Why not Orton VS Lesnar?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I don't see Lesnar holding onto the title much longer in whatever way so this thread is more retrospective.

Again, this match is clearly out of the cards at this point.

The Cena versus Lesnar feud has dominated the last several months prior to the Royal Rumble. While I believe Cena is a workhorse and Mr. WWE, it's very hard for fans to get behind this feud after the 15th match, even after throwing Seth Rollins in the mix. Same with Lesnar, he is entirely believable as a Squash heel, or tweener, can work in the ring, and has a believable run given his past accomplishments.

While both Lesnar and Orton have seemed part time as of late, that's nothing to the WWE could not reasonably fix.

To me this feud made sense, it seemed as if the WWE were running out of wrestlers for Lesnar to face shortly after he won the title and kept trying to come up with different combinations of Cena. While it needn't be a long feud, it would have been great filler in the latter part of 2014 leading up to the Rumble.

Neither guy would really have needed a concrete face turn for this match to work in my opinion. Heyman's camp has been seen as a separate entity from the Authority for the last couple of years and that has worked. Both have a similar mentality outside of the ring, and their in-ring work is just as aggressive. I believe the two would have had some great spots had they been the main event in a ppv in late 2014.
Orton vs Lesnar could've been a money match, especially, as you said, as a filler. However, Orton was busy having a feud with Reigns while also showing his discontent. And while Lesnar and the Authority were never together per se, for most part they seemed in sync, so unless Orton turned on the Authority earlier, this match wouldn't have taken place. Moreover, Lesnar's dates and Orton's movie were also there.

If Orton would've come back in time, I would've had him face off against Lesnar at RR and let Cena and Rollins enter the Rumble match. After everything that transpired before Orton's departure, he could've easily come back as his face/tweener role and could've made Authority's and Lesnar's life hell. He could've demanded his one o one World title shot which he never got, and in process could've sneak attacked the Authority and even Lesnar at any turn possible. While we did get a gem of a match at RR between Lesnar, Cena and Rollins, Orton vs Lesnar would've been fresh (I don't think they ever had a match a before) and very good. That would've also added star power to the Rumble match which sorely lacked this year. Not only that, this could've set up a feud of Cena vs Rusev in Rumble instead of after Rumble. Rusev could've eliminated Cena at some point which could've kicked off the feud.

All in all, I think this Orton vs Lesnar is a missed opportunity.
Orton vs Lesnar could've been a money match, especially, as you said, as a filler. However, Orton was busy having a feud with Reigns while also showing his discontent. And while Lesnar and the Authority were never together per se, for most part they seemed in sync, so unless Orton turned on the Authority earlier, this match wouldn't have taken place. Moreover, Lesnar's dates and Orton's movie were also there.

If Orton would've come back in time, I would've had him face off against Lesnar at RR and let Cena and Rollins enter the Rumble match. After everything that transpired before Orton's departure, he could've easily come back as his face/tweener role and could've made Authority's and Lesnar's life hell. He could've demanded his one o one World title shot which he never got, and in process could've sneak attacked the Authority and even Lesnar at any turn possible. While we did get a gem of a match at RR between Lesnar, Cena and Rollins, Orton vs Lesnar would've been fresh (I don't think they ever had a match a before) and very good. That would've also added star power to the Rumble match which sorely lacked this year. Not only that, this could've set up a feud of Cena vs Rusev in Rumble instead of after Rumble. Rusev could've eliminated Cena at some point which could've kicked off the feud.

All in all, I think this Orton vs Lesnar is a missed opportunity.

I think the last thing I saw on youtube when you type their name in is a match back in 07. So basically they haven't. You have all that marketability of The Beast vs. The Viper as well.

