Summerslam 2012: Triple H VS Brock Lesnar

My guess is that HBK shows up, but his interference inadvertently causes Triple H to lose. There are several juicy possibilities that rise from that scenario, no?

Undoubtedly. There's always the possibility of just one more match for the Heartbreak Kid. I wouldn't be aversed to Triple H and Shawn Michaels at the next Wrestlemania, nor do I doubt that it would sell tickets.
This was definitely a hard one to predict because on 1 hand when a heel injures the face and the face comes back for revenge for a big ppv match to end the feud the Face ends up winning but on the other hand Brock Lesnar lost his first match back so would he really lose his second match too putting him at 0 wins and 2 loses when they are trying to push him as this badass monster/big threat? In the end I'm going with Lesnar picking up the victory here because if the rumors are true that he will face Taker at WM29 than it just makes sense to have him take out HBK and HHH the 2 guys that gave Taker his biggest challenges at WM for the past 4 years.

I actually made a video about this going into more detail on why I think Brock's picking up the victory at summerslam (Part 2 is the detailed one just about this match)

CM Punk keeps saying that the show should always end with the champion and at Summerslam, he's going to make sure that he is the focal point. Obviously, this match is going to be the one to close the show. So I've been thinking that somehow, CM Punk is going to interfere in the match or at the very least he's going to attack the winner afterwards so he is the center of attention.

Just random thoughts. I'm really looking forward to this match and I honestly hope Triple H wins just so you *****es will lose your shit over it.
Quite possibly the match I am looking forward to the most on the card. The build up for it has been fantastic, and I'd expect it to go on either last or second to last. Triple H doesn't really need the win, whereas Lesnar does. He lost to John Cena in his first PPV match back so if he can get a win over Trips than he'll regain the momentum he lost and will be more believable in trying to destroy anyone in his path. Trips winning here wouldn't make much sense. As an authority figure he should be done winning big matches by now.

I would not be surprised for Michaels to get involved somehow. If the rumored HBK VS Trips match for this year's Wrestlemania is happening, this is a golden opportunity to begin setting that up. Michaels could cost Trips the match somehow for not being there for him this week on Raw. With or without Michaels interfering, I've got Lesnar winning and the match is sure to be impressive. I think it will be the second best of the night losing only to Ziggler & Jericho's match. I definitely can't wait to see what happens.... Worst case scenario, if Trips does win, we'll still get a good match out of it. Hopefully it lives up to the hype given the great build up it has had.

Brock Lesnar will defeat Triple H
If you want this done right, you have Lesnar beat HHH to within an inch of his life. The beating's so bad, that people cringe at watching it. It's so bad, the commentators are legit worried about HHH being seriously hurt. It's so bad, Stephanie McMahon comes out, crying, begging Lesnar to stop, only for Lesnar to nail HHH with a couple more soup bones to the face... only for Steph to find a towel, throw it in, and have the match stopped... only for Lesnar to finish HHH and break a limb.

That's how you do this match. Make it about 10 minutes of the stiffiest ass kicking that's ever been dealt out on WWE TV. Make it look like HHH was in over his head and Lesnar is a legitimately dangerous person to be around. That's the only way you save Lesnar as a viable contender to dethrone Rock or even Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Have him destroy one of the 'toughest' people in the WWE's history.

Of course none of this happens, and it's a win for HHH. Which makes no sense to anyone.
This is a hard one to call, probably the one match where I'm least certain of what will happen but I am damn excited for it and I wish I was going just so I could see this one match. It's had a great build and ofcourse after Lesnar lost his big return in the main event of a PPV to Cena he's gonna need this win bad, while H in his management position doesn't exactly need it and this could be an excuse to have him out of the ring a while. Like Lariat said, Lesnar kicks his ass to a bloody pulp and is built up to be the biggest threat to Taker's streak thus far. Just for that I would love to see him win but part of me feels like H wont take this loss and he'll take the win as the true superstar who never bailed on the WWE. I don't know what will happen but I'm excited!
I see Brock destroying Triple H the whole match and toying with finishing the match multiple times until finally Triple H makes a Cena-like comeback and beats Lesnar 1-2-3 in the ring. I will never understand why Vince signed Lesnar to job to guys that will be wwe hall of famers (Cena, HHH and soon to be Undertaker at Mania in 2013).
Triple H is 100% winning this, Cena, Hunter and Taker are the 3 most powerful backstage figures in WWE, they signed Brock "the most dangerous man on the planet" and "former UFC heavyweight champion" Lesnar so that they can beat him up and make WWE look superior

If i was Taker i would be pissed that i am facing Lesnar at Mania and it wont mean diddly squat, because by then he has lost to Cena and Hunter. Nobody in their right mind would believe he was going to end the streak.

I am not really mad about it, ive gotten over Hunter and his ******* about a decade ago. What i am looking forward to most is seeing the predictable reaction that people will have when Hunter wins "OMG i cant beleeee it mang!" yeah why cant you?

Hunter is winning 100%, he lost to Taker at Mania, Brock isent staying long, Brock pissed off Vince, Hunter will bullshit his way to a win and say they will just build Brock for Mania against Taker etc etc seen it a million times. Its Paul Levensque 101
I think Lesnar is going to win. But here's why. HHH will be dominant most of the time but how about something happening we didn't expect? Stephanie has been introduced to the feud, but what if it goes down like this: HHH is beating down Brock. Stephanie comes out to try and get her two cents in. Boom! Out of nowhere Lesnar's wife Sable comes out and takes out Stephanie, Distracting HHH and giving Brock the opening for an F-5 and a big win. This could really spice up the feud. What do you think? Too early? I think that would be crazy.
Ok right so I just see that Mike Tyson and Stone Cold are both going to be at SummerSlam tonight. With HBK injured at the hands of Lesnar why not get Tyson to replace him in HHH'S corner ? Would be a great moment! Or even better have Austin in his corner ? We all know the moment when Lesnar left WWE he was stunned by Austin, and he had a kinda short fued with Austin and Goldberg so there is history there. Plus this could be the building to. Lesnar vs Austin match at maina ??? Thoughts ?
that ending was so bad. lord almighty...

