[Merged] Brock Lesnar Discussion **KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!**

I just hope he doesn't have some long feud with HHH (or any feud). I hate to say it, but I'm pretty sick of HHH. They should have had Brock win the Extreme Rules match, or if he was going to lose, then they should have delayed that match for several months so Brock could pretty much destroy everyone else on the roster and then have Cena beat him.
I think they need to be careful with who Brock loses to, in order to keep him looking dominant for the match with either Rock or Taker next year. He needs to defeat Triple H at SummerSlam, and then I think he can only take one more big loss. I'd like for it to be to Punk, but it might work better if it was to someone like Orton or Sheamus who are established, bigger built guys. I'm not sure how it would work for Lesnar's cred to go down to a guy who is considerably smaller than him. I think Sheamus vs. Lesnar is a program that really should happen post-SummerSlam. The appeal is obvious to me and if Sheamus is still champion, it could do a hell of a lot for the World Heavyweight Championship, and maybe even cause it to main event a pay-per-view.

Actually, if Brock were to win that title, he could hold it all the way until Mania and face Rock for it. Meanwhile, CM Punk can be in the WWE Championship match again, and John Cena can face The Undertaker. This way, both championships look important and you have three legitimate main events that make sense.
I don't buy the whole "ZOMG BROCK BLEW UP BACKSTAGE" story. It sounds like a classic example of the WWE working the dumbass smarkish "reporters" who are more than eager to be told their opinions about guys are true.

Doesn't make sense that Brock would be upset about losing because he didn't look bad in the loss and he isn't a huge mark for himself. He cares about the money, not the wins and losses (as long as they don't hurt his brand). The story that he blew up back stage helps his brand and the story.

Essentially, I don't buy into the stories because it makes too much sense from a storyline perspective and is a great way to give Brock the time off he's going to demand and still keep him relevant. Also, wrestling "reporters" have more shady sources and less facts than Fox News.

If the WWE uses him to push talent, then that's fantastic. If he loses to everyone, each additional person that beats him looks less impressive, so it's not very smart. I say have him beat HHH because HHH really doesn't need it. Then his next feud should be against Punk with Punk proving himself as a legitimate tough guy. I think it'd be kinda cool to do a role reversal. Have Lesnar beat Punk and then threaten to leave with Punk having to win the title for the company. Showing that Punk has come full circle and the company now puts their faith in him.
That was quite a speech by Triple H last night. With so many great talkers in WWE, it's easy to overlook the guy who has delivered so many effective promos over the years. After all his time in the spotlight, I doubt the company insists Trips memorize his speeches word for word, but he's got his delivery down pat to the point that he might as well be reciting scripted lines. He brought last night's speech about Brock with cadence, focus and one of the most intense attitudes you'd ever want to see. As he listed each endeavor Brock has tried and failed at (according to Trips), it made me wonder about the elements of truth that filter through many promos.

Think about it. Upon leaving WWE the first time, Brock wanted to be a football player, yet was cut by the Minnesota Vikings. A clear failure, no?

After trying pro wrestling in Japan (and quitting), he went to UFC. On the one hand, you can hardly call it a failure when a guy wins two heavyweight championships. Yet, he lost 3 of his 8 UFC fights, which hardly qualifies him as a legend in that sport. Moreover, he was a martial arts fighter only from 2007-2010, which hardly qualifies as longevity. In the end, he quit that, too.

Okay, you can make of these events whatever you want, but it's plain how Triple H saw them last night, wasn't it? When he put the whole thing together for us, it certainly didn't seem as if Brock has the whole world on a string, does it? Trips cast doubt on the concept Brock has been trying to convey; that WWE needs him more than he needs them, which is the centerpiece of his entire program. Brock's push has revolved around the idea that he's deigning to lower himself to work for WWE, which is an element that I believe holds a lot of actual truth. Brock's "limited" deal probably casts him as an outsider in real life to the other employees of the company.

