Triple H/Brock Lesnar Angle- Keep It All In Here!

Obvious answer is to start a feud against big Johnny and Lesnar and that whole faction in the making.

I'd like to see them go in a different direction and do something really daring, like have him just fire Big Johnny out the blue. Or a Triple H heel turn.
Well based off what just happened on Raw Im gnna say everyone was somewhat rite but am I the only 1 who is seeing a potential return coming. With the storyline of Brock breaking HHH arm how about the return of Batista as HHH hired wrecking machine? If not him how about a Lashley return? Either would be good becuz both can match up strength wise and both have been training in MMA for a while.
will we see this match happen?

HHH says the WWE universe wants to see Brock fight with CM Punk, Sheamus, Randy Orton, even have a rematch with Cena and then he is attacked by Lesnar and his arm is broken.

Will this match happen? yes? no? when and where??

But more importantly do you want to see it happen?

I personally im all for it. we were supposed to see it at Unforgiven 2002 when HHH defeated the Undertaker for the number one contendership after Summerlam but Brock became Smackdown property, then it was rumored that it was going to be the main event of wrestlemania 21 but Brock quit .

So now we got a chance to finally see it since Brock is there for a year and HHH comes back for big time matches.

Do You want to see it?
What are they trying to do? Bury Lesnar? I have no interest in this match because we know the outcome. HHH's ego is far too large to put Lesnar over. HHH always has and always will get what he wants.
This has Summerslam written all over it. It gives H3 Kayfabe time to lick his wounds & Brock kayfabe time to run amock.

But just like Slice of Life said, H3 won't allow himself to lose that match. He wouldn't give it to Punk during his height, which was higher than where Brock was the past month or so. He has that HBK mindstate about doing jobs, and Brock could care less.

Either way, this Brock storyline has been a pressure and I hope they keep up the momentum.
I certainly hope so. They were suppose to main event Wrestlemania 21 but for,obvious reasons,that never happened. I was much looking forward to an eventual match with them back then. As it never happened,I felt kind of robbed. We as fans were robbed,because I personal feel this would have made for a fantastic rivalry with a fantastic match. Not sure who would have played the role of the face back then considering they were both doing very well in their respective heel roles,but that doesn't matter now.

That was then,and this is now and I really hope this match happens. I'd rather this at Summerslam instead of Orton actually. I think these two have the ability to put on a great match. I don't know what it is about these two,there is just this tangible X factor in there that could make this encounter highly memorable and perhaps everlasting. They are off to a good start with this. HHH will play the role of an authority figure starting off by trying to do what's right for business and Lesnar,the wrecking machine that he is feels that he his cheated and treated unfairly,does what he does best,causing total and utter freaking chaos. After what happened tonight,things now can only get personal. So HHH vs Brock Lesnar in my opinion,after the events of tonight,is inevitable and I'm already excited.

HHH can still go and Lesnar is by no means is at that point in his career yet. These two would no doubt put on a very intense and physical match and I for one would pay too see it. If anything if I had my way and I called the booking shots I would have lesnar take HHH out,similar to how Sheamus did. HHH would then take his absence,selling the brutish assault from Lesnar. Come back early next year,challenge Lesnar for a match at WM 29. That way we would get the match that should have happened nearly a decade ago.

That's just how I would do things. As long as these two lock horns at some point,I don't care. Asides from a bout with Taker,Cena and Rock,this is the most money drawing match they can put Lesnar in. So WWE,put it together and make it fucking epic!
I by no means what to see that match unless Brock gets the win. I'm not interested in seeing him get fed to Triple the way he was with Cena, seriously.
Ohh look HHH wants to be in the spotlight again.

Ohh look,somebody with more crazy and wild accusations of HHH and his lust for the spotlight.Thanks for spamming up the place there guy. Care too elaborate just on how HHH wants to be in the spotlight? The guy wrestled what? Four times last year? Yet somehow HHH is hogging the spotlight. God forbid HHH is thrown into a match because its oh I don't know,a smart business move? Yet,here's some clown accusing him of wanting to be in the spotlight.

I can understand you might not care for the guy,you might not like him. You might be holding some grudge for things HHH has done over the years. I don't know and I don't care,but you would have to be blind to not see the potential this match brings,whatever personal opinion you have of the man.

HHH has been around the block,he has a good mind for the business. This will be something you'll have to accept,but one day he will be running things. So he will not be going away anytime soon. As I was saying,HHH has a good mind for the business and like Vince,you hop on opportunities that are good for business. If that means inserting yourself into a program with a newly acquired top asset,then that's what he will do. Why? Because it is good for business. Its not a matter of Oh Bout that time hey chaps? Ima just insert myself into this program to fill my ego. No,he's doing it because it's simply good for business.

