Brock Lesnar Retires From MMA *KEEP IT ALL IN HERE*

Everyone is saying brock still has his contract left with ufc. But IF he returns WWE,VKM is smart enough to make a negotiation with Dana way before he does with brock. I personally feel he aint returning to WWE at least for 2-3 years. C'mon VKM won't bring someone who rants bad about his company.
Really? REALLY!!!! It hasnt been 24 hours since his hasty retirement and already the internet wrestling world has him back in the WWE (with the title belt more than likely)..... REALLY?!

And here's a thought, what if he did return to wrestling but went to TNA? Hate it all you want, but he doesnt need the money or the exposure, nor does he desire the WWE's extreme travel schedual... LET THE TNA HATE GO!!!
What a bunch of hypocrites the IWC is, The Rock left the WWE on good terms and when he comes back he gets called a sell out for leaving for hollywood and wanting to go by his real name, yet Crock Lesner leaves on bad terms, calls the product fake and stupid. put down the WWE fans for liking the product and here you all are just wanting him to come back with open arms.

If VKM is smart he shouldn't bring him back except for a one match at Mania or SummerSlam and all this talk about giving him a big paycheck Hell No!!!! VKM did not make it this far just giving away large amounts of money. He should give him the same kind of money Dana White would be giving him $300,000-400,000 max. He doesn't respect the product and will leave again and that is not good for business.

All the hype begging for this guy back, can someone please tell me a good Lesner match in the WWE please ( dont bother search cause there is none ).

Lesner in the WWE had a great Debut and thats about it

People call the rock a sellout simply because, he was a huge star. Then he just leaves. Says he was the people's champion yada yada.. He pops back up simply to make money and sell more wrestlemanias. tells us he is back and is never leaving. he disappears after mania. shows up via satellite. disappears. pops up for his birthday. disappears. shows up via satellite. disappears. works a match at survivor series. where the fuck has he been since?? he sure the fuck isn't leaving but no one can fine dwayne! cm punk says it's just bullshit that he just walks in like he owns the place and doesn't talk to any of the guys. acts like he's better. i'd feel the same way. he cuts good promos and he's entertaining. as far as a great wrestler? the rock is not a fantastic wrestler. average at best. greatly entertaining. brock blows the guy away when it comes to actually wrestling.

Brock lesnar is a fucking ncaa champion in actual real matt grappling. You are a moron if you think he did not have classic matches.

He beat THE ROCK for the title-summerslam 02
Beat taker hell in a cell-no mercy 02
kurt angle vs lesnar at wm 19 was fucking classic. FUCKING CLASSIC. go watch the shit that if kurt would've taken a wrong bump he would've had severe SEVERE neck issues. brock took care of kurt.

He threw big show around the ring like a fucking rag doll. Brock is a monster and is a very talented athlete with fantastic grappling skills. not the best at promos like mr johnson, but in the ring he blows rocks ass away.

btw, he was a decent mma fighter. whooped frank mir's ass. beat old captain america for the title. destroyed heath herring. so he wasn't the best? so fucking what. he's a badass who you wouldn't bad mouth him in the slightest to his face as he would break YOUR FACE.

Here's the thing, little immature rocky fans and little bitch cena fans, please, PLEASE, make sure you know what you're talking about before you ever try to argue or contest anyone with actual knowledge of the product. i'd take brock over rock anyday. everyday. that's my opinion.

Off topic, but boy does John Cena fucking suck.
I knew this would happen as soon as Brock said "This is my last fight" And I guarantee VKM knew about it. Hence the 1/2/12 promos...its to generate a storm like this. Remember the buzz with Sting last year, then the taker brock confrontation?

Vince is a smart man...The vignettes are not for Lesnar, they are Jericho who is selling it well on Twitter saying the promos are for Lesnar.

This is just to boost ratings on RAW which have been abysmal as of late.

