Former Opponent Files Civil Suit Against Brock Lesnar


It's being reported that Brock Lesnar's opponent at UFC 200, Mark Hunt, has filed a lawsuit against Lesnar, Dana White and UFC itself. Hunt is scheduled to face Alistair Overeem later this year at UFC 209, so that may well be up in the air at this point.

Hunt has been really vocal about both UFC and Lesnar regarding his defeat at Lesnar's hands via unanimous decision after Lesnar failed a post fight drug test. Hunt did an interview with ESPN recently and stated his position on the whole thing: "I want the UFC to understand it's not OK to keep doing what they're doing. They're allowing guys to do this. They had a chance to take all the money from this guy, because he's a cheater, and they didn't. What message is that sending to the boys and girls who want to be a fighter someday? The message is, 'You just have to cheat like this and it's OK.' In society, if you commit a crime, you pay. Why is it different in MMA? It's hurt the business, so it's even worse. They need to be held accountable for this."

Hunt's lawsuit also accuses the UFC and Brock Lesnar of a number of violations including racketeering and fraud while seeking millions of dollars in damages.

First of all, I don't think Hunt gives two shits about the boys and girls who might wanna grow up to be fighters someday. I have no way of knowing that for certain, of course, it's just that I'm always suspicious whenever some athlete or celebrity tries to play the role model card. A huge part of this is, probably the primary aspect really, is Hunt is looking for a huge payday because the guy's best years are behind him; he turns 43 in a few months and he was never a major player in mixed martial arts as his record currently stands at 12-10-1-1. His loss against Lesnar was overturned and rendered a no contest but it's not a great win/loss record and it's probably only going to get worse the longer he competes.

Personally, I don't think he'd have beaten Lesnar anyway but that, as well as his motives for the suit, are incidental because I think the guy's in the right. It's been proven that Lesnar was doping and the only punishment he received was a year's suspension via the USADA and a $250,000 fine , which is a drop in the bucket when you consider that Lesnar's purse for the fight was $2.5 million. Lesnar's legacy as an MMA fighter is tarnished but I don't think he really gives a crap. I's Brock Lesnar after all, the guy has no real passion for anything he does but will do it as long as someone is willing to pay him huge sums of money for it. He couldn't care less if he's remembered as an all time great in MMA or pro wrestling just so long as he's sitting on a huge pile of money when it's all said and done, which is a perspective that has its attractions as there are legends in both industries, all time greats really, who have little more than a body full of sore muscles and aching bones as reminders of their glory days.
He's quite right. I'm with you, JH, I don't think he gives a shit about the little guys and girls that want to become fighters in the future. What he really cares about is sounding good when it's clear to everyone that he's just looking for more money for the damage to his reputation after being beat by a part time fighter. Hunt has never been a great fighter but he's been around long enough to know that everyone is on some sort of enhancement, whether is found out or not.

I'm just wondering what he would have to say if he wasn't Lesnar's opponent at UFC 200?

That said, he's perfectly entitled to his day in court and I'm sure that he'll get something out of it. Personally, I don't see him getting millions of dollars. He's not really the party that stands to benefit if USADA or the UFC choose to take any action. I don't think he's got a case for his own personal loss of earnings. But we shall see.
i don'T really follow MMA or UFC that much, only when you got a fighter like a lesnar or ronda rousey that'S on the card then i might watch it but i think the whole lawsuit thing makes sense in my opinion.

Not to say that mark hunt believe every single word he said especially the whole role model thing, but lesnar shouldn'T have gotten special treatment just because how big of a star he was. Then after the fight. he gets pop not once but twice and they pretty much gave him a slap on the wrist and said '' if you come back, don'T do that again'' because that'S what his punishment was really. The fine won'T hurt Lesnar that much. Lesnar doesn'T really care about the result being overturn and the suspension is a real joke. He got a year suspension that started the day of the fight and he got the news in december which mean that his suspension wasn'T a year but just half a year.

If i'm mark hunt i would be piss that the UFC and the usada didn't do anything about it until they we're forced to do it and then they give the guy a lame punishment for his not following the rules.

Do i think that Mark Hunt could have beaten Lesnar in a clean fight? maybe but will never know because lesnar had to cheat to win because he wasn't confident enough in his abilities to go into this fight clean and since he can't be punish in WWE because of a loophole in the wellness policy, he thought he could get away with it in ufc since he's friends with dana white.

