[Merged] Brock Lesnar Discussion **KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!**

There are some interesting questions about Brock's return. First, it's been 8 years since he's been in WWE TV. He may have a lot of ring rust from not being involved in pro wrestling for years. He may have a lot to catch up on..

His health is also a concern. His last MMA fight exposed him as someone who was stubborn and being way over his head. In pro wrestling, he has to get back into athletic, wrestling shape, like he was.

Also, can he make himself relevant again in this day and age, when many young guys are trying to make themselves the future of the WWE?

Can he prove that he's not a "has-been" and still have that athleticism and that drive to perform at the top level that he used to?

These are things I'm thinking about. It is exciting and intriguing having Brock back, but it's been 8 years and a lot has changed since he left in 2004.
There's no question that Brock will impress and I doubt he'll have much ring rust, he'll just have to slow his pace and work like a Professional Wrestler again. The great thing is he can add new moves to his arsenal which makes him That much more dangerous. I cant wait to see him in the ring. I would love to see him to battle with Sheamus and go after the WHC though people here will tell me its illogical but who doesnt want to see them fight? just my opinion. Thank You
So Brock is back! he may be the best actual wrestler in the WWE right now. Punk beats Jericho and then comes Lesner to laugh at them and say Best in the World, yeah right. Punk gets cocky and says i will fight you now. Brock comes in and destroys punk to get automatic Heat and wins the belt. This will set up Punk and Lesner for Chicago next month. what do you think

I'm glad that this did not happen. Punk and Jericho had an excellent match which would have been tarnished by Brock's involvement. This feud needs to continue into the next PPV event and it looks like that is the direction WWE is headed in now. The feud does not need to turn into a triple threat feud by adding Brock to it. Punk and Jericho are gold on their own, I want to see the feud play out completely with only the two of them, until they are each ready to move on to their next opponents. Cena VS Lesnar would be a far more interesting feud anyhow, and that should be Lesnar's first feud in this comeback especially after his actions on Raw last week.

The tarnishing of an otherwise great match is not the only reason I would have been upset if they had Brock interrupt to win the title. He has been gone for years, never deserved his original push in my opinion, and only JUST NOW got back. Sure, he likely will hold another world title now that he is back. He needs to earn it though. Winning the title the instant he returns would be an insult to the rest of the roster, who have been working very hard to earn their spots on the card. As credible as Lesnar has become after his run in UFC, he does not deserve to receive a title push so quickly. I'm adamantly against that. He should face Cena and a few others in non-title feuds first. WWE made the right choice, as that would have been an incredibly awful decision.
I'm glad that this did not happen. Punk and Jericho had an excellent match which would have been tarnished by Brock's involvement. This feud needs to continue into the next PPV event and it looks like that is the direction WWE is headed in now. The feud does not need to turn into a triple threat feud by adding Brock to it. Punk and Jericho are gold on their own, I want to see the feud play out completely with only the two of them, until they are each ready to move on to their next opponents. Cena VS Lesnar would be a far more interesting feud anyhow, and that should be Lesnar's first feud in this comeback especially after his actions on Raw last week.

The tarnishing of an otherwise great match is not the only reason I would have been upset if they had Brock interrupt to win the title. He has been gone for years, never deserved his original push in my opinion, and only JUST NOW got back. Sure, he likely will hold another world title now that he is back. He needs to earn it though. Winning the title the instant he returns would be an insult to the rest of the roster, who have been working very hard to earn their spots on the card. As credible as Lesnar has become after his run in UFC, he does not deserve to receive a title push so quickly. I'm adamantly against that. He should face Cena and a few others in non-title feuds first. WWE made the right choice, as that would have been an incredibly awful decision.
Can you explain to me how Brock returning in the proposed fashion would have tarnished the Punk-Jericho match? It's entertainment. Nothing is sacred. As much as some guys who don't understand the business might get butthurt over it, Lesnar returning in this fashion would have simply provided another layer of entertainment AND given the pay per view some of that "must see" lustre that's been absent on pay per views in recent years. Would that have somehow erased Punk and Jericho's lovely match from people's memories? Do you think Punk and Jericho would be unceremoniously buried in the midcard as a result? Surely you're bright enough not to believe these things. Surely. Heck, if anything the way people would perceive the proposed scenario as an injustice would only serve to make Punk a more sympathetic babyface. So the real good that would have come of this far outweighs the perceived bad.

