*Merged* Everything Rock/Cena! Keep All Discussion In Here!!

Cena's hard work was sucking Vince's hard dick to get where he is. Sure he worked his ass off for it but pretty much anyone can if given the ball to carry, so I really wish people would stop using that as an excuse. Cena was shoved in our faces so much that we were forced to accept him as the top draw, so no it wasn't his hard work that got him over, it was Vince.

Yeah, so in your opinion the only way to get over is to suck Vince's dick? So, I guess by your opinion, Austin, Rock, Hogan, Savage, Lesner, have all gotten over because their asskisser's?

It's called hard word and determination, and striving to be where you want to be. Cena wasn't "shoved down peoples throat's," Cena not turning heel in 2006, when he was hated like crazy, is that evidence. Instead of doing what the hater's wanted to prove them right, they kept Cena the way he was becuase it was working.

Cena is the top face. It's only normal that the top face will be more prominate on the show, becuase people want to see him more than any other superstar's. It's not "shoved in our faces," it's doing what most of the fan's want to see, and that's Cena.
Its funny because Cena was 100% right and people are still getting angry. First of all, this wasnt a shoot, its just promoting a rivalry, which will be pretty much dead anywhere besides Twitter since thats the only place The Rock is participating in it. Cena said The Rock's been gone for a while...well hasnt he? Is he going to come back before April?...most likely not. Hey look I have respect for both but so far (kayfabe) this rivalry is a one sided argument. Cena dislikes The Rock because he left the WWE Universe for 7 years (and only came back to promote 2 movies) and claims that he "loves" it. Rock dislikes Cena because....of the way he dresses? Yeah ok, thats a sound argument :rolleyes:.
There may already be 8,000 threads on the topic of The Rock’s and his absence, but I needed to speak my mind after watching the video of CM Punk and John Cena in Australia. Why would Punk take shots at The Rock’s absence when he is leaving the WWE himself and really seems to respect other companies more than Vince’s? (even if scripted I do believe he feels this way and no one knows if a new contract has been signed). He seemed to have no problem with the way Brock Lesnar left. (flipping off a crowd at the company’s biggest event).

I do not see why people haven’t understood the “never going to leave” quote given by The Rock. The point of that statement was that he will never turn his back on Vince McMahon and will continue to make appearances, even though he has dedicated himself to his new profession.

The Rock made his intentions clear when he shifted to acting. He told the world he was done wrestling, wanted to be called Dwayne Johnson, and accepted movie offers whenever he could. Do you not think Austin and HHH wouldn’t love to receive big movie offers? I can’t imagine how excited Austin must have been about The Expendables.

Chris Jericho’s band just opened for Anthrax recently and I respect him more than any current wrestler.

Why are some acting like he must appear on every single show as if he’s never been there before? He has wrestled for years and accomplished more than most. From coming out with a big smile/jherry curls to becoming an icon. Many will claim that The Rock should always be there because he would not be The Rock without them. He would not be The Rock without the WWE, but it is not a one street. The Rock was given an opportunity, became a star, was paid and in turn the WWE benefited greatly from his presence. Everybody won, not just one side.

He gained his fame in the WWE but he always gives back when he really does not have to. The Rock does not owe us anything.

Even though he made the decision to act, he still returned whenever Vince needed him. Brock Lesnar’s title win, Stone Cold’s final match, losing to Goldberg, Rock n Sock losing to Evolution, and even plenty of Hurricane moments.

When he returned as the guest host, it was one of the best pops I’ve ever heard. Look at the YouTube video and watch the crowd explode. However, that love slowly turned into hate, on the internet anyway.

People knew The Rock would eventually leave, but anyone saying that he came back for money is absolutely ridiculous. I’m pretty sure he is all set in the money department. He came back because he actually does care. He is part of a wrestling family and every time he wrestled he wanted to honor them. He helped Vince with WM and I can honestly say that the highlight of that show was Rock and Austin face to face.

Why do the younger guys bash past legends when Vince still has to bring those legends in to create interest? If you don’t want to see The Rock vs. John Cena, then that makes me worry.

Too many talk of pro wrestling as though it is actual collegiate style/Olympic wrestling. Vince is right. Pro wrestling is entertainment and I’ll take Rock/Cena over a “mat classic” like Punk/Bryan any day. I went to Summerslam 06 wearing full Cena camo while his Boston crowd booed him out of the building and I thought CM Punk’s “shoot” delivery was fantastic.