So i'm glad that mark Hunt is suing them, he might not get a lot out of it but this will probably cause a lot of trouble for UFC and might not be so willing to bend the rules for a part timer the next time around.
Ugh will this never end between Hunt and Lesnar. Personally I don't think Hunt is doing himself any favour's here considering the whole world knows by now that Lesnar cheated. The fight was ruled a no contest, Lesnar was banned for a year and made to pay back some of the money he won.

Hunts comments about boy and girls growing up wanting to be fighters, is ludicrous. I worked with kids for years, and not one of them said I want to grow up to be a UFC fighter. It was more fireman, ballet dancer and so on. Most of them probably don't know what UFC is, and would get punished if they got into a fight with someone else anyway.

Hunt should just dust himself off and get on with it. No one likes a very public lawsuit, and this could end his career in UFC permanently. Who cares about Brock Lesnar, he doesn't care about anyone else but the money. Let him have it.
Ugh will this never end between Hunt and Lesnar. Personally I don't think Hunt is doing himself any favour's here considering the whole world knows by now that Lesnar cheated. The fight was ruled a no contest, Lesnar was banned for a year and made to pay back some of the money he won.

Hunts comments about boy and girls growing up wanting to be fighters, is ludicrous. I worked with kids for years, and not one of them said I want to grow up to be a UFC fighter. It was more fireman, ballet dancer and so on. Most of them probably don't know what UFC is, and would get punished if they got into a fight with someone else anyway.

Hunt should just dust himself off and get on with it. No one likes a very public lawsuit, and this could end his career in UFC permanently. Who cares about Brock Lesnar, he doesn't care about anyone else but the money. Let him have it.

He may not be doing himself any favours but at the end of the day the guy was cheated so he has every right to sue for potential loss of earning etc

Let's say Hunt beat Lesnar then his profile would have rocketed.

That's quite a broad generalisation on the kid part. I'm assuming you didn't work with every child in the world. I work as part of an MMA team and I guarantee you there is kids out there who dream of been in the UFC. Maybe not in their pre teen years but definitely adolescents.

Why should Hunt dust himself off when he has been cheated? If you got cheated out of something would you just take it and get on your jolly way?

Lesnar does only care about the money your right so what they should do is take the full purse off him. It's a joke to take 10%.
He may not be doing himself any favours but at the end of the day the guy was cheated so he has every right to sue for potential loss of earning etc

Let's say Hunt beat Lesnar then his profile would have rocketed.

That's quite a broad generalisation on the kid part. I'm assuming you didn't work with every child in the world. I work as part of an MMA team and I guarantee you there is kids out there who dream of been in the UFC. Maybe not in their pre teen years but definitely adolescents.

Why should Hunt dust himself off when he has been cheated? If you got cheated out of something would you just take it and get on your jolly way?

Lesnar does only care about the money your right so what they should do is take the full purse off him. It's a joke to take 10%.

No one is saying that he was in a fair fight, by all reports he knew that going in. Hunt himself said on many occasion's that Lesnar looked juiced before the fight even happened. And as for Lesnar's payday, well that is a deal worked out between him and UFC. Hunt reportedly got 700k for fighting Lesnar. Has he been asked to pay that back because it was ruled a no contest.

There will always be a winner and a loser in these situation's. In this case however, both are really looking like losers. Lesnar for cheating and Hunt for constantly demanding money. If you have forgotten, he demanded half of Lesnar's purse after it came out that Lesnar had a positive test.

When you sign up for this kind of sport, shit is going to happen. Just because one person is clean doesn't mean someone else won't be. If I had been Hunt in this situation I would have said nothing and let Lesnar take all the heat. As it is with his demands and now this lawsuit, it makes both of them look like they are just out for money.

Mark Hunt did nothing wrong in the beginning except to sign his name to a contract to fight Lesnar. I'm willing to bet that if he had of fought someone else his paycheck of 700k wouldn't have been so big either. It's his actions since the fight was over that is defining him now. It's not up to Mark Hunt to clean up UFC, that's Dana White's job. If he doesn't feel the need or have the want to do it, no one else can. Viewers will still tune in whether fighters are juiced or not.
No one is saying that he was in a fair fight, by all reports he knew that going in. Hunt himself said on many occasion's that Lesnar looked juiced before the fight even happened. And as for Lesnar's payday, well that is a deal worked out between him and UFC. Hunt reportedly got 700k for fighting Lesnar. Has he been asked to pay that back because it was ruled a no contest.