Then, along comes Triple H to state WWE's "official" position......and I can't imagine anyone having done a better job of it. In just a few select programs in the past (ex. Edge-Matt Hardy-Lita) there have been elements of reality in the scenarios that have made us wonder how much is fantasy and how much is real life.

Here we are again. Triple H was just the man to bring it to a boil.
In today's wrestling world, the realism and backstage goings-on are more prominent b/c of the internet. Since that info is out there, interjecting some truth behind on-air angles is more and more accepted. WWE is finally beginning to really embrace that. Is that the way Trips really feels about Lesnar? Who knows. But the fact that he pointed all that stuff out - since Lesnar's been in the public eye and lots of people kinda know about all of it - makes the angle at least seem more realistic.

I kinda like how this program is heading. I kinda had my doubts at first w/Trips putting himself back in a major program, but the idea is starting to grow on me. Having Heyman come out to Lesnar's music as Lesnar's mouthpiece again since Lesnar only has limited appearances in his contract is good. It keeps Lesnar in the minds of the fans, even though he "quit." Having Lesnar sue the WWE over breach of contract was a good way to really have him heel up against the establishment of WWE embodied by Triple H, which is now being seen as the face (not usually the case). Trips' speech last night was gold, as most of his stuff usually is. Ripping into Lesnar for being a quitter and disrespecting all the greats in the business. I honestly thought that during last night's segment, after nearly hitting Heyman, Trips would call out Lesnar for their match. He basically did, just not officially. But, I guess they'll run this out a bit with the lawsuits angle to give it more time and to give Trips more times for his "broken arm" to heal.

We all know that it's going to culminate with a Brock/Trips match in the next month or so. I'm not really a Lesnar fan, so I'm hoping he can make this work. Bringing in Heyman helps.
It's a dangerous line to walk, painting Brock as a quitter. WWE is banking on the idea that fans will tune in to see Lesnar..and are trying to obviously build towards a big program between Triple H and Lesnar, with a huge pay off match, presumably at SummerSlam. Painting Lesnar as a quitter, can in the long run hurt his ability to be a draw for WWE. It's hard to think that Lesnar will win every match he has from here on out, so once he returns, does WWE want their fans to think in the back of their minds that when Lesnar loses, he is liable to quit?

The facts are what they are, and Lesnar has walked away from quite a few different avenues in the last few years..but it's not something that needs to be planted in the forefront of wrestling fans' minds. By bringing him back in to the fold, selling him as a 'legitimate' fighter, and a 'war machine', then openly painting him a quitter kills that aura of being a badass.

As others have said, we live in the age of IWC, and people know quite a bit about what goes in WWE behind the scenes. Also, fans know there is a stark difference between UFC and WWE. While I don't think WWE fans will ever hold it against Brock for leaving UFC, especially since it's brought about his return to pro wrestling, I don't think WWE should be making him out to be someone that is going to readily quit the company. Those same smart fans know Lesnar has a year long deal, and they know that it's just an angle.

WWE would be better served finding ways to continute to build Lesnar as a monster heel. He can be absent for a good period of time with Paul Heyman back in the fold. Heyman is the missing piece Brock has needed since his return. Heyman does more to legitimize Lesnar than any UFC or NFL talk, because Heyman knows how to sell Brock on the microphone.

If WWE is going to continue using big name talent on part time basis', they can't afford to brand them 'quitters'. They need fans to fully invest in them, otherwise when they are gone, there simply isn't going to be that big a desire to see them return.
I am not a fan of HHH for a variety of reason... however, last night he nailed that promo spot on. It was good for the WWE, good for furthering his (or Cena's) feud with Lesnar, and potentially good for Lesnar himself in the long run.

The reality of the situation is that WWE represents sports entertainment. Scripted angles and feuds with choreographed action and pre-determined outcomes. Though WWE matches are incredibly athletic and there is absolutely a risk to the particpants health and well-being, WWE represents fake fights.

