Kinda hope not, I'd much rather hear an announcement from AJ saying Punk will defend his title at NOC in a Championship Scramble match.
This could be an interesting twist. It could be worked into the Punk/AJ relationship as her continuing to stack the odds against him and gives a fresh match to headline a minor PPV which could draw extra buys. I'd welcome this, but I'm expecting it'll be Cena vs Punk in Boston which is a big enough match to draw buys as well. But I digress...
I can dig Lesnar kicking off Raw. It's likely the last time we'll see him for awhile so leading the show off with him is a good idea. Based on last night, I'm expecting we see Lesnar brag about "retiring" Triple H which he'll likely carry forward with him into future feuds leading to Wrestlemania 29.
One thing I am really hoping they don't do with this is it lead into Triple H returning around Survivor Series/Rumble time and confronting Brock leading to a rematch at Mania where he gets revenge. It'd be certainly be a big match and angle, but I'd much rather Lesnar face someone new in what could well be his last match.
Personally I'd rather Lesnar/Taker. They had the confrontation at UFC 121 and aside from Cena and maybe Rock, Lesnar is the most believable guy to end Taker's streak. I assume they'll hold off a possible Taker vs. Cena/Rock match until Wrestlemania 30 as it's the biggest Mania matches they could probably do right now and 30 years is a huge landmark. Adding Lesnar to his list of WM victims could be a great last match for Taker as well, but it also further boasts his aura going into that possible Mania 30 supermatch.
Of course there's always would likely be an intensely debated match, but possibly the highest drawing in history: Brock/Rock at Mania. Many wrestling fans, including much of the IWC, would hate to see a former UFC star vs. major Hollywood action star close out Mania, but there's no denying that has some incredible draw power and has $$$ written all over it.
I'm sure we might well get those two matches for Brock, but which one is at Mania is a huge decision assuming Lesnar doesn't sign on for another year and give us both on the big stage.