If Lesnar returns it will be epic but I highly doubt it
Really? REALLY!!!! It hasnt been 24 hours since his hasty retirement and already the internet wrestling world has him back in the WWE (with the title belt more than likely)..... REALLY?!

And here's a thought, what if he did return to wrestling but went to TNA? Hate it all you want, but he doesnt need the money or the exposure, nor does he desire the WWE's extreme travel schedual... LET THE TNA HATE GO!!!

Honestly i would love to see him go to TNA ,but he is a greedy person I think, and money is his clutch, kind of like BATISTA. I think what you will see though is LESNAR VS. UNDERTAKER at WRESTLEMANIA. That would draw big numbers
Even though he retires, he still has to get out of his contract. If a football player retires, his team still owns his rights and he can't go somewhere else. Not unless Vince bought out his deal from White.

If he still has a couple years left on his deal and vince didn't, he isn't going anywhere.
He got nowhere to go but back to WWE. Brock can't fight anymore. It is the safest choice out there. Vince have high hopes for him before. And I'm pretty sure that the fans are anticipating his return. It's a win-win situation for Brock Lesnar and the WWE so I don't see a reason why won't he go back.

Undertaker - Lesnar at Wrestlemania 28
Taker vs Lesnar at WM28 looks very much possible.:)

This will not happen.
Reason 1) Lesnar left the WWE because he thought he was above it, Tried football ( failed) tried hunting ( failed) tried UFC ( failed) Undertaker will not drop his prestigious 20-0 streak to a non-wrestling person ( look how long taker has done it)
Reason 2) Lesnar will not go in to Wrestlemania without a guaranteed win, he needs to redeem himself after his lack luster UFC career,Football career and crappy beard growing ( D. Bryan should train him, once he teaches Orton)
Reason 3) Lesnar will want big money and when he was desired he didn't want to go, now that he has nothing going for him WWE will not want to pay big money for him in hopes for a pay day.

Now your going to say winning the UFC title is not failing, please it was a set up and a lucky win Lesnar only managed 5 wins in 8 Matches over 4 years and then quits. Could you imagine Cock Lesnar in the first UFC he would have retired before the tourney ended. ( 6 matches Horace Gracie 1 Night).

WWE should not pursue Brock Lesnar and let him fall to TNA or ROH, make him prove that he can once again be a huge draw for the wrestling business. Once he takes over the clowns at TNA and gives hogan a little lovin ( linda says) then make WWE should offer him a nice set of money. But Lesnar is Injury prone and no reason to spend big money to get a guy who will quit as soon as he realizes that he is crap.
Honestly I don't think Brock will return to wrestling anytime soon. He has been very vocal about how he couldn't handle the traveling schedule and like someone else had mentioned earlier he is a big family man. He also has had two major surgeries in three years. Brock has done very well for himself with the WWE and UFC, plus don't forget he is married to Rena a.k.a Sable. I'm sure between the two of them they could live comfortably without having to go back to the E. He very well could just disappear into some log cabin in the middle of Minnesota and not be heard from for awhile.

BUT, there is that showman in him. It's the personality that a lot of the UFC fans actually couldn't stand about Lesnar. If he came back it would be limited participation...there is no way he will be full time. There is no way he will be the return on 1/2/2012. I highly doubt a spot at the Rumble. Lesnar and Taker at Mania? Maybe but just don't see it happening. I could see the WWE saving him for a spot at Summerslam. It would give him time off, get back to training for WWE and give them a nest egg to promote for the summer. You already have The Rock at Mania, and you know Taker will be there. From a business perspective why blow it all on Mania and not have anything for future PPV's to draw buys?
This is like when people say titles don't matter and then freak out when a guy they like gets one.

If he came back no matter who he worked with the build would suck, the payoff would only be okay and the business wouldn't be any better off because of it. Did anyone forget how badly WWE creative botched The Rock's first match in seven years?

