[Merged] Brock Lesnar Discussion **KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!**

Cena will never be heel as long as the wwe has nobody to replace him as face of the company. The only person in wwe right now that is anywhere close to being able to replace cena as the no 1 face of the company is cm punk and even he is not quite ready just yet.

lol to the people always complaining that cena is always shoved down our throats. As a cena fan I will admit he has become stale and his character does need tweaking, but use your heads on why the do it. Cena makes vince more money then any other superstar right now. Hell unlike most super stars vince can capitalize off both is fans and the people that hates him by selling cena sucks t shirts.

Everyone complains about cena but seriously who does the wwe have right now to take his spot? I will tell you who absolutely no one. there is no full time super star right now other then punk that would be believe able if they where to go over cena and take his spot as number 1. The only other wrestlers around right now that can do it is either the rock or brock, but since they are both leaving after wrestlemania 29 then it wouldn't be good business to put either one of those over cena, because if they did that then when rock and brock both leave then you cena the company's number 1 face looking weak which make the wwe look weak and that would just be stupid. Now they may have plans to make brock appear that he is on top, but mark my words sometime before brock leaves it would just be good business for them to have cena put brock down proving cena is where he belongs. It would absolutely make no since for the wwe to give brock cena's spot just so he can leave after wrestlemania.
Absolutely. You build suspense. You deny people what they want until they're ready to rip your throat out to get it; then they will happily pay you $50 and convince their friends that they need to as well.

Considering I couldn't disagree more with how Lesnar is being booked now, here's how I'd do it. First, the WWE needs to realize- and it's already too late for this- that Brock Lesnar is Something Different. You don't handle him like another heel that does the same things that other heels do. Other heels aren't coming off of immensely popular runs in the top fighting organization in the world.

What I'd do is let Brock punch out someone big on his first night- none of this F-5 shit, we should be past that. After seeing Brock hit someone so hard that he fractured his orbital bone and caused the guy to somersault backwards from the momentum of the punch, an F-5 looks as fake as can be. Brock should have punched Cena out on his first night, the two should have clamored for an immediate match, and Johnny Ace comes out and says "no." Pick a reason, kayfaybe says he's still under contract elsewhere. Doesn't matter much. You make it look like Brock wants to get at Cena, Cena wants to get at Brock, and one guy is holding it up for everyone. Johnny Ace finally gets some actual heat, and when you do put Cena/Lesnar together, it's at SummerSlam when the buy price is higher and more people pay.

You present Lesnar as an unstoppable beast, but not an evil beast. Face vs face sells- just look at a couple weekends ago. Let Lesnar punch the shit out of David Otunga if you need to remind people he's a badass. SummerSlam rolls around, you have an inconclusive finish or a shock swerve that gives the angle new momentum.

The issue I have with the current way Brock's being used is that it's been done before. What's different about Brock that we don't see in the WWE's other heels? The WWE's other heels weren't UFC Heavyweight champions a couple of years ago. The WWE has a phobia of recognizing their competition, but this is one of those cases where they need to understand there are forces bigger then them at work- forces they can capitalize on and make money from.

About 95 percent of the time I agree with you Rayne. Seriously, you are one of my favorite guys on here and you know that. That said, I think at least part of what you are saying is wrong here.

Brock Lesnar is known to pretty much everyone as a jerk. Wrestling fans that choose to remember know that he left on bad terms. UFC fans know that he acted like an asshole at like all his fights. Even casual sports fans have seen his press conferences where he looks like a total dickwad. The guy has basically never been painted in a positive light to the public. I think the WWE recognizes that this, even moreso than Rocky, is bringing in a guy that sports fans have familiarity with. Brock was a UFC fighter and there is potentially a crossover audience there. Thus, it's not far fetched to go in the direction they went in.

Brock isn't a great guy. He isn't back for the fans like Rock was (or at the very least, Rock gives a shit about wrestling in general). We know he's there because it's the place that will pay him the most to appear. Why not play off of that for his character?

