CM Punk and The Rock - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

I really don't see how people on here can defend Punk, his opinion on the Rock is clearly motivated by jealousy as he will never be as big as him and he knows it. Rock can't win it seems he gets grief for never coming back he comes back agrees to the fued everyones been wanting and is apparently stealing the spotlight, of course him vs cena will be in the main event.

As for the Austin argument it does make Punk a hypocrite, Austin has categorically stated that he could wrestle for another 1-2 years no problem yet chooses not to. Even if that were untrue and Austins appearances in stuff like Tough Enough is factored in surely his presence in a main event spot vs punk is still stealing the opportunity from a younger star who's there every week? It's because Punk grew up a massive Austin fan and respects Austin as being slightly "cooler" to admire than the populist Rock.

I have no problem at all with Austin hes one of the greatest but Punk is just a bitter hypocrite, overrated on the mic and unable to carry the company as the lagging raw ratings since he became champ testify. His character whilst attempting to be edgy, cool and anti-establishment just comes across as a smarmy dick who reads too many messageboards. The guy will never be as big as Rock, Austin or even Cena for that matter its time he comes to terms with it.

Rant over :P
Do you know how frustrating it must be for these wrestlers to bust their asses, spill enough sweat to cause a second global flood, and work like trained dogs who don't know how to do anything except what they've been bred to do, to KNOW that the chance of being like The Rock is very slim? I don't want to say it's impossible, or it can never be done or duplicated, because I don't like saying something can't be accomplished, but even though the chance is there it's minimal at best. The Rock was in his early thirties when he "retired"...his EARLY thirties. At an age where most wrestlers are just beginning to gain their momentum. He went out, became an established movie star, still has his physical well-being intact, can leave the company for seven years, only to come back and steal the spotlight and practically leave everyone whose name isn't John Cena in the dark. You can't tell me that pure jealousy isn't a reason why Punk (the character) might hate The Rock. And I'd be completely okay with this. But it seems like he goes out of his way to show his disdain for The Rock whenever the opportunity presents itself. WHENEVER. In actuality, I believe that envy and bitterness is what it all comes down to, because he has given no clear, proven reason why The Rock should be discredited like this.

I'm not saying The Rock can't do what Punk is saying he does, which is basically going into an arena, getting changed real quick, then dipping out. But it's truly mind-boggling because from everyone who has ever worked with The Rock, and to this day, nothing but kind things has ever been said about him. In all honesty, I don't see why The Rock would want to hang out with a bunch of new superstars who are giving him mean faces behind his back, bashing them at every turn. Including CM Punk, a man who The Rock congratulated on his twitter AFTER he won the belt! CM Punk and Orton are the only ones who have been this vocal about The Rock. Orton, at least, was stating his opinion and didn't really bash CM Punk, but this guy talks about the man like an extremely disgruntled fanboy. I wouldn't be surprised if he was someone who posted on these forums!

That's why, I think, it all really boils down to jealousy...and he uses that jealousy to justify his hatred towards the Rock, so he doesn't nearly seem as jealous as he really is.
He doesn't hate Dwayne. He just doesn't like his Hollywood sized ego. Dwayne shit on wrestling and it's fans many times. He tried to distance himself from it many, many times.

Dwayne doesn't care about wrestling or the fans, he cares about the huge paycheck that Vince is giving him. Nothing wrong with that but don't act like you love the people that you shunned not too long ago.
He doesn't hate Dwayne. He just doesn't like his Hollywood sized ego. Dwayne shit on wrestling and it's fans many times. He tried to distance himself from it many, many times.

Dwayne doesn't care about wrestling or the fans, he cares about the huge paycheck that Vince is giving him. Nothing wrong with that but don't act like you love the people that you shunned not too long ago.

Really? Dwayne Johnson doesn't need the money at all, he makes a lot more on a movie than he's set to make working this program.

He came back for the fans in response to the overhwhelming demand for his return by many including most people on here. Yet now that he comes back its all for his ego and the money he can't win it seems.