The question I have is was it the person that made the promo great or the content? Although Punk has great delivery, it was the content that shocked everyone. If you took another wrestler with decent mic skills and let him rip the company, then everyone would be just as excited. As for The Rock continually using catch phrases, that makes him the same as every other major wrestler in history. The Rock has used different creative insults on each wrestler he’s faced. I never heard him talk about fruity pebbles when he was a full-time wrestler.

The main promo difference between Cena/Punk and Rock/Austin is that Rock and Austin displayed their talents by performing in a character they perfected. Cena and Punk seem to deliver promos in their real life personalities and that shouldn’t be what pro wrestling is about.

Listening to these two act as if they are above The Rock and continuously make remarks about where he is makes me sick. It seems that if you retire because of injury like Edge or Austin, you will be forever respected. Or if you retire with a ceremony like Flair and HBK, then you will also be respected. But if you leave wrestling on your own terms like The Rock or continue wrestling well past your prime like Hogan, then you are disrespected.

John Cena fired the first shots at The Rock years ago when a true professional would have been respectful to someone who dominated the business before them.

I apologize if this is one big Rock mark out piece but this is the truth.

Once again, The Rock has been part of some of the greatest matches, storylines, moments in history and owes nothing.

Thank you for your time.
As everyone knows it'll be cena vs rock at WM28 for the WWE championship.

If I know WWE, and I think I do, they will do something which will make the fans cheer for Cena again.

Here is how they could do it. Cena wins the match and retains his title in the PPV main event, he celebrates and then the MITB winner cashes in and wins. Cena then has the months between losing the title and WM to win it back. He and the MITB winner has 2 PPV matches in a row, with Cena losing both them and then on the 3rd match (Elimination Chamber) he wins it and then it'll be cena/rock or the championship.


The MITB winner will cash in and loose. I'm saying this will be at the elimination chamber or one of the RAW's before WM.

What's your opinion on this?
The thing i dont like about this idea of cena vs rock for the wwe title at mania is that Cena almost has to win doesnt he? i mean the Rock cannot hold a wwe title and only appear on Raw 2 times a year!
the thing i might see happening and imo hopefully it doea cause it will be a surprise not seen coming is if Cena somehow has the title still or loses then wins it back before mania....then they could have The Rock win the title at mania and have the mitb winner cash in on him right after the Rock wins. (maybe The Miz cashes in on him as we all know how much miz dislikes Cena and Rock) DONT THINK IT WILL HAPPEN AS NOBODY IS ALLOWED TO BEAT CENA AT MANIA CLEANLY! BUT AGAIN IT WOULD BE SURPRISINGLY UNEXPECTED!!!
What are you talking about? I have no clue what your saying but I'll just say this. Kids are gonna always cheer Cena. While adult males are going to boo Cena always. I think your saying wwe is trying to get people to cheer Cena at mania 28 against the rock if I'm correct. If so that's ridiculous I don't think Cena's been cheered on at mania since he beat Jbl for his first wwe title and you think theirs a way for people to cheer Cena against The Rock at wrestlemania in front of his hometown. Completely ludicrous.
Maybe we can find a way to make Chicago fans boo Punk and cheer Cena while we're at it? Anyway, my point is that no matter what WWE does, almost every single one of those 60,000-70,000 people at the Sun Life Stadium are going to cheer The Rock and boo Cena no matter what either one of them does or says.
Its funny because I feel that they have the perfect opportunity to fix all of this at Money in the Bank and it would be as simple as this.

1) Cena Loses the title at MITB - Punk leaves the WWE WITH The title and Cena gets fired (so at this point people are questioning IF the match will take place).

2) Have Punk show up at random events over the summer with the belt gloating about the fact he took out Cena and took the belt, if he is signed. If he really is gone just have him come out the next night and lose the belt to the MITB winner.

3) Give Cena some time off. Cena is irrelevant right now anyways, whether its direct or not he is really just wasting time until he has his program with the Rock. At this point there is no need to use Cena so give him a break (lord knows he deserves it). Give the spotlight for the next few months to someone else, the WWE will live without Cena for a few months, its not like ratings fall off whenever he's not on. Have him do a twitter battle with Rock over the months to keep building it and for Rock constantly sticking it to Cena for essentially losing his chance to wrestle Rock.