I'm not disagreeing with the fact that face vs. face sells. It obviously does. I'm also not doubting that regardless of how much of an asshole Brock comes off as, he'll probably still get cheered by at least part of the fanbase. Still, Brock isn't a nice guy and all they are doing it rolling with that and adding elements to it. I actually think it was smart to do so.

On the other hand, I do agree that the F-5 looks fake compared to actually knocking someone out but he's remembered for the f-5 in WWE so it has to be there in some regard. I do think adding submission based stuff and more ground and pound to his arsenal is smart though. Brock after illness won't be the athlete he was before so to expect the technical prowess is asking too much. To incorporate his MMA stuff and make him more of a brawler though..........probably the right way to go.
About 95 percent of the time I agree with you Rayne. Seriously, you are one of my favorite guys on here and you know that. That said, I think at least part of what you are saying is wrong here.

Brock Lesnar is known to pretty much everyone as a jerk. Wrestling fans that choose to remember know that he left on bad terms. UFC fans know that he acted like an asshole at like all his fights. Even casual sports fans have seen his press conferences where he looks like a total dickwad. The guy has basically never been painted in a positive light to the public. I think the WWE recognizes that this, even moreso than Rocky, is bringing in a guy that sports fans have familiarity with. Brock was a UFC fighter and there is potentially a crossover audience there. Thus, it's not far fetched to go in the direction they went in.

Brock isn't a great guy. He isn't back for the fans like Rock was (or at the very least, Rock gives a shit about wrestling in general). We know he's there because it's the place that will pay him the most to appear. Why not play off of that for his character?

I'm not disagreeing with the fact that face vs. face sells. It obviously does. I'm also not doubting that regardless of how much of an asshole Brock comes off as, he'll probably still get cheered by at least part of the fanbase. Still, Brock isn't a nice guy and all they are doing it rolling with that and adding elements to it. I actually think it was smart to do so.

On the other hand, I do agree that the F-5 looks fake compared to actually knocking someone out but he's remembered for the f-5 in WWE so it has to be there in some regard. I do think adding submission based stuff and more ground and pound to his arsenal is smart though. Brock after illness won't be the athlete he was before so to expect the technical prowess is asking too much. To incorporate his MMA stuff and make him more of a brawler though..........probably the right way to go.
Never worry about how I take respectful, intelligent responses that disagree with what I had to say. It happens so rarely around here that you almost never get to see me respond to one.

I totally see your point about Brock paying off as a heel as well. I have very vivid memories of facepalming in a bar, watching the aftermath of UFC 100, as Brock Lesnar proceeded to embarrass anyone associated with him within the space of three, maybe four minutes. He left the WWE on pretty bad terms, and yep, he's there for the money. That being said, I still have issues with the kind of heel he's playing. It seems so short-duration to me. I've watched Brock Lesnar choke a man out after being punched in the face for five minutes. Why does he need to kick John Cena in the balls from behind after Cena is worn down from a match? Every heel does stuff like that.

I am actually tempted to agree with you about Brock's best fit being as a heel. I just feel that the role he's being put into doesn't fit the fact that he's a different kind of acquisition.
When you turn Cena heel you create massive heat, and new stars are born. CM Punk could take his place as could other stars if given the push. Cena could be a Hollywood Hogan level of heel. CM Punks push has been held back by the fact we all know Cena is still #1 and is sold to the fans as that. Nobody will ever be ready if they never give the people the perception that Punk or whomever is #1 now. Cena does not need the belt and is bigger than the belt is the perception I get. He is booked to face The Rock instead of Punk. He is now feuding with Brock instead of Punk. I love Jericho but he isn't on the level of Brock or The Rock in the minds of the general public.

They give those big names to Cena, put him at the end of the card in PPVs too. CM Punk is a weak champion and isn't booked as #1. Daniel Bryan in time could be a #2 face or #1 face now that has his gimmick and improved on the mic. There are countless talents out there if given the right push, storyline, and gimmick could replace #1 Cena babyface status. The guy isn't even a real badface.