Punk almost leaving WWE last year over his heavy contract demands doesn't mean that he values money more than the fans at all now does it :/
He doesn't hate Dwayne. He just doesn't like his Hollywood sized ego. Dwayne shit on wrestling and it's fans many times. He tried to distance himself from it many, many times.

Dwayne doesn't care about wrestling or the fans, he cares about the huge paycheck that Vince is giving him. Nothing wrong with that but don't act like you love the people that you shunned not too long ago.
The Rock didnt shun anybody. Like most human beings, he had many aspirations, but unlike most, he dreamed big. I dream big too and to think that one day the people who enjoyed watching me do one thing will turn on me and say I abandoned them because I pursued another dream makes me cringe. And what ego? If The Rock had to distance himself from wrestling to get movie roles its because the guys who took over the reigns after The Rock left (ie Punk and Cena, who both love to shit on the guy) made wrestling into an embarrassment. Dwayne didnt want to seem like Stone Cold, just another wrestler doing the "movie project". He wanted to be a movie star. He didnt turn his back on anyone and last I heard hes not getting a paycheck yet, its all a handshake agreement. The Rock confronted Vince about doing something with WWE, if you dont remember the reports not too long ago. It only makes sense that he be excused when he said "I'll never leave you" due to the fact that he already had other contractual obligations to work out. Hes always been with us on twitter and via salivate. I dont understand why he gets shit for doing the satellite thing, he could've easily said its too much of a burden and only appeared when its absolutely necessary. He meant he would never leave in spirit, hes always on twitter or fb talking about wrestling related stuff and connecting with the fans. It must break his heart to see people acting like if he was married to the business because he was a big star in his day. He payed his debt and wrestled til Vince said it was ok for him to go. He doesnt owe anybody anything. You cant do the same thing forever. Lets think like logical human beings and not fanboys for once. People need breaks, and The Rock had the resources to be able to take a break from wrestling and pursue another dream. Hes back now and we're just going to take 7 years of begging him to return and turn it into hate speech now that our pleads have been answered? He doesnt have to do this, and he'll get way more money from doing a movie than by wrestling a match, if he was being paid. As for all the HOF and backstage rumors, did it ever occur to other superstars that he might've been busy? Or that he simply didnt want to engage in idle jabber with people he doesnt know or - now that its evident - who are also jealous of him? Punk's got an ego of his own, but his ego isnt fueling the Attitude Era, its beating an almost dead horse called the WWE.
I really don't see how people on here can defend Punk, his opinion on the Rock is clearly motivated by jealousy as he will never be as big as him and he knows it. Rock can't win it seems he gets grief for never coming back he comes back agrees to the fued everyones been wanting and is apparently stealing the spotlight, of course him vs cena will be in the main event.

As for the Austin argument it does make Punk a hypocrite, Austin has categorically stated that he could wrestle for another 1-2 years no problem yet chooses not to. Even if that were untrue and Austins appearances in stuff like Tough Enough is factored in surely his presence in a main event spot vs punk is still stealing the opportunity from a younger star who's there every week? It's because Punk grew up a massive Austin fan and respects Austin as being slightly "cooler" to admire than the populist Rock.

I have no problem at all with Austin hes one of the greatest but Punk is just a bitter hypocrite, overrated on the mic and unable to carry the company as the lagging raw ratings since he became champ testify. His character whilst attempting to be edgy, cool and anti-establishment just comes across as a smarmy dick who reads too many messageboards. The guy will never be as big as Rock, Austin or even Cena for that matter its time he comes to terms with it.

Rant over :P

Says the guy with a Rock reference in his name. j/k. But I would like to see where Austin said that, I missed that interview. From what I've heard Austin suffers from aches and pains and as a serious neck injury that would make a comeback very risky. I have no doubt that he could return for a match or two, but you will never see me fault a guy for protecting his health. The Rock on the other hand has no health issues. He left because he wanted to do other things. That's fine with me too. The difference is Austin had his career taken from him. The Rock chose to walk away. Is Punk Jealous of Dwayne? Only Punk knows that for sure. This is one of those situations where Punk fans will side with Punk and Rock fans will side with the Rock. I'm not really big on either, so I'll just say everyone is right and everyone is also wrong.
i had no problem with the rock untill he came back and did that terrible promo at wrestlemania. He just killed time that could have been used for a match. And you can say ratings this and buyrates that but when i get wrestlemania, i don't want to see a guy yammer on for 20 mins.