There will always be a winner and a loser in these situation's. In this case however, both are really looking like losers. Lesnar for cheating and Hunt for constantly demanding money. If you have forgotten, he demanded half of Lesnar's purse after it came out that Lesnar had a positive test.

When you sign up for this kind of sport, shit is going to happen. Just because one person is clean doesn't mean someone else won't be. If I had been Hunt in this situation I would have said nothing and let Lesnar take all the heat. As it is with his demands and now this lawsuit, it makes both of them look like they are just out for money.

Mark Hunt did nothing wrong in the beginning except to sign his name to a contract to fight Lesnar. I'm willing to bet that if he had of fought someone else his paycheck of 700k wouldn't have been so big either. It's his actions since the fight was over that is defining him now. It's not up to Mark Hunt to clean up UFC, that's Dana White's job. If he doesn't feel the need or have the want to do it, no one else can. Viewers will still tune in whether fighters are juiced or not.

The problem with this situation isn't as black or white as we think. When that fight happenned, Dana was still part owner of the UFC and had a reputation for protecting some of his friends by finding loopholes in the usada rules or postponing drug testing result until after the fight was over. That's how he ran the place and that'S why UFC became the juggernaut it became, because just like his good friend Donald Trump, Dana and his partners didn'T care about the rules or the performers unless it was good for business. That'S why somebody like CM Punk was able to get a contract in UFC even through he truly wasn'T ready or deserved that contract, and that'S why he found a way for lesnar to bypass all the usada rules about returning fighters.

Now, it'S a completly different landscape, Dana doesn'T have anything to do with the day to day operation of the UFC, that's the new owners job, so while they are not directly responsible for what happen, Dana is, that makes the lawsuit a little bit complicated since the current owners don'T have anything to do with this.

The only mistake Mark Hunt made in my opinion is that he sign the contract to fight Lesnar. The guy was becoming a success story and a marketable star for the UFC and in one fight everything went away. Plus the fact that lesnar pretty much got a slap on the wrist as a punishment is enough to make anybody mad in my opinion. So i don'T blame him for suing them. He put his life on the line against somebody the he knew in advance was cheating, went to them about it and they did nothing to prevent it.

then the delay the decision and he get a very small punishment because they said he was suspended for a year but it'S technically 6 months since the suspension started on the day of the fight and not on the day of the announcement. Plus the amount Lesnar lost for that fight was chomp change for him since he makes almost that much money per appearance in wwe.

I think that you need to have somebody that comes up and says it'S time for a change and that this bulshit shouldn'T happen anymore. Is it career suicide what he'S doing, probably especially if he wins the lawsuit because i don'T see UFC booking him in another fight after this and they might just let his contract expired so that he can'T go fight for another company until his deal is up, but if this can change the game and have everybody play by the same rules then i'm all for it. If Some of the wrestlers in WWE could do the same thing so that the loophole for part timers in their wellness policy would be change then it would be a good move for the business as well because while he'S still very popular, Lesnar as been a cancer in both wrestling and MMA for far too long now and he's been able to play by his rules for far too long and somebody needs to find a way to stop this.
The problem with this situation isn't as black or white as we think. When that fight happenned, Dana was still part owner of the UFC and had a reputation for protecting some of his friends by finding loopholes in the usada rules or postponing drug testing result until after the fight was over. That's how he ran the place and that'S why UFC became the juggernaut it became, because just like his good friend Donald Trump, Dana and his partners didn'T care about the rules or the performers unless it was good for business. That'S why somebody like CM Punk was able to get a contract in UFC even through he truly wasn'T ready or deserved that contract, and that'S why he found a way for lesnar to bypass all the usada rules about returning fighters.

Now, it'S a completly different landscape, Dana doesn'T have anything to do with the day to day operation of the UFC, that's the new owners job, so while they are not directly responsible for what happen, Dana is, that makes the lawsuit a little bit complicated since the current owners don'T have anything to do with this.