I understand he makes money, and Vince is making money off love/hate for him. The guy has been pushed to be the #1 guy for years upon years, same tired sayings and gimmick.. I know what he is going to say before he says it. He has no real major memorable love or impact like #1 stars of years past. He's never got the reaction that Hogan, Stone Cold, or The Rock got. People don't like him like they did those guys. I'd even say Sting, and other WCW faces were even better or more over than Cena during the height of WCW..

I'm not saying Cena shouldn't be #1.. He could be #1 heel in the company and get the hell out of the way and let the WWE evolve and develop something new. We need some realism, cutting edge, stuff. The whole PG era crap is killing WWE.. The ratings suck, wrestling is now a joke because of characters like Cena which is the childrens champion

We needed someone like Brock to return and end it. If Brock would commit longterm he could be the guy. Punk could be that guy even though his push has kind of flattened due to horrible post pipebomb booking with HHH going over him, Nash, and never really "being the man" like he told Jericho he was. Sorry Punk you could be the man but you aren't. You could have cutting edge feuds with The Rock, or Brock Lesnar or even a ............ HEEL JOHN CENA who cheats to beat you, and you swap title reigns with in an awesome feud.

I appreciate your opinion and understand what you are saying.. Vince is either going to have to make the change or bore people to death while WWE continues to fade, and stock holders lose confidence. I'm not even calling for a return to Attitude era stuff.. Just a real #1 face who is a badass and someone that is like an Austin but in 2012, different, and that fans from all ages could cheer fora

Cena will never be heel as long as the wwe has nobody to replace him as face of the company. The only person in wwe right now that is anywhere close to being able to replace cena as the no 1 face of the company is cm punk and even he is not quite ready just yet.

lol to the people always complaining that cena is always shoved down our throats. As a cena fan I will admit he has become stale and his character does need tweaking, but use your heads on why the do it. Cena makes vince more money then any other superstar right now. Hell unlike most super stars vince can capitalize off both is fans and the people that hates him by selling cena sucks t shirts.

Everyone complains about cena but seriously who does the wwe have right now to take his spot? I will tell you who absolutely no one. there is no full time super star right now other then punk that would be believe able if they where to go over cena and take his spot as number 1. The only other wrestlers around right now that can do it is either the rock or brock, but since they are both leaving after wrestlemania 29 then it wouldn't be good business to put either one of those over cena, because if they did that then when rock and brock both leave then you cena the company's number 1 face looking weak which make the wwe look weak and that would just be stupid. Now they may have plans to make brock appear that he is on top, but mark my words sometime before brock leaves it would just be good business for them to have cena put brock down proving cena is where he belongs. It would absolutely make no since for the wwe to give brock cena's spot just so he can leave after wrestlemania.
Now with Brock Lesnar here's a guy that you have, that is legitimacy in of that of itself, this man conquered the UFC and not to mention when he was in WWE, he became a mega star in such a short period of time becoming a 3-time WWE Champion, a King of the Ring winner and a Royal Rumble winner, UFC Heavyweight Champion, and Brock was "the man" and now that he's back, he can become "the man" once again but then you have Cena who is also legitimate, became a 12-time WWE Champion, 3-time WWE United States Champion, a Royal Rumble winner, a Tag Team Champion, Cena being a movie star, he's done it all

Two of perhaps the biggest stars ever in this business going at it

Lesnar I am calling it, he wins at Extreme Rules
I'm somewhat ambivalent towards this. To be fair though, most of that is attributed to the fact that Brock Lesnar was long gone from WWE by the time I had begun actively watching wrestling (I started watching in late 2005). I also never followed his UFC career so I've pretty much never been exposed to very much of Lesnar's work besides what I've bothered to look up on Youtube. From what I've seen though, the man is an absolute beast in the ring. It was also a ton of fun to see the crowd absolutely explode for him when he made his return.