Here's a little reminder for you; 160,000 domestic buys for Survivor Series. Brock Lesnar is no different than Rock. He's a guy that can pique interest. But at the end of the day, people will buy the ppv if there's been a hood build to it. What makes anyone on this forum believe that creative isn't going to fuck up this one, too?

You are exhibiting battered spouse syndrome by believing anything different. You are being fed golden carrots like some TNA employee.
Could Brock come back? Yes, absolutely he could. And he'd draw pretty well. He always was a draw. And with a big return match, like at 'Mania, it would draw huge.

Should Brock come back? Doubtful at best. He's already been a champion at both WWE and UFC. So why would he come back? Nothing to prove to anyone.

Will Brock come back? I'd say no, at this point in time. I wouldn't. Brock has plenty of money. He was making 5.3 mil a year just in the UFC, and that was while injured, with endorsements. He's got a wife and 2 young kids now as well. He could be the stay at home Dad if he wants to be. Plus the physical problems he obviously still has. Who the hell was the doctor that cleared him to fight anyways. That quack should lose his licence to practice medicine!

So, IMHO, sadly, its no. Brock won't be coming back.

And remember, when Dana White says "We will have to figure that out", it means "I had better get paid, big time." UFC contracts are so ironclad, they're a legal marvel.
He'll make an appearance or he might come back part time one day I'm sure. As JR said, now is not the time. Contrary to what some people believe, he's probably very upset right now and wrestling is the furthest thing from his mind. I'm sure he'll be out of the spotlight for some time. It's too bad though. Ever since his serious illness, he was just never the same in the octagon. I would like to see him back in a WWE ring one day and it's a given he will be.

The guy can sell out arenas, so it's not a matter of IF, but WHEN.
:wtf: :lmao: ok i have a question how do you think lesner is a failed in ufc he did what he set out to do and won the UFC heavyweight championship in only his 4th fight and he didnt play NFL he was a training partner in the nfl man some people dont know what lesner has done since he left the wwe and the guy he fought alistair overeem is the best muai thai fighter in the world in his division so i would check your self
I've got no personal interest in Brock Lesnar returning to the WWE. Lesnar has made it clear that he believes he's above WWE, he's made a ton of money fighting in the UFC and I don't really see why he'd need to return ot WWE. If he did return, Vince would probably have to pay the guy the sun & stars and, quite frankly, you have to wonder if Lesnar can still deliver.

The illness that nearly killed Lesnar a few years back has probably taken it's toll on him. From a physical stanpoint, overall, he probably not the man he used to be. I don't see how he could be, to be perfectly honest and, if he chooses to, he can always come out and have that illness to fall back on as to why he's no longer the dominant force in UFC that he used to be.

All that being said, Brock Lesnar coming to WWE would probably be a huge draw. Taker vs. Lesnar at WrestleMania would be a huge money match and I guarantee would result in everyone going home with a huge payday. At the end of the day, the reality of the business is always going to trump whatever sort of idealistic views one might have. The reality is that Lesnar is money. I won't be at all surprised if UFC 141 drew over a million ppv buys last night just because Lesnar was on the card. In a ppv market that's oversaturated with wrestling events from different companies on such a regular basis, it's extremely difficult for a wrestling ppv to deliver even half that number.

At the same time, I don't look for WWE to approach Lesnar for a spot at this time. It's possible, of course, but the WWE already has as huge event planned for WrestleMania. Cena vs. Rock is highly anticipated and it's looking likely that Shaquille O'Neal will be at WM and work a match against Big Show. Lesnar has probably been training very hard for what was his last MMA fight and is probably looking to have some downtime now with his family, so I'm not hitching my wagon to the chance he'll be at WrestelMania this year. I could see Taker vs. Lesnar next year if Taker's streak is still going. After having gone 20-0, could Taker go Blackjack against the one guy to come along in WWE the past 20 years that he was never really able to beat? Taker & Lesnar had some great matches, but Taker always came up just a little short. It'd be little problem to put forth the idea to fans that the streak would be in jeopardy.
I would love Lesnar to come back to the WWE. My only problem with it would be that everyone else pales in comparison to his legit badass-ness.