Also, Lesnar doesn't need to earn anything. It's entertainment. He's a hot commodity. Earn has nothing to do with it. You put the guy people want to see out front. The masses don't care about earning top spots with great matches and non-title feuds. If they did, Dolph Ziggler would be a legit headliner. Alas, such smark fallacies have no basis in reality.
Brock will help the WWE because he will bring in media attention from sources (yahoo, for example) that will be focused on what he does in the ring, because of his name and his MMA past. However, WWE needs to capitalize on this. They need to provide meaningful storylines that grip their new audience in. For example, I was on Twitter when Brodus Clay was doing his thing at Wrestlemania. Warren Sapp, at the time this was going on, tweeted, "You lost me WWE". They cannot do this and must find ways to draw people in and...here's the key: KEEP THEM
Brock Lesnar's return was so awesome. The crowd made it feel even more special. Lesnar/Cena will draw huge for sure. I can't see Lesnar/Cena happening at Extreme Rules. Cena losing twice clean on PPV to two guys who have not wrestled in the last 8 years is highly unlikely. I predict Lesnar to be in a squash type match at Extreme Rules to build momentum. I'm highly looking forward to Lesnar's reasoning and how they book this feud.
I think brock Lesnars return could bring all sorts of possible matches - personally Cena Vs Lesnar at wrestlemania next year is a no go . Cena cant keep being duffed up by old superstars . but how bout austin vs lesnar at next years wrestlemania cena and lesnar to get it on at summerslam - cena will need to win lesnar to be a wwe champion - of course
My only concern is that Lesnar will not give a good effort at Wrestlemania 29 because he's leaving the next day (ala Wrestlemania XX vs. Goldberg). Other than that, I'm highly looking forward to what he does over the next year. Brock's first two years in the WWE was crazy good as far as quality. He had good to great matches with several guys, and had probably a MOTYC each year he competed. I'm sure he'll have some ring rust, but he's still young and in good shape so I'm excited for the future.
he punched cena right in the face. not the best of starts.

He's a little rusty, and I thought they did a good job using it to build his legitimacy as a badass. It was probably a mistake, but I'm glad that they acknowledged it rather than trying to hide it with camera tricks or jumping straight into commercials.
WWE goes out and lands Brock Lesnar.. An ex UFC Heavyweight champion, and they are using him this way? The fans were so pumped for his return, and popped so damn loud. This could have been the birth of something different, and a realistic change for good with the WWE.

Lesnar comes back, and destroys Cena as a badass. He then goes over Cena, and others as a machine. Instead they are back to the same ******ed stuff. They are using Lesnar with Johnny Ace, and as a fake bad guy when the fans wanted to cheer him to destroy Cena.

Now they are trying to use him to make Cena look tough. They already have him low blowing cheap shotting Cena.. Like brock lesnar needs to kick cena in the balls from behind.. Because Superman would rip his head off ya know!! LOL

By 8:15 I wanted to turn the TV off. We have the stupid Three Stooges segment, and Santino running around. I was hoping with the return of Brock we could get something fresh, and different. Some sense of realism, and a changing of guard. Just like they did with containing Punk, and Daniel Bryan they will do with Brock. We can never let John Cena not be a babyface superman #1 guy even though only wiggers, kids, girls, and half functioning ******s like him. It's forced and a joke.
WWE goes out and lands Brock Lesnar.. An ex UFC Heavyweight champion, and they are using him this way? The fans were so pumped for his return, and popped so damn loud. This could have been the birth of something different, and a realistic change for good with the WWE.

Lesnar comes back, and destroys Cena as a badass. He then goes over Cena, and others as a machine. Instead they are back to the same ******ed stuff. They are using Lesnar with Johnny Ace, and as a fake bad guy when the fans wanted to cheer him to destroy Cena.

Now they are trying to use him to make Cena look tough. They already have him low blowing cheap shotting Cena.. Like brock lesnar needs to kick cena in the balls from behind.. Because Superman would rip his head off ya know!! LOL

By 8:15 I wanted to turn the TV off. We have the stupid Three Stooges segment, and Santino running around. I was hoping with the return of Brock we could get something fresh, and different. Some sense of realism, and a changing of guard. Just like they did with containing Punk, and Daniel Bryan they will do with Brock. We can never let John Cena not be a babyface superman #1 guy even though only wiggers, kids, girls, and half functioning ******s like him. It's forced and a joke.