I did manage to check out an article on WWE.com regarding the history between Cena and Lesnar and it's very interesting to see them feud years later. I do expect to see a very good match between them at Extreme Rules.
Brock Lesnar return has been a long time waiting for me. The day he left I was ready for Lesnar to make a return and shut Cena up and its finally happened! Lesnar is by far my favorite wrestler of all time, because even when he was a heel he still kicked ass and took names. With the combination of CM Punk's new character, The Rock and Brock Lesnar returning...they're making wrestling fun again!
You know to some extent it felt like the guy never really left for me. I got this old feeling that all this time he just went away for a while and directly returned. It just didn't feel out of place or anything. It was like went away and returned..... What do you mean 8 years have passed!?

I'm serious. It really felt that way on that faithful Monday Night. Maybe Brock was always meant to return in this fashion. Maybe he was always meant to come back and wrestle for sold out crowds...just maybe.
I actually used to like Brock, back when he had his first run in the WWE and was feuding with Kurt Angle ~ he was a great wrestler and had alot going for him until he left for UFC. He didn't have the greatest career in the UFC and retired pretty early if you think about it; yes he had the Heavyweight belt there but I didn't see him do much with it or that could just be my opinion who knows. Now here he is back in the WWE and don't get me wrong I was just as excited as most people when he came back ~ then he opened his mouth and I lost all interest. He has become so full of himself, so cocky and figures he's some big hot shot who can just walk back into the wrestling ring and dominate the entire company. Then there is the whole thing with John Cena ~ I heard about Brock's comments here on wrestlezone as I missed it on RAW tonight but all I saw was a man who thinks his shit doesn't stink.

So what is it with people coming back and thinking that they can just waltz back in and receive better treatment just because their names are big, taking the fame away from the guys who actually deserve it? And yes let's bring John Cena's name into the mix; so many people bitch and complain that he's being shoved down their throats, but who is the guy who has not only carried WWE on his back for lord knows how many years but has also busted his ass off for the company and the fans? I didn't see The Rock or dear old Brocky stick around and bust their butts off for WWE or the fans, yet the moment they walk back in its like they're gods or something. Is loyalty not something we value anymore, or can you just walk away from something and years later waltz right back in expecting to be treated like you never left?

