I just watched extreme rules yesterday (exams, etc) and i had no problem with the end!! Did you guys all really watch and go "WTF" when it ended?? I mean, iv never thought Brock has looked tougher than the entire time he was pounding away on Cena, he absolutely destroyed the guy and even did the classic Lesnar blood smear which was great!!
In a funny way (though this isnt what i planned on writing when i started typing) but Brocks loss perfectly achieved what he was supposed to do by winning!! Ill start by mentioning that Iv watched ALOT of UFC starting at numero uno, so i completely understand what i'm saying will sound ******ed, but neways. Brock Lesnar in UFC, what does he do? He fights clean fights once every few months, about 8 matches in five years? Matches where people punck, kick and tear each other to bits. Now I know its not real, but this is the world Brock has entered, an alternate universe that we choose to believe in, but lets look at what Cena does... He fights week after week, not just clean fights, but hardcore matches, last man standing matches. Brocks career is built to win a fight, take a break, Cena's is to win a war, get ready for the next one! Cena takes beatings, we've all seen it and we've all grown used to him over coming it. Lesnar, no stranger to taking a beating, but not used to getting smacked in the skull with a big steel chain, or to getting tossed around (I know, its not real, but we all tune in, and we buy the impact of an AA onto steel steps, we know that wins matches). these are not things that you see in the UFC, these are not things Brock has dealt with for over 8 years.... Does that make sense guys? (actual question, coming from the side that i assume were all atleast wrestling fans and a few of us UFC fans) So yeah, brock wanted to restore legitimacy to the WWE... I think he did! Firstly, he kicked some major ass, but he also showed that WWE superstars arent pushovers, and THAT brings legitimacy, NOT the idea that he could run through a hundred of them!
Did anyone come out of that match not thinking Brock was tough?? He walked out, he was only down for a three count! Cena on the other hand sold the whole thing! Blood everywhere, and a mic peice on how he's in a lot of pain and doesnt feel like he's fit to work for a bit! Granted, he was on raw, but he said that wasnt by choice! The match was unbelievable, i marked out the whole way through, but i'm in no way concerned that Lesnar is no longer a threat, he took out TRIPLE H the next night for god sakes!
Maybe its just me though...