Contrast to UFC. While that company has certainly adopted some of the showmanship and pageantry of companies like the WWE, the bottom line is that UFC is real. Real fights with real fighters who really want to hurt each other in order to really win.

Brock Lesnar was a champion not only in the entertainment world of WWE, but in the real world environment of the UFC. Despite his specific won/loss record in the latter, Brock brings a lot of credibility having been a former champion, or just in competing for that matter. This further legitimizes WWE as a place where "real" athletes can go to perform. That's why Kurt Angle is so highly regarded and remains successful.

Unfortunately, that kind of legitimacy can also hurt the WWE, given that an overwhelming majority of the product falls towards entertainment and not real fights. To the general public, WWE still suffers from the "it's fake" argument even after all these years and Brock Lesnar's pedigree initially puts him on a level higher than that of the WWE itself.

HHH's promo last night was successful in neutralizing the bad effects of Brock Lesnar's presence in WWE. It served to knock Lesnar down a peg or two, thus putting him back on equal footing with the rest of the WWE. Ultimately, it doesn't hurt his character or presence because regardless of what Trips says, Lesnar is still a former UFC Heavyweight Champion, is still a monster, and still has done things (read: legitimate fights in a public forum) that no one on the current active roster has done.

Lesnar is the real deal, it's just that HHH exposed some of the flaws in Brocks track record through the companies he has worked for. Every monster needs a weakness. HHH further exposed Lesnar's and did it in such a way that it adds appreciably to the whole Lesnar/Heyman angle specifically.
Hopefully I would love Brock Lesnar to beat Triple H at Summerslam and get on a roll throughout the year. Then to lose to the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. This will give a good match, new challenge and possibly a farewell match to Lesnar.
Well, there we go. WWE is developing an even worse ego in which they think they're better than any of the superstars and can do fine without them. "Rocky, we can do fine without you. You need us more than we need you." Same with Brock Lesnar. Let's see how they survive once Brock Lesnar legitimately quits. I'm not saying, his words are true, though they might be. I'm saying if they were, Trips isn't any better than Brock Lesnar and does need him more than he needs them.
For someone who fails so much, Brock as made more money in the UFC, then most champions, will ever make in there life time working there. The same goes for his one year contract with the WWE, what he is going to make in this one year. Even a top star will have to work over 300 days a year and take him at least 3-5 years to make that.

I just find it weird, he fails so much, but as made more money in both the UFC and WWE, and he doesn't even like his job. I wonder how everyone really feels, that no matter how hard they work, they'll never see that kind of money, he's made.
I think it's just typical good promo work by HHH. The week Brock broke his arm HHH clearly tried to build Brock up into someone that WWE needs.

HHH said "Brock although some of the fans may even hate you , They wanna see you"

Heyman said "You bought a Fighter into an Entertainment industry, and you didn't like it when he wanted to Fight"

Comments like this build up Brock's Ego.

Then HHH tries to bring his ego down again by calling him a quitter.

Makes for entertaining Segments in my opinion.
Trust me i bet wwe storyline creators read all over these websites and find out what the fans reckon will happen i promise otl will be totally shocking no big show no brock no batista :shrug:
This entire thing says "penance".

As in, Brock Lesnar is being made to pay storyline wise, for all of the negative things he has said about professional wrestling in the past, after supposedly leaving it behind. Guy quits the WWE, talks shit about the WWE and wrestling in general for years, then has to come back for the payday. There is no way that Vince was just going to let all of that slide. Brock will EVENTUALLY be made to look dominant again this year, but for the short term, they will continue to make Brock "pay" for what he said while he was gone. Basically, making him repay his dues. It's exactly the right attitude to have. You can't have any individual wrestler thinking they are above the company, and it's why I disagreed adamantly with the WWE's decision to let Rock get over on Cena.
Didn't Brock quit UFC because of a disease he has? I looked at it somewhat like how Edge had to "quit" from WWE. I'm not sure he wanted to, and it probably affected his performance that led to so many recent losses.

