- The Yes! chant is addictive and catchy.

- He seems like a genuinely nice dude.

Bryan isn't special on the mic. He's not overly charismatic. He's not Rock or Austin. The stars just lined up for him. Don't mistake the reason why he is over.

Punk is over (or liked by people) because, despite probably being a dick in real life, he is excellent at the total package of being a pro wrestler. He is great on the mic (when he's not a generic face) and is genuinely entertaining. He brought the shock value, entertainment, and all of the qualities from that Attitude Era that we missed, without having to cuss and bleed (although during that Summer of Punk run, he relied on breaking the fourth wall and referring to IWC topics a bit much).

Bottom line, Punk is over because he's entertaining and excellent at playing his character. Bryan is over because of how shitty he has been booked without deserving it and other circumstances surrounding him.

Pitting Bryan against Punk is a terrible idea unless it's a planned WWE program where Bryan is the face and Punk is the heel.
I also read that the WWE granted him an early release last friday.. If Punk is indeed done,then thats it he's done. Is it a blow to the WWE? Yes it is,its a huge loss. Punk was one of the best in-ring technicians,one of the best talkers of all-time. Punk has the total package. I dont hate him for what he has done,some people call him a little bitch for walking out.. Not me! Punk voiced these concerns in 2011!

I doubt very much he wanted the world to revolve around him,his gripes were stop having your Part-timers ME WM and putting your full-time people on the back burner. I hope one day,Punk has an interview uncut uncensored and can really air out his feelings. I would want Jim Ross to do that interview (I know JR isnt with the company anymore).

Nothing against Michael Cole,but JR is legendary,and can really ask the questions that need to be answered if punk is indeed done. IMO this WM card just got weaker without Punk being on the card he brings excitement to it..
With new's coming out that WWE has officially terminated CM Punk's contract last Friday I think it's time they addressed the situation much like they did when Steve Austin walked out.

They gotta be careful how they do this tho or else the crowd is just gonna crap on the product and chant his name non stop...so here's my idea.

Have Daniel Bryan come out and cut a promo much like The Rock did in 2002 talking about how CM Punk walked out of the company and his fan's and how Daniel is committed to his fans and committed to WWE.

If anyone else would address the situation it will just get shut out with chants but I don't think the fans wouldnt do it to Bryan because I think the YES! chants are much more catchy.

I don't know if Bryan's mic work is convincing enough to pull off a promo like that.

No doubt Bryan could take CM Punk's spot as #2 face, it's just I honestly can't recall a promo where Bryan established his presence like The Rock, Austin etc
I won't be convinced it's not a work until Mania is over. The fact that they haven't brought it up makes it seem more like a work to me honestly.

They can mention it if they want. Doesn't really matter. Not mentioning him makes it seem to fit the Authority storyline so well. Not giving him the time even when he's leaving.
1) Yeah, there's definitely no laws of any kind that require them to disclose anything of that nature. They don't "have" to announce anything. They do so by choice.

1a) Yes, you're most certainly right that the sites are spewing garbage again. If you read closely, all it really says is somebody close to Punk told somebody that he is definitely done with the WWE...I have no idea how that got turned into he was granted an early release.

2) Just to reiterate, the law has nothing to do with this. If NBC (or whoever signs them to their next TV deal) feels they were mislead or outright lied to during contract negotiations, they would certainly be afforded the right to void the contract, but there would be no scandal legally speaking. To be clear, there is absolutely nothing criminal about this in any way, shape, or form.

3) The fact that he looks very relaxed probably just means he's happy being done with the WWE. He never appeared to be a guy that loved what he did, like a John Cena. He was never going to be a lifer. He had a lot of problems with the WWE, he always has, and it was just a matter of time before he left. Him being relaxed now that he's out of that situation is not surprising.

4) Yeah, they're definitely not paying him while he's gone. Definitely, definitely, definitely not. Why would they give him a dime when he leaves the company on his own and refuses to work? Not happening under any circumstances. They may have to pay him if he they sent him home, depending on the language of the contract, but there's no contract in the world that sees an employer get paid when he refuses to work. Certainly not in this country, certainly not in the WWE.

4a) No compete clauses don't apply to expiring contracts, so there wouldn't be any 90 days on top of the 4 months that he'll be sitting out for this contract. No compete clauses only apply to contracts that are being terminated early.

5) It's certainly possible that he'll decide to come back someday, maybe this summer, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was done with wrestling for good. Like I said before, while it's something he's very very good at, he doesn't really have that personality to keep getting sucked back in. When he's done, he's done, he'll move on to whatever's next in his life and not look back. That's always been clear, even before he walked out. Is he done now? Obviously, nobody knows that yet. But I wouldn't be surprised.

Now that that's out of the way, in response to the topic, I really see no reason for the WWE to address it. The Rock/Austin situation is apples and oranges. When Austin walked out, they knew he'd be back. And Rock was his rival. Having Rock come out and rip Austin made sense, storyline wise, even if it was a real life situation as well.

And while I understand the point about Daniel Bryan addressing it, because the crowd will be more hostile towards anyone else, it makes no sense for him to address it. He's never had a beef with CM Punk, he shares the same fan base as Punk, and on some level he probably agrees with what Punk did. Or, at least, he understands it. With Bryan coming out and ripping 'the machine' every week, it'd make no sense for him to come out and rip somebody else for standing up to 'the machine' like Punk did. Especially given the fact that one of the reasons given for Punk's walkout is the WWE's treatment of Daniel Bryan! IF it's going to be addressed, it'd have to be John Cena. That would be your Rock/Austin promo. But, again, why address it at all? I really see no benefit to it. Let the crowds chant, they're going to do that even if Bryan or Cena does address it, it will all die down eventually.

Not sure you grasp how a publicly traded company works there buddy... nothing to do with TV. The people who invest in WWE stock have a legal right to know when a major name officially leaves the company before their contract is up and WWE IS obliged to tell them as it affects the share price and thus their investment. SECC laws apply to ALL traded companies, just as they have to announce of suspensions etc... Any public company has to announce when major players in the company leave or are to be replaced... look at the "blurb" they put on every statement etc they release spelling out what they do etc... that tells you they are regulated... I am sure Vince wants to take the company private again (so he can sell to Disney) but right now they have to do everything by the book... if they have one public shareholder, they get no choice but to.

Saying it will "All Die Down" is terminally a mistake... Address it, give it to Barrett who is the built in way to do it and move on... put the announcement on the website live as it happens and job done, they cover the bases. Ignoring it either way for too long leads to trouble, after his previous troubles Vince never wants to be seen as anything other than whiter than white.

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