You wanna know how cena is a phoney hes a copy cat wannabe
first he tried been like brock lesnar F5 than he came with the FU
than he came out with the wannabe peoples elbow, the 5 knuckle shuffle(what a flop)
than he tried been a rapper, hes good but he failed at that as well
than he tried acting that went nowhere
than theres this one is not his fault its vinces cuz he sees dollar signs when he looks at cena and the lil jimmys cheering for him Cenation = wannabe hulk hogan hustle royalty respect just a rip off of stay your prayers and take your vitamins.
John cena is like Mr.Potato Head u can make him one thing n than another thing , Hes there to make Vince rich...
what has john cena done for this business that the rock hasnt done yet????? go read to sick kids is all i can think of...
Rock has sold out more house shows
higher ppv buys
higher ratings
his name alone at wrestlemania got over a million buys
hes had classic matches with austin,hhh,hulk hogan, mick foley, brock lesnar,undertaker, and the list goes on
hes put more people over
the fans love him
he took wwe mainstream to a other level
and everybody wants to say how the rock wanted to distance himself and use his real name good god not his REAL NAME and not his stage name... hes not CHYNA he doesnt need to be called the rock 24/7 and if he stuck with calling himself the rock wwe would get a cut out of all his movies, why would he want to be taxed by the wwe by using the name the rock all the time, its simple business you morons why pay a royalty when you dont have to!!!
but u would believe cena has done more for the wwe

lil jimmys buy his shirts woow so much for the wwe
he gets booed yearly
he doesnt sell out house shows or ppv
he doesnt draw huge rating
his movies are a bust
what has cena really done for the wwe besides doing his job that he gets paid for????? NOTHING!!!!!!
Cena fans can bitch n cry all they want but as u can c they are cena fans so they will bitch n cry!!!! what do u expect
the FU is a ripoff of the F5 except that it gets a bigger pop than most moves in wrestling now. So way to go on that one smart guy.
He failed as a rapper? People LOVED that character. Or if you meant you think he legitimately thought he'd be the next Jay Z then you're just stupid an need your head examined. Pretty sure Rock did a song too that sucked donkey dick.
The 5 knuckle shuffle=people's elbow (and a flop)? If it's a flop then why does it get a reaction? It's not a ripoff because Cena is smart enough to not use it as a finish. Also, if the 5 knuckle shuffle is a ripoff of the people's elbow, then the people's elbow is a ripoff of the earthquake splash or any other move with a theatrical set up.
If Cena is a ripoff of Hogan, then Hogan is a ripoff of superstar billy graham.
Rock has sold out more house shows? What the fuck? How is that even relevant? that could be because he had to be at more house shows, could mean the arenas were smaller and easier to fill. So many variables. Plus filling a house is a team effort from the promotion team and the rest of the card.
Higher PPV buys/Higher ratings. Well you know, he was also on the same card as Austin, who is the biggest draw of all time. Plus DX, plus it was during the monday night wars. So again, you're giving Rock credit for something that has a ton of variables. Pretty stupid argument again.
"his name alone sold 1 million buys" again that's fucking stupid. "His name alone". So, if Rock isn't on that card, then NO ONE buys? You have any idea how fucking stupid that sounds? What's your education level? Rock DID sell a lot more. However, it was because he's a novelty.
"Had classic matches" does Cena. Cena and Rock are about technically equal and both get a ton of reaction to their matches. If you personally think Rock had more classics then that's your OPINION, however, objectively, they aren't that different.
Rock put more people over. Well maybe, but he also buried a lot more by leaving the WWE when they needed him, so it's pretty much negated.
the fans love him. They love Cena too. Cena WORKS people into booing AND cheering him. So again, they aren't that much different.
He took WWE to another level. Hmm, nope, that was actually Austin, Rock just kept it going.
"He gets booed yearly" like I said, unless you're a moron, you should be able to tell he's working that reaction. Not only that, but if people ACTUALLY didn't like him, they wouldn't make any noise. So you lose again.
He doesn't sell house shows/draw/etc, wow this is the dumbest argument yet. He's WWE's BIGGEST DRAW. So what if they aren't drawing what they did in the late 90s, that was a perfect storm. I guarantee you that if in 1999, UFC was kicking ass, and someone massacred their whole family and WWE had to go to a PG format because of it, ratings would drop.
"Cena' movies are a bust" yea, and that's why the Rock was nominated for a fucking Razzie, because he's so awesome that he gets nominated for WORST FUCKING ACTOR.
Everyone think about this. Rock tried to get over with a PG character and failed miserably. Then, when he could cuss and be vulgar, he got over.
Cena was very over as a more edgy character, then he was STILL over and found a way to get EVERYONE in the arena to make noise as a PG character.
Think about this too. 2002-2004 both John Cena and The Rock are edgy characters and more brash. WWE goes PG, Rock makes disney movies from then until now.
They've done the same fucking thing. So why does Cena get shit on for being a product of his environment and doing the best possible job? O yea, because a majority of wrestling fans are trailer trash idiots who have no business sense or have any idea how to look at things and figure out why they are the way they are before they shit on it. Plus wrestling fans are generally poorer and thus, more nostalgic because their life now sucks compared to when they were a kid (when they first started watching wrestling).