WWE Night Of Champions: WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Lesnar (c) VS Cena

My views have changed since the days after Summerslam, influenced by Cena's actions since that time. I thought we were going to get a "broken man" syndrome from him, with no Super Cena stuff on the horizon for many months. I never expected him to demand a rematch one month later......but since he has, it still seems impossible to believe he's going to wipe the mat with Brock Lesnar.

First, why destroy Brock's momentum in just 30 days time? Isn't that totally counterproductive? Why do this program in the first place if you want to tear it down so quickly?

The only reason I can see having Cena win and taking back his title is the "mercenary" status of Lesnar. As many on this forum have been saying, giving him the world title in the first place is ridiculous since he's rarely around to defend it. The fact he's appearing on two PPVs in a row is a huge departure from Brock's deal with WWE.

Second, with so many people disgusted with the "Super Cena" character, why toss it in everyone's face by having him defeat the guy who just destroyed him? What would have changed in 30 days to alter the result so radically? Sure, we know Cena "never gives up" but I really figured management was going to give him time to recover from the worst defeat of his career before throwing him back in there.

It's tough to predict what happens at Night of Champions......which is good, given the number of folks on this forum who claim to know in advance everything WWE is going to do (and are proud to inform us of it after the match is over :)) but my guess is this: Cena and Brock put on an amazing match.....give & take all the way.....extreme bravery shown by both.....frequent 2-counts by the ref that have the crowd squirming and chanting.....both men pushing each other to the limits of their endurance. In the end, Brock wins but fans have a renewed appreciation of Cena.

Either that.....or there's a big-time swerve coming. For instance, if Cena loses and the fans boo him anyway, perhaps the long-awaited heel turn results.
Cena definitely needs to turn heel because it is perhaps the only thing that can help save Cena's career because he has been stale for years when you think about it, he has been stale for practically almost a decade so a heel turn, a change in persona could only help Cena and having him lose to Lesnar does that so here is hoping Lesnar retains at NOC
This is going to suck either way.

Cena Wins: The year long build-up given to Brock's reign as he conquered the streak and destroyed Cena in their first round has been wasted. Brock only holds the belt for the month, which will be so lame.

Brock wins: Cena's revenge story ends in tragedy. Nobody defends the belt for months, which is especially jarring considering how Daniel Bryan was stripped specifically for that possibility.

There are hopeful possibilities to come with this. Maybe Brock will make part time appearances every month and defend at every PPV until he drops it at Wrestlemania. Maybe Cena will be so broken up that he'd snap and turn heel. But I don't see either of those happening.

Bryan was stripped because they didn't know when he'd be back. Injury in real life and kayfabe. I don't blame them for that.

I don't see anything wrong with not having to defend the belt for longer spans at a time. The guys now are over. They don't need a belt. Lesnar is an attraction. I'd prefer to see him keep it then the terrible booking they did last night with no-sell Cena. Not one noticeable injury from that match.

If you want people to think Cena has no chance, have him kayfabe an injury. Don't make it look like nothing happened at all.
I think this will wind up being more of the back & forth match we were initially expecting at SummerSlam. With Cena having been dealt such a lopsided defeat, I'm thinking that WWE will go the route of having him essentially having to "dig down deep" and "go to a place" he's never gone before. As a result, I'm thinking we'll see a tougher, more sadistic and ruthless side of Cena with the story being that it's the only possible way he'll keep himself from being absolutely mangled by Brock Lesnar a second time.

My niece was visiting over the weekend and she was looking through some of the comics I've got from when I was in my teens. One of them was an old Wolverine story in which in order to ultimately come out on top, he had to "embrace the beast within" and just sort of let go. I'm thinking that they'll do something like that with Cena. During the build to SummerSlam, they went with the story of Lesnar claiming to be only "50%" during their first meeting as he was still suffering from his illness. So, I'm guessing that they could go the route of saying that Cena himself was only at 50% because he's never just flat out let himself go. He's not ruthless or sadistic like Lesnar, hence he can't withstand Lesnar's barrage unless he embraces his own inner beast, which is what he'll do.

