[Merged] Brock Lesnar Discussion **KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!**

The only issue I have with the loss is where they took it last night on Raw. Lesnar loses, and offers no backlash? I understand he and Johnny were interrupted by Triple H, but I think they should've made it public knowledge that Lesnar losing was a fluke. I'm not sure casual fans view it as a fluke, and the way Cena responded in his post-match promo and his actions last night on Raw, I'm not all that convinced anymore either.

edit - Also, I'm not sure why Cena "desperately" needed to win this match. I think Lesnar needed the win more than Cena did. The rematch would've been that much better.
As a fan I would have loved if Extreme Rules played out as follows:

Brock Lesnar whoops John Cena's ass, but can't seem to finish Cena off. Cena is hanging in there but can't manage to put the hurt on Brock. Lesnar lands a nasty finisher, and ...

...pulls a KO'ed Cena over his own body and forces a loss.

It would definitely create a 'wtf' moment. Brock can continue to gain heat by saying he doesn't care about wins or losses, he's just an asskicker. Maybe even throw in a worked shoot like "there's your super cena win"... It would definitely draw some serious attention for that following RAW.

It wouldn't smear Cena by making him lose two big matches in a row and yet it can continue to build on the underlying storyline of Cena doubting himself and/or having confidence issues..

This could lead to a rematch down the line... this storyline has too much history and potential to rush it the way they did. Instead Extreme Rules had a typical Super Cena ending that completely made the build-up irrelevant.

I could be wrong (as I'm sure one of the next few posters will be more than happy to point out), I'm no industry insider, but as a fan I am underwhelmed with how this feud is playing out. It feels like the series finale of that show you really enjoyed watching and were grossly disappointed in how they sloppily attempt to tie it all together.

WWE is dropping the ball and they don't really seem to care. Without any real competition, they don't feel the need to deliver a polished product 100% of the time.

Just my two cents.
Im confused as to what Lesnar's role will be in the 3/4 weeks leading up to Over The Limit now. If he has kayfabe broken Trips's arm, then he can't be around over this period otherwise the injury has no legitimacy, so there's one feud gone. Cena is feuding with Johnny Ace (don't get me started on that, they have a roster full of wrestlers, use them, rather than a veteran authority figure) which takes him out of the picture. Punk will be tied up with Bryan and it looks like Sheamus will have a program with ADR.

Where does Lesnar fit it? One option is that he keeps going after Cena to help out Ace. 2 big problems with that, 1.) Tensai already has that role and 2.) It reduces him to the level of corporate lackey, which he should be way above.

The only other option is that he takes some time off tv for a while until Cena/Trips/Punk become free for a feud. This is the most likely given his contractual situation and the stipulated light workload but if he disappears for three weeks now then the wind is totally taken out of his sales and they'll have to shoehorn him back in at some point the future to make him relevant again. A horrible situation.
my opinion for what it is worth is they should of had Cena go over the Rock at WM then destroyed by Lesnar at Extreme Rules and let him be off TV for a couple months or so..

Lets face it, Rocky wont be back anytime soon, and is less than a part timer, he is an isolated timer haha.. At least Brock is giving some time to the company currently.

Personally I would of had Cena go over Rock, then beaten soundly/hurt by Lesnar.. and had Lesnar be this monster.. Breaking HHH arm was good as well..

Just my 2 cents
This has been going on with WWE for years and years. The term "hot shot" gets thrown around a lot, but it's exactly what they do. It all comes back to Vince I believe, thinking that we are idiots. Now, we can never get back to the "good old days" of 4 major ppvs a year, and have feuds go on for 6 months to a year, but, we have the exact opposite now, which I have thought for a age, damages the product. Nothing is allowed to cook and develop anymore...its bang bang bang feud over, onto the next one. A Brock/Cena match happened way to fast for my liking. Wouldn't surprise me if Vince thinks if there isn't something huge happening like that, we will disappear. Let stuff brew for a bit, build it up, instead of wham bam thank you maam every week.

Now I am a unapologetic Cena fam, so I sure I'll get flamed over this. Vince, for gods sake, give the man some time off!!! They are changing stuff up so much it's ridiculous. While others don't agree, I thought Cena's address to the audience after the ppv was great...the man had his ass kicked, and said so, and while none of us know how bad, or what injuries he is carrying, has has to have a lot of nagging ones, because he is NEVER off. He should, as his speech led us to believe, be gone for a while. But it's like Vince goes batshit at the idea of Cena not on TV.."oh it will all go to shit if he isn't on"....let the man disappear for a few months, heal up, get refreshed, and more importantly, give the audience a break from him.

