Well, we're gonna have to agree to disagree here, but I am a firm believer of to each his own.
For this, to each his own. Nothing wrong with someone enjoying or not enjoying a smarky crowd, but I don't think it should effect you opinion of the show. I'm not put off when a crowd pops hard for Cena, just like, imo, you shouldn't be put off when a crowd pops for Punk. you can prefer the other one all you'd like, but if you let it effect your overall opinion of the show that I think you're taking it a bit too far.
You have a high opinion of Oakland. Higher than most anyway.
It's not that I have a high opinion of Oakland, cause I don't. Oakland is a shit hole, take that from someone who lives within a 15 mile radius of Oaktown. It's not just an "Oakland" crowd though, there are a lot of surrounding city's that go to that show. It's more of a Northern California crowd, so yeah, people insulting my home town is not gonna sit well with me. I mean, your making a Charger fan defend Oakland here, that tells you all you need to know.
These are fair assessments, but it also could be because there are a bunch of smarks in the audience and they manage to hit a louder volume than the rest of the audience.
Blaming everything on smarks is just too much of a generalization, it's like taking the easy way out.
Again, as someone who lives in the same area as the people who attended this show, I feel I have a pretty good idea of the typical Bay Area ProWrestling fan.
It's truly not about the smarks with an Oakland crowd, it's about the people and what they relate too.
Oakland, as I said in a spam friendly version of this thread, is a top 5 American Murder city, Crime out the asshole, and minorities at every turn.
Oakland has a HUGE Mexican/Hispanic population = Del Rio pop
Oakland sure as hell isn't going to cheer the great white superhero John Cena, when he's the furthest thing any of them can relate too.
Oakland had been getting screwed by old white guys for years, there goes The Kings pop.
All I'm saying is it's far too easy to generalize everything and everyone as a smark, take a deeper look at most situations and you'll see it's more than just booing because a bunch of guys on the internet said to do it.
If CM Punk winds up turning face because he feuded with Orton that would tickle me in a way you usually have to pay extra for.
1 pop on 1 PPV isn't going to forever change the landscape of the WWE, and it's not going to turn Punk face either. Punk gets cheered because he's a highly entertaining bastard, and he shit all over that stupid seizure viper gimmick. It was entertaining, and the people cheered.
Hey man, I like CM Punk and what he's doing, but Cena has been brilliant for the past few months and I'm marking for him hard lately, and my testicles have been descended for at least a week now. I will agree with you that CM Punk brings much more to the table than Orton though.
You may prefer Cena to Punk, but Punk is definitely being targeted to the adults, Intentionally or not. I can't take Cena seriously, it's always a big joke with him. Until he decides to cut a SUPER SERIOUS promo, in which I find that even harder to believe, since he's always walking around cutting downright ******ed promos like the "Fruity Pebbles" last night. Believe it or not, that promo was actually fruiter than the Pebbles.
Like I said, to each his own.
Indeed, unless your letting the crowd dictate how you feel about the show, in which case your taking it too far.
I would argue the crowd at ONS 05 was more smarky and more iconic than ONS 06, but I get your point. Still, those were two special, isolated incidents. The only reason they're iconic is because they stand out because of having such different opinions.
They still stand out more than the average complacent, compliant, cheer for the good guys, not because we want to, but because we're told to crowd.
The Smarky crowd is always the better crowd, as it draws more attention to the program, it gains a bigger reaction from the fans, and it get's talked about on the internet. The smarky crowd forces you to think a little bit, or to just fall into the same cycle as labeling everyone who doesn't cheer Cena a Smark.
These people show up because they enjoy the product, trust me, most of the Oakland population can't afford to waste 60 bucks on a ticket just to boo John Cena. These people are going to be entertained, and they make the most of that 60 dollar ticket. You see it as a "smarky" crowd. I see it as an entertaining crowd, a crowd that adds something to the show that's not normally there. These people love pro wrestling, and they let you know about it.
Labeling everyone as smarks is simply a generalization taking the easy way out. The crowd was hot, and probably the best crowd so far this year, they where into the show from start to finish, who cares if they weren't into the same guys as you, they where into it, they brought energy and made the show better.