That's the link dude, he did say he might end up slightly worse for wear after it but hey nothing wrong with a bit of selective hearing to promote the arrgument haha

Forums like these a built on selective hearing. :) I put Austin in the same boat as Peyton Manning. I'm sure both of them could "man up" and continue their careers, but neck injuries aren't something that go away. I would hate to see either guy end up in a wheel chair because they didn't know when to walk away. The Rock on the other hand is healthy as a horse and could still be headlining show after show if he wanted to. I get it, he's got other passions. Nothing wrong with that. I understand how some guys who put their heart and souls into a craft could feel as though the Rock may lack passion for pro-wrestling. And again, if wrestling isn't what he cares about that's fine with me. To him it was the family business. It was something to fall back on incase football didn't work out and he shouldn't feel obligated to continue if he doesn't want to. However, he threw his critics a lot of red meat when he said he'd never leave again. We all knew he didn't mean that literally, but it was still stupid to say. Kind of like George W. Bush saying "Mission accomplished". We knew Bush wasn't trying to say the conflict in Iraq was over, he was talking about the invasion part. But his critics jumped on those statements and the people who fed him that line should have known that. All in all, I highly doubt Punk has an issue with the Rock in real life. And if he does, I doubt it's the same issue his character has with him. It's likely to have more to do with the reports of how he behaves backstage.
CM punk doesnt hate the rock personally!! He hates the rock for what he said and the rock doing the opposite!! Saying your never leaving again means what? Your back and your not leaving!! I understand the WWE makes the matches that will make the most money but kinda the rock stole CM punks Main event spot!! CM punk has been busting his ass for years and the rock has been gone for years!! Partly i think thats what punk is aiming at! As far as austin goes Austin had his career cut short by a neck injury!! Difference is IMO rock acts like hes bigger than the business and austin still appreciates the business!!
Ok 'ThePeoplesChamp777', you raise 3 points here, allow me to destroy each of them for you.

Really? Dwayne Johnson doesn't need the money at all, he makes a lot more on a movie than he's set to make working this program.

He earns good money so he doesn't need more money..... Really?? That's your first arguement?? Lets say you earn $2000 a month for working 160 hours. Would you refuse an offer of earning an extra $300 for 10 hours work?? Didn't think so.... Add a few zero's and you have Dwayne's situation. No matter who you are, you take the money and run. Hell, someone on Dwayne's money could donate the money from his WWE appearances to charity if he's really too rich to need it.

He came back for the fans in response to the overhwhelming demand for his return by many including most people on here. Yet now that he comes back its all for his ego and the money he can't win it seems.

The fans have been demanding his return ever since he left, why wait so long? Simple answer, WWE didn't need him, and if they did, the money wasn't good enough for Dwayne. If it was all about the fans then why have IRS, Ted DiBiase, Jimmy Snuka, Honky Tonk Man, Sgt Slaughter etc, who all had a much smaller following, made more appearances over the last 8 years than Dwayne?

Punk almost leaving WWE last year over his heavy contract demands doesn't mean that he values money more than the fans at all now does it :/

He wasn't going to leave over money, he wanted to keep the rights to the name 'CM Punk', therefore enabling him to have a say in how WWE promotes/advertises him, sells his image and distributes anything containing 'CM Punk' should he ever leave WWE.
It wasn't about money but ownership/copyright of the name of a publicly available character.
Imagine Undertaker leaving WWE not being abe to utilise any footage/music/gimick that had made him successful in WWE, he would never get a job anywhere else, despite being one of the biggest names in wrestling over the last 20 years.
CM Punk was not a massive star in WWE at this time but they could not let him go as he would have been a major player in ROH or TNA if he had have left and gone to them. Phil Brooks said to WWE, 'I want to be CM Punk wherever I go. Keep me here and I'll make CM punk the biggest thing in wrestling today'. And, boy, was he right.

