Getting Noticed By Management
I really don't see how people on here can defend Punk, his opinion on the Rock is clearly motivated by jealousy as he will never be as big as him and he knows it. Rock can't win it seems he gets grief for never coming back he comes back agrees to the fued everyones been wanting and is apparently stealing the spotlight, of course him vs cena will be in the main event.
As for the Austin argument it does make Punk a hypocrite, Austin has categorically stated that he could wrestle for another 1-2 years no problem yet chooses not to. Even if that were untrue and Austins appearances in stuff like Tough Enough is factored in surely his presence in a main event spot vs punk is still stealing the opportunity from a younger star who's there every week? It's because Punk grew up a massive Austin fan and respects Austin as being slightly "cooler" to admire than the populist Rock.
I have no problem at all with Austin hes one of the greatest but Punk is just a bitter hypocrite, overrated on the mic and unable to carry the company as the lagging raw ratings since he became champ testify. His character whilst attempting to be edgy, cool and anti-establishment just comes across as a smarmy dick who reads too many messageboards. The guy will never be as big as Rock, Austin or even Cena for that matter its time he comes to terms with it.
Rant over
As for the Austin argument it does make Punk a hypocrite, Austin has categorically stated that he could wrestle for another 1-2 years no problem yet chooses not to. Even if that were untrue and Austins appearances in stuff like Tough Enough is factored in surely his presence in a main event spot vs punk is still stealing the opportunity from a younger star who's there every week? It's because Punk grew up a massive Austin fan and respects Austin as being slightly "cooler" to admire than the populist Rock.
I have no problem at all with Austin hes one of the greatest but Punk is just a bitter hypocrite, overrated on the mic and unable to carry the company as the lagging raw ratings since he became champ testify. His character whilst attempting to be edgy, cool and anti-establishment just comes across as a smarmy dick who reads too many messageboards. The guy will never be as big as Rock, Austin or even Cena for that matter its time he comes to terms with it.
Rant over