Will Brock Lesnar Re-Sign With WWE?

Will Lesnar Remain In WWE

  • Yes - There Are Still A Lot Of Potentially Interesting Feuds For Him

  • No - There's Not Much Else For Lesnar After Being WWE WHC

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I'm probably in the minority here but I hope he resigns with WWE. As much as I hated him ending the streak and his WWE title run has been lackluster to say the least He still has value wrestling 2-3 times a year as the monster heel he is. I think matches against Danial Bryan or even Dean Ambrose would be interesting.

But do I think he'll resign? No. I think he'll do one more run in UFC and then probably a few years down the line come back to WWE. Probably because he knows he has a limited amount of time he can fight and can probably come back to WWE any time.

I hope I'm wrong and he sticks around, one thing WWE has going for them in what is likely to turn into to some sort of bidding war is they can probably offer Brock the best schedule.
Nah, I got my Brock Lesnar fix, I'm fine with him going back to the UFC as I think this is the best time for both parties to part ways anyway. WWE will have gotten enough exposure out of Lesnar in the 2 years he was there to possibly offset what they were paying him. That won't happen again. As for Brock, he'll leave WWE as one of the most enigmatic, dominant superstars of all time, and cement his HOF spot.

Brock's not the guy he used to be. Yes he's still a beast but he's slowed down a lot since his first run, and he rarely shows off his wrestling skill anymore. He seems to get fatigued later in the match which never used to happen to him and he's getting older.

WWE doesn't need Brock Lesnar to show up three times a year to spice things up anymore. Maybe in 2012 they did, but nowadays you got an amazing new crop of up and comers who should all be finding their own in 2015 like Wyatt, Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns, Ziggler, Harper, etc. Like I said, Brock doesn't do much for the business anymore, the nostalgia seemed to have worn off after a year, and now he's just another attraction. In the UFC, he becomes a mega-star again. Maybe they re-visit the Brock Lesnar experiment a few years down the road again.
I think a lot is still up in the air when it comes to Brock and the WWE. So much so that neither Brock or the WWE know what is going to happen.

We are constantly hearing about Brock wanting to go back to the UFC and give it another try. And there is absolutely no way that the WWE is going to allow that. But, as we know, Brock Lesnar has always seen the WWE as a stepping stone for bigger and better things; as long as they are continuing to line his pockets, then he is going keep using them until something better comes along. And now, I fear, the time has come for Brock to go back to the UFC and leave the WWE behind again. Making the WWE looks like absolute chumps once more.

I'm not going to get into how stupid it was for Vince to sign Lesnar to this type of contract but I am absolutely positive that Lesnar will hold the Championship until Mania and then finally be beaten by, likely, John Cena. And as we know, mostly everyone's yearly contracts run out on the Monday after Raw, this isn't uncommon. I reckon it's mostly to do with wanting to have a high rating for the Raw after Mania. Knowing that a lot of the talent is going to disappear just might make the fans do the same. I don't even know if Lesnar will wrestle on that Raw. It just doesn't make sense to me.

More likely, he pitches a fit about being beat and then says he will never be back in the WWE again.

Or maybe the WWE resigns him at WrestleMania. Who knows?
If the WWE drop a briefcase full of money in front of him Lesnar will sign.

I can't see UFC offering him as much money for as little work as he gets now. I'd be surprised if he doesn't re-sign.
I really don't understand why the IWC isn't absolutely destroying Lesnar, and the WWE for propelling him to that height, like they did with Batista. We are talking about a man that obviously does not give a crap about pro wrestling, otherwise he would wrestle more than 2 or 3 times a year. It may come across as though I'm jumping to conclusions, but think about it this way, if you truly had passion for something, surely you wouldn't want to minimize the amount of time you spend do it?

I hope he doesn't re-sign. He's taking the biggest main event spots away from guys who actually give a damn.
One thing's for certain- Brock Lesnar's next contract is going to make him a significantly wealthier man.

Both the UFC and the WWE are experiencing issues with viewer slippage (I'd say buyrate, but the WWE Network muddies up that term.) In the UFC's case, it's due to overexposure- right now, they have one to two events per week, featuring a cast of talented fighters without any name cache. As far as headlining fighters who can sell a card with their name alone, they have maybe five- and all of them are hurt or inactive. Right now, the UFC needs Brock Lesnar. He's a proven needle mover.

The WWE, in the same turn, needs people that can get people to buy the Network, and the Lesnar plan, when they use him, is three nights of RAW followed by a PPV. There's room to reprise the Hogan schtick from WCW; see him talk all you'd like for free, but he only fights on the Network. He's got two bidders who need his services more than he needs theirs. So where does he go?