I like you're way of booking it, but I think you can also pit Lesnar and Heyman versus The Authority. It kind of comes off the same way that the Wyatt vs. Shield feud did. I think you'd at least get some "this is awesome" chants from fans for it just being unconventional.
Orton, Bryan, Ambrose, Ziggler, Taker - all are better choices to face Lesnar (not all of them should win thought). Reigns should face Cena - Cena will control this match in the ring and Reigns will do what he really need to do - beat Cena sweet and clean at WM, i think the fans can get behind THAT, just because many fans tired of Cena long time ago and would probably welcome any change.
Reigns can't be built up in this time with this creative team into a guy who can beat Brock after the last year when Lesnar defeated Taker at WM and kicked out from so many AAs and destroyed Cena several times and after his RR match.
Therefor Lesnar should lose the title before WM to Cena, so everything will be alright in the world again.
Because like John Cena, a good number of fans are burned out and flat out bored to death with Randy Orton. Over the past 10 years, nobody on the WWE roster has had as consistently strong booking as Cena & Orton. All the various hype for their last feud about how their careers have sort of paralleled each other wasn't all that much hype because nobody's been featured more frequently in the main event picture than they have.

It can be argued that both were pushed too soon, though I personally don't believe there's any doubt that Orton was pushed too soon. In Cena's case, he won his first WWE Championship about 3 weeks before his 28th birthday. By the time he turned 30, he was in the midst of his 3rd run as champion. His first run lasted 280 days, his second 133 days and his third lasted 380 days before he had to vacate the title due to suffering a torn pectoral muscle. Between April 3, 2005 and October 2, 2007, a total of 912 days, John Cena had been WWE Champion for all but 119 of them. In Randy Orton's case, Orton was a 6 time World Champion, former IC champ, former tag team champ and Royal Rumble winner all before he was even 30 years old. What do you do with someone and how can you keep someone fresh that's done pretty much everything worth doing at such a young age?

In terms of Orton being a better choice over Reigns, as far as experience and overall capability goes, Orton is clearly a better choice in my opinion. However, as I alluded to, a lot of people are flat out tired of Randy Orton as champion and/or are tired of him being in the title picture if the plan is ultimately for him to win it. Orton's last few runs as World Champion, either as WWE or World Heavyweight Champion, weren't exactly warmly received by a ton of fans. So, add onto the notion of Orton not only winning his 13th World Champion, but also being the one to defeat Brock Lesnar to do it, and probably looking at a backlash worse than what Roman Reigns has gotten.

I like Orton, just like I like John Cena. He's a damn good pro wrestler that's proven it time and time again despite the rants from the haters that's earned everything he's gotten in pro wrestling. However, also like Cena, I think Orton's pretty stale and I'm burned out on the guy with the formula WWE has for him that Vince doesn't want to alter.
Jackhammer has taken the thought out of my brain and said it so much better than I could of said it. The WWE pushed these Orton & Cena up to the top of the mountain and I have no problem with them whatsoever. I've always liked Randy since his evolution days and I starting liking Cena during his US title run in 2004. But both of them were given too many world titles and only recently I feel like they've realized how many years they still have left ahead of them!

As far Lesnar goes, ideally Orton should have replaced John Cena at RR, regardless if it was 1v1 or a triple threat including Rollins. It would have been something different and refreshing. We've seen these kind of mistakes been made over the years and this should come to no surprise.

I still feel that DB should be facing Lesnar at WM for two credible reasons. He is more established and over than any other on the roster today. Second is that he never got a rematch for the title. My only concern is his health, I feel he isn't at 100% yet and it could take time. Otherwise we all know he can bring the best match out of anyone. As for others who mention Ziggler and Ambrose, that ship has already sailed at the RR. Reigns will be headling WM and it's something that WWE is not looking back on, unless by some miracle Reigns can improve dramatically or someone is inserted into the match to make it triple threat.
Orton vs Lesnar could've been a money match, especially, as you said, as a filler. However, Orton was busy having a feud with Reigns while also showing his discontent. And while Lesnar and the Authority were never together per se, for most part they seemed in sync, so unless Orton turned on the Authority earlier, this match wouldn't have taken place. Moreover, Lesnar's dates and Orton's movie were also there.

If Orton would've come back in time, I would've had him face off against Lesnar at RR and let Cena and Rollins enter the Rumble match. After everything that transpired before Orton's departure, he could've easily come back as his face/tweener role and could've made Authority's and Lesnar's life hell. He could've demanded his one o one World title shot which he never got, and in process could've sneak attacked the Authority and even Lesnar at any turn possible. While we did get a gem of a match at RR between Lesnar, Cena and Rollins, Orton vs Lesnar would've been fresh (I don't think they ever had a match a before) and very good. That would've also added star power to the Rumble match which sorely lacked this year. Not only that, this could've set up a feud of Cena vs Rusev in Rumble instead of after Rumble. Rusev could've eliminated Cena at some point which could've kicked off the feud.