Besides,where does this notion of him stealing the spotlight come from? Who's spotlight? Cena's? Punk's? Bryan's? The way I see it,all of their spots seem perfectly secure to me. Or maybe it's all the no name talent that nobody cares about? I'm sure the vast majority of people would rather see HHH on screen than a guy like JTG.

This fallacious inquiry of HHH seemingly stealing or hogging the spotlight needs to come to an end. He's a top guy and top talent,that is what happens when you have the accolades and stature of HHH,you get used. Regardless of things HHH may or may not have done in the past are true, I don't think HHH is that man anymore.Not since hes taken on a bigger role backstage. His days of in ring competition are slowly coming to an end and one day he will hang up his boots,but if people such as yourself thing for one second that means he will finally leave this so called "spotlight",well,you are sadly mistaken my friend.He will still be around and still be a key part of the show,whether it is backstage or in front of that camera.

I've said it before,and I will say it one more time. HHH Vs Brock Lesnar is good for business, bottom line.

LOL to all the posters moaning about HHH trying to take the spotlight.. He even said we could see a rematch, but Lesnar/Cena is over (for now).. I'm not lying when I say Trips is still a bigger draw than 4/5 of the locker room.. I would much rather see HHH vs. Brock, but at a stage such as SummerSlam.. These 2 have that history that dates back 8 years ago, where they never went toe to toe with each other because of the brand split. I would rather see it happen now that never.. The pure WWE fans would like to see this match and I think that is exactly what we're going to get.
Yeah, it's pretty much a guaranteed lock and I also see this happening at SummerSlam. Triple H's arm is "broken" and depending upon the severity of the break and potential rehab time, Triple H being out for a couple of months & then returning to challenge Lesnar for the 3rd of the Big Four is entirely feesible. Besides, you know that Triple H just isn't going to let this thing lie. Trips isn't a full blown executive in terms of his on screen character. Until Vince steps down, Trips will always be a guy that steps into the ring every once in a blue moon to settle certain situations as a wrestler rather than an executive. Remember how Cole & Lawler kept saying that Lesnar probably just got himself fired? That in and of itself means that Trips vs. Lesnar is all but written in the stars.

I'm sure it'll be a great match, especially if it's some sort of specialty match. I do agree, however, that this should be a match that Lesnar needs to win. Triple H is great in my view and while he's still a wrestler at heart, he's also a guy that's only wrestled about 2 matches in the past 18 months or so. Lesnar losing to Trips at this point in time would truly be detrimental as Cena is still a guy that's out there on the road full time doing his thing while Trips legitimately does spend most of his time as an executive.
Is this a classic case of HHH riding someone else's momentum and putting himself in the mix of it all? I really belive that he wishes he was as big as Rock and Austin because they all came out of the same era, and he's not as huge as they are. He alaways try to steal someones thunder like he did last year with Cookie Monster Punk. He beat Chick Magnet Punk and went back to his suit (until it was time to get his buddy Nash a good payday later on that year). HHH needs to stay out of this Lesnar thing, but his ego is telling him,"Hey this is another opportunity to step in the spotlight and put the attention on me!" He's done alot during his career, why not build new talent and stop focusing on past stars like Lesnar. All this attention lately on Rock and Lesnar is Dimming the light on the CURRENT WWE CHAMPION, Cool Motherfucker Punk!!!!
I was worried at first that they were going to rush into this match and do it at Over the Edge. But they set the stage on Raw and with Trips' "injury" and Brock getting "time off" for his actions, it makes sense that these two will match up at SummerSlam. It's a big enough stage and far enough away from WM 28 to make this match stand on its own.

Rather than go into a feud with a up and coming guy, or current main event guy, we get good old Triple H in yet again to steal the spotlight and continue trying to make himself the most over face in the company at the expense of others.

Wouldn't be surprised if Triple H scheduled himself to win the match, either.
It should have been a lock for Unforgiven 2002. This match is 10 years over due ( and the one in Manchester Does not count)

The Game Wins ALL DAY
I think this is a nailed on main event for Summerslam and pretty much the ideal choice given the history and current angle.

It's one of the big dream matches on the slate and should have a strong storyline going in. Hopefully Brock has another couple of matches before he faces Triple H, just to get into a groove.
I think the big picture angle will be HHH/Laurinaitis not HHH/Lesnar. Lesnar will be the hired muscle, Cena will be the face of the company and what's good for business, Laurinaitis the bad guy ruining the business, and HHH the corporate guy trying to do what's best for business.

He took a hardline with Lesnar because of contract dealings and how it would affect the bottom dollar. Why did he have to do that? Because Lauriniaitis didn't do his job and caved to to keep Lesnar happy.
I love how people have the balls to complain about Triple H taking the spotlight when he hasn't wrestled a full schedule in like 2 years. Whether the people hating on him want to believe it or not he is a draw and one of the biggest stars the WWE ever had. If he faces Brock Lesnar at summerslam it will sell and plus it's a dream match for many people.