The only mistake Mark Hunt made in my opinion is that he sign the contract to fight Lesnar. The guy was becoming a success story and a marketable star for the UFC and in one fight everything went away. Plus the fact that lesnar pretty much got a slap on the wrist as a punishment is enough to make anybody mad in my opinion. So i don'T blame him for suing them. He put his life on the line against somebody the he knew in advance was cheating, went to them about it and they did nothing to prevent it.

then the delay the decision and he get a very small punishment because they said he was suspended for a year but it'S technically 6 months since the suspension started on the day of the fight and not on the day of the announcement. Plus the amount Lesnar lost for that fight was chomp change for him since he makes almost that much money per appearance in wwe.

I think that you need to have somebody that comes up and says it'S time for a change and that this bulshit shouldn'T happen anymore. Is it career suicide what he'S doing, probably especially if he wins the lawsuit because i don'T see UFC booking him in another fight after this and they might just let his contract expired so that he can'T go fight for another company until his deal is up, but if this can change the game and have everybody play by the same rules then i'm all for it. If Some of the wrestlers in WWE could do the same thing so that the loophole for part timers in their wellness policy would be change then it would be a good move for the business as well because while he'S still very popular, Lesnar as been a cancer in both wrestling and MMA for far too long now and he's been able to play by his rules for far too long and somebody needs to find a way to stop this.

Look you aren't try to teach me anything I don't know here. My point is that the fight is over, the outcome was changed to a "no contest", both fighters got paid what they were supposed to get. Lesnar had to give some of it back, how much is dependent on what the governing body decided. It's not up to Mark Hunt or you or me or anyone else making a post here, how much Lesnar loses.

Kudo's to Mark Hunt for trying to clean up a sport that will never be clean to start off with. There will always be someone trying to bend or break the rules, and if he's naive to think that it will change then he's a fool. Mark Hunt is also on the downward curve of his career just by his age alone. He doesn't have that many years left in the Octagon. Why ruin what you do have left by coming out now and trying to save the sport?

He could have been given another high profile fight made a lot of money and retired a wealthy man, if he isn't already. This demanding money from White, UFC, Lesnar and others, makes him look no better than a car accident victim out to make a few bucks. He could have done it in a much better way and come off looking a lot better.

I agree that Lesnar seems to be a cancer wherever he goes, but promoters like White and McMahon want him. I personally don't care if I never see another Brock Lesnar fight, they are far too boring and predictable. Well unless he's against Goldberg. But in saying that we who watch the WWE are stuck with him for at least another year.
Mark Hunt is absolutely in the right here to sue for potential lost earnings; a win in the Lesnar fight would have been quite decent for his profile. If he's doing it to "clean up the sport", that's his prerogative and maybe this course of action might actually work.

Currently, the doping regime in MMA is conducive to doping. If you get caught, the usual punishment is around a one year's suspension and a fine related to your earnings as a fighter. (Guys going out and getting $11k a fight aren't getting handed $100k fines.) For most guys on the UFC roster, that's two or three fights. At the lower level, all of those fighters have other jobs for supplemental income, because three fights a year for $11k doesn't pay for training camps and rent. At the upper level, that means missing a couple of paydays, but that's no longer a bank-breaking concern.

So if the penalties for doping are light, people are going to dope. And if atheletes see other atheletes doping, they think they'll have to dope too in order to keep up. If this all sounds familiar, it's because the exact same thing happened in baseball and cycling, and those are just the most familiar doping scandals for people.

So if a civil court of law were to find a fighter liable for damages as a result of his doping, this would serve as a huge impetus for fighters to clean up themselves.
Example has to be made right here and now, or UFC runs out of legitimacy, and will start creeping more and more towards pro wrestling as a sport people make fun of.

I've been sort of in Mark Hunt's position in a professional gaming match, where the other side got caught cheating red handed, and were fined, They made more money for cheating and winning after fines than I made for losing without cheating. Obviously, in a physical sport, it's an even bigger concern, because people doping by example, aren't just cheating, they're putting their bodies at risk for 100 complications that modern medicine still doesn't fully understand.

That being said, I'm always way more critical of people cheating in sports than most (Even though I love heels in the context of wrestling when they 'cheat'). I've always wanted 0 tolerance in any pro sport, where if you get caught intentionally subverting the rules, you're done, so I would of said Brocks retired the second there was a 100% proof he used enhancement drugs.
Yeah I'm with Hunt as well.