As to who wins, my gut says Cena just simply because of how Lesnar's deal is structured. Then again, for all I know, Lesnar & WWE have some sort of new deal structure in place that will result in Lesnar appearing on a much more frequent basis. If so, then it could go either way.
How would you book this match? I am assuming Brock will win but in what manner? If Cena runs him really close then it somewhat takes the shine off Brocks summerslam performance, if Brock beats down Cena again where does that leave John? It will be interesting to see how they book it.
NOC- Lesnar (c) vs Cena III
HIAC- Lesnar (c) vs Masked Kane (Hell in a Cell Match)
SS- Lesnar (c) vs Batista
TLC- Lesnar (c) vs Sheamus (Tables Match or a Chairs Match)
RR- Lesnar (c) vs Orton
EC- Lesnar (c) vs Orton vs Bryan vs Ambrose vs Cena vs Ziggler (Elimination Chamber)
WM31- Lesnar (c) vs Reigns
How would you book this match? I am assuming Brock will win but in what manner? If Cena runs him really close then it somewhat takes the shine off Brocks summerslam performance, if Brock beats down Cena again where does that leave John? It will be interesting to see how they book it.

The match would be similar to their Extreme Rules 2012 match.

However, instead of an Attitude Adjustment to win the match, Brock kicks out and Cena loses it and gets disqualified which leads to a final showdown in a Hell In A Cell match at Hell In A Cell.

Cena loses in a competitive match and does a speech similar to what he did after The Rock beat him at WM 28 and moves on.
I'm still not sure how this ends. Lesnar destroying Cena again just doesn't seem like a thing WWE would do. Plus, I'm not sure where that leaves Cena in the short-term. Cena winning seems unthinkable. For him to bounce back and defeat the monster would be stupid but it is an option.

Seth Rollins is somewhere in all this. He shouldn't cash in after Mania. He shouldn't cash in on the road to Mania. If they want him to have a semi-decent run then this is probably the best time for it.

As it stands, I think they are leading to Cena getting disqualified. It would help emphasis that he is a changed person and is far more viscous. Lesnar doesn't get pinned either. That could open the door for Rollins who could feud with Cena (I believe they are wrestling at live events) while Brock leaves for a couple of months.
As it stands, I think they are leading to Cena getting disqualified. It would help emphasis that he is a changed person and is far more viscous. Lesnar doesn't get pinned either. That could open the door for Rollins who could feud with Cena (I believe they are wrestling at live events) while Brock leaves for a couple of months.

That's an interesting scenario. While we've been talking about whether Cena could make a huge comeback just a month after being destroyed.....and we also debate whether Brock can stick around long enough to make a title reign seem realistic....you're tossing Seth Rollins into the equation, mainly due to his MITB status.

It's food for thought, for although normal circumstances would dictate that it's way too soon for management to be thinking of giving Rollins a world title, wouldn't it be a kick in the posterior if they did? First thing they'd probably do with Champion Rollins is start a multi-PPV war with Roman Reigns.

Still, I believe the holder of the briefcase should sit this one out. I want to see Cena vs. Lesnar. Earlier in this topic, I predicted Brock winning after a tough, closely-contested war.....one that leaves the fans appreciating Cena for his effort. I'm sticking to that due to the recent rumor that Brock has agreed to more PPV appearances, which might enable him to be a world title holder who actually defends his belt instead of having Paul Heyman doing his talking for him while Brock cools his heels in Asshole, Minnesota.

But if there's to be no change in Brock's part-time status, Cena could win in a battle for the ages. Or, as MCMG is saying, Cena being disqualified after an epic fight would a feasible ending, too.
Lesnar has a new contract that means WWE can book him for as many dates as they want on a pay per appearance basis. So they could well be planning to keep the title on Lesnar depending how well his presence draws in an audience
Lesnar should and will retain.

This should only be slightly more imbalanced than last time. Why? So that when Lesnar rocks whomever gets a shot next, THEY can get a little offense in, and not look "better" than Cena.
This one seems too easy to call. Of course it will be Brock. That seems to be the direction they are going. In my opinion they are meaning to make Brock look tough. That is not the case. They are just making him a bully. Didn't we have this problem with Rack too? I think someone needs to step in the ring with Brock and knock his ego down a peg or two. He acts as if he is unbeatable. That is not the case.
I'm guessing now that Cena will win, but only from a technicality and he won't win the belt. Or maybe it will be a double DQ. They take the fight outside the ring and get counted out or something.
To me, this doesn't "feel" like it's the blowoff match to the feud.

