Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar


Getting Noticed By Management
One thing Brock can't do is wrestle John Cena forever. Seth Rollins is a heel and the two of them won't wrestle unless it's a triple threat involving a third man (Cena), the Big Show is a terrible choice, Orton's getting time off I'm pretty sure after he faces Lesnar at Survivor Series or something if they do turn him face. But, Dean Ambrose is crazy over right now and is almost certainly not winning the Royal Rumble and headlining WrestleMania anyway, so why not pit him against Brock Lesnar before then? With Bryan out, Orton out, Punk gone and the Cena feud having been exhausted through, Lesnar needs some good opponents till Mania and Ambrose vs Brock would make for a compelling rivalry.

Ambrose is supposed to be this fearless, take-on-any-challenges type of guy. It would fit his character to a T to be insane enough to call out Brock Lesnar and not back down from him. And then the match itself. The two have a hell of a brawl with one another and Ambrose takes a hell of a beating from Lesnar, but he keeps coming back for more. Imagine if he left a bruise on Brock Lesnar (remember Brock having a bruised eye the night after WrestleMania XXX?) Also imagine he spends so much time in the Kimura Lock (which he refuses to tap out to, btw) that officials are concerned after the match that his arm might be broken and yet he refuses their help. Hell, maybe his arm IS broken and yet he still rejects their medical assistance, insisting on walking out on his own volition.

As a one month thing (the Rumble probably being the best place for it), I think this could make for a great encounter that would get Ambrose even more over.
I'm actually beginning to think Ambrose should win the rumble and go on to defeat Lesnar in that crazy brawl you describe at Mania 31 to become the face of the company.

If that doesn't happen and your scenario does I would actually still have Ambrose win the title and then get cashed on taking the Shield saga to WrestleMania where we'll find out which one they pick to be THE guy and which 2 will be side kicks. Ambrose vs Lesnar at RR, Ambrose wins, Seth Rollins cashes in, Reigns wins rumble later in the night. From there Ambrose gets screwed over in his rematch but he basically assaults everyone until he gets his way in the match setting up: Seth Rollins (c) vs Dean Ambrose vs Roman Reigns (RR) for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in the main event of WrestleMania 31.

In short I think Ambrose should win the title from Lesnar at some point be it at the rumble or at Mania.
One thing Brock can't do is wrestle John Cena forever. Seth Rollins is a heel and the two of them won't wrestle unless it's a triple threat involving a third man (Cena), the Big Show is a terrible choice, Orton's getting time off I'm pretty sure after he faces Lesnar at Survivor Series or something if they do turn him face. But, Dean Ambrose is crazy over right now and is almost certainly not winning the Royal Rumble and headlining WrestleMania anyway, so why not pit him against Brock Lesnar before then? With Bryan out, Orton out, Punk gone and the Cena feud having been exhausted through, Lesnar needs some good opponents till Mania and Ambrose vs Brock would make for a compelling rivalry.

Ambrose is supposed to be this fearless, take-on-any-challenges type of guy. It would fit his character to a T to be insane enough to call out Brock Lesnar and not back down from him. And then the match itself. The two have a hell of a brawl with one another and Ambrose takes a hell of a beating from Lesnar, but he keeps coming back for more. Imagine if he left a bruise on Brock Lesnar (remember Brock having a bruised eye the night after WrestleMania XXX?) Also imagine he spends so much time in the Kimura Lock (which he refuses to tap out to, btw) that officials are concerned after the match that his arm might be broken and yet he refuses their help. Hell, maybe his arm IS broken and yet he still rejects their medical assistance, insisting on walking out on his own volition.

As a one month thing (the Rumble probably being the best place for it), I think this could make for a great encounter that would get Ambrose even more over.

Ambrose may look like he's crazy but he's not insane enough to go up against Lesnar. As much as I like the guy, he's really no match for him anyway.