This is similar to when college teams are stripped of wins for playing ineligible players (yes I'm aware it's not exactly the same). Sure the official record doesn't count but that's not what a lot of people are going to remember. People are going to remember Hunt on his stomach with Lesnar beating the heck out of him from bell to bell. You can have the win overturned all you want but it doesn't change what happened in the cage, which is what people remember.

I have no issue with Hunt filing a civil lawsuit against Lesnar and company as he really came off on the short end of all this. Now that being said, I also wouldn't be surprised if this lawsuit went nowhere. Lesnar faced all of the prescribed penalties and Hunt was paid for the fight. I'm really not sure if there's enough to convince a court that he was wronged out of money but there's at least an argument to be made.
Let's see what Lesnar was paid and fined.

Paid: $2,500,000
Fined: $250,000

Fine Percentage: 10%

Just 10%? Atleast 50% should've been the fine that Brock Lesnar should pay.

So, I'm surely with Hunt. Brock Lesnar did a wrong thing and needs to fined significantly. Fine of just 10% is ridiculous.

Hunt has vented his frustrations several times and now the only way left is this. So, he's on the right end.
Let's see what Lesnar was paid and fined.

Paid: $2,500,000
Fined: $250,000

Fine Percentage: 10%

Just 10%? Atleast 50% should've been the fine that Brock Lesnar should pay.

So, I'm surely with Hunt. Brock Lesnar did a wrong thing and needs to fined significantly. Fine of just 10% is ridiculous.

Hunt has vented his frustrations several times and now the only way left is this. So, he's on the right end.

You forget that half year suspension which is ridiculous as well since they started is one year suspension on the date of the fight instead of the date of the decision like most of the other suspension given by usada.

This punishment was technicly just a slap on the wrist by usada and ufc and I don't blame hunt to be mad andd suiing them.
No one is saying that he was in a fair fight, by all reports he knew that going in. Hunt himself said on many occasion's that Lesnar looked juiced before the fight even happened. And as for Lesnar's payday, well that is a deal worked out between him and UFC. Hunt reportedly got 700k for fighting Lesnar. Has he been asked to pay that back because it was ruled a no contest.

There will always be a winner and a loser in these situation's. In this case however, both are really looking like losers. Lesnar for cheating and Hunt for constantly demanding money. If you have forgotten, he demanded half of Lesnar's purse after it came out that Lesnar had a positive test.

When you sign up for this kind of sport, shit is going to happen. Just because one person is clean doesn't mean someone else won't be. If I had been Hunt in this situation I would have said nothing and let Lesnar take all the heat. As it is with his demands and now this lawsuit, it makes both of them look like they are just out for money.

Mark Hunt did nothing wrong in the beginning except to sign his name to a contract to fight Lesnar. I'm willing to bet that if he had of fought someone else his paycheck of 700k wouldn't have been so big either. It's his actions since the fight was over that is defining him now. It's not up to Mark Hunt to clean up UFC, that's Dana White's job. If he doesn't feel the need or have the want to do it, no one else can. Viewers will still tune in whether fighters are juiced or not.

Hunt has every right to complain though. He went into a combat sport where he could have potentially been injured by some guy on roids who shouldn't have been in there in the first place. Of course he deserves damages.

It may be Danas job to clean up UFC but the guy has a big right to complain when he was screwed. It doesn't matter if his motives are money related or not he's in the right here.
Hunt has every right to complain though. He went into a combat sport where he could have potentially been injured by some guy on roids who shouldn't have been in there in the first place. Of course he deserves damages.

It may be Danas job to clean up UFC but the guy has a big right to complain when he was screwed. It doesn't matter if his motives are money related or not he's in the right here.

I never once said he didn't have the right to complain or file a lawsuit, please show me were I said that in those words. Anyone in UFC who steps into the Octagon has the potential to be injured, and some have been severely without the use of steroids. Hunt pointed out more than once that Lesnar was roided up days before the fight even happened. UFC closed their eyes because they needed this fight to sell the PPV, they had really nothing else of note, this was the headline match.

Doubtful it's Dana's White job to clean the sport, it's the governing body that should be doing it. Right now the punishment isn't severe enough. I think the person caught should have a 5 year suspension, all monies paid to them for that fight should be taken back. And I mean all monies, PPV revenue, everything. Sponsors should also look at dropping some of these people. It should be that if you cheat and get caught you will pay. Make it not worth their career.