I know wrestling is fake. But a lot of people(including me) complain about how The Miz, Cody Rhodes, Del Rio, Mysterio, etc don't look like they are tough enough to whoop anyone's ass. Lesnar pretty much proved that he can go toe to toe with the toughest fighters in the world. In a real fight, he would destroy any of them in seconds. It would be above and beyond all things unbelievable to see Mysterio hit a 619 on Lesnar and not have Lesnar catch him, twist him into a pretzel and throw him 8 rows into the stands.
Do any of you people realize that Brock is injured? Guy underwent surgery, removing half of his colon just a couple of months ago and to add insult to injury, he lost his last match in the UFC possibly because of said surgery. Do any of you honestly believe he's physically ready to get back in the WWE?

So, I just finished watching the Lesnar vs. Overeem UFC fight. Lesnar was hit hard in the gut (liver) and was TKO'd halfway through the first round. During his post fight interview he said that he was officially announcing his retirement from MMA. He stated that he promised his wife, kids, and family that if he won he would make his next match (a title match) his last, but if he lost, this would be his last. He lost, and now he is officially retired from UFC, and apparently retired from MMA.

The fact is that Lesnar had several inches of his colon removed last year due to diverticulitis. He said tonight that the last couple of years have been incredibly hard due to the disease. You have to respect this man, and his accomplishments. This was not the Brock Lesnar that taunts fans tonight. He was subdued, apologetic, and appreciative. He congratulated Overeem after the bout, thanked the Fertitta Brothers and Dana White, and then said thank you to the fans.

I have to believe this is a legitimate retirement, unlike many others. I still think Brock is a beast, and in a straight out fight, I believe he could kick just about anyone's ass. Face it, not many people would be dumb enough to pick a fight with him, period. I think his reasoning is legit, and I think that his disease and the weakness in his gut (colon and intestines), not his literal gut, are what brought this retirement on. Brock is a fighter with an incredible amount of pride, and the fact that he can't compete at the top level anymore is his reason for walking away. I respect him for going out on top, or as close as could to on top.

So, the entire point of all of this is very simple. Brock will no longer be bound by a UFC contract, and will no longer be intensely training for heavyweight MMA bouts. Do you think there is any chance that Vince McMahon will offer Lesnar enough money that it would be impossible to refuse a Wrestlemania appearance. Last year we were teased with the idea that Brock Lesnar or Sting could possibly be Undertaker's opponent at Wrestlemania.

Is it possible that WWE could pull off an almost impossible feat and make Lesnar the person behind the 1-2-12 promos? Never say never. For the right money, I wouldn't discount it as possible. Lesnar doesn't need to return full time. All he needs to do is come back and say that he is reclaiming his spot at the top, and he wants one more match to prove it, and that will be against the Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

I know it is a stretch, but his retirement, and the timing of the 1-2-12 date seem to fall in place together very well. It is possible, but highly unlikely that a deal was already done, and Brock intends to finish in WWE. I would say the more likely scenario is that Brock will get a call from Vince McMahon himself with an offer that Brock simply won't be able to refuse. I think Lesnar may very well appear at Wrestlemania as a one time attraction. The only detraction for WWE is that his appearance could very well overshadow Rock vs. Cena, especially if it was against The Undertaker.

I am no smark, and I have no insider knowledge. I am simply a fan. I don't necessarily believe any of what I have said will happen, but it is possible, and as a fan, I will remain hopeful until April 2nd in Miami.

Please, tell me what you think.

BTW, to the OPS, I apologize for duplication. I posted before I realized the thread existed. I literally wrote and posted immediately after the match.
Honestly i would love to see him go to TNA ,but he is a greedy person I think, and money is his clutch, kind of like BATISTA. I think what you will see though is LESNAR VS. UNDERTAKER at WRESTLEMANIA. That would draw big numbers

Don't be too sure... He made money with WWE the first go around. He made money with UFC. I dont think the man is strapped for cash.

