So the same man, who was prancing around in a diaper as the "New Year's Baby" in a reoccurring promo intimidates Brock Lesnar? And on top of that, he tosses Brock across the ring like a rag doll? Gotta love pro wrestling.
Big Show is a big step down, when you consider Brock Lesnar's status as a special attraction and all the big time blockbuster matches during his return. I don't think there's any doubt, who wins here. Lesnar has to walk away with a decisive and dominant victory, and it's not even close. To add to that, it wouldn't surprise me if Lesnar kicked out of the WMD.
Lesnar needs a tune up match, if he's going to face Cena, Orton, or Taker at Wrestlemania, and I'm pretty sure we'll see Brock F5 Big Show for the win. That's one of the major reasons WWE is saving this for pay per view, because Lesnar already did the F5 on Henry a few weeks ago.
As far as past Lesnar/Show matches go, the ring collapse is an obvious standout, I only remember the match at Survivor Series for the Heyman turn, I barely remember the stretcher match from Judgement Day, and I'm drawing a blank on everything else.