Bryan VS Lesnar - Believeable Or Not? Keep It All Here!

People forget WWE is entertainment, a small guy can beat the big guy because it is a pre - determined storyline

Bryan beat Triple H, Orton & Batista at WM30.

Big doesn't always mean better fighter or MMA experience means better fighter either. MMA guys are training in a sport with rules and training for similarly matched opponents.

Chris Jericho beat Goldberg in a shoot fight with a basic hold

People were shocked that Brock beat Undertaker at WM30 even though most likely Brock would destroy him in a streetfight?

If it's booked right then Daniel Bryan can beat Lesnar. Anybody can beat anybody in pro wrestling
I have to admit, the idea of Bryan winning clean against Lesnar sounds reasonable... up until the finish. The finish is where the train de-rails for me.

The way Lesnar is being booked, too strong to even hold down, much less pin, where do you go without resorting to dirty tricks? How many Knee Pluses is it going to take to knock Brock out cold? Can Bryan get his submission hold on and KEEP it without Brock just pulling him off like a little monkey and turning him into a smear on the canvas?

I get the submission angle- imagine Bryan getting Lesnar in the YES Lock, screaming out 'TAP, TAP, TAP!!' in tune with the audience- but how far and how long do you have to wear Lesnar down to believably get to that point?
I mentioned this is a separate post, but felt I should add it here as well. Eddie Guerrero was smaller than Daniel Bryan is (Eddie was 5'8", Bryan is 5'10"), not only had a believeable match against Brock Lesnar, but beat him for the belt. It may not have been a completely clean victory, but I dont see why Bryan would have to win completely clean.
Kurt Angle is only a little bigger than Bryan (6') and has multiple victories over Brock, and I would say has a more similar style to Bryan than Eddie.
You can argue that Lesnar is being booked as a bigger, more unstoppable beast than ever before, but he was still built up pretty big back then. Yes, Brock ended the streak, but it was still a somewhat back and forth match against an old, out-of-shape Undertaker. He dominated Cena, and while I fully expect Lesnar to win in the rematch, I will be shocked if it isnt a much closer match this time around. Not to mention Cena has beaten Brock several times in the past. I fully think Summer Slam was the peak of Brock Lesnars dominance, and while he will continue to be pretty dominate over the next few months, he will slowly come closer to losing, and by the time Bryan is back it wont seem so far fetched.
I have to admit, the idea of Bryan winning clean against Lesnar sounds reasonable... up until the finish. The finish is where the train de-rails for me.

The way Lesnar is being booked, too strong to even hold down, much less pin, where do you go without resorting to dirty tricks? How many Knee Pluses is it going to take to knock Brock out cold? Can Bryan get his submission hold on and KEEP it without Brock just pulling him off like a little monkey and turning him into a smear on the canvas?

I get the submission angle- imagine Bryan getting Lesnar in the YES Lock, screaming out 'TAP, TAP, TAP!!' in tune with the audience- but how far and how long do you have to wear Lesnar down to believably get to that point?

Earlier in the this thread I mentioned how the only way Bryan can look convincing against Lesnar is by snapping and doing stuff he hasn't done since he was in ROH. My prime example was how he went against Takeshi Morishima( a 300lb plus Japanese wrestler who's surprisingly agile). He beat him with a chain, kicked the shit out of him and just continued to bring the fight to him. Granted, this particular match happened in 2008 and was the final match to a feud they had where Morishima detached Danielson's retina.

Also, you're right about the YES Lock not being believable against Lesnar. Which is why I suggested Danielson would have to use the Cattle Mutilation against Lesnar after destroying Lesnar's arms to even come close to making Lesnar quit.
CM Punks match with Brock from last years Summer Slam is the match that nearly everyone has used as a measuring stick for Daniel vs Brock. The only believeable outcome that would be realistic is the same one from Summer Slam'13. Brock at Summer Slam is almost like 'Taker at Wrestlemania. I don't think Brock's lost at Summer Slam and it's just not believable for Daniel to win against Brock after Triple H has had both arms "broken", he beat the streak, smacked CM Punk around like a playground bully and then did the same thing to Cena a year later. Daniel like Punk going down swinging is the option available.
This is stupid....

I hate smarks....

Y'all are so smart EVERYTHING U SAY IS STUPID....



I hate how you guys change rules to make them fit your theories....

Yes a small guy trained in MMA might beat a bigger JOE PRO.....



If size didn't matter then why are there weight classes in EVERY REAL COMBAT SPORT.....

Because all things being equal....



DB would like Brock's kid brother in a fight.....


Unless the "BIG GUY" is fighting much smaller Kurt Angle...the he loses...or if the "big guy" faces much much smaller Eddie Guerrero, then he loses again. Wrestling if done right can sell any smaller guy as a legit threat to any giant, remember HBK vs Sid....Brett vs Yokozuna....Flair vs Vader....the crowd supported and BELIEVED the smaller guy could win (and they did) in every case. It can easily be done again.
Would a Lesnar vs Bryan match be believable? Why or why not?

It most certainly can be, it all depends on how the match is wrestled. For example, Bryan can't go toe to toe with Lesnar, that just wouldn't happen but if Bryan used his speed, endurance, technical ability and his in ring intelligence then yes its could definitely work wonders.

Although KB has said it a million times Sting vs. Vader is a good example of this. When Sting went straight at Vader he got destroyed, when Sting was actually thinking and used his speed to make Vader miss then he had a shot at beating him. Although Bryan isn't Sting the same idea could hold true for Lesnar vs. Bryan. It all depends on how the match actually goes down.

What makes a match believable anyway?