People need to relax. He's a heel. He's going to do things like low blow guys from behind. They also need to get over the "terrible" crowd this week. You won't see that Miami crowd until the RAW after WM 29 in NY/NJ. That was the "smarky" after WM crowd and you won't see them for another year at least.
I really don't get the hate I've seen on here so far for the pull apart.

That had an old school feel all the way. Very intense segment that helped reinforce not only what a bad ass Lesner is, but also how Cena will never back down. Great work by both, and the punch to the mouth added so much to the segment, that I have to feel that Cena and Lesner planned to do that the whole time, although I'm sure as soon as they got to the back they were working what an accident it was.

And the hate for Lesner being a heel and siding with Ace? Brock Lesner is a natural heel. He's not believable being anything but a heel. Siding him with Ace, having him low blow Cena and laughing about doing it... these are things that heels do, and these are things Lesner needs to do to reinforce that he is the guy that needs to be booed by the fans. Does Brock Lesner need to kick John Cena in the balls first to get an advantage on him? No he doesn't. But just because he doesn't need to, doesn't mean he doesn't want to anyways... because he's a heel, and that's what heels do. And if you think that makes him look 'weak'? Well sorry, but you weren't supposed to like that.
Can you explain to me how Brock returning in the proposed fashion would have tarnished the Punk-Jericho match?

One would only need to look back on Wrestlemania 9. That event's world title match was fully tarnished by Hogan's random win at the end. If Hogan had to be in a match why couldn't he just put Hart over? Or even Yokozuna? That was the final nail in the coffin for what ruined one of the worst Wrestlemania's ever. People would remember the Hart VS Yokozuna match in a much less negative light if it weren't for the random Hogan win afterwards. If history repeated itself and Lesnar randomly won the title from Punk it would tarnish what was otherwise a solid match. If it didn't work with Hogan it sure as hell isn't going to work with Lesnar.

It's entertainment. Nothing is sacred. As much as some guys who don't understand the business might get butthurt over it, Lesnar returning in this fashion would have simply provided another layer of entertainment AND given the pay per view some of that "must see" lustre that's been absent on pay per views in recent years.

They hyped Cena VS The Rock for an ENTIRE YEAR. Wrestlemania 28 had plenty of "must see" lustre. Lesnar returning at Raw was the right call. He got his big moment there, plus it was not overshadowed by anything else that evening and didn't tarnish any match outcomes. We already had one tarnished match in Bryan/Sheamus, there's no need to have another if this scenario took place.

Would that have somehow erased Punk and Jericho's lovely match from people's memories? Do you think Punk and Jericho would be unceremoniously buried in the midcard as a result?

It wouldn't have erased the match, it would have tarnished it. There's a difference. That match is part of a feud that does not need anyone else interfering in it. Punk and Jericho have a potential feud of the year going on and randomly throwing Lesnar into the mix would completely derail that momentum. Jericho is trying to get inside Punk's head constantly about his family history and get him to go against his lifestyle choices. Punk is overcoming his opponent and proving he is the best in the world. Where exactly is Lesnar going to fit into that? Nowhere. That's why he is feuding with Cena first and holding off on title feuds until later. Now, would it cause them to be buried in the midcard? No. Of course not. They do, however, deserve to have their title feud play out in its entirety without guys like Lesnar ruining it.

Heck, if anything the way people would perceive the proposed scenario as an injustice would only serve to make Punk a more sympathetic babyface. So the real good that would have come of this far outweighs the perceived bad.

They are already going to end up having to do something like that with Daniel Bryan if the crowd keeps showing their sympathy/support. There's no point in doing two nearly identical pushes. Punk is better off just as he is, an antihero face who is out to prove he is the best wrestler in the world that just happens to be straight-edge providing endless sarcastic promos along the way, and remaining a constant thorn in JL's side.

Also, Lesnar doesn't need to earn anything. It's entertainment. He's a hot commodity. Earn has nothing to do with it. You put the guy people want to see out front. The masses don't care about earning top spots with great matches and non-title feuds. If they did, Dolph Ziggler would be a legit headliner. Alas, such smark fallacies have no basis in reality.