What I would do, now that they have this match set a Over The Limit...let him disappear for 2 months after it. It would seem that Brock vs HHH is going to be at Summerslam...let Cena either come out during the event, or the next night on Raw....

Sorry for the wall of text...
I think a poster or two made a good analogy to UFC and Frank Mir when comparing this to John Cena. In Lesnar/Mir 1, Mir got a lucky win against an inexperienced Lesnar. In their second contest, Lesnar absolutely beat the hell out of Mir to win by KO. WWE could mirror that storyline here; saying Cena had a "horseshoe up his ass" and in the rematch Brock gets the win he should have gotten at Extreme Rules.
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I just watched extreme rules yesterday (exams, etc) and i had no problem with the end!! Did you guys all really watch and go "WTF" when it ended?? I mean, iv never thought Brock has looked tougher than the entire time he was pounding away on Cena, he absolutely destroyed the guy and even did the classic Lesnar blood smear which was great!!

In a funny way (though this isnt what i planned on writing when i started typing) but Brocks loss perfectly achieved what he was supposed to do by winning!! Ill start by mentioning that Iv watched ALOT of UFC starting at numero uno, so i completely understand what i'm saying will sound ******ed, but neways. Brock Lesnar in UFC, what does he do? He fights clean fights once every few months, about 8 matches in five years? Matches where people punck, kick and tear each other to bits. Now I know its not real, but this is the world Brock has entered, an alternate universe that we choose to believe in, but lets look at what Cena does... He fights week after week, not just clean fights, but hardcore matches, last man standing matches. Brocks career is built to win a fight, take a break, Cena's is to win a war, get ready for the next one! Cena takes beatings, we've all seen it and we've all grown used to him over coming it. Lesnar, no stranger to taking a beating, but not used to getting smacked in the skull with a big steel chain, or to getting tossed around (I know, its not real, but we all tune in, and we buy the impact of an AA onto steel steps, we know that wins matches). these are not things that you see in the UFC, these are not things Brock has dealt with for over 8 years.... Does that make sense guys? (actual question, coming from the side that i assume were all atleast wrestling fans and a few of us UFC fans) So yeah, brock wanted to restore legitimacy to the WWE... I think he did! Firstly, he kicked some major ass, but he also showed that WWE superstars arent pushovers, and THAT brings legitimacy, NOT the idea that he could run through a hundred of them!

Did anyone come out of that match not thinking Brock was tough?? He walked out, he was only down for a three count! Cena on the other hand sold the whole thing! Blood everywhere, and a mic peice on how he's in a lot of pain and doesnt feel like he's fit to work for a bit! Granted, he was on raw, but he said that wasnt by choice! The match was unbelievable, i marked out the whole way through, but i'm in no way concerned that Lesnar is no longer a threat, he took out TRIPLE H the next night for god sakes!

Maybe its just me though...
my opinion for what it is worth is they should of had Cena go over the Rock at WM then destroyed by Lesnar at Extreme Rules and let him be off TV for a couple months or so..

Lets face it, Rocky wont be back anytime soon, and is less than a part timer, he is an isolated timer haha.. At least Brock is giving some time to the company currently.

Personally I would of had Cena go over Rock, then beaten soundly/hurt by Lesnar.. and had Lesnar be this monster.. Breaking HHH arm was good as well..

Just my 2 cents

This would have been fine with me aswell. But one thing is for sure, Cena had to win one of these matches. Losing both would pretty much scream "Hey, both previous era's superstars were so much better than today's guys that they can come in off the couch after 8 years and beat our top guy.". People want to talk logic, how about that logic? Forget saving Lesnar for something bigger. He's here for a short time, they're going to squeeze every money match up they can get and the outcome really doesn't matter. If Lesnar's next match doesn't draw as well as the last one did it's not because Lesnar has been ruined by the loss, it's because he won't be fighting John Cena.
Since his return to WWE the night after WrestleMania XXVIII, there's been no shortage of talk & speculation as to Brock Lesnar's ultimate role. In the past week or so, that speculation has only increased due to Lesnar's surprising loss to John Cena and subsequent temper tantrum backstage at the Extreme Rules ppv.