Brock Lesnar signs a four-to-six fight deal with the UFC once his WWE contract expires. At 37, the UFC won't be a realistic option outside of a tin can fight in a few years; the WWE will be waiting for him should he choose to return (and doesn't get embarrassed upon his UFC return.) In terms of providing the largest amount of future options, the UFC is the better choice right now. He's done all there is to do in the WWE; it's time to take a couple years off and let the fans forget about it, so that he can come back in two years and work the same program all over again.
I really don't understand why the IWC isn't absolutely destroying Lesnar, and the WWE for propelling him to that height, like they did with Batista. We are talking about a man that obviously does not give a crap about pro wrestling, otherwise he would wrestle more than 2 or 3 times a year. It may come across as though I'm jumping to conclusions, but think about it this way, if you truly had passion for something, surely you wouldn't want to minimize the amount of time you spend do it?

I hope he doesn't re-sign. He's taking the biggest main event spots away from guys who actually give a damn.

Because it's not his fault, it comes down to the contract he signed with the WWE. They gave him what he wanted at a time when they really shouldn't have. I'm sure when this contract was signed they had no idea that Bryan, Reigns, Bad News Barrett and Sheamus would go down with injures. And don't forget this was before Punk walked off the job, if I'm not mistaken. That's 5 top names on the roster going down like dominoes, with no one to come in and help out.

What I'm thinking is they had these plans in place and when the shit started to hit the fan it was too late to change them. The contract is in place and unless Lesnar has a change of heart and is willing to work more days, the WWE is stuck.

Now I'm sure I heard a rumour that they were going to try to re-work the contract to get Lesnar to show up more, but I guess that fell through. Anyway he's sitting pretty and the WWE went through a rough spot. I don't think they'll ever do something that stupid again.
I think it comes down to who offers him the most money to do the least work. WWE could still milk some big fights out of him like him facing Reigns in a rematch, Orton/Brock and Rock/Brock rematch.

However, UFC could really use him and make him the focus of their company unlike the WWE.
Because it's not his fault, it comes down to the contract he signed with the WWE. They gave him what he wanted at a time when they really shouldn't have. I'm sure when this contract was signed they had no idea that Bryan, Reigns, Bad News Barrett and Sheamus would go down with injures. And don't forget this was before Punk walked off the job, if I'm not mistaken. That's 5 top names on the roster going down like dominoes, with no one to come in and help out.

What I'm thinking is they had these plans in place and when the shit started to hit the fan it was too late to change them. The contract is in place and unless Lesnar has a change of heart and is willing to work more days, the WWE is stuck.

Now I'm sure I heard a rumour that they were going to try to re-work the contract to get Lesnar to show up more, but I guess that fell through. Anyway he's sitting pretty and the WWE went through a rough spot. I don't think they'll ever do something that stupid again.
Yeah, I definitely agree with that. Though he still could have agreed to do more matches if he truly has passion for it, you know?

The main thing I take issue with is the fan's hypocritical reaction (or rather the lack thereof when it comes to Brock). Batista came back, was handed a shot at the title (basically handed the title itself), but at least he worked more or less full time for roughly 6 months. Got absolutely destroyed by the fans. Brock comes back, gets handed the Streak, gets handed the title, and has worked literally three matches. Yeah, that's not necessarily his fault, he didn't make the decision to be given the Streak or the title, but it seems as though the fans don't really care.

Compared to things like Daniel Bryan not getting the main event spot at WM30, or the whole CM Punk issue, the WWE WHC title picture has faded into almost complete obscurity (it's even more irrelevant then when we had to pretend to take Miz seriously as the champion, in my opinion!), but the worst thing is how only a few have shown mild displeasure. It sends a message to the WWE that crap like this is not really that bad.
Yeah, I definitely agree with that. Though he still could have agreed to do more matches if he truly has passion for it, you know?

The main thing I take issue with is the fan's hypocritical reaction (or rather the lack thereof when it comes to Brock). Batista came back, was handed a shot at the title (basically handed the title itself), but at least he worked more or less full time for roughly 6 months. Got absolutely destroyed by the fans. Brock comes back, gets handed the Streak, gets handed the title, and has worked literally three matches. Yeah, that's not necessarily his fault, he didn't make the decision to be given the Streak or the title, but it seems as though the fans don't really care.

Compared to things like Daniel Bryan not getting the main event spot at WM30, or the whole CM Punk issue, the WWE WHC title picture has faded into almost complete obscurity (it's even more irrelevant then when we had to pretend to take Miz seriously as the champion, in my opinion!), but the worst thing is how only a few have shown mild displeasure. It sends a message to the WWE that crap like this is not really that bad.

No I hear you, but I think we can all agree he doesn't have a passion for anything but the money. If he did care, he would show up, he doesn't have too so he doesn't. I disagree over the mild displeasure. Pretty sure that even most of those who thought it was a good idea to begin with have begun changing their minds.

Yea it's okay not to defend the title each week, no one wants that. It should be defended on PPV's and other special occasions. Past champions, future champions have and will do it, Lesnar is a special case. Even Heyman has stopped showing up. His acceptance speech last night was weird. I have no idea why the WWE thought this was such a wonderful idea, but there you have it.

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