WWE Night Of Champions: WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Lesnar (c) VS Cena

Horrible booking. That was a fucking mess. And they wonder why the company is going into the shitter. A dq on a ppv...glorified raw.

Rollins doesnt lose his mitb contract.

Its all a big clusterfuck.

Very disappointed and let down.

Sheamus going over was a dumb move. Yet they still push him.

Alot of bullshit
I thought the finish was perfect. It wasn't a clusterfuck in a bad way. It made sense. Sets up the next PPV perfectly. Showed Cena brought more, and the last F5 made you unsure if Lesnar was actually going to lose. I mean really, how else do you book it? Everyone knew it had to be some kind of Dusty finish. Reigns is hurt. Hell in a Cell has 2 big draws. Ambrose/Rollins, and Cena/Lesnar. You can't just put Lesnar with someone else to fight in the cell. You can't NOT put Ambrose/Rollins in a cell. It was good. Sorry if you were upset by a crazy finish, you should have been around during the Attitude Era, it was even worse then.
From a storytelling position the match was great. Lesnar still looked like a beast and Cena came out looking like he could hang. When Cena picked Brock up and slammed him into the turnbuckle while the kimura was locked in looked inhuman. And that was the point. If Lesnar looked inhuman before, then Cena certainly matched him.

I was not expecting the DQ. I thought Heyman would have ended up distracting Cena. Personally I thought it was rather dumb that Cena would be be booked to look so weak against Lesnar when he's soundly beaten guys like Angle and Swagger, who have legit fighting skill, in the past.

I know Lesnar's fighting skills are a topic for another thread, but it doesn't really matter inside the cell. I am looking forward to the next match - I assume that's the blow off. Though I really don't want to see a triple threat involving Rollins. That would be terrible.
I thought the finish was perfect. It wasn't a clusterfuck in a bad way. It made sense. Sets up the next PPV perfectly. Showed Cena brought more, and the last F5 made you unsure if Lesnar was actually going to lose. I mean really, how else do you book it? Everyone knew it had to be some kind of Dusty finish. Reigns is hurt. Hell in a Cell has 2 big draws. Ambrose/Rollins, and Cena/Lesnar. You can't just put Lesnar with someone else to fight in the cell. You can't NOT put Ambrose/Rollins in a cell. It was good. Sorry if you were upset by a crazy finish, you should have been around during the Attitude Era, it was even worse then.

I doubt Lesnar will appear at HiTC to be honest. What would of been far better booking would of been Lesnar to cleanly beat Cena again like he did at Survivor Series, while letting Cena put up a slightly better fight. Once that was done you start RAW with others like Randy Orton/Jericoh(If he will be there)/Big Show/etc etc come out saying they want a shot for the title just to have Triple H say...

"If you think you can take Lesnar after what he has done to guys like Shawn Michaels, myself, Undertaker, and Cena? Fine I'll give you all a chance to prove it to me in a series of preliminaries leading up to a 4 way hell in the cell match-up for the #1 contender spot. Prove you can survive Satan's playground and just maybe you can survive the Beast."

Something to that effect and viola you have weeks of RAW written on top of your main event match set without having to burn more of Brock Lesnar's limited dates on what is honestly a 2nd rate PPV, frankly they are all 2nd rate save the big 4.
They keep shoving cena down our throats...they booed him when they announced him in ring.

Brock should've wrecked him again.
Horrible booking. That was a fucking mess. And they wonder why the company is going into the shitter. A dq on a ppv...glorified raw.

Rollins doesnt lose his mitb contract.

Its all a big clusterfuck.

Very disappointed and let down.

Sheamus going over was a dumb move. Yet they still push him.

Alot of bullshit

Yeah this was terrible for several reasons going forward:

1) Rollins didn't even technically give up the Money in the Bank so it made the whole interference go for nothing. If he had at least lost it then it's a nice/fun change of events with a lasting impact.

2) We all know he and Ambrose are heading straight for Hell in a Cell. Therefore, Cena can't even get a measure of revenge on Rollins and let that form some new rivalry.

3) Cena and Lesnar are your top 2 in-ring guys right now, why not just let the match play out and if you want some curveball at the end, let Rollins come down and try cashing it in after the match is complete.

At the end of the day, you did this whole build up of the rematch for 5 weeks only to not let the match finish, therefore giving neither guy a real boost and the interference wound up amounting to absolute squat.
They keep shoving cena down our throats...they booed him when they announced him in ring.