It seems unpredictable, which means WWE actually hyped this match up to the point where people actually think Cena would walk out with the title. If this was any other year I'd probably say Cena regains the title, but I think the WWE is aware of the serious situation they have at hand, the man who beats the one, that beat the Undertaker at Wrestlemania, is going to get pushed to the moon. Cena doesn't need it, he's already done everything there is to do in the WWE (except beat Undertaker which I think he might eventually).

BUT, anyone who says this match should be a replica of their SummerSlam match is a fool. As amazing as smarks think it was, it was freaking boring to watch such a lopsided match and Cena has to regain some credibility. So I think Cena will unleash his animal side and perhaps accidently get disqualified. Lesnar retains via DQ and I think the blow off match will be later down the track, where it's the next pay per view or towards the end of the year.

I just don't think this is the final match of the feud, hell even Lesnar would cop out and get disqualified in "fear" of losing his belt - I think that would be the best way to go actually. This gives fans hope that Cena or someone else can beat Lesnar, because as strong as he is and looks, he has to look somewhat vulnerable as champion so fans actually BELIEVE he will lose it eventually.
To me, this doesn't "feel" like it's the blowoff match to the feud.

It seems unpredictable, which means WWE actually hyped this match up to the point where people actually think Cena would walk out with the title. If this was any other year I'd probably say Cena regains the title, but I think the WWE is aware of the serious situation they have at hand, the man who beats the one, that beat the Undertaker at Wrestlemania, is going to get pushed to the moon. Cena doesn't need it, he's already done everything there is to do in the WWE (except beat Undertaker which I think he might eventually).

BUT, anyone who says this match should be a replica of their SummerSlam match is a fool. As amazing as smarks think it was, it was freaking boring to watch such a lopsided match and Cena has to regain some credibility. So I think Cena will unleash his animal side and perhaps accidently get disqualified. Lesnar retains via DQ and I think the blow off match will be later down the track, where it's the next pay per view or towards the end of the year.

I just don't think this is the final match of the feud, hell even Lesnar would cop out and get disqualified in "fear" of losing his belt - I think that would be the best way to go actually. This gives fans hope that Cena or someone else can beat Lesnar, because as strong as he is and looks, he has to look somewhat vulnerable as champion so fans actually BELIEVE he will lose it eventually.

If they have Brock for the next ppv (Hell in a Cell), than what you said makes compete sense. Make Cena look strong, willing to do whatever and have him cross a line that gets him DQ'ed and Brock retains. Hell in a Cell than becomes an obvious match for the two so that anything goes.
I think Brock is going to win, but I do not think that is good for business. He is not going to appear on Raw Monday and I hear he will not be around for Hell in a Cell. I never heard of a Pay per view without a World title match, besides who will Brock's next opponent be Daniel is still out, Roman is injured, Batista has not come back yet if he is coming back. You can't use Cena again, just let John win and Seth runs out turns in his case and wins the title. Seth can face Cena at Hell in a Cell.
It's already been reported that the WWE can mandate Brock to be at any shows they want to while he's the champ, so that's already been addressed. In addition, it makes sense to not defend the WWEWHC at every PPV, if that's the route they go.

Bringing in Seth Rollins now to win the WWEWHC, when he's still engaged with Mr. Midcard, Ambrose, makes no sense.

The smartest move right now is to have Brock win, by win by DQ, so Cena can claim another rematch at HiaC, and they can brawl it out in a HiaC match. That's my hope, anyway, because there's still juice to squeeze out of the feud between Cena and Heyman.
I think we are just going to get a slightly more aggresive/offensive John Cena with essentially the exact same outcome as Summerslam (though I hope Cena taps out this time), mainly because that's the only thing that would make any sense now. There's a chance we could see a DQ, count out or some other kind of screwy finish but that'd be pretty lame at this point.