According to reports I read earlier this week, Lesnar's blow up backstage has enforced the perception among WWE officials and wrestlers that Lesnar truly isn't "one of them". Allegedly, Lesnar feels he was double crossed at ER as he was told that while Cena would be going over, he'd be carted out on a stretcher instead of the promo he gave post match. While Vince was said to be pissed off due to the lack of communication between the writers & officials in regards to the altered ending to ER, allegedly, Vince isn't all that concerned over Lesnar's blow up. According to what I read, Lesnar's contract has a downside guarantee of $5 million and for such a hefty price, WWE officials plan to use Lesnar in any way they see fit. As I said earlier, reports say that Lesnar isn't "one of the boys" and, allegedly, WWE has no reservations about using Lesnar to put over their talent. There's no word on exactly when Lesnar will be brought back to television, but the idea currently is for Lesnar to indeed feud with Triple H with a match culminating at SummerSlam. A big reason for WWE officials taking this stance is that nobody knows truly how long Lesnar will stick around. Most people are expecting Lesnar to walk out the door without so much as a backwards glance after WrestleMania next year. While that can certainly change, the general feeling is that Lesnar truly is only there for the money, so WWE intends to use him as they see fit in order to get the most out of him, considering the terms of his contract.

Personally, I'm overall pleased with this stance, if these reports are true. There've been a good number of "Will Lesnar come back to WWE?" threads the past several years and I've always been an advocate of Lesnar not returning. My reason was because I was concerned that WWE would basically just give Lesnar free reign while having him demolish any WWE wrestlers put in front of him over the course of an ultra dominant run in which a LOT of WWE's top stars and roster as a whole would come off looking weak. However, again allegedly, that doesn't seem to be the case. Lesnar is all about the money, that's well known, so sacrificing the morale of the entire locker room and making the VAST majority of the roster look bad in order to Make Lesnar look tough isn't good business. It's entirely possible to keep Lesnar strong and keep his name as a marquee level star without making current & possible future stars of the company look weak in the process.

I don't believe that Lesnar should be jobbed out to everyone he goes up against, which I don't expect to happen as that would completely kill any use for Lesnar coming back & using his star power. In this planned match with Triple H, for instance, I think Lesnar needs to go over. Lesnar already lost to John Cena and I don't think his WWE credibility can afford another loss to a huge WWE star right now. Triple H has wrestled something along the lines of 3 matches in the past 18 months or so, most of his time & energy are going towards his role as an executive in WWE and possibly taking over for Vince in a few years. Cena's out there every night busting his ass and losing such a hard fought & intense match against him isn't as debilitating as losing to a company executive that's doesn't wrestle enough to even be looked at as a part time wrestler at this time.

Do you agree with WWE's alleged plans in regard to Lesnar?

How do you think Brock Lesnar should be used?
I completely agree with everything you said, Brock doesn't seem to be in it for the long-term and as such should be used to put over stars who are going to stick around and have a genuine passion for the business. The only issue is in the presentation, he still has to be dominant the majority of the time in order to give whomever is chosen to beat him great momentum. If WWE are too lax with people going over there is a real danger that the mystique could vanish pretty quickly leaving them with basically a $5 million dollar mistake. He should put people over but it should be limited to a further two possibly three matches to ensure maximum impact and maintain his ability to draw.
I totally disagree with WWE's stance. The idea of bringing Lesnar back was for mainstream appeal. He hasn't been in any "C" level movies like other top stars. Lesnar is more mainstream than any star WWE has put out there since Lesnar left. To guarantee certain time for Lesnar's services would be a incentive contract like other pro athletes get. So the more PPV's Lesnar is a part of the more money he would get paid. In that contract should be a buyout and if that was to happen the trademark automatically goes to WWE with Lesnar not getting one penny of merchandise sales such as t-shirts,action figures, and any other Brock likeness on WWE licensed product. Bringing Brock back was in some ways to try and bring back lost WWE fans since UFC has stepped up their game. Yes WWE marks WWE does have competition from a PPV,merchandise, and dvd sales. The idea of Lesnar vs Taker at WM 29 is out the window and once again WWE dropped the ball seeing Lesnar isn't one of VKM's "Boys"
Real quick:
There are precisely three prime-age genuine, crossover main event pro wrestlers alive today:
a) Brock Lesnar
b) The Rock who is pushing 40, not coming back full time, and just spent a year elevating...
c) John Cena, who is *finally* a genuine name brand main eventer.