The whole match was pretty bad. I couldn't tell if the crowd just wasn't into it or if they were just so upset that HHH was getting the hell beat out of him.

If Lesnar did really hurt his stomach on that table spot then he's a fucking champ for finishing. If he was just selling, he deserves an academy award.
that whole match was shitty...A good part of the match was just Lesnar going for the armbar. Then he "breaks" his arm and Triple H shows no pain and casually walks out of the ring to the back... I think Brock and Cena had much more legitimacy and made way more of a buzz...this match was not what i was expecting. Hope this feud is over.
As I, personally, expected, this match did not live up to its hype. Brock Lesnar was nerfed like hell compared to his match with Cena; the likes of which can only be compared to Kane and his plummet to mortality after WM14. I won't post a spoiler until I see someone else give it away, but I will say this: All match long, all I could think of was Stone Cold Steve Austin, a Lance Storm match, and him yelling "BOOOORRRRRIIIIINNNNNGGGG!"
outcome was still good...yet i need to emphasizze HHH is not a sympathetic all of you should know...
I didn't see Summerslam, but two outcomes made me happy tonight: CM Punk retaining the title and Brock beating Triple H. Brock's return is more legit now, but I am still smarting over his loss to Cena.

One of the extremely few nights I'm actually proud of WWE.
I wish they would have Lesnar actually "wrestle" as apposed to being this UFC fighter coming to dominate the WWE. Lesnar was a phenomenal in-ring talent as a WRESTLER in his original run. The crowd chanting "you can't wrestle" was laughable.

I understand the angle that they're running and that he hasn't actually wrestled in a decade, but I just was hoping for something different.
Terrible, anticlimatic ending to the PPV. The match may have came off better if it didn't finish the show, but having the show end on such a slow, sad note was terrible. Brock/Cena was more violent, interesting, & suspenseful, even though they tried to use the same formula for the match. Triple H tapping out was a shock, but the only thing worth taking from the match.
The action was great, but HHH's ego hurt it. No matter what, that guy can never just put someone over without there being some sort of catch. He had to look stronger than Brock, which is ridiculous. Anyone with half a brain realizes Brock would wreck HHH.

I liked it, but HHH bothered me. Just take an ass kicking and deal with it.
Am I the only one who thinks Brock did a phenomenal job in selling the stomach pain/injury? I was there live, and honestly thought he reaggravated or reinjured his stomach. Even during portions of the match where he was in complete control, he was favoring his side, and Triple H was on the outside stalling. Brock even looked like he spit up a little.

Unfortunately that was the most interesting part of the match, the crowd was completely not into it at all, plenty of "boring" chants, and wrong pick to end the PPV.
Am I the only one who thinks Brock did a phenomenal job in selling the stomach pain/injury? I was there live, and honestly thought he reaggravated or reinjured his stomach. Even during portions of the match where he was in complete control, he was favoring his side, and Triple H was on the outside stalling. Brock even looked like he spit up a little.

Unfortunately that was the most interesting part of the match, the crowd was completely not into it at all, plenty of "boring" chants, and wrong pick to end the PPV.

I don't know that he was selling. I just rewatched the match and, man, if he was selling, he sold it for the entire rest of the match. After taking a spine buster from HHH he immediately curled up in the fetal position, I doubt he would still be selling the stomach here because it was about 10 mins later. I think he was in legit pain, which just further proves how unbelievably tough he is.
I gotta think though that if he wasnt selling, HHH would know better than to continue targeting the midsection to protect his opponent. It's like someone putting the sharpshooter on HHH after he tore his quad.
I just watched the match again... It reminded me of Triple H's match with Orton at WM. A decent match that just didn't live up to the hype. That angle was 100 times better, but at least this time the right person won the match.

The post match stuff drives me crazy. They had Cena cut a promo after his match and now they have Triple H saying "sorry" and barely selling his broken arm. They made it all about HHH losing when they should of made it about Brock winning. The guy can never put someone over and just move on.

Brock should be wrecking the WWE roster until WM, when somebody finally stops Brock and beats him. They managed to screw that up. Instead, we get a shitty retirement angle with HHH.
I just watched the match again... It reminded me of Triple H's match with Orton at WM. A decent match that just didn't live up to the hype. That angle was 100 times better, but at least this time the right person won the match.

The post match stuff drives me crazy. They had Cena cut a promo after his match and now they have Triple H saying "sorry" and barely selling his broken arm. They made it all about HHH losing when they should of made it about Brock winning. The guy can never put someone over and just move on.

Brock should be wrecking the WWE roster until WM, when somebody finally stops Brock and beats him. They managed to screw that up. Instead, we get a shitty retirement angle with HHH.

I THOUGHT THE SAME THING!! It seems like Trips is inconsistently good with high-profile matches. He isnt good ring wise as a face in a personal feud, but awesome as a heel.
This was the worst main event in SummerSlam history. Hands down. Taker v Taker will have to come in at #2. Just awful, and i was AT THE SHOW.

Side note: I can't stand the fact that Brock wears the UFC gear. Its like he's some sort of prop inside of a WWE ring.

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