News flash for you Lesnar ~ you left for greener pastures, that didn't work out so well and now your back expecting to be revered? Apparently you are, because the moment you walk back into the life of the WWE Universe your basically handed gold on a silver platter and we have to accept you back. I don't accept that you come back thinking that your the best thing since sliced bread, that your SO fantastic and should be the number one man. Number one asshole maybe sure, but certainly not the number one wrestler ~ that's Cena, and I'm not necessarily talking about him being the greatest technical guy but I am talking about the most loyal guy they've got. No matter what the fans do to him; boo or cheer, signs saying they love or hate him, whatever it is he has never left the WWE to pursue another career because this *is* his career. Love him or hate him makes no difference to me, but no matter what to me Cena will always be number one ......... as for Brock? Well, its him that should be the one carrying Cena's bags not the other way around.
I personally think Brock Lesnar can be as arrogant and egotistical as he wants to be. By his own words, he has proven everyone wrong. People love talking about him being in the UFC and winning the UFC Heavyweight Championship and his record-setting reign. His pro wrestler to MMA fighter transition was as successful as they come. The closest I've seen was Ken Shamrock when he came over to the WWE, but sadly never won the WWE title. However, people aren't talking about Brock's success as a wrestler. He's an NCAA Division I Champion, WWE Champion AND IWGP Heavyweight Champion. How many wrestlers can say they've done all of that? Then you top that off with the UFC Heavyweight Championship. Again, how many wrestlers can say they've done all that? He has the bragging rights. I have a LOT of respect for John Cena and what he has done for the WWE. After watching his documentary "My Life," I can say that Cena really should be at the top for his hard work and dedication. That's exactly why I was disappointed that The Rock won at WrestleMania. John Cena really needed that win. But, now it's Brock Lesnar. Cena couldn't beat him then and I don't know how they're gonna make this look legit with Cena going over, if ever. I just know that Brock Lesnar is one big mountain to climb over and who better to feud with than John Cena? Yeah, Lesnar should be right at the top to finish his career off the proper way.
Still don't get Lesnar never have never will his ego will be his downfall again. I have to wonder if this is Vince flexing his muscle with Albert and Lesner trying to prove to HHH and Steph that people don't care about technique and just want big men.
I personally think Brock Lesnar can be as arrogant and egotistical as he wants to be. By his own words, he has proven everyone wrong. People love talking about him being in the UFC and winning the UFC Heavyweight Championship and his record-setting reign. His pro wrestler to MMA fighter transition was as successful as they come. The closest I've seen was Ken Shamrock when he came over to the WWE, but sadly never won the WWE title. However, people aren't talking about Brock's success as a wrestler. He's an NCAA Division I Champion, WWE Champion AND IWGP Heavyweight Champion. How many wrestlers can say they've done all of that? Then you top that off with the UFC Heavyweight Championship. Again, how many wrestlers can say they've done all that? He has the bragging rights. I have a LOT of respect for John Cena and what he has done for the WWE. After watching his documentary "My Life," I can say that Cena really should be at the top for his hard work and dedication. That's exactly why I was disappointed that The Rock won at WrestleMania. John Cena really needed that win. But, now it's Brock Lesnar. Cena couldn't beat him then and I don't know how they're gonna make this look legit with Cena going over, if ever. I just know that Brock Lesnar is one big mountain to climb over and who better to feud with than John Cena? Yeah, Lesnar should be right at the top to finish his career off the proper way.

You forgot his NJCAA HW Championship as well as the fact that he was the final cut in training camp for the Vikings. The only reason he didn't go to the NFL was because they wanted him to go to NFL Europe and learn more technique but he declined. I honestly think if he would have gone to NFL Europe that he would be playing in the NFL today...but that wouldn't be much fun for us right now would it?

The guy is one of the most decorated athletes of all time. The list of his all around accomplishments will never be duplicated EVER again. Brock is a once in a lifetime athlete with freakish strength,size,agility,speed,stamina,and most of all he has the desire to be the best at everything he does. Iam borderline GIDDY that Lesnar is back. I marked out like a 13 year old boy when his music hit on RAW 4 weeks ago.

There are 5 or 6 programs right now that I could honestly say that I would pay money to watch on PPV. This is coming from a guy who ordered his first PPV in 6 years when I bought this years WM to watch Cena vs The Rock!
I loved Lesnar back in the day. When he won the Undisputed championship me and my friends freaked out. His feuds with Kurt Angle were also brilliant and it really sucks he left especially since the WWE had such high hopes for him. His final match with Golderberg was quite awful. Felt like a slap in the face really. Luckily that Mania was saved by Benoit, HBK and HHH.

Anyway I'm not expecting Lesnar to go full time, I'm not expecting him to stick around for anything more than 2 years, but I am expecting him to shake things up. I'm just not sure how they are gonna handle him after his feud with Cena is done. Jericho is leaving so Punk will be free but I don't see them sticking Lesnar and Punk in a feud so soon. I like the idea of CM Punk either winning the Rumble or facing Steve Austin at wrestlemania.

I think maybe the way they could do it is give Cena time off after Extreme rules, Put the WWE championship on Jericho, have Jericho lose it to Lesnar then Lesnar feuds with the Rock for the title.
I personally think Brock Lesnar can be as arrogant and egotistical as he wants to be.

Yes he can, and I believe WWE is playing it completely the way Brock wants it played. I'm sure everyone noticed he wasn't on the current European tour, he only has a limited work schedule, he is allowed to wear advertising stuff on his ring gear.....and he's most likely starting out in the main event against the #1 guy in the company because that's what he wants. Remember, back in his first run with WWE, he was complaining about being forced to wrestle Hardcore Holly in a match he apparently felt was beneath a wrestler of his caliber. I can only imagine what the rest of the locker room thinks of Brock and his deal.