He has his sights set on Rollins right now, and that's all he's been focused on since the Shield broke up, it wouldn't make any sense for him to go after Rollins, unless Lesnar was going after Rollins as well. Now it would be a different story if Lesnar showed up and started in on Rollins while he was in a match with Ambrose, then Ambrose could switch his attention over. But this feud with Rollins has been given and lot of air time, and I don't see them letting it go anytime soon.

Lesnar has bigger fish to fry in Cena, a returning Batista, possibly a face Orton and maybe Bryan. I don't see Ambrose in his sights at all, as there is no reason to get involved with him. Apparently Lesnar isn't even showing up at the next PPV, so even getting him into a WWE ring would be an accomplishment, and I don't think they want to waste it on Ambrose.
Ambrose may look like he's crazy but he's not insane enough to go up against Lesnar. As much as I like the guy, he's really no match for him anyway.

He has his sights set on Rollins right now, and that's all he's been focused on since the Shield broke up, it wouldn't make any sense for him to go after Rollins, unless Lesnar was going after Rollins as well. Now it would be a different story if Lesnar showed up and started in on Rollins while he was in a match with Ambrose, then Ambrose could switch his attention over. But this feud with Rollins has been given and lot of air time, and I don't see them letting it go anytime soon.

Lesnar has bigger fish to fry in Cena, a returning Batista, possibly a face Orton and maybe Bryan. I don't see Ambrose in his sights at all, as there is no reason to get involved with him. Apparently Lesnar isn't even showing up at the next PPV, so even getting him into a WWE ring would be an accomplishment, and I don't think they want to waste it on Ambrose.


As over as Dean Ambrose is at this time, he isn't anywhere close to the level of booking required to get in the ring with Brock Lesnar at this point. With Reigns' injury, there are many who believe he won't be ready to face Brock as there might not be much time, but the thing is, Roman Reigns has been booked pretty much as an "Unbeatable Superman" himself, just look at the fact that whilst Ambrose has yet to overcome Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns was given the clean pin on RAW itself in his first attempt.
That booking in itself shows that Roman Reigns is definitely ahead of Dean Ambrose, and even though he is injured, Ambrose has quite a bit of work to do to be considered a legit threat to the Beast Incarnate.

Whilst an Ambrose-Brock/Heyman feud would definitely be good television, I still have problems 'believing' Ambrose can legit overcome Brock at this point. Maybe, come time for Road to Wrestlemania 31, with stronger booking, that might change.
As of right now, as Navi has pointed out, there are quite a few Superstars who are ahead in the pecking order(Cena, Bryan, Orton, Batista, the Rock, Roman Reigns) to face Brock Lesnar leading into Mania.
Legit contender or not, I would definitely love to see Ambrose face off against Lesnar. Make no mistake, Ambrose's character would be crazy enough to at least want to take on Lesnar, even if he can't beat him. Booking this would be difficult, no doubt. As the OP suggested, I think this would be the best way to do it. Both Lesnar and Ambrose are two of the most over guys (well, Lesnar mostly because of Heyman) and come on, do you guys REALLY want to see Cena and/or Orton in the main event/title picture forever? Because that's what we've had almost constantly in PPV's since 2006 or 7. I need to see two different people in the main event and fighting for the WWE title. I just want to see what will happen if Ambrose goes up against Lesnar.
I think this is a critical 2 months in the lead to WrestleMania 31 which in my opinion as of this moment has 5 matches that could main event the show {in order of the probability that they will happen}:
1.Brock Lesnar {C} vs Roman Reigns
2.Brock Lesnar {C} vs Daniel Bryan.
3.Brock Lesnar {C} vs Roman Reigns vs Daniel Bryan.
4.Seth Rollins {c} vs Dean Ambrose vs Roman Reigns.
5.John Cena {c} vs Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns.

Now I believe that the Ambrose - Lesnar feud should indeed happen but at Survivor Series because the main event that I WANT for Wrestle Mania 31 is that 4th option in the shield triple threat.

So the build will go like this:
At hell In A Cell to build up a good title match later on {and that we will not feel the absence of Lesnar from the PPV} I would have a Fatal 4 Way hell in a cell match to determinate a new No.1 Contender for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship that will see: Dean Ambrose def. Seth Rollins & John Cena & Randy Orton.

