Will we get to see Randy Orton vs Brock Lesnar?


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I don't know about you guys, but Randy Orton vs Brock Lesnar has always been a dream match for me.
With a good storyline on a big stage, this match will sell.
I would love to see an F5 countered mid air RKO if that's possible lol.
What do you think?
This is a pretty common dream match up, and I agree it would sell. Whether we get to see it or not is another question entirely, however with 3 years and I'm assuming 12 matches hopefully Randy is one. The F5 into the RKO reversal is brought up frequently but, I don't know if it's actually possible given the position Randy would be in and then have to go to, regardless I still want to see this match.
Eventually. And likely sooner rather than later given that Lesnar and Orton are gunning for Rollins so why not have Lesnar interfere in Orton's match so he doesn't lose his re-match then Orton interferes in Lesnar's title re-match for revenge. Then bam, match made.
Probably not going to happen any time soon given as both men seem in line for big face runs. Maybe next year when (if) Randy turns again, he'll have enough heat to go up against a face Brock Lesnar. It would undoubtedly be a good match, but I'd hope that Orton would be the heel going into this program.

It really all depends on if Orton can keep his momentum going for a while now. Once he starts to cool off, a match with Brock Lesnar will look less and less likely. Best bet would have been the Royal Rumble for these two.
I could definitely see this match taking place epspically if Brock Lesnar were to return and attempt to finally get his hands on Rollins with Randy Orton getting in his way which could set up a no. 1 contenders match for the wwe whc.
Brocks been in the WWE for 3 years since returning and they've yet to even tease a Randy Orton Vs. Brock Lesnar match up.

With three more years on contract, three years which I assume will not include John Cena/HHH rematches, the chances are a lot better.

It's such a simple set up.

Randy Orton wins the WWE Title, defends it against Rollins. Makes an open challenge and says no one else is even on his league right now and that he's the best the WWE has to offer. Que Brocks music. Out comes Heyman with the Beast Incarnate right by his side.

Heyman says Brock is the best, and he has a rightful title shot he was deprived of. The match could be awesome and I think theres a decent chance Orton figures out how to get the RKO from an F5 in.

The match up should be a sadistic Viper Vs. an angry Beast. I don't know about selling out a 100,000 seats at WM 32 but that match will sell out just about any other event.
I am probably going to be in the minority on this one but I hope if we do see it that its not at Wrestlemania (please don't waste a spot on the BIG STAGE on this). I guess it really comes down to I'm just not interested in this match in any way, shape or form. I can't understand why it would be a dream match, if you really want to see an RKO out of an F5 they could do that anytime anywhere, & there are far bigger dream matches for both guys so why was time money & energy to build this? I'm sure they would give an entertaining match but with all the guys coming from NXT I could see much better matchup in my mind.
As to the actual fight in the ring, yes, I'd love to see it. Randy is big and strong enough to not look overmatched from the moment he sets foot in the ring with Brock.

But, will there be enough interest in the match to sell tickets? Yes, as always, the existence of the WWE Network blunts the impact of that problem, yet with folks now having the privilege of canceling their subscription after each PPV and only re-joining to watch the ones they want......presuming people really choose to spend their precious time doing that.......it's still a concern.

I'm having trouble trying to conceive of what they'd use to stimulate interest in Randy as an opponent for Brock. I believe Orton is on a great path right now, drawing people to his corner by opposing the Authority. Having been betrayed by them months ago, who is in a better position to be at war with them now?

Still, he has absolutely no connection to Brock Lesnar at this point and it's tough to figure how WWE would interest fans in the match. Perhaps the two names would be enough by themselves.

Either way, it will eventually happen, if for no other reason than it would be a great battle, which is reason enough.
It seems like it should. When Lesnar left in 2004, Orton was the first new guy they really elevated into a main event role. Both guys can perform in the ring and can bring that big match feel(Brock always does, Orton does when booked well).

Besides the obvious Brock-Bryan matchup......I really want to see Brock-Sheamus and Brock-Cesaro.

I can take or leave Shemus's character, but in the ring he's an excellent worker for what he does. He's a hoss's hoss. Him and Brock would beat the hell out of each other and it would be awesome.

Brock and Cesaro could do some of the same things, but Cesaro's athleticism would allow for some even more incredible things to happen.

With Brock resigning.....I NEED to see those 4 matches. I DO NOT need to see Brock wrestle Cena, HHH, or Undertaker ever again, at any point, under any circumstances. Thanks, WWE.
I think the possibility of it has definitely grown since Orton's return, his pursuit of Rollins and Lesnar waiting in the wings to exact his rematch clause.

If this match does take place, I'm of the opinion they should keep it simple. Randy Orton's never been portrayed as a "nice guy", Brock Lesnar isn't a "nice guy" and has never been portrayed in that light either. As a result, ultimately keep it as something along the lines of a couple of predators, The Viper vs. The Beast, fighting over the same carcass, AKA Seth Rollins & the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Which one is really the Apex Predator? Which one is really King of the Jungle? Or whatever tag line you want.

I think it could generate a lot of interest, though I do think having the title involved could hinder things a bit. After all, let's say that Lesnar is champ by the time he & Orton have a feud, you could have what MIGHT be perceived as a lose-lose situation if the title is involved because a LOT of people are tired of Randy Orton being World Champion, probably as much as they're tired of seeing Cena as World Champion. It all goes back to Orton & Cena being booked so consistently for such a long time in the title picture that a good number of people are burned out on it. As a result, you'd no doubt have some who'll complain that this would be a wasted title defense for Lesnar as he only comes around every so often. It's lose-lose for said fans because either Lesnar retains and it'll be another 3 months or so before he defends again, or Orton wins and they're stuck with someone that's champion, yet again, that those fans simply don't want as champion anymore.

As a result, I'm of the opinion that it shouldn't be for the title, maybe more like a #1 contender's feud to see who goes after Rollins next.
Brocks been in the WWE for 3 years since returning and they've yet to even tease a Randy Orton Vs. Brock Lesnar match up.

I know it's not really the point, but they have teased the match up. Back at Hell in a Cell when Orton faced Cena where the winner would face Lesnar for the title, and at one of the Raws before HIAC Orton RKO'ed Heyman.
Thats the one match I would love to see. I hope it happens maybe at next years WM? They came up together during the OVW days so they have enough backstory for a good angle.

Who knows they both are gunning for Rollins right now so maybe their paths cross sooner than that.

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