Either way I can't see anyone but Brock Lesnar walking out of NoC with the WWE Title. There is just no chance in hell Cena gets the belt back, it would be way beyond stupid. & even if Reigns can't perform tomorrow night, I just can't see Rollins cashing in anytime soon. Ambrose will be back either at NoC now or the RAW after & there is just way too much unfinished business between all three of them. Not to mention I don't think the WWE is ready yet to pull the trigger with Seth.

So while I'm not all that interested in what will be the 4th overall world title/main event PPV match between Lesnar & Cena, & I think the outcome (of most the matches for that matter) is pretty cut & dry at this point, I'm still extremely interested in Lesnar as the WWE Champion & where it goes after all this John Cena nonsense is over.

This can and should go on last. However, I am not looking forward to this match. It should have been some type of gimmick match. After the sad excuse for a "match" that they had at Summerslam, why should I care about this match? As much as I like Cena, why should anyone believe he has a chance after Summerslam? Part of me hopes he does win, using the disastrous loss at Summerslam to fuel his desire to follow his own advice and never give up. I just hope they make up for that this time around and we get the match we should have had at Summerslam. What happened there was an absolute disgrace. If Lesnar has to retain (which he probably will) then fine, but at least make it look like Cena has a chance. I'm going to take a bit of a risk here though and predict that Seth Rollins is going to cash in his briefcase here after a brutal match that leaves the champion worn out, regardless of if it is Cena or Lesnar. Cena defies the odds, only to have Seth cash in on him and Rollins is the new World Heavyweight Champion to close the show.

John Cena will win the World Heavyweight Championship
Seth Rollins cashes in, and wins the World Heavyweight Championship.

This can and should go on last. However, I am not looking forward to this match. It should have been some type of gimmick match. After the sad excuse for a "match" that they had at Summerslam, why should I care about this match? As much as I like Cena, why should anyone believe he has a chance after Summerslam? Part of me hopes he does win, using the disastrous loss at Summerslam to fuel his desire to follow his own advice and never give up. I just hope they make up for that this time around and we get the match we should have had at Summerslam. What happened there was an absolute disgrace. If Lesnar has to retain (which he probably will) then fine, but at least make it look like Cena has a chance. I'm going to take a bit of a risk here though and predict that Seth Rollins is going to cash in his briefcase here after a brutal match that leaves the champion worn out, regardless of if it is Cena or Lesnar. Cena defies the odds, only to have Seth cash in on him and Rollins is the new World Heavyweight Champion to close the show.

John Cena will win the World Heavyweight Championship
Seth Rollins cashes in, and wins the World Heavyweight Championship.

Not to necessarily refute your points, but I think that the story line is that John Cena has to tap into that "Ruthless Aggression" that he had against Kurt Angle in 2002 in order to beat Brock, which I believe will culminate at the next PPV in a gimmick match.
Is Seth Rollins even ready to be the World Heavyweight Champion? He just lost to Roman Reigns cleanly a week prior. In previous weeks, he's required Kane's help for seemingly every match. It would be bizarre to have him successfully cash it in this early.
Is Seth Rollins even ready to be the World Heavyweight Champion? He just lost to Roman Reigns cleanly a week prior. In previous weeks, he's required Kane's help for seemingly every match. It would be bizarre to have him successfully cash it in this early.

The only way that I can really see it working is for him to have the belt for a while, and each time he defends the belt, have Authority aid in defending it, or walk out of the match, or get intentionally DQed. I mean some really old school heel moves. Otherwise, he's just not ready to hold the WWEWHC.
Thing is; if Brock does lose the title... how much does his value diminish with the loss of his invincibility?

Yes, he can proceed to brutalise Cena after being pinned, but the fact that the first guy to challenge him since he overcame the 'undefeated' streak managed to defeat him, would surely hurt his value as a Heel a great deal,lMO, and undo the benefits of breaking the Streak.

I'd say Brock gets cocky at some point against a more resilient John Cena, and ends up having to cheat(as Laodaron has predicted also) to win, setting a blow-off in the Hell-in-a-Cell.

Thus, the marquee matches for Hell-in-a-Cell might well be:

Brock vs Cena
Ambrose vs Rollins(Both matches in the Cell)
the F-5 at the end is why I legit hate Brock Lesnar. He carries himself like the real person would do shit like that

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