Than at Survivor Series I would have Ambrose and Lesnar fight to a Double Disqualification and afterwards have Rollins attack Ambrose.

At TLC - Rollins will face Ambrose for the Money In The Bank briefcase in a TLC match to cap off their feud. Rollins will win the match after Ambrose was close to winning but was attacked by Lesnar.

At the Royal Rumble Ambrose and Lesnar would face off in a No Holds Barred rematch where Ambrose will win the championship after Orton will come out with Rollins to attack Ambrose only to have him turn or Rollins and hit Lesnar with the championship allowing Ambrose to hit him with the Dirty Deeds on the title for the win. Then Rollins will stand out ringside and then Lesnar comes back up as Ambrose is celebrating attacking him and making him BLEED so that there is the MITB cash in on Ambrose by Rollins who gets the 1-2-3 and wins the title.
In the Royal Rumble match - 2 superstars will return to action: Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan. They will also be the final 2 in the rumble match. John Cena who will be eliminated 3rd in the match by Bryan {a guy in the form of Cesaro or Wyatt who complete the final 4} will come back to the ring and help Reigns eliminate Bryan to win the Royal Rumble.

Than at the Elimination Chamber you will have Rollins retain the title in the chamber against Ambrose & Batista & Lesnar & Cena & Bryan when you will have Triple H and Reigns face off in action for Reigns's WWE WHC title shot at Mania {Reigns wins}. Rollins will be in the final 2 with Ambrose who will be screwed in a Montreal Screwjob kind of finish as Rollins will lock a Sharpshooter on him only to have HHH instruct the referee to ring the bell.

Then at the raw after EC - the title match between Reigns and Rollins becomes official only to have Vince McMahon return and say that "when they were in the shield they made sure that justice was served...and tonight he will do it.. for Dean Ambrose" and he announce that Ambrose will be in the title match at Mania. That is also a beggining for the HHH vs McMahon power struggle story that will also be at Mania.

So this plan makes Wrestle Mania 31 arguably the greatest one ever in terms of matches:
Rollins {C} vs Ambrose vs Reigns.
Bryan vs Cena.
Orton vs Lesnar
Triple H vs Batista {represents Vince - returns on Raw 2 weeks after EC when Vince picks his representative for the match} for full control of the WWE.

And that is without the match between Taker and Sting that will probably happen. Matches between Bo Dallas and Bray Wyatt & an ic-us title unification match & Cody Rhodes vs Goldust & tag title \ divas title match {or both} & the Andre the giant memorial battle royal & a match involving Rusev {if he is not winning the ATG battle royal or becoming the unified US-IC champion but that's a discussion for another day}. So that you have 9-10 matches on the card and a Pre-Show match.Pretty good I believe.

To finalize here are the top matches on every PPV till mania {HIAC - EC}:
Ambrose vs Cena vs Orton vs Rollins - No.1 Contenders HIAC match
Survivor Series:
Ambrose vs Lesnar {c} - WWE WHC.
The Authority {Rollins & HHH & Cesaro & Orton & Kane} def. Team Cena {Cena & Ziggler & The Usos & Sheamus} - Survivor Series tag match.
Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins - TLC match MITB briefcase on the line.
John Cena vs Triple H.
Royal Rumble:
Royal Rumble match
Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar {C} - NHB match \ Street Fight - WWE WHC.
Elimination Chamber:
Seth Rollins {C} vs Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar vs Batista vs Daniel Bryan vs John Cena - EC match - WWE WHC.
Triple H vs Roman Reigns - for Reigns's WWE WHC title match at WM 31.

But probably this won't's not good enough for the WWE.. because Cena is their guy and they can't afford them selves to have him lose in 5 out of 6 PPV's in a row {HIAC match & The Authority def. Team Cena at Survivor Series & he defeats Triple H at TLC & losing in the Rumble match & losing the EC title match & losing to Bryan at Mania}.
Might be an interesting match

I actually could see Brock suplexing Ambrose over and over and Ambrose though bruised and battered standing up and with his crazy smile screaming at Lesnar "'s That all you got?!"