Lesnar doesn't need to earn anything? That has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. You earn things in life. If he is going to be WWE Champion again then he needs to get in line and earn it like the others. What if your boss suddenly brought in some random other guy and said this gentlemen is going to be replacing you as their taffy wholesaler because people like him more and he is a hot commodity. Would that not severely upset you? You lost your spot that you worked hard to earn (I don't know if you did work to earn your job position or or if that even is your real job, so let's just assume that it is and you did, for purposes of this argument) only to lose it when you did nothing to deserve that. Same principle applies here. The masses DO care about earning spots with great matches and non-title feuds. It's called GETTING OVER. Punk earned his spot, so did Jericho. If Lesnar wants in on the title scene he will have to earn it like everyone else does.
Lesnar's return.

My initial impression on the matter:
The rumor had been there since he lost to Overeem in his last UFC fight. I heard ridiculous things like he had already reached an agreement with Vince and that he threw the fight (aka fight fixing... super illegal and can have jail time, so not a possibility). I do think he had meetings with WWE before that last UFC fight. For his likeness being used in DVDs and on the WWE 12 game and whatnot. As for a talent contract? No.

We saw WWE spoil his return with a tweet about 10 minutes before he came out. Not a bad move. It could have spoiled the return but it didn't just added an element to it that hadn't been seen in a while.

The F-5 heard around the world: Cena offers to shake Brock's hand... and it ended up with him getting his face slapped against the canvas.

The rebuttal (last night): Cena slaps Lesnar, brawl ensues. Cena gets busted open the hard way and has this almost sinister bloody grin (great shot on his face to show his emotion).

The finish: Brock sneaks up on Cena. Knocks him down with the shot to the knee and F-5's him again. Definitely expected. Lesnar pandered to the crowd but showed restraint.

This one up-manship game between Lesnar and Cena creates a great sense of tension between the two. It keeps Cena out of the WWE title picture and puts asses in the seats. They're using Cena's past to bring back other guys. Do I expect to see Cena win this match? No but Brock won't dominate this match. It will be like the Rock/Cena match at Mania.

Do I think Brock deserved this role? Yeah, granted he left a sour taste in the mouth of WWE when he left in 2004 but he's back and bigger than ever. Cena is the only logical choice for Brock to face right now. Doesn't mean that a guy like CM Punk or Sheamus isn't in his future but right now, Cena is the only one that has any history with Lesnar that could be taken seriously. There's a lot of pissed off people about his return and The Rock's return. If either wants a shot at the title they need to earn it. This feud with Cena is just to get him back into it... He needs to prove to the WWE Universe that he wants this and will bust his ass for it. Just my thought.
One would only need to look back on Wrestlemania 9. That event's world title match was fully tarnished by Hogan's random win at the end. If Hogan had to be in a match why couldn't he just put Hart over? Or even Yokozuna? That was the final nail in the coffin for what ruined one of the worst Wrestlemania's ever. People would remember the Hart VS Yokozuna match in a much less negative light if it weren't for the random Hogan win afterwards.
Who cares about how a match is remembered? Aside from the purposes of smark *********ion, who looks back on such things and mulls over the supposed legacy they have in the business? That match served its purpose. Hart got out with his credibility, Yoko got some comeuppance for what he'd just done to Hart (and if such things matter, he would be put over by Hogan in June; of course such things DON'T matter), and Hogan sent the fans home happy. Looking past all the talk of legacy, that last part is really the best you can hope for at the time such a decision is made. In fact, one could argue that Hogan's surprise title win is the kind of must-see surprise that's lacking these days in the WWE. Nobody in that crowd looks like they're on the verge of bitching about how Hogan put the final nail in that Mania's coffin. That's smark talk. But real people didn't think that way. Playing Monday morning quarterback almost twenty years later and calling it a terrible decision is laughable at best.

The fact of the matter is that we still remember all kinds of great matches in spite of endings that might be deemed questionable when put before the almighty smark standard of clean wins and nothing overshadowing a big match. You're just too blind to see it. Read on.