Not to mention he HATES being in public. I think it was HHH who said that while in the WWE, Brock loved to be in the ring perfroming, but was seriously looking at booking his own private jets so he didnt have to go through airports and be recognized and hasseled... Brock himself said he admired Glenn Jacobs for being Kane because he wore a mask and NO ONE new what he looked like...

TNA and their lighter schedual would be a better option, PLUS he's not a direct from WWE product.. He has spent time doin his (former) future endevors...
Lesnar made 400,000 for the fight last night. In 2010 he made 5.3 million with endorsements etc included.

Im pretty sure he doesnt need to come to the WWE. He doesnt look like the type to just blow and waste his money on things. He seems very happy when hes home and has a huge piece of land.

Id like to see him back, and while its possible.. I doubt it
I didn't bother to go through all the posts but I'm surprised that so many people assume that Lesnar threw the match to come back to the WWE. First off he's still under contract with UFC, so everyone saying that he's behind those promos are dead wrong. Dana White will not be releasing him overnight like that. White wants nothing to do with "Sports Entertainment", this was the biggest UFC event of the year and if Lesnar did use as a springboard to jump ship there's no way in holy hell that White is going to release him before Monday and be made a fool of. Secondly he's not wrestling at WM this year either. When exactly has Brock made any sort of warm and cuddly gestures towards the world of wrestling lately? He's come out and ripped on it several times so I doubt that he put together this masterful plan with VKM to drum up excitement for his return. No folks, he ain't coming back.....At least not yet and not how you think. My guess, and by no means logical in any way shape or form is that Lesnar will never be a full timer doing house again. Remember the South Africa incident? Or even being a part timer doing Raws and PPV's. The man made a solid fortune over the last 10+ years with UFC & WWE, so he doesn't need the money. So why would someone who clearly doesn't like the business come back at all? I think that a year or two down the road the WWE will back a truck up to his house and unload in attempts to bring him back for a few big dates, much like they are doing with The Rock right now. Again just my guess.
I really hope he doesn't come back to the WWE and I don't think he will. Why would he throw a UFC anyways, it doesn't make sense. If he didn't wanna fight he didn't have to so for him to throw the fight sounds stupid.

But if Brock was to come back it would be interesting, would he be heel or face? I would say he would start off face because the crowd will be like "OMG it's Brock, bla bla bla" but him coming back could hurt the talent coming up.
The key to all of this will not be "when Brock comes back to the WWE" but "IF Brock CAN come back to the WWE".

No matter what, retired or not, he is under UFC contract. And the retirement clauses they usually have in them include verbiage that lets them extend the contract INDEFINITELY! The UFC is well known for having such ironclad contracts, that they have NEVER lost a lawsuit. And they always fight it, in court. They don't settle.

Vince is going to have to shell out somewhere in the 10-20 million range to get Brock back. And he won't do it just for Brock.
Im not expecting Lenar to be the 1/2/11 man BUT I am expecting him to wrestle at 'Mania.

It all just seems too coincidental to me. Several months ago 'Taker and Brock randomly get into an altercation at a UFC event. Never before has that happened. It seemingly set the stage for a big time match down the road.

Then, for the first time since he left WWE several years ago, Brock is added to the WWE video game. Who saw that coming...

Finally, Brock basically took a dive during his last match. It wasn’t the Brock we've seen throughout his UFC career. Then he humbly retires?

Again, I'm not expecting Brock to be on Raw tomorrow but IMO the above just seems too coincidental to me. I'm expecting him before 'Mania.
Brock has a very strange way of quitting on things, very abrubt and fast. His football carreer, wrestling (match against Goldberg, a total stinker) and UFC, he basically looked like he gave up for a kick most MMA fighters take constantly.

That said, how am i to hate him, he is rich enough, has a nice home and pretty wife so clearly he is doing something right.

One small run in WWE is guarrantied

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