There you go, 3 points comprehensively destroyed...... Feel free to consider yourself owned, boy.
Well point one, I simply said he didn't need the money and he doesn't and in any case he could easily have earned just as much money from tv appearances or another movie without having to appear in WWE.

Point two so he hasn't come back in 8 years, so that automatically means its not for the fans? I think youl find the real reason people like Slaughter and the Honky Tonk man pop up so often is that THEY need the money as theyve been unable to succesfully branch out from WWE.

Il give you point 3 thats my bad on commenting on a situation I didn't know enough about.

But seriously CM Punks the biggest thing in wrestling just now? Is that why the ratings have gone down since he has been main eventing as champion? Since Summerslam he has become just as bland, repetitive and generally stale as the rest of the product hes constantly degrading. Cena (not that im a fan) will always be bigger than Punk.

The whole anti-authority figure thing worked so well for Austin because he was a character most people could relate to, Punk just comes across as that smarmy kid everyone hated in school on a power trip.

Getting back to the subject even if all the allegations about the Rock are true, Punk's still a hypocrite for wanting a match with Austin as he is not there every week.

Neither for that matter is Foley (who I love btw), who left WWE for TNA and who Punk seems happy enough with.

Well point one, I simply said he didn't need the money and he doesn't and in any case he could easily have earned just as much money from tv appearances or another movie without having to appear in WWE.
WWE has always been Dwaynes primary target audience, as that is where he made his name. People will tune in to see him on Raw, so WWE will pay. People would not tune in to see him on '2 and a Half Men', because that has no relationship to anything he is currently doing, nor anything he has ever done. Rule 101 when it comes to gaining publicity:- Go where you will get the biggest audience. IE : an audience that is already familiar with you.

Point two so he hasn't come back in 8 years, so that automatically means its not for the fans? I think youl find the real reason people like Slaughter and the Honky Tonk man pop up so often is that THEY need the money as theyve been unable to succesfully branch out from WWE.

Yeah, the people I named probably need money, so do lots of other people. But the people I named have always remained loyal to wrestling, ready to do what they can to earn a buck for doing what they love. They could have gone into business, worked in an office, bacame musicians etc, but they didn't. They stayed loyal to wrestling and want to repay the business that gave them a livelyhood.
Dwayne chose to find another way of making a living, can't fault him for that, but in doing so, he wanted to erase his past as a wrestler. And now that he can earn dollar for being 'The Rock' again, he wants back in? He wasn't loyal to the game, why should he reap the rewards?

Il give you point 3 thats my bad on commenting on a situation I didn't know enough about.


But seriously CM Punks the biggest thing in wrestling just now? Is that why the ratings have gone down since he has been main eventing as champion? Since Summerslam he has become just as bland, repetitive and generally stale as the rest of the product hes constantly degrading. Cena (not that im a fan) will always be bigger than Punk.

He's the World Heavyweight Champion, and arguably the most talked about person on the roster...... So, yeah, I'd say he's the biggest thing in wrestling right now. Cena's huge, no doubt about it. but he's either done nothing or been in mid-card fueds since his WM match vs Dwayne was announced (even his WHC title reign was crap!)

The whole anti-authority figure thing worked so well for Austin because he was a character most people could relate to, Punk just comes across as that smarmy kid everyone hated in school on a power trip.

Th reason Austin worked so well is because he was battling Mr McMahon. Vince had charisma, authority, physical presence..... He had.... An aura....... Johnny Ace just doesn't have that. It's him sucking the momentum out of the fued, not Punk.

Getting back to the subject even if all the allegations about the Rock are true, Punk's still a hypocrite for wanting a match with Austin as he is not there every week.

Austin can't be there every week, due to his broken neck. But he makes more appearances on WWE TV, hosts Tough Enough and (unlike Dwayne) has stared in WWE MOVIES!!

Neither for that matter is Foley (who I love btw), who left WWE for TNA and who Punk seems happy enough with.

Foley left for TNA, therefore staying in wrestling, unlike Dwane. Don't think this point needs evaluating any further than that.

