CM Punk WWE Top Heel ????


Pre-Show Stalwart
CM Punk has just become a Amazing heel as of late and i just see him getting better . The SES is going great im still waiting for the masked man to be Added which might lead to a tag team for the SES.

But Look at it CM Punk is getting more heat then any other heel in the company right now with orton basicly being a face now who is the companys top Heel Swagger & Shameus are not ready and dont think Shameus ever will be Batista is gone that leaves Jericho & Edge

So Do You See Punk Becomeing the companies top Heel ? Or Do you think he already is ?
He has been since last Summer when he overtook Chris Jericho as the best heel in the company.

His placing on the card isn't important, he's getting more heat than any other heel in the company.

CM Punk vs. John Cena is the biggestheel vs face match they could promote at the moment. It's just a shame WWE have felt the need to try and cut Punk off at the knees since October. It jusy shows how talented he is that people hate him despite how poorly he's booked for matches.
Yeah, Punk has been the best heel in the company ever since he started feuding with Jeff Hardy last year. Punk's heel character just continues to evolve, and the SES just keeps getting better and better. Punk's promos are great, and he plays the creepy cult leader role to perfection. His feud with Mysterio was awesome. The segments and promos between these two were very fun to watch. Punk singing happy birthday to Rey's daughter was just a classic moment. I just hope he becomes a regular in the main event scene on Smackdown again.
Yes CM Punk is the best heel in wwe the SES is fun to watch on smackdown. his promos with rey were great and I think the mask he wears now is sweet.
I think he already is...since Summer Slam last year when he had the feud with Jeff Hardy....there are a lot of heels in wwe right now, non comparing to Punk..he is just everything a heel is supposed to be...the amount of heat he gets during his promos...he is just top...
Yes Punk is the top heel right now.
It seems he gets more and more psychotic each week he is quickly going up the rankings of my favourite heels of all time.
He just knows how to make people hate him.

Just my Two cents
In terms of the amount of heat he gets yes, everytime I get to see Punk(since I rarely watch Smackdown) I'm more and more amazed at how much he can get the crowd to hate him. The best part is that he's getting them to hate him for not doing drugs and such. That takes some talent.

In terms of in ring ability he is 1 or 2 since he always has great matches that keep me on the edge of my seat. Swagger has really come on strong since cashing in the briefcase and has been suprising the hell out of me with how good he is, so he might be taking my number 1 spot for in ring work.

Placement on the card is really the only place he isn't number 1, although he has been involved in non title storylines that are usually more compelling anyway. It says something about a guy when he can be no where near the championship but still get mega heat.
With Randy Orton now a face and Chris Jericho taking a step down to help the other talents get over, CM Punk can easily be classified as the best. He has been on the rise since his feud with Jeff Hardy last year and created this heel character based upon something good. The man is getting booed out of the arena because he wants to help people with their addictions. That's talent right there as far as playing a heel goes.

What's great about the introduction of the Straight-Edge Society is that smarks in the audience that cheer for him is legitimised by the fact that CM Punk is a cult leader and they are his followers. That makes other audience members hate on them for believing in the cult, much like real life.

The guy is a natural heel and there is no sign of him stopping with this gimmick. I have yet to be apart of anything Punk has done thus far that has bored me entertainment-wise.
"Straight Edge means i'm better than you" - Is a brilliant line, automatic hate when that comes out.

His heel is good for the WWE i mean drug use in the sport itself isn't great he shows some goodness and no doubt it's made not drinking and drugs amongst kids and teens cool.
Had it been a month earlier, I would've said Batista was the top heel of the company, but right now I would agree and say CM Punk is definitely the top heel in the company, he's the one getting the best heat reaction (of the wrestlers) right now.

CM Punk has been doing great with the Straight Edge Society, and his promos and the storyline with Rey Mysterio has done more than enough to establish him as WWE's best heel.
Well... I guess so.

It just doesn't feel like he is. CM Punk has been an upper midcard guy for awhile, and when i think of "top heel" I think of main eventers. Batista was defintiely a "top heel" for awhile but now that he's gone... I guess it's CM Punk now. Theres no denying that he gets more heat than anyone else, but when you aren't in the main event it's just hard for me to think of someone as a "top heel".

I guess he's technically in the main event right now since he's in the Fatal Four Way match, but he doesn't currently have any sort of storyline connection with any of the other three in that match.

Don't get me wrong, I love CM Punk and he's one of my favorites but he just doesn't have that "top heel" aura.
CM Punk has just become a Amazing heel as of late and i just see him getting better . The SES is going great im still waiting for the masked man to be Added which might lead to a tag team for the SES.

But Look at it CM Punk is getting more heat then any other heel in the company right now with orton basicly being a face now who is the companys top Heel Swagger & Shameus are not ready and dont think Shameus ever will be Batista is gone that leaves Jericho & Edge

So Do You See Punk Becomeing the companies top Heel ? Or Do you think he already is ?

It's either him or Jericho. I don't watch enough anymore to know though. His gimmik really doesn't make me hate him, I think it's more geared towards getting heat from kids anyway.
He has the
Wrestling ability,
Mic skills,
Who Else has that
The Heel Division
He's not a top heel
He's THE heel
He has the
Wrestling ability,
Mic skills,
Who Else has that
The Heel Division
He's not a top heel
He's THE heel

Umm, what the fuck does John Cena have to do with Punk being the top heel in the WWE? I see that you are a big Punk fan, as am I, but holy shit that was stupid.

Now, I'm going to agree with Jake that ever since last summer he took over the reigns as the top heel in the company. The heat he draws is insane, even in his hometown. Some people may think his schtick is the same, "I'm Straight Edge, I'm better than you. Join my Society, I'm pure" but he switches up how he says it every time. He isn't boring in the ring either, his facial expressions when he is in control are great. So yes, Punk is the top heel in the company.
without a doubt absolutely.

he was a fun face and his face run is what makes his heel run so good. if it wasnt for him being a quiet face then he would be less believable. What i mean is he was straight edge but he wasnt saying it all the time. he was just CM Punk

When he turned heel it was ALL straight edge all the time. his first heel rivalry could not have been more perfect against Jeff Hardy. A guy who has had so many drug problems but is loved by everyone and CM Punk played the savior so well. I will never forget what could be Hardy's last moment in WWE when he was waving goodbye and Punk hit him in the head with the world title. His character has really taken off since then.

Who else would be the top heel now?
Jericho is being hidden and lost among RAW
Swagger? he has that we hate you as a person, not persona heat. never good
Sheamus perhaps, but his character is by the books.
Miz isnt there yet
Edge has the same old stuff hes been doing for years

CM Punk is by far the best heel in WWE today.

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