You give Brock what he wants, within reason. 5M for 40 dates is clearly enough, and he'll play ball as long as you don't change the finish on him. CM Punk looks like he might actually crack this level and make it a big 3.5 (Rock's part-time, so I only count him as a half.) WWE is as strong as it's main event scene, and Lesnar's got the potential to be a VERY BIG part of that.

Don't screw with Lesnar and he'll make you rich. How hard is that? You need someone for Punk/Orton/whoever to beat on their way to the next level. The WWE's problem in the mid/late-00's was investing too heavily in older wrestlers. A prime-age main eventer just fell into your lap. You keep him, and you use him to make more like him.
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Which reports were you reading... What I've read all states something along the lines of this:

In an update on the backstage blow up, F4WOnline.com is reporting that "some, if not most" of the incident was not entirely legitimate, and that a lot of what happened was indeed a work, as a way to re-enforce to the locker room that having Cena go over in the bout was the right decision.

So what are your sources? I would love to read majority of the reports.

WWE needs to stop playing games. It's been reported that Lesnar knew the outcome of the match a week or 2 before ER. So again, conflicting reports.

If WWE is playing games like this than Lesnar screwed himself IMO. A guy like him should have EASILY been able to work some sort of creative control clause into his contract UNLESS he was really THAT cash starved (and well..I guess Sable is a moneyw*ore after all...)

I think Brock should be built up as a strong heel with killer instincts. Unlike a lot of these "big monster heels" they really aren't that intimidating. Mark Henry (don't take this the wrong way) even when he TRIES to act hard I can't help but laugh.
Great Khali- Can't understand him so he's just comical
Brock is one of those guys that could genuinely strike fear into these little kiddies. WWE should have had Brock bring the bloody hand up to a child, look that kid right in the eyes and then have him lick the blood of Cena. Lordy how that would have been MASSIVE. Brock needs to be a violent individual much like he was upon his first arrival. Having him job over and over again will be pointless. What would be the point of him resigning if it's just to essentially bury him. This to me is another one of Vince's ways he gets off. He really enjoys control and seems to really enjoy screwing with people. Here he has a marketable guy whom the WWE Universe desperately needed. Someone to finally remove Cena from WWE for a while. Giving us a chance to get Cena out of our throats BUT instead after a 10-15 minute beat down 3 moves later Lesnar's credibility is almost buried.
BROCK IS THE MONSTER HEEL THAT WWE NEEDS, THE BRUTAL INDIVIDUAL THE FANS WANT, and to be perfectly honest if Vince doesn't realize what he has I hope Lesnar F-5's him off the roof of WWE headquarters.
Brock Lesnar > the entire WWE roster. I know it's business so I have no problem with them using him to put over other talent, but to what extent? He should be going on a tear to legitimize himself and occasionally putting guys over. They really have something that can help the product here and need to put personal feelings aside and book him properly.
I have always been a fan of Brock, but when he left originally I was pissed. Not because he left, but because of why and how it was handled by him. He took what was built up as kayfabe and started to beleive he was better than he was. True he had a great skill set, speed\size and coupled with Heyman one of the best situations a guy could ask for. He blew it all though by thinking he was bigger than the sport, wishing for a NFL career and more money. He had the potential to be one of the best ever, but his greed and big head crushed all that.

In his UFC career I was a fan, but his rise was easier than others before him based on drawing power. His rise was too easy and that pisses me off bc of all the guys I see each week that bust ass to win a spot he was basically handed. I applaud his determination and training especially after his sickness, but even there he bit off more than he could chew. As great as some of his wins were, he had many mistakes and when he lost- he lost bad. He was\is a unique talent. Serious talent with size\speed\strength\ability. Unfortunately his ego and wallet get in the way. If he only had a brain....

I am glad Cena won, but would have had it come at a later date. I wish they would have let Brock win, show some dominance-then Cena wins and again for the rubber match. If Brock is already acting like what is reported then he deserves to lose a few matches. I always wanted to see Lesnar face the likes of Cena, HHH and SCSA. Now we have the chance.

