What's next for Dean Ambrose?

I gotta say I did not see these two meshing well at all in the ring... Lesnar's amount of selling is perfect for his size - he may grimace or have a smug laugh or just be unconscious looking... Dean has the over-acting, the huge facial expressions that are sometimes too much. Let's also face it: they lead this guy to the slaughter with a build up consisting of him carrying a little red wagon down to the stage to put a chainsaw in it and all this crap conveniently placed under the ring; while you have Brock just standing there kind of amused/confused about the whole thing... then Ambrose just walks away.

They also messed up some crucial areas here which have to be chalked up to the writers... he gets visited by actual hardcore legends and given weapons - is not able to use any. Even Chainsaw Charlie (the gimmick was taken from Super Leather/Leatherface in FMW) would swing the saw like a maniac, grind it against the ring post so that you saw sparks. The barbed-wire bat... fuck it, go with some color... it's wrestlemania!

The guy wrestles in a t-shirt in jeans and actually looks smaller than when he wrestled in the shield and has a mean comb forward. From here I say the retool his gimmick - this "lunatic fringe" crap simply doesn't work in PG WWE or I don't buy what he's selling. He needs to add to his moveset... ever since The Shield he adopted this wily brawler who throws fake looking punches and does a dive out of the ring.

My advice would be LOSE THE SILLINESS IN HIS GIMMICK. At this point he has sprayed ketchup and mustard on people and walked around with a little red wagon... what more can they do?

I thought I counted two F5's... either way, one is fine. You don't want to kill the move by positioning it from something that ends the Undertaker's streak to something Dean Ambrose at 195 pounds kicks out of fifteen times. If a casual viewer who only watches Wrestlemania and doesn't watch wrestling year round sees Ambrose against Brock they are gonna say in two seconds "this is fake he would kill him".

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