Brock should've wrecked him again.

Get used to it.

Cena is the only A-List face they have right now with Daniel Bryan injured and now Reigns out for 2-3 months and Jericho leaving again to go on tour with his band.

Other than Ambrose, who is consumed with Rollins, Cena is the only face to go up against a ton of heels unless they reach into the very weak middle of the roster to heavily promote a Sheamus or Ziggler or someone.

I have a bad feeling Big Show is about to get a major push, potentially vs. Lesnar which would be bad.

Watch Cena go after Rusev next.
Horrible booking. That was a fucking mess. And they wonder why the company is going into the shitter. A dq on a ppv...glorified raw.

Rollins doesnt lose his mitb contract.

Its all a big clusterfuck.

Very disappointed and let down.

Sheamus going over was a dumb move. Yet they still push him.

Alot of bullshit

I seem to remember DQ finishes were pretty much the norm during the Attitude era. I remember Undertaker returning and costing The Rock the title against Triple H. That made zero sense by the way from a booking standpoint.

Sheamus is way more popular than Cesaro - face or heel. He sells a tonne of merchandise. Just because it is cool for nerds like you too 'boo' him it doesn't mean he isn't popular amongst the younger fans (which he is). He is 'Cena Lite'. Sheamus winning made complete sense given Bryan and Reigns are out injured and Cena wasn't going to win the belt.
Rollins doesnt lose his mitb contract.

He should have. He handed the briefcase to the referee and had the ring announcer broadcast that Rollins was exercising his option. That's all that should be needed to make it official.

Still, it was illogical that Rollins would insert himself in the match before the final decision. What good does it do to attack the challenger, anyway .....unless you expect him to win so you can make your MITB move on him? That Seth's plans went awry was the only thing I liked about his challenge.

Granted, no one ever said the MITB provision forbids going in there before the match is over, although past incidents have proven it's better to go after a depleted champion after he thinks his night's work is done.......but if Rollins was looking to exercise his privilege, he showed up way too early. A definite winner and loser had yet to be determined.

As for the match itself, I thought it was terrific. They did just the right mix of having Cena look miles better than last month, while keeping Brock a monster.

I thought the DQ ending was logical, especially when Brock laughed because, whatever the official result, he still holds the belt. Keeps the feud going nicely.....and with all the other A-list guys out of action, this is necessary.
I know some thought the last F5 wasn't needed, but really it was. Lesnar had just taken an AA and a curb stomp (an excellent one I might add). The only way to make it him look like the beast he is was to make the move instead of just leaving.

I think this sets up the face turn for the Authority with one of their guys trying to take out Lesnar, but failing to get the belt back in the group.
Still, it was illogical that Rollins would insert himself in the match before the final decision. What good does it do to attack the challenger, anyway .....unless you expect him to win so you can make your MITB move on him? That Seth's plans went awry was the only thing I liked about his challenge.

Unless The Authority sent Rollins to break up the pin because they don't want Cena as champion... Then Seth went rogue and decided to cash in on Lesnar. Lesnar had taken 4 AAs and had been in the STF for a while, he was far more beaten down than Cena. The curb-stomp could have ended him.

It was the first time in a long time that an attempted cash-in fooled me. I'm usually pretty good at knowing when someone is going to be thwarted (not bragging, they usually telegraph it) but having seen Ambrose taken from the arena zip-tied, I thought Rollins was in the clear.

Loved everything about the match.
I enjoyed the match quite a bit. The storytelling worked out nicely with Cena still looking like the courageous, never say die good guy while Lesnar still looked like a beast. All in all, while the match was far more even, I got the notion that Lesnar still ultimately looked as though he came out ahead of Cena. He'd already thrown everything & the kitchen sink at Lesnar several times, namely numerous AA's and STF's in the center of the ring, while Lesnar had ultimately beaten Cena around the ring, hit some suplexes and had the Kimora locked on a few times, yet he hadn't hit Cena with the F5. Lesnar looked like he'd taken all of Cena's biggest guns and managed to survive while Cena still had the F5 to contend with. As a result, to me, while it was a more even contest, Lesnar still looked more dominant. Leaving Cena laying in the ring post match after hitting the F5 cemented the image.