3) He makes his return at the rumble, he looks like he is going to win and then gets cost the Rumble by the Rock, have him cost Cena the title because logically why would the Rock want to be champ. Being champ is Cena's thing, the Rock gave up his last WM title match to face Austin, he really doesn't need to be champ and Rock vs Cena DOES NOT need to be a title match, it hurts the match as if its title you KNOW Rock has no chance of winning so just give the title match to someone else.

4) Cena gets a title match at EC, and once again gets it costed by the Rock.

5) You go into wrestlemania.

By doing this you give time to other superstars who aren't Cena, you give yourself a few surprises in between and you give Rock and Cena a REAL reason to fight outside of just 2 big stars fighting. I don't buy the feud yet but that can all change if one does something to the other which fuels the fire, if Rock causes Cena the title TWICE then he A) Ruins another title run for Cena (and we all know how much that title means to him) and B) Ruins Cena's dream of making their match a title match. The title has always been Cena's thing and the Rock hasn't made mention of the title once, like I said he has no reason to want it, but he can cost Cena it because it means so much to him.

Anyways thats what I would do. Its simple but effective, nothing will be hurt in the meantime and it will give more reason to watch the Rock vs. Cena match and at the same time help build the event in other ways (like an extra title match).
WWE cannot possibly do one single thing that is going to make Miami cheer for John Cena over The Rock. Sure, there will be plenty of Cena fans in attendance, but the crowd will be overwhelmingly in favor of Rock even if he kicks a puppy right before the match. That's just how it is when you schedule a huge match in a wrestler's hometown, and considering how Cena doesn't exactly have a track record for getting overwhelming positive reactions at WrestleMania, the boos will certainly be amped up next year. Now, I'm sure WWE will make every effort to make Cena as popular as possible, as they are already doing with him cutting promos on Rock at house shows and going back and forth with him on Twitter. And I've seen plenty of people who are Cena's side in this whole thing, including myself. But think about how Rock got booed against Hogan at Mania, think about how Cena will get booed at MITB against Punk, and put those together. The nostalgia factor and the hometown factor combined. It's no fault of WWE's or Cena's, but it's no contest.
The is a "chance" that the Rock could win the title. Looking at imdb.com, The Rock's next movie roll isn't due out until sometime in 2013. He "could" get the title and make a run with it. At the HOF in 2008, he mentioned that he would like to have wrestled Cena, Rey Mysterio and HBK. HBK is out, Cena is in, and why not a fued with Rey
Rock winning the title would suck. He's not a main eventer in WWE anymore and he has no place being the champion. Giving him the belt at Mania would completely defeat the purpose of this whole thing, which should be to establish Cena as one of the greatest WWE superstars ever (something Rock is already established as). And come on, just because his next movie isn't due out until 2013 doesn't mean he won't be filming shit in 2012. There's no way he would stick around for months and become a regular every week. Not happening, and so making him champion would be even more pointless.
Does Cena really have to be WWE champion to make his match at WM28 memorable? Hes fighting The Rock, I'm pretty sure thats enough. I think Cena will lose the title before WM, allowing The Rock to win the match and be able to leave the WWE without the task of being champion. Then after that Cena is put down a little and the current champion take advantage of this, allowing Cena to have a credible feud with the champion.
To say that John Cena will be WWE Champion come WrestleMania 28 is pure, 100% speculation. It's still a long time to WM and there's most certainly a lot that can happen during the time span. For all we know, John Cena will drop the title at MITB. Maybe someone will cash in their MITB briefcase and take the title from him? Maybe The Rock himself will play a role in Cena dropping the title at some point to give a little extra kick to things?

John Cena doesn't need to be WWE Champion for this match to be memorable. The hype for this match, thus far, has pretty much written itself. WM 28 will be in The Rock's home town of Miami. The crowd will be white hot for him and the match in general. It will also be The Rock's first wrestling match in roughly 8 years and people are going to be lined up to see it. Around the time of the Royal Rumble is when WM season starts and I've little doubt that WWE will be able to sell people on this match. Most of us can't wait to see it anyhow just for the sake of seeing it.