Right now though unless Ambrose actually wins this match would be counterproductive for his push, and I don't think that WWE is willing to take this step.
One thing Brock can't do is wrestle John Cena forever.

You would think, wouldn't you? Here we are at month three.

Right now though unless Ambrose actually wins this match would be counterproductive for his push, and I don't think that WWE is willing to take this step.

If there was ever an instance in which wins and losses don't matter - and there are dozens - then a match against Brock Lesnar is that instance. Losing against the man who totally embarrassed John Cena at SummerSlam isn't going to do anyone any harm. On the contrary, look at all competent - like, say, a madman who refuses to stay down - and you're made.
I would be all for Ambrose being the one to take down Lesnar instead of Reigns. I don't buy that it would be unbelievable for him to do so. If they can make Punk look like a legitimate threat to Lesnar than Ambrose should be even easier. They can easily build him up by taking down guys like Big Show, Kane, Henry etc. Maybe best John Cena or Triple H or anyone of that caliber along the way. The unstable factor would be a great card to pull in the build up.

With all that said, while I do want Ambrose to be THE guy over Reigns, I believe all 3 Shield members will be huge deals in the coming years. I would still have Roman beat Lesnar for the title at Mania while Ambrose beats Cena and Rollins can beat Triple H or something. A scenario at Wrestlemania 31 that ends the night on the note of all 3 Shield guys won their perspective matches and are no longer the future but the NOW. I compare Reigns to a Batista more than the next Cena while I view Ambrose as the real next face of the company. Batista beat Triple H at Wrestlemania 21 in the main event and was destined to be the guy, but obviously Cena got the nod instead. Thats what I feel will happen with Ambrose and Reigns.

Dean doesn't need to beat Lesnar to be launched into superstardom, Reigns can have that as he needs something more than Dean to reach that next level. Ambrose can get by with whatever else they give him and will probably be bigger than Reigns very soon if he isn't already. Rollins I see as kind of the Triple H of his generation. Definitely one of the top guys and a long lasting stay in the main event but never THE guy.

So no I don't think Ambrose should overthrow Lesnar just because I think Reigns needs it more if they are wanting to push the Shield members up to the top of the company.
His real name is not Dean Ambrose sounds like a gay porn star name! HIs name is Jonathan Good which he is not good! He is a jobber for crying out loud. You are inventing stupid nonsense that he is a combination of Roddy Piper and Brian Pillman and he is none of the above . Yet Lesner won t be defending his world title till Royal Crumble and with his price tag it s funny how wwe cannot afford Lesner lol . Lesner should just dump the title in the trash can head to TNA go against Bobby Destroyer Lashley he can defend the TNA title seldom as he does in wwe cause I recall Rock did the same thing only to lose it to john semen!
Ambrose may look like he's crazy but he's not insane enough to go up against Lesnar. As much as I like the guy, he's really no match for him anyway.

He has his sights set on Rollins right now, and that's all he's been focused on since the Shield broke up, it wouldn't make any sense for him to go after Rollins, unless Lesnar was going after Rollins as well. Now it would be a different story if Lesnar showed up and started in on Rollins while he was in a match with Ambrose, then Ambrose could switch his attention over. But this feud with Rollins has been given and lot of air time, and I don't see them letting it go anytime soon.

Lesnar has bigger fish to fry in Cena, a returning Batista, possibly a face Orton and maybe Bryan. I don't see Ambrose in his sights at all, as there is no reason to get involved with him. Apparently Lesnar isn't even showing up at the next PPV, so even getting him into a WWE ring would be an accomplishment, and I don't think they want to waste it on Ambrose.

NOBODY wants to see Cena, Orton, or Batista in their 10,000th title matches. It's been done to death, and it's boring. Listen to the fans.

Ambrose-Rollins cannot go on forever. It's got a little more juice in it, but it should be done by Survivor Series.

Ambrose is the most popular guy right now, with Bryan out. Those are the top 2 that the fans really want to see go for the title.

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