Not defending or attacking the guy, just what I heard.
Didn't Brock quit UFC because of a disease he has? I looked at it somewhat like how Edge had to "quit" from WWE. I'm not sure he wanted to, and it probably affected his performance that led to so many recent losses.

Not defending or attacking the guy, just what I heard.

More or less, that is why he quit, yes. He almost died from that disease a couple years ago. It caused him to delay a title fight for quite some time, and when he came back, he just wasn't himself. You could just tell that he had lost a lot of muscle.

Technically the disease didn't force him to retire, as he still could fight, but even Brock knew that the disease really diminished his capabilities to the point where he was no longer an effective fighter.
To me Brock and HHH have a lot in common. In an age where every great heel ends up getting over with the audience and eventually become fan favorites whether they like it or not, HHH and Brock had/have the ability and willingness to use their pasts, personal lives and backstage reputation to stay over as heels with a significant portion of the audience.

Look at the reputation HHH had in the Attitude Era:
- limited offense
- getting ahead cause he is HBK's buddy
- dating Chyna
- part of the Montreal Screwjob
- cheating on Chyna
- getting ahead cause of his relationship with Steph
- holding others back

Now Brock:
- part timer
- hates pro wrestling
- making a ton of money
- works dangerous
- throw backstage tantrums

It's great and I have really been so impressed with what they have done with Brock. However, here is the catch - I think the point of HHH reiterating that Brock is a QUITTER is to set up a return this Sunday as he interferes in the JL/Cena match allowing JL to keep his job without breaking the interference of a WWE Superstar stipulation.

OK OK let me catch my breath. Any o fyou who dont realise EVERYTHING Lesnar said about the WWE and wrestling while he was in UFC was a work need to wake up. When he first left, he said that there were some other things he wanted to try, but when he was done he was coming back. He used his time in UFC to make a bigger name for himself, used his "outrageous" actions( i.e. saying he drank Coors beer when the sponsor was Buweiser, flipping the middle finger, etc.) to help enforce his "bad guy" image. This has been in the works for 10 years and if you look at it as a whole, you see Vinnie Macs fingerprints all over it.
One thing Hunter was right about Lesnar was when he called him a 'shrewd businessman', which he learned to be from another shrewd businessman of his time, the jewish fat guy, Paul Heyman.

Lesnar likes money, the good life and saw an easier way to make his money. Two appearances in a month and being paid like he is, is smashing.

Now this 'quitting' bit. Well I always thought it was Brock's dream to play for the Vikings. Atleast thats what I heard. I actually thought 'good for him, he's pursuing his dream'. Because lets be honest, unless you are a a fan of some degree of this pro-wrestling schtick, it will become a drag. The one man I can think of who actually is an exception to that rule is Kurt Angle, for obvious reasons.

I count Brock as a success and so we should all. He trained and polished his skills to accomplish a feat no man had before him i.e becoming WWE and UFC Champion.

From wherever he left, there was more reason than just 'quitting'.

But with that being said, I hope Hunter pounds Brock with a sledgehammer repeatedly.
I'm personally thrilled that WWE has gone this direction with Brock Lesnar. Instead of portraying Lesnar as someone that's too "cool" for wrestling, as I feared they would, or by just catapulting him straight to the top while decimating everyone put in front of him, they've done something I didn't figure they would.

Not only have they done a great job as painting Lesnar as someone that's easy for fans to rally against, notice Lesnar no longer gets the massive fan pops that he did just after returning, but they're also taking the real life stance on Lesnar and painting him as an outsider that's only there for a fat wad of money. Lesnar is said to have been something of a real diva during his first WWE run and things generally haven't changed. One reason he quit WWE was because of the intensive schedule. He loved long green that he was getting paid by the company but wasn't so wild about the part of the job in which he'd actually have to go out there to earn & justify all that money he was getting. MMA appealed to Lesnar, for one reason, because he would only have to show up every once in a while to actually compete. He'll show up, fight a match, get paid six figures for the fight, get loads of endorsement deals from sponsors to make even more money, then disappear for another 6 months or so.