Brock will be built up as a loose canon and it will be that much sweeter when the big names beat him. Obviously things went wrong at Extreme Rules and Vince is going to crack down. Brock was suppost to lose but the end made him look way more weak than necessary. Look at what happened at RAW. Vince will tighten up the reigns and make Brock look like a loose cannon and very strong by beating up the roster, but he will lose to the big names. HHH will beat Brock at SS. The match will draw and make huge money, Vince isnt stupid and will have the last laugh.

If Brock gets pissy, he will leave and violate his contract. Vince doesnt care because he has him where he wants him. Big name, big rep and the potential to draw big money. While he is here, Brock will be built up and eventually beaten by the top names. The match with HHH is long overdue and has officially been set in motion. This leaves weeks of tv with Lesnar being dominant while a HHH return looms over his head. Hell, they can even have him take out Jericho(who said he will be out by SS) or others as a build up. Punk could step in, get beat down and still come out on top as to further his claim as best in the world. Hell, even Sheamus could come in to battle Lesnar and further solidify his legacy. Lesnar has bitched himself into a corner. He may prove dominant at first on RAW but in the big money matches on PPV he will lose to the new regime in the WWE.

Plus less we forget the potential for a match with SCSA in a potential WM match? My god. I cant wait for the promos and build up for that. Pure gold.
Even if Brock is a "prime-age" maineventer, if you build him up and destroy everyone on the roster what do you do when he up and leaves as soon as his contract is up again? I understand the reasoning with what you are saying, but he has already bailed once. What is going to stop him from doing it again? I like Brock being a part of the WWE and I have been more entertained since he has been a part again, but unless he signs on for a longer deal there is no way I am giving in to everything that Brock wants. If you give him whatever he wants now and you push everyone else's thoughts and feelings aside who has been there busting there butts, what happens when he bails again? I hope he stays, but sign him for the long term before giving in. He is worth it if he will sign up for the long haul. He sometimes makes me wonder if he has really snapped and going off on people, like when he busted Cena up at the PPV.
Real quick:
There are precisely three prime-age genuine, crossover main event pro wrestlers alive today:
a) Brock Lesnar
b) The Rock who is pushing 40, not coming back full time, and just spent a year elevating...
c) John Cena, who is *finally* a genuine name brand main eventer.

You give Brock what he wants, within reason. 5M for 40 dates is clearly enough, and he'll play ball as long as you don't change the finish on him. CM Punk looks like he might actually crack this level and make it a big 3.5 (Rock's part-time, so I only count him as a half.) WWE is as strong as it's main event scene, and Lesnar's got the potential to be a VERY BIG part of that.

Don't screw with Lesnar and he'll make you rich. How hard is that? You need someone for Punk/Orton/whoever to beat on their way to the next level. The WWE's problem in the mid/late-00's was investing too heavily in older wrestlers. A prime-age main eventer just fell into your lap. You keep him, and you use him to make more like him.
Lesnar came back to make money. Period. Not because he loves wrestling or because he missed it. Im sorry but he is overrated. He is skilled and unique. I agree. But he let others build him up and put him on a high plateau. In UFC, he had great matches and dominated until he came up against and equal and then he lost and lost his confidence. If he is going to dominate the WWE, I hope he demolishes the mid-carders and then have a HHH come out and challange him. Have him ut Punk or Sheamus over. But when he leaves, there is no reason for him to come back.
WWE officials plan to use Lesnar in any way they see fit.

Give him Vito's old gimmick.

Seriously though, for 5 million why would you even bother throwing your dummy out if you were told to put someone over? Even if they treat Lesnar like shit for the next 11 months he'll still walk away with a very good record. At the end of the day, he didn't need to come back to advance his career.

Being a former NCAA champion, 3 time WWE champion, IWGP heavyweight champion and UFC heavyweight champion is still invariably respectable, and his legacy will remain as one of the very few who transcended multiple sports companies and found success in most of them (ignoring NFL) in such a relatively short amount of time.

At the end of the day, I don't really care how they use Lesnar. He needs the WWE a lot more than the WWE needs him.
Do you agree with WWE's alleged plans in regard to Lesnar?

Yes, it's the same way all the fly by nights shoulds be treat, they are getting well paid for minimum effort, the least they can do is use the time there to help those tasked with carrying the company.

How do you think Brock Lesnar should be used?