If Mark Hunt had gone in and stated something like that, great, but he didn't. He want's the winner's purse in a fight were there was no winner. Did he get screwed over, of course he did, but UFC doesn't care obviously they let it happen. Brock Lesnar was given a slap on the wrist. Going forward it should be a kick up the ass. I doubt this lawsuit will do much to get anything generated though.

If it does can you imagine the can of worms that it will open if he does win. Every athletic in any sport that has lost to someone on performance enhancing drugs will be rushing to file a lawsuit. Just the competitors in the Tour de France alone suing Lance Armstrong will clog up the courts for years.
I am a little confused, did Brock not get tested and given the green light to fight and then after the fight they said other test came back as positive, so, my question is why did they let Brock fight if all the test were not back!

How can you clear someone to fight if not all the results are back, you tested him, you cleared him to fight, these test that he failed were they done after he fought Hunt or before they cleared him.

That is what I do not get, these test that he failed, were they part of the testing they did on him to clear him to fight, if so, if they were still doing testing on him how can you clear him to fight if not all the results were back, it makes no sense!

Hunt is filing a lawsuit because Brock cheated which is understanding anyone juiced will have an edge, if all the results were back then the failed results would of had the fight cancelled due to doping on Brocks part but they cleared him to fight!
I think Mark Hunt is just mad that Brock Beat his Ass and also the Drug that popped was a Generic Viagara Type of Drug as I guess that Drug Test that they did pulled a Negative Reading for it as that's all it was a Testerone Supplement that Brock took. So Brock should be the 1 suing the Drug Testers for slandering results as the Drug is approved by the USADA but for some reason that specific test was positive for it.
Years ago when I was on Probation I had to take a random Piss Test and my popped cause I was on Anti Depressants and also I was taking Hydrocodine as it was while I was healing from a Car Wreck. So If I were the Judge I would be in Favor of Brock & The UFC in this Case and make Mark take the same test right there in front of everyone as we all know he's on something as well. So Case would be dropped mo.
I am a little confused, did Brock not get tested and given the green light to fight and then after the fight they said other test came back as positive, so, my question is why did they let Brock fight if all the test were not back!

How can you clear someone to fight if not all the results are back, you tested him, you cleared him to fight, these test that he failed were they done after he fought Hunt or before they cleared him.

That is what I do not get, these test that he failed, were they part of the testing they did on him to clear him to fight, if so, if they were still doing testing on him how can you clear him to fight if not all the results were back, it makes no sense!

Hunt is filing a lawsuit because Brock cheated which is understanding anyone juiced will have an edge, if all the results were back then the failed results would of had the fight cancelled due to doping on Brocks part but they cleared him to fight!

To answer your questions that how UFC use to do thinks under the old ownership. They have out of competitions testing that are done a couple of weeks before the fight and some in competition testing that are done the day off or a couple of days before the fight which means that normally they don'T get the result before the fight happens.

The only difference in this case compare to some of the other similar case that happened last year is that Lesnar got pretty much a smaller punishment than any other fighter on the roster. Sure he lost a little bit of money and he'S going to give vince mcmahon some headache until july because Vince can'T booked him in last vegas until his suspension his over because his suspension include pro wrestling but outside of that it was Dana white trying to help a friend out.
I am a little confused, did Brock not get tested and given the green light to fight and then after the fight they said other test came back as positive, so, my question is why did they let Brock fight if all the test were not back!

How can you clear someone to fight if not all the results are back, you tested him, you cleared him to fight, these test that he failed were they done after he fought Hunt or before they cleared him.

That is what I do not get, these test that he failed, were they part of the testing they did on him to clear him to fight, if so, if they were still doing testing on him how can you clear him to fight if not all the results were back, it makes no sense!

Hunt is filing a lawsuit because Brock cheated which is understanding anyone juiced will have an edge, if all the results were back then the failed results would of had the fight cancelled due to doping on Brocks part but they cleared him to fight!

According to reports Brock Lesnar was tested a total of 8 times in the month before his fight with Hunt. Most of them came back negative. The one that did come back positive was taken about a week or so before the match.

As they didn't get the actual results just a notification of a possible anti-doping policy the fight was allowed to continue. UFC fighters are tested a lot, in and out of competition. The list of banned drugs is huge and grows every year. But some just don't care or find ways around the system. The system has to change. Harsher penalties would be a great start.

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