Once again, consider yourself owned. Now quit, while you're not that far behind.
I want to disagree with this. For me, Johnny Ace has been the more consistently entertaining character. Punk's done nothing but antagonize him and be a real bully for no reason. He whines like a petulant child.

John Laurinaitis on the other hand has been awesome.

I know where you're coming from, and to a point, I agree...... The only reason I see Johnny Ace as the weak link in the fued is that, unlike Vince, we all know JL has no real authority, so, realistically, there is nothing he can do to Punk.
Just look at Punk vs Ziggler from RR. JL said he was going to screw Punk, then HHH says 'do that and you might be out of a job', all of a sudden Punk wins.
Vince answered to nobody, JL answers to HHH and Vince (legit and kayfabe), and everyone knows it.
It's simple.

Rock is/was the Prototype star in wrestling
Punk is the Anti-Star in wrestling.

Rock was incredibly gifted athletically, Punk is athletic but not in the same way Rock is.

Punk likes to shoot off the cuff, Rock liked to perfect his catch phrases, Punk has one..."best in the world" simple, effective.

Now I don't know why current talent would hate him, besides jealousy, Rock being around brings more exposure, and money to the product. Rock has a second career, most of these other guys aren't good enough to hack it in Hollywood, and are very jealous
It's quite simply because Punk isn't as big a name as the Rock and it's annoying him that the Rock can stroll in grab a spot at Wrestlemania that he feels should be his.

Here's the problem with Punk' s take on this though. The Rock is able to do that because of everything he achieved in wrestling. He's able to do that because people want to see the guy in action. He's also able to do that because the Rock will bring in about double the amount of buys that Punk would be able to do.

Punk as 'Best in the World' shoudl know that wrestling is all about who can sell tickets. Right now, even with 8 years out of the game, the Rock can sell more tickets than anyone on the planet. And that's really what eats Punk up
If this all a "shoot" per se, Punk needs to realize he's not on the indy circuit anymore. Things work differently at this level. The egos are larger. The "passion for the industry" that everybody loves to talk about means a lot less. It's about dollars and cents above all.
how can the rock put over people when he isnt fighting anymore? was he too lose his first match against truth and miz? i mean i guess he can say hi but you cant compare old rock with his generation of wrestlers to new rock with this generation.. fact is he is prob not familiar with these new guys so he is just keeping to himself while he is there..... and he isnt full time back when he was all wwe of course he would put over guys and say hi, he was with them for the better part of his time
what do you mean why he hates the Rock? He says why in all the promos and interviews when asked about the Rock. Do you watch wrestling? You could of googled "why CM Punk Hates the Rock?" if you really wanted to know.
Very simple question, and the answer is jealousy. He can't stand the fact that even though he's the number one guy in the company he's still being overshadowed by rock(part-time wrestler). I mean..It's ok to have austin in the main-event of mania but it's not ok to have rock in the same position?! lol. Or maybe Punk is just trying to get a match with rock by talking trash(Just like Cena did).

I'm really not buying this whole "hollywood got into rock" shit. I mean, Show, Austin, Godfather, Jericho, Dawn Marie, The Dudleyz, Eddie Guerrero, Billy Gunn, Kevin Nash, Ron Simmons, Foley, Trish, Ric Flair, Kurt Angle,.. All these people said that rock is a humble, down to earth, human being, hell even the young guys like cena, miz, and alex reily said the same thing, and you expect me to believe what punk said....Oh and just so you know, in wreslting lockerrooms, superstars say "hi" to legends not the other way around.
Punk is just trying to get Rocks attention and the rub. As of now Rock is ignoring him as he should. Punk doesn't know about respecting those who paved the way before you and be grateful he even has a job at the WWE. If not for Rock and the rest of the attitude era superstars we might be watching a Hogan run Nitro or no wrestling at all unless you count the indies. Punk is really living his gimmick or he is just sour at the Rock
I think CM Punk is just like Keanu Reeves to a degree as far as his promos go.

If he means it, or he doesn't, sometimes Keanu Reeves will say things in interviews just to get a reaction out of people and to make them talk, when secretly he is sitting back, watching it unfold and going 'Mwuahahahaha'.