Of course, it must be realized that WWE had a decision to make when they saw the door open to a Brock return. They could either give him what he wants......or not have him at all. We can see what they chose. How they justify all this to the rest of the roster is an exercise in management technique.
A few months ago Brock did some interviews for been in the WWE 12 game. He was asked which match he would like to have and he said some remarks about Stone Cold saying they never fought because Austin was scared. It is common knowledge that Austin still has one last match in him and would return if everything was good for him.

How would you feel about Brock vs Austin? One of the biggest matches left that never happened.

Could this potentially happen at Wrestlemania 29? Brock could steam roller though Cena, Punk, Orton - maybe even The Rock until Austin, 'the toughest SOB the WWE has ever seen' comes back and they meet?

PS - Hasnt Austin recently said on Twitter he isn't sure about facing CM Punk as he isnt 'intense' enough? I know who is very 'intense'....
It's entirely possible. It's obvious that Lesnar is a huge priority right now, and rightfully so when you take into account all the buzz he's generated & attention his coming back to WWE has generated among the media. As the OP said, Austin has talked about having one big match left in him for a few years now.

WrestleMania is a long ways off and there are lots of potential scenarios for Brock Lesnar. There was talk of initially announcing a WM match a year in advance just as they'd done with Rock & Cena, with Lesnar allegedly being one of the participants. However, again allegedly, WWE is deciding to wait until November before announcing the match as they're unsure of just how hot Lesnar will be come that time. Last I heard, this was just after WM 28, the chief talk was of Lesnar going against The Rock at WM 29 for the WWE Championship. Lesnar vs. The Rock would be a big money match. However, so would Lesnar vs. Stone Cold, Lesnar vs. Taker, a special gimmick match, such as an Iron Man match, against John Cena, Lesnar vs. Punk, etc. All of those are potential huge money matches, so there's not a shortage of options to pull in huge money.

I can see the idea of Lesnar possibly just running through much of the top talent in WWE and just dominating everyone as he did during his first run in WWE. As a result, Austin brings himself out of retirement to sort of...well I guess "save" WWE from Lesnar's rampage. At the same time, however, such a decision would no doubt generate a lot of criticism with WWE bringing in an older veteran, one who hasn't wrestled in a decade, to "save" the company whereas the younger stars haven't been able to pull it off. I can see the criticism in that, and there's some legit merit to it, as it puts me in mind of what TNA has done, up until the past 6 or 7 months or so, in which they made older guys the general focus of their company. If WWE does go with the idea of Lesnar just tearing through the roster, it's also a prime opportunity to take someone on the roster, such as CM Punk just for example, and build that younger guy as a "savior" of WWE. WWE wouldn't have any trouble building a match between Lesnar & Punk, especially if they kept booking both guys in a super strong manner. It might not be as big of a draw as Lesnar vs. Austin or Rock but, in the long run, it could be better for the WWE.

As I said, lots of potentially interesting directions they can take Lesnar between now and WrestleMania.
Lesnar vs. Austin match could work since they do have some history especially backstage when Austin walked out of RAW because he refused to job to Lesnar. Also Lesnar's last night 8 years ago ended with Austin stunning Lesnar.

Common knowledge would have Punk vs. Austin at WM. I like this actually but the problem is with this is that with so much respect both guys have publicly given to each other ... how can they deliver the heat to build the feud. If we get something like Punk "I respect you" ... Austin "I respect you" ... Punk "Let's have a match" ... Austin "I accept" ... if we get a build up like this it would be a waste of their mic skills.

Austin vs. Lesnar could actually build a better rivalry between the two since Lesnar is a natural heel. He can basically draw heat because of him being Lesnar. Plus imagine the promo work ... Austin can even bring out how Lesnar walked out of the WWE and Lensar can say the same thing to Austin.