As for Rollins interfering, I'd read something earlier in the day in which it was rumored that Lesnar had spent the day learning how to take Rollins' Curb Stomp, indicating that a cash in attempt could be coming. What surprised me is that Rollins interrupted the match itself, which I thought was a good use of the surprise factor of MITB. I mean, after all, cash in attempts have come usually post match when both competitors are "exhausted" and "hurt." I agree with F.A.T. in that the story seemed that Lesnar might have seemed like the one most vulnerable. Cena had really started rallying against Lesnar in the last 5 or 6 minutes of the match, he'd had him in the STF for a while and had just landed his 4th Attitude Adjustment of the night. There are also any number of directions WWE could go with it: Rollins could've been encouraged by The Authority to hit the ring and take his opportunity if it looked like Cena was genuinely close to winning. They could go with the notion of Rollins "going into business" for himself and taking it upon himself to seize the moment. They could try saying that there was an agreement between The Authority & Lesnar that Rollins would make his presence known if it even remotely looked like Lesnar was in trouble because The Authority don't want Cena as champion. In the process, Rollins could've decided to, again, go into business for himself by double crossing Lesnar and attempting to cash in, etc.

At first, I was a little put off that Ambrose wasn't the one that kept Rollins from succeeding, but it makes sense from a logical perspective. As has been mentioned, Ambrose was taken out of the arena zip-tied by about half a dozen security personnel, it could even be stated by The Authority tonight that Ambrose was arrested or that he was being held by building security until the event was over and was under constant surveillance. As a result, Ambrose couldn't prevent Rollins' cash in attempt. I like the simple, realistic notion of a guy who's taken out of the building in restraints isn't able to get back in for the purpose of raising more hell. It doesn't make security look like a bunch of incompetent boobs, something most fans aren't willing to suspend disbelief for in the first place because it seems like lazy booking.
If you utter the words "im cashing in" that should be it, thats your chance, I feel like theyre booking sucks and is treating the audience like theyre stupid.

He should lose the contract.

The finish was bullshit.

Bad booking.

And why would they ever changing charge 54.95 for that? Late 90s ppvs were 29.99...who the fuck do the wwe think they are?
People who don't understand the finish baffle me. He cashed in before the end of the match because that actually makes MORE sense. If you cash in after the match, you're cashing in on the winner, the guy who is less beaten down. If you cash in just before a guy wins, you are cashing in on the guy getting beaten down (if that happens to be the reigning champion).

The finish made sense. Cena has a reason for a hell in a cell match. Lesnar still stood after 4 AAs and a curb stomp, looking like a monster. Rollins looks like a chicken shit, and we got a tease.

The match never started, so he never had a chance to "cash in", so that aspect makes perfect sense. I think some of you purposefully nitpick to bitch.
The match never started, so he never had a chance to "cash in", so that aspect makes perfect sense. I think some of you purposefully nitpick to bitch.

I think it's more a lot of people are just sick of the repetitive way it keeps getting teased. They hand the brief case in, announce it, get in the ring and then something happens and because the bell never rang suddenly nothing else matters. If I'm honest while it doesn't bother me it is rather lame and frankly I'm wondering when we are going to see the people stopping the MiTB winner the smart way. Hell I am Ambrose would be perfect for it with Rollins. Let him cash in with Ambrose being held back/restrained/etc and then as soon as the bell rings Ambrose breaks free runs in and interrupts the match causing a DQ.

Bam MiTB handled with no one looking weaker for it and we would actually have the face REALLY stick it to the heel who is trying to cash in on a weak opponent. Frankly I would of LOVED to of seen Ambrose do that to Rollins at Night of Champions because then Rollins would be livid to match Ambrose and Hell in the Cell between the two would be that much more of a big deal between the two.
It makes way more sense for Rollins to keep "trying" to cash in, but being unable to while he's in the feud with Ambrose.

It makes way more sense for Cena to win by DQ, which everyone with bare reasoning skills knew would happen.

It makes way more sense for Lesnar to remain champ, because he's the only monster heel in the company, and Cena is the only true main event face right now.

Everything about the match was booked nearly perfectly, including the new idea of the MitB holder causing a DQ and trying to cash in that way. Imagine if Edge had tried that years ago, it would have been incredible. Wrestling fans now are just impossible to please.
personally i reckon cena got shafted analy at NOC,wwe needs to give cena that 16th title reign,he deserves it,then give him a rest from main event status for a while and work on progressing and naming up n comming superstars,fuck brock lesnar he barely competes plus nobody wants him as champ he bores the shit outa me! BRING ON REIGNS AS CHAMP.

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