If history repeated itself and Lesnar randomly won the title from Punk it would tarnish what was otherwise a solid match. If it didn't work with Hogan it sure as hell isn't going to work with Lesnar.
But it did work with Hogan. Not long term, but it worked on the night of. And the only reason it didn't work long term is because neither Hogan nor Yoko are of any real value to hardcore smarks (the people who by-and-large purchase wrestling DVDs) in the long term. And really, what's the best purpose a match serves long term? Getting refurbished as smark-wank in some DVD set that only we will care about, that's what. And guess what? We still tolerate lots of smark-wank on DVD with screwy finishes and big returns casting a shadow over the proceedings. We all still love Rock vs Triple H from Backlash and their rematch at Judgement Day in spite of appearances from Austin and Taker. Shawn Michaels vs Mankind is still remembered by smark-types as one of both men's best matches in spite of the screwy finish. HBK vs Bulldog from King of the Ring still satisfies our smarky appetites in spite of the pier six brawl after the bout. And if Lesnar's return really did offend smark sensibilities long term, it could always be removed from future DVD releases. Undertaker's return after the Eddie-Rey match on Smackdown in March 2004 overshadowed a great WWE Championship match, but the bout was still released on Eddie's last DVD without the Taker segment. Steve Austin returned after the HHH-HBK classic on the last Raw of 2003, but that return was cut from the Heartbreak & Triumph DVD and people still love the match. History can be framed in a way that smarks will make smarks open their wallets at a later date. The Punk-Jericho match would have lived on in as significant a fashion as any other great wrestling match regardless of whether or not Lesnar returned afterwards.

They hyped Cena VS The Rock for an ENTIRE YEAR. Wrestlemania 28 had plenty of "must see" lustre.
And yet in execution, the event was about as by-the-numbers as you could expect. Where are the surprises that make you glad to have tuned in live? The game didn't change and if you missed it, you didn't really miss much.

It wouldn't have erased the match, it would have tarnished it. There's a difference. That match is part of a feud that does not need anyone else interfering in it. Punk and Jericho have a potential feud of the year going on and randomly throwing Lesnar into the mix would completely derail that momentum.
Who cares? Lesnar's a bigger deal and if the brass feels the need to put gold around his waist, waiting for the small fish to wrap up their second-tier feud is a non-issue. Derailing it means nothing if more people are willing to pay to see Lesnar in a title match right now.

Jericho is trying to get inside Punk's head constantly about his family history and get him to go against his lifestyle choices. Punk is overcoming his opponent and proving he is the best in the world. Where exactly is Lesnar going to fit into that? Nowhere.
The feud could have easily ended at Mania and Lesnar would have slid right in to be Punk's next credible threat. Would have been better than the WrestleMania leftovers we're getting in the WWE Championship picture now.

They do, however, deserve to have their title feud play out in its entirety without guys like Lesnar ruining it.
Wrestling is a business. Deserve has nothing to do with it. More smark fallacies from you.

They are already going to end up having to do something like that with Daniel Bryan if the crowd keeps showing their sympathy/support. There's no point in doing two nearly identical pushes.
The pushes wouldn't be identical. The only similarity is the crowd would have a great deal of sympathy for both. That's it.

Punk is better off just as he is, an antihero face who is out to prove he is the best wrestler in the world that just happens to be straight-edge providing endless sarcastic promos along the way, and remaining a constant thorn in JL's side.
And yet look at the Raw over the last month. He's become the bitch of Jericho, alcohol, and his past because the brass knows that sympathy works for babyfaces. And the Lesnar scenario at Mania would have given him that in spades. Heck, WWE would have had an easier time accomplishing their goals with Punk if they went through with this proposed scenario.

Lesnar doesn't need to earn anything? That has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. You earn things in life. If he is going to be WWE Champion again then he needs to get in line and earn it like the others. What if your boss suddenly brought in some random other guy and said this gentlemen is going to be replacing you as their taffy wholesaler because people like him more and he is a hot commodity. Would that not severely upset you? You lost your spot that you worked hard to earn (I don't know if you did work to earn your job position or or if that even is your real job, so let's just assume that it is and you did, for purposes of this argument) only to lose it when you did nothing to deserve that. Same principle applies here. The masses DO care about earning spots with great matches and non-title feuds. It's called GETTING OVER. Punk earned his spot, so did Jericho. If Lesnar wants in on the title scene he will have to earn it like everyone else does.
What planet do you live on? Snooki is one of the biggest names in entertainment. Earn has nothing to do with it. Rock slid right back in after seven years and was handed a WrestleMania main event. Earn has nothing to do with it. Even your beloved Jericho was inserted in the title picture based on past accolades. Earn has nothing to so with it. This is entertainment. Stars are given star treatment because they're stars. If there's money to be made, they aren't waiting in line. It's why Jeff Hardy didn't flounder in the midcard after his latest TNA sabbatical. The only thing that matters in entertainment is your ability to make bank. Lesnar's track record shows he does it better than anyone in professional wrestling today. He doesn't have to earn a god damn thing. And if you think he does, your naive idealism will get you eaten alive in the real world.
I'm enjoying this feud so far.. but Cena seriously needs to stop fucking smiling.