Match wise ... this is an opportunity for Lesnar to go over. Imagine how high the stock of Lesnar will be if he beats Austin.

Also imagine if this was the card for WM29

WWE Title: The Rock vs. Cena
Brock Lesnar vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
Triple H vs. CM Punk
Daniel Bryan vs. The Undertaker ... I know its not a dream match but imagine Bryan campaigning "YES" "YES" "YES" saying he can beat The Undertaker.

Holy cr@p can you imagine how sexy the card will be.
Great idea for Punk, but the situation you describe sounds more like 'Takers style. Brock beating the crap outta someone and..... *gong.....*. I agree WWE needs to sart building new talent, but either the talent is built enough (Punk etc) or won't be credible enough, I mean unless Cody Rhodes murders a grizzly bear Zangief style on live TV I don't give him much of a chance against Lesnar. Suspension of disbelief only goes so far.
There's no way The Rock will face Cena @WM again. That's over and done with. As a company, why not get one of the most recognizable faces in the world (The Rock) to face one of the biggest UFC fighters (Lesnar)? I want to say this clearly, CM Punk, is not that well known. In the WWE, yes he is, but in the mainstream, he is just some guy with tattoos. We all know Vince wants his big media attention, and The Rock v Lesnar is it. It's like Indiana Jones fighting John McClane. 2 huge names that are known on multiple fronts.
I was actually more interested in Rock vs Cena II and Brock vs Taker. Dont get me wrong, I would love to see Brock vs Rock as that is a HUGE match with lots of mainestream appeal. Something WWE crave. I think that is probably bigger than Rock vs Cena.

The flipside is, there isn't really anyone left for Taker to face? Ok, there is John Cena but can Cena really lose the WM third year in a row? I suppose CM Punk vs Taker could be interesting. The thing with the streak is you want a threat, I dont see Cena or Punk as a threat. Everyone will remember Cena losing to Rock at 28....how on earth can he beat Taker? Maybe wheel out Austin to have a go at the streak? Or maybe save THAT for Wrestlemania 30 which is rumoured to be in Texas.

Build Brock as the ultimate badass and have him fight Taker in a 3 stages of hell match. Have him BEAT Taker and pin him 1,2,3 - the first man ever to pin Taker at WM. But lose the other 2 falls.
Now that John Cena's out for a while.

I think Cm punk/ Big Show/ Randy Orton

but my best guess is Lesnar would start a feud with Triple H, he would defend Laurinitis when he faces Triple H on raw.
Yess.. Maybe Trips can put him over at Over the Limit? Should be looking positive for Brock from now until SummerSlam, hopefully we'll see the Brock/Orton match in the Summer.
No.. I wouldn't put my money on Lesnar feuding with Big Show, I rather have him go for the top guys since Lesnar has been such a draw, and is being made the major deal in the WWE.. As WZ sources indicated, Lesnar could be facing Randy Orton, that would be the one I'd liked to see since both of them are portrayed as a unstoppable creature in the ring.. Plus, with Cena taking time off, I would imagine Randy could take the spot as the top guy or even Punk (but Punk's got the belt on him so I would imagine he would go against Jericho until Over The Limit)
Yess.. Maybe Trips can put him over at Over the Limit? Should be looking positive for Brock from now until SummerSlam, hopefully we'll see the Brock/Orton match in the Summer.

I can't see Trips jumping back in the ring this soon after the way Mania 28 played out for him. The whole point of that match was to end things. So having Trips back in a match 2 months later would devalue the match he had with Taker.
I guess HHH. I heard Orton and him will be feuding for SummerSlam. I wouldnt mind Punk, but I dont think they would go that rout because of the differnce in promo skills. Punk would eat him alive. Brock just comes off like he is slow in his promos. Maybe if he had someone to be his voice. I would like to see all the shit Punk could say about him if he did a shoot style. I dont think Brock would go for that.

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