In my eyes a believable match is one that is held in some realm of possibility. Luckily with wrestling you can push the boundaries of realism and still have a believable match, there's a big difference between far fetched and unrealistic. Using Lesnar as an example again there's a reason why his matches with Cena and Punk were good and his matches with Triple H weren't. Even though his matches with Triple H had more action and had a lot more back and forth wrestling it didn't work because there is no way in hell Triple H could go toe to toe with Lesnar. Realistically he would get destroyed in 5 minutes. It's hard to draw people into a match where the flow makes no sense.


So fans didn't buy HBK vs Sid ??? fans didn't buy Brett Hart vs Taker or Brett Hart vs Yokozuna ??? Wrestling is soap opera and soap opera is storytelling, you can get the audience to believe in the ability of Bryan going over Lesnar quite easily with the right promotion to it.

It's not like Lesnar has never been beaten....Kurt Angle & Eddie Guerrero I believe both beat him in high profile matches that were very "believable" even though both clearly lacked size and power advantages over Lesnar.
Bryan vs Lesnar could be an awesome match and a great 'David vs Goliath' story-telling match. Honestly, i would rather see this match happen over the proposed Reigns/Lesnar match at WM 31.

Anyway, the way i envision the match is Lesnar just completely dominating Bryan for 20+ minutes, much like he did to Cena at Summerslam, (this is the only 'realistic' way to portray how this seemingly 'uneven' match to go down) then somehow Bryan catches Lesnar sleeping and catches him in a suprise small package rollup for the win a la Bret Hart/Diesel fashion from Survivor Series 1995.

It would be a great, shocker of a win , a finish that hasn't been seen in the WWE in a high profile match in a long, long time and i think the live crowd would eat it up in spades. This would hopefully return all the momentum Bryan lost after his ill-timed injury, and with WWE's backing and full promotion behind him, could finally solidify Bryan as THE guy in the WWE overtaking the aging Cena----because Roman Reigns IMO is not ready, as evidenced by his HORRIBLE, i mean HORRIBLE mic work at last night's Raw (facepalm...SMH). The fan backlash is well-justfied against him.

Anyway, a guy can dream, right?
No. Bryan is not a threat to Lesnar, now that he's beaten the hell out of Cena and Taker at WM.

The match could have worked last year or even the year before when they had look vunerable to the likes of CM Punk but Bryan's time has passed.
No. Bryan is not a threat to Lesnar, now that he's beaten the hell out of Cena and Taker at WM.

The match could have worked last year or even the year before when they had look vunerable to the likes of CM Punk but Bryan's time has passed.

Make it no-dq have lesnar beat the hell out of Bryan for 15 mins, have Triple H come down with a Sledge hand it Lesnar, Lesnar charges Bryan who kicks him in the nuts, Lesnar like any man will drop and most likely drop the hammer, have Bryan hit Lesnar with said Sledge hammer, ta-da 1-2-3 believable enough. I'd say having a man hit in the face with a sledge hammer and surviving is unbelievable in itself but it's not like we haven't seen it two million times. It doesn't have to be that real just real enough to where people can believe that Bryan can pin him. That's more than believable.
remember, we dont have to suspend our disbelief that Daniel Bryan is beating the SH*T out of BROCK LESNAR.. all DANIEL BRYAN needs to do is keep BROCK'S SHOULDERS DOWN FOR 3 SECONDS...

like mentioned earlier, i always love how BRET was smart enough to use that type of finish not just against BIGGER GUYS.. but when he was getting beat up badly, and OR on the defense of a long and brutal beating.. like @ WM8 with Piper.. diesel at survivor series.. Owen used it to " BEAT" his brother.. i use the quotes on beat because he was getting beat up but a quick pin solved it...

all this talk about it, but i can see any wwe susperstar defeat brock.. doesnt mean i want to, HELL think about this one.. brock vs anyone in a cage match.. i always hated this stipulation, but most cage matches carry the old school rule of WIN by Pinfall, Submission, Or Escaping the cage... now obviously a small fast guy can quickly climb and escape... especially if he handcuffs BROCK to the cage wall which would be legal if NO DQ was added... smart.. thats how you book professional wrestling.
Now cena is juiced off his rocker SUper jakked and ripped... i know BROCK is much bigger, stronger , faster.. but CENA is no lil guy..i thought it didnt look believable that cena didnt have much if any offense understandable after the multiple germans since it made it look like a concussion...

any1 can beat BROCK, if booked correctly
I believe that the Lesnar breaking of the streak and title run is leading to one thing and that is The Undertaker winning the title from Brock at Wrestlemania.
CM Punks match with Brock from last years Summer Slam is the match that nearly everyone has used as a measuring stick for Daniel vs Brock. The only believeable outcome that would be realistic is the same one from Summer Slam'13. Brock at Summer Slam is almost like 'Taker at Wrestlemania. I don't think Brock's lost at Summer Slam and it's just not believable for Daniel to win against Brock after Triple H has had both arms "broken", he beat the streak, smacked CM Punk around like a playground bully and then did the same thing to Cena a year later. Daniel like Punk going down swinging is the option available.

Brock lost to Kurt Angle at Summerslam 2003. But yes, apart from that he has been very dominant at the event, beating The Rock, HHH, CM Punk and Cena.
It has potential to be match of the decade, if bryan comes back with his 2013 / 201 form. Th classic David vs Golliath match, it would be an absolute dream to watch. Really hope it happens.
Daniel Bryan defeated John Cena clean at Summerslam 2013 in a lengthy bout for the WWEWHC; John Cena lost to Brock Lesnar this past Summerslam in a one-sided bully session -- clean -- for the same belt. On that logic, I'd say no. It's unbelievable right now.

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