What's it gonna take for him to be serious? If Brock raped Cena's wife in the middle of the ring I'm pretty sure he would still be smiling... maybe even cheesily clapping in the corner?

Brock busted his lip open and he still smiles? -.-
I thought this was going to go down in the bar room, but what difference does that make. Both Dagger and Coco have very good points. I think in the long term Dagger may be right, but face it Coco nail it none of that shit matters. It is about the all mighty dollar and nothing else in the end.
I like that Brock will be at the PPV. This is a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation for WWE. If they put him on, people will say that its too early. If they hold him off, people will claim Brock on the card would have increased buyrates.

WWE needs Brock to be on TV and at PPVs. There was bound to be a withdrawal in viewers and interest with The Rock departing. Signing Brock was perfectly timed to retain some casual viewers.

It will be interesting to see what happens from here, but point being, putting Brock on the Extreme Rules PPV card is definitely the way to go.
I really don't get the hate I've seen on here so far for the pull apart.

That had an old school feel all the way. Very intense segment that helped reinforce not only what a bad ass Lesner is, but also how Cena will never back down. Great work by both, and the punch to the mouth added so much to the segment, that I have to feel that Cena and Lesner planned to do that the whole time, although I'm sure as soon as they got to the back they were working what an accident it was.

And the hate for Lesner being a heel and siding with Ace? Brock Lesner is a natural heel. He's not believable being anything but a heel. Siding him with Ace, having him low blow Cena and laughing about doing it... these are things that heels do, and these are things Lesner needs to do to reinforce that he is the guy that needs to be booed by the fans. Does Brock Lesner need to kick John Cena in the balls first to get an advantage on him? No he doesn't. But just because he doesn't need to, doesn't mean he doesn't want to anyways... because he's a heel, and that's what heels do. And if you think that makes him look 'weak'? Well sorry, but you weren't supposed to like that.

The whole point is Brock Lesnar didn't have to be the traditional heel. He could have came out and destroyed Cena like a machine. Cut a promo saying he is back to kick ass and take out the top dog being Cena. Fans would side with Lesnar over Cena.. The entire process is forced and not natural. John Cena has been getting more boos than cheers. The same thing happened to Hogan and he changed in the 90s. WWE keeps selling John Cena as #1 face in the company when the time has passed and it's stale. It's as if the WWF/E would have kept Hogan from the 80s and forced him down our throats for the entire 90s if he had not left. It would have been old and we wouldn't have had an attitute era or anything new.

Lesnar coming back and taking out Cena to the fans applause, and turning Cena to a heel would be the natural progression of things and what the audience is moving towards anyways. Instead they pair him up with Johnny Ace and do everything in their power to get the fans against Brock to keep Cena as a babyface which is stale. Cena has lost most adults and is the champion face of wiggers, girls, ******s, and children like I said. There is nothing in John Cena a Heterosexual male could cheer for. It's old, played out, and boring as fuck brah.. I just dislike Cena being #1 face when and in the spotlight even above the champion CM Punk when he isn't a face with the people anymore.. Something needs to change or WWE will keep sinking on the Super Cena titanic while cutting the balls off of any legitimate new guys that could replace Cena like Brock Lesnar and booking CM Punk before Cena matches to make the people remember that even though Cena does not have the title.. He is #1 really and just occupied with the Rock right now or Brock Lesnar.
The whole point is Brock Lesnar didn't have to be the traditional heel. He could have came out and destroyed Cena like a machine. Cut a promo saying he is back to kick ass and take out the top dog being Cena. Fans would side with Lesnar over Cena.. The entire process is forced and not natural. John Cena has been getting more boos than cheers. The same thing happened to Hogan and he changed in the 90s. WWE keeps selling John Cena as #1 face in the company when the time has passed and it's stale. It's as if the WWF/E would have kept Hogan from the 80s and forced him down our throats for the entire 90s if he had not left. It would have been old and we wouldn't have had an attitute era or anything new.

