[Merged] Brock Lesnar Discussion **KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!**


I couldn't agree more. I think this is spot on. I rode the exact same wave of emotions. Wrestlemania weekend was awesome. We had the unexpected emergence of an overnight star in Daniel Bryan, a great Punk/Jericho match, a MOTY candidate and truly the end of an era in HHH/Taker, and a crowd-pleasing Rock/Cena match. The next night on Raw, the crowd was as fired up as I've ever seen for a pro wrestling TV program. Bryan was revered, Rock was cheered to the heavens, Cena was booed louder than ever, and Lesnar returned. Grown men were jumping up and down acting like little girls when Lesnar's music hit. It was truly a special 24 hours. As JR would say, "business picked up" that night.

Then comes Extreme Rules. Great PPV and an awesome, brutal fight between Cena and Lesnar the likes we've never really seen in the WWE before, which was even more surprising given the current PG rating. Lesnar loses (something I still don't agree with) and just like that, the magic was over. It hit me right when Cena won that the WWE would revert back to its old ways. The spark was gone, and it shows. Everyone was intrigued by Cena/Lesnar. Does anyone even care about Cena/Johnny? How can we go from a brutal, bloody, hard-nosed match between Cena and Lesnar to a match pitting Cena against a non-wrestling authority figure? It has only been 4 weeks! Cena's arm is fine now, Lesnar can sit at home and save his limited number of appearances, and we get the pleasure of watching Cena/Johnny. It truly is mind-boggling sometimes, but I'll continue watching because I always do, and besides, WTF else am I gonna do?

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