It's easy to dislike Lesnar in the sense as being someone that has no heart, which I think is true to some degree. At the same time, however, Lesnar is also someone that's incredibly smart. He gets in, gets as much money as he possibly can & in as short amount of time as he can and then he gets out. Kinda makes the guy sound like a prostitute, but a smart prostitute.
I like Brock Lesnar, dont get me wrong.

What I dont understand is why Vince felt the need to pay him $5 million for him to sign for limited dates.

99% of the roster dont get that their whole careers, let alone for 1 year, especially most of em work all year busting their asses, and Brock comes in maybe thinking "Fuck you lot, im on WAAYY more money that you, I can do what the fuck I want, when I want"

Yes, it might bring in extra revenue, I just dont understand the extra lay out for it.

Its like when TNA bring in those celebs/sports stars & pay em $25,000 per appearance and for what, for em to come in for a little while & fuck off again a short time later.

Batista must be licking his chops thinking "if WWE gonna pay Brock $5 million for doing fuck all, imagine what they'll pay me"
Didn't Brock quit UFC because of a disease he has? I looked at it somewhat like how Edge had to "quit" from WWE. I'm not sure he wanted to, and it probably affected his performance that led to so many recent losses.

Not defending or attacking the guy, just what I heard.

No. People use that as an excuse, not saying you are, but Brock never has. He got his ass handed to him 2 times in a row, or pretty much 3 times in a row. He even said after the last fight that there were no excuses, he was the healthiest he had been in years and just didn't have what it took to beat Overeem. This is exactly what he said "It felt like I got kicked by a horse". Then later in the interview went on to say "I'll tell you what. After my surgery from diverticulitis, this last surgery I had, I have never felt so good in my life. I've had the best camp I've ever had, no injuries, I was in great shape. All the things that could go right went right. That guy is just that much better than me, and it's time to retire". He just doesn't like to get hit, and with all the new heavyweights filling the division, that is exactly what was in his future. Also, he wasn't nearly as dominant as some people make it out to be, and was champ at a time when the division was weak. He still deserves props for his achievements, but it is what it is. This is coming from a huge Bock fan, but I'm also a realist. His last 2 fights made me embarrassed to be a fan of his. He is a quitter, plain and simple. I would have loved to see him stick with the sport, train and fights more, and get better. Now, I'm stoked to see him back with WWE because he is entertaining as hell.
reports say that Lesnar isn't "one of the boys" and, allegedly, WWE has no reservations about using Lesnar to put over their talent. There's no word on exactly when Lesnar will be brought back to television, but the idea currently is for Lesnar to indeed feud with Triple H with a match culminating at SummerSlam. A big reason for WWE officials taking this stance is that nobody knows truly how long Lesnar will stick around. Most people are expecting Lesnar to walk out the door without so much as a backwards glance after WrestleMania next year. While that can certainly change, the general feeling is that Lesnar truly is only there for the money, so WWE intends to use him as they see fit in order to get the most out of him, considering the terms of his contract.

I don't believe that Lesnar should be jobbed out to everyone he goes up against, which I don't expect to happen as that would completely kill any use for Lesnar coming back & using his star power. In this planned match with Triple H, for instance, I think Lesnar needs to go over. Lesnar already lost to John Cena and I don't think his WWE credibility can afford another loss to a huge WWE star right now. Triple H has wrestled something along the lines of 3 matches in the past 18 months or so, most of his time & energy are going towards his role as an executive in WWE and possibly taking over for Vince in a few years.

Do you agree with WWE's alleged plans in regard to Lesnar?

How do you think Brock Lesnar should be used?