Lesnar coming back and taking out Cena to the fans applause, and turning Cena to a heel would be the natural progression of things and what the audience is moving towards anyways. Instead they pair him up with Johnny Ace and do everything in their power to get the fans against Brock to keep Cena as a babyface which is stale. Cena has lost most adults and is the champion face of wiggers, girls, ******s, and children like I said. There is nothing in John Cena a Heterosexual male could cheer for. It's old, played out, and boring as fuck brah.. I just dislike Cena being #1 face when and in the spotlight even above the champion CM Punk when he isn't a face with the people anymore.. Something needs to change or WWE will keep sinking on the Super Cena titanic while cutting the balls off of any legitimate new guys that could replace Cena like Brock Lesnar and booking CM Punk before Cena matches to make the people remember that even though Cena does not have the title.. He is #1 really and just occupied with the Rock right now or Brock Lesnar.

Can't disagree with a single thing you've said...

but that said, it's painfully obvious by now that the WWE has zero intention of turning Cena heel, so they gotta do what they gotta do to reinforce that someone like Lesner is SUPPOSED to be the guy that the fans are booing.

Lesner using traditional heel tactics gets that message across. Fans won't listen to it, because they do not want to cheer Cena anymore, but they will continue sending that message out there anyways.
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Yes because we want Cena to be Heel. See we want what we want and eventually we get it. Happened with Bret we booed his ass and cheered Austin which made Austin face and Hart heel even though they performed to opposite. Happened with Rocky we got tired of him as tighty whitey clean alterboy. And after endless booing Rocky heeled and now look at what he become. Happened with Orton biggest heel stood up to mcmahon we cheered him on we liked his rebellious style they tried to push him as heel against Mcmahons and HHH and before you know it, as we constantly booed mcmahons and game, Randy goes face with the legacy betrayel. My point is we as fans usually get what we demand as we make our voices heard but the WWE is not giving us Cena as a heel. with the Rock fued was good because Cena became a little gritty and Rock, despite how Heelish he acted was the ultimate face by crowd reaction in the fued. We miss Brock and happy hes back so we cheer him amd even more because we hate Cena the character which is who Brock targeted so now that they made Brock the Heel just to preserve their precious babyface in Cena we fans dont care and will still cheer Brock because we want Cena the character destroyed and we dont care who does it. Alot of people think thats wrong but its our preference. We pay to see a show. We want to enjoy it so we freely make our voices heard on what we like and what we dislike. We as fans have brought upon some of the greatest moments in wrestling by the way we responded. Not what they want us to do but what WE want to do to create the show WE want to see. We are not workers of the WWE neither are we businessmen. in this sight we are fans and fans should enjoy themselves and feel free in doing so despite the consequences. Just my opinion. Thank You
Is it really ever to soon to make money? In all seriousness though how would you book it?
Absolutely. You build suspense. You deny people what they want until they're ready to rip your throat out to get it; then they will happily pay you $50 and convince their friends that they need to as well.

Considering I couldn't disagree more with how Lesnar is being booked now, here's how I'd do it. First, the WWE needs to realize- and it's already too late for this- that Brock Lesnar is Something Different. You don't handle him like another heel that does the same things that other heels do. Other heels aren't coming off of immensely popular runs in the top fighting organization in the world.

What I'd do is let Brock punch out someone big on his first night- none of this F-5 shit, we should be past that. After seeing Brock hit someone so hard that he fractured his orbital bone and caused the guy to somersault backwards from the momentum of the punch, an F-5 looks as fake as can be. Brock should have punched Cena out on his first night, the two should have clamored for an immediate match, and Johnny Ace comes out and says "no." Pick a reason, kayfaybe says he's still under contract elsewhere. Doesn't matter much. You make it look like Brock wants to get at Cena, Cena wants to get at Brock, and one guy is holding it up for everyone. Johnny Ace finally gets some actual heat, and when you do put Cena/Lesnar together, it's at SummerSlam when the buy price is higher and more people pay.

You present Lesnar as an unstoppable beast, but not an evil beast. Face vs face sells- just look at a couple weekends ago. Let Lesnar punch the shit out of David Otunga if you need to remind people he's a badass. SummerSlam rolls around, you have an inconclusive finish or a shock swerve that gives the angle new momentum.

The issue I have with the current way Brock's being used is that it's been done before. What's different about Brock that we don't see in the WWE's other heels? The WWE's other heels weren't UFC Heavyweight champions a couple of years ago. The WWE has a phobia of recognizing their competition, but this is one of those cases where they need to understand there are forces bigger then them at work- forces they can capitalize on and make money from.

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