I think Punk does the same thing sometimes. He knows who to talk about and when, and what to say in order to make people talk about it. You can't deny it because a good example is your doing it right now.

When he laid his first 'pipe bomb' on the WWE, wether it was a work or a shoot initially...look what happened. Believe him or not, everyone started yammering about it.
Then when he shot on Cena and how Punk himself could be the number one it or all talked about it.

And with the Rock..he picked the guy who showed up and got the biggest reaction and said, Hey this guy isnt all he is cracked up to be. And then everyone talks about it.

Now I still believe some of what Punk said about the Rock is true, and that alot of people who went to bat for the Rock could just be looking out for their jobs, but at the same time, I think some of what Punk said was just to get a reaction from people and plant the seeds for maybe a fued or something else later on like he did with Austin.

Just my thoughts.
I like Punk. I think he's quite talented on the mike and in ring. In time who really knows how big a star he might be one day. The only way for Punk to prove that he is worthy of attention is to actually do his job and stop worrying about what other performers do.

Originally Posted by CM Punk
You know, the thing about that is, he’s not around. It doesn’t help morale when the guy goes right from his limo to the dressing room to the dressing room to the ring. He’s very bourgeois Hollywood.

Originally Posted by CM Punk
He came back, he did WWE Raw after that. He said he was never gonna leave. And the next time we saw him is a month later. Yeah, it does bother me. A little hello would have been nice. He could have run by with his own entourage.

He also made the comment about Dwayne being an asskisser and that SSeries would have sold out the arena without him and that Rock shouldn't be acting like the success of the event had anything to do with him.

Lets look at comment number one. Vince asked Rock to come back not the other way around. If he got a deal where he gets car service to and from the arena, that's smart of him to do so. SO if Rock doesn't want to arrange and pay for his own transportation like most of the roster does, what fucking business is that of Punk's ? He's talking pure shit. The WWE has a definite pecking order in the company, one that existed before the Rock was with WWE, before Rock came back and will have one when he leaves again. Ask Ken Anderson what happens when you get into a fight with one of H's or McMahon's favourites. Ask Sheamus how he got to the top of the roster ahead of performers who had more tenure with the company and were better on the mike and in the ring. Rock earned his right to return being a certified main eventer who drew more than most of the people currently on the roster.

Number Two: He wants Rock to say hello to him ? Who is Punk ? He's probably said hello to performers who weren't running their mouths acting like a jealous little bitch and spewing their garbage on interviews.

Number 3: The amount of money at the gate is only a part of how wrestling promotions make money. He being at the top of the Raw brand should know that. It's about merchandising, tv ratings, ppv buyrates. That's something WWE has fallen short on since the Rock left. The Survivor Series event brought in only slightly more than the previous years. Rock hosting WM27 boosted the buyrates over WM26. WM24, 25 and 26 had seen a declining number of buyrates for WM which is the reason why Vince called on the Rock. I have no doubt that Rock vs. Cena has the potential to bring big numbers for WM28.

Punk should stop talking shit and just focus on being the best he can be in the position he's in. Rock would hardly be the first performer on the roster to think only about his own interests and since he worked his ass off before and helped bring in WWE's second golden age, he doesn't have to think about the feelings about other performers. You think Hogan was above looking out for himself ? Or Flair ? Or Triple H ? Or Orton ? Or any other performer. Till Punk brings in the business that Rock has or is willing to talk about all things wrong with WWE from top to bottom, he can't say anything about the Rock that means shit to me. To me he's just another whiny little bitch poser, crying ove spilt milk. Grow the fuck up Punk.
Headman and Davi323 basically answered every reason why I was always a Stone Cold fan my whole life.
Stone Cold Steve Austin > The Rock > John Cena
The Rock isn't that good of a movie star, just wanted to remind people. He did leave when the WWE needed him the most, that's a fact.
The Rock isn't that good of a movie star, just wanted to remind people. He did leave when the WWE needed him the most, that's a fact.

So why does he keep getting roles??? What is a GOOD movie star??? Does he owe the WWE shit?? It's a company where you sign your life over and get paid. Does anyone work in the WWE for FREE??

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