CM Punk: Good or Bad

I've watched CM Punk over the past month and he has been doing some heelish like things. I mean, he cashed it in on the biggest thing in the WWE, the way he's been acting since then seems like Edge kinda. But it seems that he's not as believable as I'd want him to be, and it seems he getting more cheers than boos. Tonight he GTS'ed John Morrison, and still doesnt seems like a heel yet. Now i don't know or anything, but I don't think Jeff signed a long-term deal yet. Now maybe, CM Punk's heel/face status is based on Jeff decision. Any thoughts?

Oh yes, yes it is. Smackdown is the "Land of a Thousand Heels" at the moment, with mainly Hardy being the only real face. If Hardy leaves, they need to have a Punk that is salvagable as a face. Which he still is at the moment. He's more tweener than anything.

The only reason he's not getting the boos is that they haven't given him anything heelish to do lately. I mean, getting himself disqualified on purpose? That's mainly the length at which he has as a heel. If Hardy resigns, you'll him go full blown heel. If Hardy leaves, then expect Punk to suddenly forget his new attitude.
Well, it seems like Punk is going to be heel.. I mean, with Edge gone from action, and the simple fact that Punk gets more heat every week, (Last week he had mega heat) it seems like it's only a matter of time..

But one thing I think that can make him mega heel, is have HIM be the cause of Jeff's release.

Punk mentioned that Jeff is one more drug test failure from being fired.. Why not have Punk "Rig" the test and get Jeff fired, and then after a long period of time when Jeff gets the itch to come back, then have them feud like crazy.

Just a thought. What do you think?
I like the slow heel turn as instead of one big moment like Matt Hardy had, this is a slow build up that lets you see him doing both good and bad at the same time. The issue I have, like everyone else has, is how many heels there are on the roster. That can become a problem since Taker is gone for the moment but should be returning imminently. Punk's natural ability is helping him quite a bit as he's out there putting on a great performance every week, which is amplified by his shades of gray. He's leaning towards heel, but in the same mold as Sting was, where he's not full heel and can be pulled back if needed.
Punk is awseome as a tweener right now and the only reason he's getting so much heat is because of hardy being over. A face vs face match up isn't as appealing as tweaker vs face. I don't get why no one think hardy won't make the heel turn? Hardy bitched since the very beginning about punk taking away his night at ONS(even though punk beat him cleanly after two gts). Even in the triple threat on raw with edge, hardy tried to capitalize on punk injured leg and start stomping it. Even during there tag tries to fake a injury and not give punk the tag. Whether or not hardy leaves or stays hardy to me comes off very bitter and whiny and could use that as a way to turn heel himself. I know people will crucify me for even suggesting it but think about it it would be unexpected and shocking because the focus was on punk to tuen when really hardy was the aim all along. Thoughts?
I haven't seen much of him but he looks the best person on the show for me (aside from Jericho). He has great in ring ability and I like this is he heel, isn't he story.

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