All in all, I think this Orton vs Lesnar is a missed opportunity.

Yeah exactly! I'm shocked the Orton/Brock match never happened at RR. Orton was getting over social media with the #RKOuttaNowhere. I figured it would have been a no brainer to push Orton again since he's cool with HHH.
Why not Orton VS Lesnar?
Because WWEs logic is that its better to get Lesnar/Cena part 5(Think they done that much till now) then to do Lesnar/Orton. Doesnt mather that maybe you can make even bigger spectacle out of Lesnar when he could beat two of the most consistent guys in WWE and two guys with most titles from curent roster, and after that feed Lesnar as even bigger threat(in storywise sense, he is threat enough as it is but never hurts to have a case that two of your biggest curent wrestlers cant beat you anyhow) before he gets fed to Reigns or someone else, but its important that you do the match that you think everyone wants to see but in reality has been done so people would like some change in program. But heck, WWE logic is superaior to ours logic. :)
Because like John Cena, a good number of fans are burned out and flat out bored to death with Randy Orton.

Yes, that.

To say the least, WWE has gotten an abbreviated version of Brock Lesnar; when you add up the actual number of times he's appeared in a WWE ring, it would probably amaze folks to realize how little we've seen of him. Subsequently, he's going to be matched only against the top people.....and there aren't many of them around.

At one time in his career, Randy Orton would have been one of them, but a lot of water has gone under the bridge and I sometimes wonder what Randy himself thinks of it all. Does he recognize the reality of the situation....or does he want to respond by tearing up another hotel room?

Randy's lengthy break from action is a good thing; whenever someone important is gone for a long time, we're excited that they're back. Sometimes, when the performer had been a heel, he returns as a good guy because fans are glad to see him.....then, after the initial reception wears off, he goes heel again.

Randy Orton fits this category. His ring work has always been top notch and he's always in great condition. I think he should return as a good guy to give us a new look at what he can bring.

But, Orton vs. Lesnar? I've been presuming Brock won't be with WWE long enough for it to happen; figuring he's leaving after WM31. If he stays, Randy can hopefully build himself up as a face to where it would be compelling for us to watch him tangle with Brock.

Randy is certainly a better choice for the assignment than just about anyone else Brock could go against (that he hasn't already faced). Randy's got the size and skill to make it a reasonable match-up. Now, all he needs is a solid program as a good guy to convince us Orton-Lesnar is a contest we'd want to see.

Plus, he'd need Brock to still be working here.
I don't disagree that Orton vs Cena is stale at this point. As is Cena vs Lesnar. Again it's not a knock on Cena, he's a worker and they've simply ran out of competitors for him.

The point wasn't that a Lesnar vs. Orton would be a Wrestlemania worthy match. Lesnar and Orton haven't crossed paths in about 7 years. The match would be good with two aggressive styles. It would have put Lesnar briefly against the Authority which would have been interesting. You would have had a heel vs. heel or tweener vs. heel, or tweener vs. tweener style match that would have been interesting. In other words, great filler.
I would've liked 'Orton Vs Lesnar' to be the "Night of Champions" main event. It would've been a bigger deal back then as Lesnar would be squashing the biggest rivals at that time, emphasizing how indestructible he is. Cena could've taken more time to sell his injuries and it would've been a different match.