Jackhammer, the problem is with Triple H he is seen as this now mythical, titan that is as powerful as a Goldberg these days. He hasn't wrestled in a year, walks out and destroys Sheamus in a matter of seconds. He then defeats CM Punk and Kevin Nash and looked to end the streak before HBK stepped in and stopped him from using the sledge hammer...

HHH for all intents and purposes is booked no matter who long he has been out of the ring as a titan. On Raw before his hiatus he defeated the #1 contender Cena clean...

I really do hope that Brock beats HHH, it would be better for the legitamacy, but Trips has more political pull then anyone, and if Cena can beat Brock, HHH will probably think he should too.

I think Brock should not take any losses from here on in until WM with his limited dates and therefore WWE need to be careful on who they put him up against. Like someone already said, HHH vs. Lesnar is well over due and should have happened even before the brand split all those years ago. Trips is a suit yes, but he has a big red cape and boots underneath it so it will be hard to say with a one year deal for Brock and Trips being a "suit now", how WWE benefits from who winning?

Will HHH take 2 losses in a row? Will Brock? I guess this meeting of the titans is a money maker and just like Cena/Rock it doesn't matter who wins it... perhaps?!!??
In the end Brock win's no matter what, if he brings the rating/buy-rates goes up, he makes bank and his next contract signing will even be more money. The WWE locker room, as to do something if they want to shine, they have to take risks, even if it might get you fired or dislike.
Hi all , this is my first post and it is on a topic ive been dying to get peoples opinions on over the last few weeks.

When Brock Lesnar returned i think it seriously caused people to see the WWE differently. During the month build up to Extreme Rules with Brock's feud against Cena , each segment seemed to bring a more mature vibe and credible storyline to not only the show but the company as a whole.

We all know since the start of the PG era there have been quite alot of wwe fans screaming for more adult stroylines and content. Brock Lesnar brought that. When Brock faced off against Cena it was a brutal match and seemed to be what people have been craving for for awhile now. The match was action packed and had the shock factor that was craved for by many. However once the match was over so was the action.

This seems to have been a HUGE mistake IMO.

Taking alook at the recent raw ratings its roughly as follows on average:

30th April 2012 RAW got 3.33
7th May 2012 RAW got 3.03
14th May 2012 RAW got 2.93

Brocks return changed everything because the wwe gave people what they wanted for 1 night only and then not only went back to dull storylines like "Laurinaitis V Cena at over the limit" but also brought attention to how boring the wwe has become recently. I also think that Brock brought alot of attention to the current rosta of superstars in the wwe and the fact that after defeating Brock there was litterally no one else left in the entire wwe locker room that was a worthy opponent against Cena so the creative team grasped at straws and threw Johnny against him.

When i watch any wwe ppv im always keeping up to date with people's views during on twitter and never have i seen such a possitive reaction as i did for extreme rules. People were going crazy for the final match because it had the action they wanted.

I couldnt even watch the last 2 episodes of raw without fast forwarding through most of it as each show was extremely predictable and slow paced with many parts just seeming pointless.

What i dont get though is why the wwe seem to have not noticed this or why they have chosen to ignore it.

With views dropping so fast every week why have they not kept the action going? Surely they can see that people loved the action at extreme rules , so why bring everything to a halt?

During last weeks raw, i noticed that the crowd seemed quite unintrested in many segments, even most of the kids looked extremely bored. They were yawning and looking everywhere but the ring, which i personally have never seen during any wwe broadcast.

Now i havent looked up what is happening behind the scenes so i dont know if Brock really has left or what the wwe has in store for the future in regards to individual superstars contracts but i really am confused as to why they gave the viewers one night of brilliance if only to stop right there.

So i ask you readers , what do you think? Did Brocks return do more harm then good in terms of the publics outlook on the content? Or is it only me placing these connections together.

Thanks for reading , i look forward to seeing your thoughts on this.
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