As for The Rock winning the WWE Championship, I don't see it happening. For one thing, The Rock is above the title at this point. He's too big of a star to really need it. Second of all, The Rock is not going to be sticking around to defend the WWE Championship. He'll continue to show up on occassion and give fans a thrill and possibly generate ppv buys but that's it. Fast Five has grossed over $600 million dollars worldwide, Rock's signed on for the next movie in the franchise and he has a role in the upcoming G.I. Joe sequel.

Besides, even if Rock does win at WM and it is for the WWE Championship, there's still going to be lots of complaining because of what I just mentioned about Rock's movie career. Then, even if someone carrying an MITB briefcase cashes it in right then and there and takes the title from him, then you'll have a lot of complaints about using the WWE Title as a prop. It's just a headache WWE doesn't need.
I have a question regarding Cena's recent twitter post that could mean multiple things.

"CeNation. I do not think there is anyone in the WWE that works harder outside the ring than The Miz. That type of effort is truly amazing. It is great to see other superstars so passionate about this brand. His work does not go un noticed."

Now maybe I'm looking too far into things and this just Cena being himself and showing respect to his peer.

Or is this the plan to get more people on Cena's side against The Rock?
We are continuously seeing faces and heels show respect towards each other and compliment work ethics even after they just destroyed each other.
Are we moving into a period where kayfabe doesn't matter?

Maybe the Punk promo, the Cena/Vince promo, and whatever else has happened off TV are just ways to create interest. The past few weeks have been very interesting, but I'm not sure I like the continuous bashing of Hogan and Rock.

"I'm the bad guy, and you're good, but I respect you for busting your ass every night, unlike DWAYNE!" - My take on Punk to Cena

"I just got smacked by you 65 times with a kendo stick in an I Quit match, but I love your work ethic." - My take on Cena to Miz
I'm not sure how your scenarios are relevant to the buildup to the Rock/Cena feud; They're just means to get to the Rock/Cena feud, at least that's what they sound like to me. Those circumstances do not make the audience back Cena more, as they will be heavily in favor of the Rock no matter what the WWE does. I think the vehicle to arrive us to the Cena/Rock feud is irrelevant and WWE will give it the legendary integrity the feud deserves. Face/heel disposition between the two is irrelevant, as it was in Huilk/Warrior, because this match is beyond that.
To say that John Cena will be WWE Champion come WrestleMania 28 is pure, 100% speculation.

Exactly. The only one who has really said that the Cena/Rock match being for the title has been Cena. There is no indication that he will still be champion by wrestlemania. WWE has not promised a title match, only Cena's persona has. In fact, even if Cena is champion by wrestlemania, there's still no guarantee that the Cena/Rock match will be for the title.

In fact, I would argue that making this a match for the title will really add nothing to the match. It's not going to make the match better or more memorable, and probably not going to significantly increase buy rates if the title is involved.

Finally, from a business standpoint, I understand why this match will be on on the card. But from a storyline perspective, it is ludicrous. The idea that someone who hasn't been in a wrestling ring for such a long time, no matter how "good" he was back in his day, being a legitimate threat to Cena anyone who is at the top is laughable. I'm not sure what they are going to do to make anyone think that rusty Rock could possibly legitimately last against anyone, much less Cena, but it will have to be some sort of magic show.
To say that Rock vs Cena at WM28 being announced a year before it happens wasn't the dumbest moved on the planet that the WWE could have done, is 100% mental ******ation.

They shot themselves in the foot the minute this match was announced, now they have to make up for it by piecing together other events to take place over the next 9 months.
I think the one thing everyone has missed is that since the match was announced, every person that has mentioned Cena in one way or another has talked/hinted that John Cena is not what the people want to see. Miz did it. Truth did it. Now Punk is doing it. It is just to amplify The Rock's overall message during his brief stint that was "Who in the blue hell is Cena and why is this show all about him?" If this is suppose to wrangle in people who don't watch any more, I don't see how it can do any good.

I don't think announcing it a year ahead was "mental ******ation" as one poster point it. What I do think is stupid is that they framing Cena as the reason people watch or don't watch the WWE right now while The Rock is no where to be seen. To most wrestling fans, Dwayne Johnson is a movie star--NOT a wrestler. The times he was on Raw doing something besides flapping his gums (which were few and far in between btw), the crowd really didn't connect with what he was doing besides the Miami crowd. The last time the two met face to face was in a throw away segment for crying out loud.