But as of now, nah. Someone new and fresh needs to conquer Lesnar.
Orton VS Lesnar is a match that I hope to see happen before Brock finally decides that's it. Also Orton is one of the few people that could turned up at the Rumble and won and not have the entire WWE universe hate them because there name is not Daniel Bryan. Sure Ambrose and Ziggler could have won and the fans would have been ok with it, But the Viper VS the Beast would be a far bigger draw. The added bonus of having Orton main event Wrestlemania is that the Story pretty much wrights itself. You would have had HHH, come out the night after the Rumble and try and suck up to Orton and get him back on side after everything that happened between him and Rollins Only for Randy to drop the COO off the company and go on a one man mission to destroy the authority, which will lead a one on one match with Rollins at Fast Lane, Before finally going on to face Lesnar at Wrestlemania.
Hell no! It would sure be a wonderfull dream mach, but I would not waste Lesnars last match like that. Orton has already accomplished enough, he does not need this now. Roman needs this shot more than anyone, because it cements his legacy and creates his Wrestlemania moment. Orotn should have Rollins at WM31, so he can finish that feud and go on to the title match he deserves after WM.
Seriously, this match NOT happening boggles my mind. John Cena had 4 encounters with the man since his return to the WWE. Triple H had 3. So, seriously, I have no clue to why they didn't give one match to Randy Orton.

Some people hate Randy Orton and I get that. He's not flashy, he isn't making people chant anything besides "boring" or "this is awesome". He's not "fun" in any way, his walk to the ring is just slow and what not. The guy is just "unique" in a sense he does not have a gimmick anymore, he's now "Randy Orton" and he has been it for a long time. One thing you can't take away from the guy is the fact that he has "IT", he's just "cool" looking and he's an helluva worker. I am pretty sure he could have a good match with any of us fuckers, who know shit about wrestling inside the squared circle.

But, consider this, you take John Cena out of the equation and Randy Orton is one of the most popular wrestlers in the world. Not to the "wrestling fanbase", but in a more "general audience" kind of way. So, in a business stand point, a Randy Orton v. Brock Lesnar match up would garner some interest. It would. Not to all, but most of all. And to wrestling fans, at least, the potential of it being a MOTYC would be cool and the storyline really plays itself, in a way that the "apex predator" was really being hunted by "the beast".

So for me, this match, absolutely needed to happen. The Triple Threat at The Rumble was really awesome, but Randy Orton getting the shot should've happened as it would really make Brock Lesnar seem like the biggest star of the current era. If Daniel Bryan hadn't been injured, I truly believe we would have had Brock Lesnar having matches with the likes of Bryan, Cena and Orton, in order to solidy really, Roman Reigns.

If they have the opportunity in the future to make it, it's a guarantee that at least for me, they would get a new subscriber for the Network (I'm not, aside from Mania, if I can).
I agree, Lesnar should have gone through all of the top WWE guys in this run, including John Cena (SummerSlam, Night of Champions), Randy Orton (Survivor Series) and Daniel Bryan (Royal Rumble). This would truly build him up as unstoppable, instead of just beating Cena three times.

Night of Champions
- Brock Lesnar 'C' def John Cena - WWE WHC (keep Rollins out of it)

Hell In A Cell
- Dean Ambrose def Seth Rollins - HIAC
- Randy Orton def John Cena - #1 Contender HIAC for WWE WHC

Survivor Series
- Brock Lesnar 'C' def Randy Orton - WWE WHC (some sort of Rollins distraction)
- Team Cena (Cena, Ziggler, Rowan, Ryback Big Show) def Team Authority (Rollins, Kane, Wyatt, Rusev, Harper)

- Bray Wyatt def Dean Ambrose - TLC Match
- Seth Rollins def Randy Orton - Tables Match

Royal Rumble - WWE WHC
- Brock Lesnar 'C' def Daniel Bryan
- Roman Reigns wins Rumble
I am surprised that we haven't seen Lesnar face Orton at all since he's been back with WWE- I always thought they'd lock up at some point. It's quite puzzling why Brock has only faced such a small number of opponents- I'm sure people would rather see Lesnar in matches against different guys rather than just John Cena again and again...

Orton is stale, and has been for a while now. I like the guy, he's everything a main eventer should be. He's the total package, but now needs to freshen up his gimmick. Even so, I'd have definitely enjoyed a match with Brock, and seeing Randy countering The F5 into an "out of nowhere" RKO would have been pretty awesome.
Anyone know where Orton actually is at this point?

Every week for the last 6 we've heard rumors he'll be returning at RAW, heck he's even been advertised a few times I believe.

Where in the heck is he and what is the plan? It's been 3? 4? months now.

They can't possibly not have Orton be a part of WrestleMania in some capacity and yet we're almost halfway through Mania season and nada.

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