Rather than go into a feud with a up and coming guy, or current main event guy, we get good old Triple H in yet again to steal the spotlight and continue trying to make himself the most over face in the company at the expense of others.

Wouldn't be surprised if Triple H scheduled himself to win the match, either.

Really? Because I've been waiting for Triple H vs Brock Lesnar for far longer than I have for Dolph Ziggler vs Brock Lesnar. Not to mention it would make far more heads pop.
I love how people have the balls to complain about Triple H taking the spotlight when he hasn't wrestled a full schedule in like 2 years. Whether the people hating on him want to believe it or not he is a draw and one of the biggest stars the WWE ever had. If he faces Brock Lesnar at summerslam it will sell and plus it's a dream match for many people.

YOu must have missed CM Punk's biggest storyline ever being taken from him and changed to be all about Triple H just last year. He buried the whole roster in order to make himself the most over face in the company, and ruined what could have been their biggest story in nearly a decade.

Somehow, we started with CM Punk's worked shoot promo, and ended with Triple H vs. Kevin Nash in a Sledgehammer Ladder match.
Yes it is a lock. I can see them wrestling at No Way Out or MITB. I'm not sure if they are going to wait till Summerslam. Lesnar is only signed for a year. I think they want to use him more often.

Lesnar has to win his 2nd match regardless of who he faces. It will make him look too weak if he loses again.

Hunter does have a habit of jumping in whatever the hottest wrestler/storyline is at the time. Thats how he keeps himself relevant. He should of never been guest ref with Punk vs Cena at SS. They were doing fine without him. He saw how much attention HBK/Taker got so he wrestled Taker the last 2 WM. So I'm not surprised he is wrestling Lesnar.
to all guys saying HHH took Punk´s momentum...are you kidding me? Kevin Nash ADMITTED that he was suppose to take on Punk at night of champions last year and HHH and Punk were supposed to fight at survivor series......convenient how people forget that....

I think we are going to see HHH vs Brock because its GOOD for business, and a lot of people want to see this! the casual fan who doesnt read dirt sheets and wrestling sites actually care now about this match cause lesnar broke the arm of one of the biggest names in the history of the busines and one of the most over faces right now, and they want to see him get his revenge!

simple as that....
I do think it is pretty much a lock that we'll see HHH and Lesnar down the line, probably at Summerslam. Triple H isn't one to forget about getting his arm broken, and will likely seek revenge once his arm "heals" in a few months. Lesnar and Triple H would be a great feud, and it would be something we really never got to see during Lesnar's original run. For the most part, HHH was on Raw back then and Lesnar was on SD, so they were separated. No matter who comes out on top, it'd be a good match and it'd certainly be a draw. I could see either winning it as well. HHH could put Lesnar over and further legitimize his dominance, or Triple H could logically get the win, finally getting vengeance for the initial attack. Either scenario works, and thus makes the match unpredictable. Seems like this match will happen, I hope it does.

I bet the people that said HHH was "retired" at Wrestlemania 28 feel pretty stupid now...
Triple H has truly been in the wars. Firstly Nash puts him in Hospital after a Sledgehammer beating, now Lensar breaks his arm. Looks like this angle might go simular to the HHH/Nash fued. Hunter will probably return and challenge Lesnar to a match at an upcoming PPV.
So the payoff here certainly has to be a Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar match. It books itself, really. They've been teasing on that the board is considering punishing Lesnar, possibly even firing him. Triple H speaks out against and says no, I want to take him out myself. Easy peasy.

I don't know if the match would happen at Over the Limit. I'd probably hold off on it for another month so they have time to sell the injury to Triple H and build the feud properly. As for the idiots ranting and raving about Triple H putting himself over Brock, I think you're full of shit. Triple H put CM Punk over (wins and losses aren't the only thing that matters, morons,) and he'll put Lesnar over here. He'll put up more of a fight than Cena did which is basic psychology. You know, Cena went in blind, completely unaware of what Lesnar was bringing to the table. Triple H has seen what he's capable of, he knows what he expects. It will have to have some sort of stipulation, too. No way anyone will buy Triple H having a legitimate shot of beating Brock in a regular match. Could be as simple as a No DQ match.

Lesnar will go over, though.
old news by now, but Triple H slated to appear on next weeks RAW

curious to see how the feud will continue with Brock apparently quitting

and yes I agree, if Brock and Triple H do have a match, Brock needs to pick up the win .. see below

"Lesnar has to win his 2nd match regardless of who he faces. It will make him look too weak if he loses again."

with Brock quitting, just came up with an idea for Triple H to bait him in

have Triple H vs Brock @ Summerslam, with the stipulation if Brock wins he gets the original contract he signed with Johnny Ace

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