In other words, they are giving people a reason to boo or cheer for Cena. He has proven to be strong enough as a character and draw to make interest in anyone he is up against. However, there needs to be a reason for WWE fans to care about The Rock because the one thing he was suppose to be the best at (talking btw) either didn't get any kind of reaction or got really old really quick for those who do remember him from 10 years ago.
As everyone knows it'll be cena vs rock at WM28 for the WWE championship.

If I know WWE, and I think I do, they will do something which will make the fans cheer for Cena again.

Here is how they could do it. Cena wins the match and retains his title in the PPV main event, he celebrates and then the MITB winner cashes in and wins. Cena then has the months between losing the title and WM to win it back. He and the MITB winner has 2 PPV matches in a row, with Cena losing both them and then on the 3rd match (Elimination Chamber) he wins it and then it'll be cena/rock or the championship.


The MITB winner will cash in and loose. I'm saying this will be at the elimination chamber or one of the RAW's before WM.

What's your opinion on this?

What I think happens is Cena loses to Punk at the PPV. The wording of the stipulations has me thinking this is likely.

"Punk can't leave with the title." Not.. "You have to keep the title."


"He is signed until midnight that night." Not.. "Once the match is over, his contract ends."

This leaves an interesting window open. If Cena loses and Punk wins, and the MITB winner comes out and saves the company from losing the title, especially (I know he's on Smackdown!, it only makes the story line more interesting) Sheamus, it gives him a big boost and really cements his spot.

It also gives Cena time to play with before waiting for The Rock at next years WrestleMania.

Just how I can see if happening, anyway. Should be interesting, regardless.
Whats pathetic is fans like you who don't realize that John Cena is 100% right when he talks about the Rock. Cena is going to bust his ass for the WWE from now until he retires, Rock is going to come in at WM28, face Cena, get his ass handed to him, and then go back to making shitty overrated movies.

The Rock isn't back for the WWE Fans, hes back for a pay check. Cena is in the WWE because he loves the WWE

what is pathetic is when fans like you dont realize its all about MONEY ALL THE TIME IN THIS BUSINESS!!!!! i would bet any amount of money that if john cena had a ounce of talent and could go hollywood or "sell out" he would!!!! if john cena could sell triple no just go platinum with his rap shit he would sell out!!! and the cry baby fans need to get over them self, the rock isnt going to be wrestling til hes 50 years old like some of these goofs in the wrestling business like sting,taker,hogan yada yada yada... End of the day rocks in a different level.. GAME OVER!!!!!
Its funny because Cena was 100% right and people are still getting angry. First of all, this wasnt a shoot, its just promoting a rivalry, which will be pretty much dead anywhere besides Twitter since thats the only place The Rock is participating in it. Cena said The Rock's been gone for a while...well hasnt he? Is he going to come back before April?...most likely not. Hey look I have respect for both but so far (kayfabe) this rivalry is a one sided argument. Cena dislikes The Rock because he left the WWE Universe for 7 years (and only came back to promote 2 movies) and claims that he "loves" it. Rock dislikes Cena because....of the way he dresses? Yeah ok, thats a sound argument :rolleyes:.

So yeah before my post was rudely deleted rock has said EXACTLY what i said in his latest video: http://www.whosay.com/DwayneJohnson/videos/46340

They are hyping this up pretty good.

To sum up:
When the rock said he was back he doesnt mean for every raw and smackdown "idiot" (rock's own words), it means hes back making appearances.
Rock has done everything Cena has and more. Rock has nothing to prove to anyone.
Rock is NOT a wrestler anymore, he can earn his millions making movies. Yet hes back and will most likely lose to Cena. Yes hes coming back for CENA's benefit.
Cena is an EMPLOYEE of the WWE, he has to be there and rock makes a good point Cena technically IS there for the money while rock isnt.

While i know they are hyping this up now, some of you Cena fans need to take note of this.

Rock is a legend, Cena...is not. Learn some respect.
and man did he EVER respond....