He obviously shouldn't lose a lot as then you kill his value for the important jobs. I thought his match with Cena was booked well enough for the loss to not hurt him, I now think he needs to beat Big Show and then Triple H at Summerslam before heading into a match to put over one of the champions at Survivor Series.

I wouldn't actually mind him winning the title at the Rumble and then saying he's going to walk out with it after WrestleMania 29, his last task; to beat Rumble winner CM Punk in NJ next year as that storyline would have interesting undertones given Punk's angle last summer, but I doubt he'll want to put in the time to get that angle going.
Wow, just wow. People, yes, Brock is being paid very well, but don't think for a singl, solitary second, that Vince won`t be making that money back in spades. The Mania buy rate is well over a million from what has been reported and you can bank that anywhere from 1 to 10 thousand of those buys had to do with the mention that Brock was coming back and people wanted to see a Mania debut. Now, the 'rumours' about Brock 'only being there for the money' are feeding into the character that he is playing. NONE of us are backstage and for all we know, Brock could be sitting back in catering with f'n Hornswoggle laughing at the internet reports. If Brock had a legit hissy fot after the PPV, Vince would have shown him his role and not let him make HHH look like a ragdoll. I think that Vince is playing tag with the 'anonymous' informants and they are it.

As for Brock, I bet he does have a one year deal, and if he sees that he's still having fun, he'll re-up for a few more dates, as long as Vince is making money too. Vince doesn't make money by jobbing Brock out every PPV. The loss to Cena doesn't hurt him. The promo by Cena doesn't hurt him. Raw, where there was no follow through on Cena's actual message of 'I don't know when I'll be back' hurt Brock. If you're going to run that promo, then have Cena sit out for a while saying that the match with Brock did take that much out of him. The message that both mentally and physically he was spent would have done far more than a stretcher job.

Let's face it, Cena vs Jonny isn't going to sell a damned thing. There is no reason to have Cena around right now if this is what they're using him for.
I say that he should be used only against the top wrestlers. Since supposedly he'll only be doing 30 something appearances, I think he should only wrestle John Cena, Triple H, and either CM Punk or The Rock (or maybe Undertaker?).

Use the most out of his starpower. Milk him out. It may seem wrong to put a part-timer like Brock above most of the guys who work full-time, but he draws more money though, which is all WWE really cares about.

And hopefully the WWE brass won't think about screwing Brock over again. There could be a chance of him causing some serious shit if he gets screwed over again, like a no-show. That's something that we don't want, especially if we're giving them our money. Keep the personal bullshit away and keep it strictly business.
I agree with both sides of the argument here but why do we have to claim Brock as a jobber or a dominant force? He will probably be both and that is what is best for everyone involved. Like mentioned Brock will be in and out. He already put Cena over but Brock looked strong and if Cena disappears for a bit soon at the hands of Brock that helps.

Hes already "injured" Triple H, can't see Triple H going down to Brock. That means in between now and (probably) Summerslam what does he do?

John Cena & CM Punk are booked for Over the Limit. They could work Brock into the Cena match somehow. If not there really isn't an opponent to put up against him other then Randy Orton or Sheamus. I don't like either of those options right now.

I think when you look back at Brocks stint this time around he will have put over guys like Cena, Triple H, CM Punk, and probably go over guys like Orton, Big Show, Sheamus etc. Idk I'm high.
Would love to see WWE build this for a year. Let Lesnar go on a tear destroying people, all leading to the WWE vs. Lesnar at WM 29. Lesnar starts running wild on the WWE and Laurenitis cant tame him. The whole WWE bands together to take on a monster that is becoming the most dominant force in the WWE. This culminates to Rock vs. Brock at WM in a loser leaves WWE match and Rock wins.
My stance from the beginning has always been that WWE shouldn't cater to Brock. Lets be honest WWE and the whole IWC knows that beyond the realm of fighting Brock isn't as well known as The Rock or SCSA so why treat the guy as such. Yes he's a former UFC champion but lately the guy has been known more for getting beat than beating folks up. Brock needs the WWE and this big payday plain and simple. Now I agree with the thought that Brock should be used to put over guys like Punk and Orton. They do a Brock vs Punk fuel for SummerSlam then go Orton/Brock for Survivor Series. And for a mini feud to keep him busy till Royal Rumble how about WWE use Brock to give Ryback a push? Monster heel vs Monster face wouldn't be 2 bad rite?

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