About this response:
I personally am one who said that CM Punks recent promo's on Raw have been of some of the best mic work i've ever seen. BUT then you have the Rock who in one fall swoop can just hit the mic one time and blow anyone out of the water. One of the reasons why I said that CM Punks promo was so awesome is because it had so much truth to it. And anyone who speaks truth with passion is going to go over well. And he did. But this promo, where the Rock tells the TRUTH about John Cena, was amazing. I WISH he would have been able to do this in front of a live crowd.

I believe Rock hit the nail on the head and totally blew Cena's spot up.
From the minute the film rolled the Rock made a case for himself that not only destroyed anything Cena had on him, but opened up the ROOT of why Cena was/is mad in the first place. He's a phony. He's a McMahon built, corporate champion, that USED to love the business, and is now only working to live. You can't be as hated as he is and still wrestle for the pure love of the business when your supposed to be billed as the Hulk Hogan of the 21st century. I don't care what he says in the ring. I don't care how many autographs he signs and how long you stay afterward to take pictures...the fact that every arena he goes in he is getting booed has got to get to him. He's built as the face of the company and not face as in babyface, but face as in WWE logo/John Cena. Rock touched on some issues that I believe CM Punk was trying to get into on last monday night. Cena is a corporate puppet. The guy walking around with Vinces arm up his butt. CM Punk was saying that Cena was the Yankees, meaning that Cena is no longer and underdog, you are Vince's Boy. And everybody knows it. He is what Vince wants a champion to look like.
On Tough Enough, Stone Cold said to one of the contestants that he built who he was. The stone cold steve austin gimmick was HIS idea. I honestly don't think this SUPER CENA thing was his idea. I think it was something that was put on him, and he played it out as best as he could right now HE can't even stand it anymore, but is being phony and playing the role for the paycheck. And the young fans who don't see it cheer him while the rest of us see through the crap. I mean, he isn't that good a wrestler as it is, and the only thing that was EVER interesting about him was the whole rapping thing back in the day. I think that was more of who he is then what he's doing now. Week in and week out he comes to the ring and tries to convince the wrestling world that he loves the business, hustle loyalty respect is what he stands for and that he does it for the fans. To me, he Hustles the fans, is Loyal to Vince and respects himself less than he respects anyone in the world.
And we as true fans can see it. And the Rock finally called him on it.
He wanted to do movies...but they sucked.
He wants the people to love him like they love the Rock, but the only ones that do are the ones who don't know any better.
In my opinion, this needed to be on WWE television.
What do YOU think?
Completley agree with you buddy... This NEEDED to be on wwe.. Complete shame it isn't, so many will miss out on it. But when you think about it cena having stabs at rock wasn't either.. They're keeping this on the down-low and with good reason... Wm28 is months and months away. But still, as you said complete shame to waste such a good promo on twitter.. Completley agree with you on punks promos being so good; because they're real and truthful. Just reading Mick foleys first book where he says what makes a promo is genuine anger/frustration.. Which he used in many ecw/wwe promos where he had built up/or actually had certain feelings for what he was saying in the promo... Mick had it, cm punk has it and god damn the rock had it in this one and every other promo he ever gave... Pure, genuine, real, true words...
It's really sad. I mean REALLY SAD Dwayne puts out ONE 11 min video and completely slaughtered Cena. My goodness. I'm probably being bias but seriously if I was Cena I'd be embarrassed. Rocky blew his spot up in the worst way and his fans lmao. Jean shorts since 92 though? Lmao!

And what did it was the fact that he put him on blast for his love for the business. All this bs about oh I do it cuz I love the business. Bullshit. Cena or anyone else for that matter isn't doing it for FREE but for a paycheck so stop it.

Beef seems real intense if you ask me.

Lol at Cena's tweets. That's a sad individual.
Watching The Rock's 11 minute promo actually confirmed how I felt about John Cena and CM Punk.

Both men seem to be very talented on the microphone, but is that because they able to use their actual personalities, as well as controversial content?

CM Punk's delivery is fantastic, but did the man make the promo, or the content?

Give the microphone to another wrestler who is decent on the mic and have him deliver a jaw-dropping "shoot"; the crowd and internet reaction would have been the same.

Punk and Cena are portraying wrestling characters, but they talk in their own personality. Dwayne Johnson snaps back into The Rock within a seconds notice to deliver a big promo. Much more talent when you are actually being a character.

I'm glad The Rock addressed his "never leaving" quote because Cena and many others never understood it.

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