[Merged] Brock Lesnar Discussion **KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!**

I have to say, I am just delighted to see Brock back. Good times coming folks. Hopefully, before long, we can get big Dave back. Now that would be a match of pure power and brutal strength.
Last night's Raw was a really great show. I watched more of it than my UK Wildcats winning the National Championship, if that says how much I enjoyed it.

Brock's return is great for the WWE. He was, "The Next Big Thing," and of course you have to mean that in both respects. He was the next big thing in the front office, too.
He's the man that never should have left, because had he not, John Cena wouldn't have the top spot. Lesnar never would have given that spot up.

The entire WWE could have been different from what we know today, if Brock had stuck around. The nice part about this is that I'm not bitter at all about him ever leaving; I'm just happy to see him back where he belongs.

Great Raw, great return, and a great performer. One of the best wrestling nights I can remember, in a long time.
So, is Lesnar likely to be a heel or a face? If he feuds with Cena, the crowd will cheer him anyway even if he bashes Cena over the head with a steel chair. If WWE think that people will cheer Cena again and boo Lesnar, they are horribly mistaken.

I personally think that Lesnar will be a tweener, kind of like Orton was for a while. Let the fans decide, IMO. I just hope WWE gets this right.
Think that Lesnar's going to beat up Cena at SummerSlam and then regain the title at Survivor Series. I could see him also unifying the belts. When the Rock comes back, have him involved against Brock at Wrestlemania. I could see the WWE also include their poster boy, Cena, to make it a Triple Threat. I have to admit, it could very well be quite interesting to see Cena+Rock+Lesnar in the ring at the same time for a mega main-event.
PWInsider.com has released some details regarding Lesnar's deal with WWE.

Lesnar is contractually obligated to make a minimum of 2 appearances per month and is expected to make between 30 to 35 appearances in total, possibly more. The deal is indeed for a year and Lesnar is scheduled to have some sort of role at WrestleMania 29. No details on how much money Lesnar is making but, no doubt, it's quite a hefty sum.

There's rumors right now of possibly having Lesnar face The Rock at WM 29 for the WWE Championship. However, the same sort of rumors were going around for Cena vs. Rock for much of the build for their match this past Sunday. Personally, I hope the WWE Championship isn't involved if this program goes down because it puts the whole title scene in a questionable situation. For instance, how can Rock realistically be champion without working a full WWE schedule? He's not going to give up becoming a movie star and I don't see WWE going for months at a time without the reigning WWE Champion appearing. It'll throw the entire main event picture into chaos. I don't see Lesnar winning it because, quite frankly, I don't see Lesnar sticking around after his current deal is up. He doesn't particularly love pro wrestling and is only in it for the money, so how can the title be given to him?

However, that's all 100% rumor right now and I'm sure there'll be many more rumors to come. Personally, I'd prefer seeing Lesnar try to end The Streak but there's probably more money with Rock vs. Lesnar.
So where are all the little Jimmies calling out Brock Lesnar for leaving the WWE for 8 years? Cena is there busting his butt every day then Lesnar just shows up, right?

You people can't be hypocrites. If you were criticizing Rock for doing what he did, you have to criticize Lesnar too.... Can't wait to hear how it's somehow different.
So where are all the little Jimmies calling out Brock Lesnar for leaving the WWE for 8 years? Cena is there busting his butt every day then Lesnar just shows up, right?

You people can't be hypocrites. If you were criticizing Rock for doing what he did, you have to criticize Lesnar too.... Can't wait to hear how it's somehow different.

For several reason's. Brock left due to what he believed to be a over bearing work schedule. He also left to join a sport where he beat/got beat up. He did not leave to go play the Tooth Fairy. Oh and Cena sucks....So be it Lesnar, Doink the clown, Scotty Too Hotty, Pete Rose (chicken costume style) they will be more over and respected than Cena. Hope that clears it up for you. Now run along, I'm sure Barney & Friends is on and you don't want to miss it before nap nap time...
For several reason's. Brock left due to what he believed to be a over bearing work schedule. He also left to join a sport where he beat/got beat up. He did not leave to go play the Tooth Fairy. Oh and Cena sucks....So be it Lesnar, Doink the clown, Scotty Too Hotty, Pete Rose (chicken costume style) they will be more over and respected than Cena. Hope that clears it up for you. Now run along, I'm sure Barney & Friends is on and you don't want to miss it before nap nap time...


Come on, play nice. Fact is, he did leave after a short spell. Rock on the other hand was there for a good 10 years or more. He also carried on working whilst making movies for a period. When he left, he did not rip the company apart either.

Brock did!

However, I for one am damn glad to see him back and cannot wait to see what they do with him.

Hopefully, we will see the end of this PG BS asap and see a new direction where wrestling is not he said I said BS and more of the, come here to I kick your ass you SOB!
I don't see how anyone can be "excited" for Brock to be back.

It's like people forgot what happened 8 years ago and how he and Bill Goldberg screwed around at WM20 so Lesnar wouldn't get hurt to go into his MMA career.

He's an arrogant prick and not afraid to show it and doesn't give a damn about the WWE, the fans, or anything. He only cares about himself and the paycheck he can get.

The guy has never been great on the mic... Sure he knows how to squash people and deliver great moves, but that's not always what's important either. Especially when we're talking about the business.

Who knows. Maybe his attitude has changed in falling down in his MMA career and making the decision to retire. I sure as hell hope so.

Brock has to earn my respect back if I'm to ever cheer for him again. I still remember 8 years ago.
whoever is dumb enough to say Lesnar isn't intimidating...OPEN YOUR EYES. He is a beast. Look at the size of his fists. He scares the hell out of me dude. and I honestly think they have brought him back to be a heel. No smiles, no high fiving the fans, heel. It's what he's best at anyway.
Interesting to see what Brock will do. I don't see Brock getting beat any time in the near future as him being a "beast" and "invincible" is part of his gimmick and they'll need to keep that going for a while.

Brock is essentially VKM's version of Goldberg so I see them playing up Brock with an invincibility angle.

Brock can't work the mic so he needs a manager. And he probably needs to hit the gym hard because he didn't look that great last night. Can't hit the gas in UFC since UFC is sanctioned by the Nevada state athletic commission. Probably why Brock left his shirt on.
My theory on Brock Lesnars return....

John Laurinaitas said to CM Punk he sees 'natural disasters' on the horizon. Maybe this was a reference to the F-5.
Brock gets a title shot against CM Punk and wins the gold.
Brock holds the title until Summerslam 2012.
The Rock returns and challenges Brock as it is the 10 year anniversary since their 2002 bout.
Rock wins and becomes 'full time' and Brock dissapears for a while.
Cena wins the Rumble.
Rock holds the title until WM29 when Cena defeats him in the rematch.
Brock returns and has a shot at the streak.

Post WM29 sucks as Brock and Rock leave.
Interested to see where it goes. Especially after hearing about Brock's availability. I could see Rock and CM Punk having a match at Summerslam with Rock winning and then dropping it shortly after to whoever, setting up a triple threat at Mania 29. Meanwhile I could see Cena-Brock at summerslam.
It's great to see Brock back in the WWE. I knew sooner or later he would be back with a part time schedule since he is retired from UFC. I guess Brock has signed a one year deal and will make a few appearances each month. I'm really excited because John Cena will have some competition now that The Rock is gone. I could honestly care less how long he stays because just seeing Lesnar a few times a month is wonderful. He could be a monster heel taking on Cena, Rock, CM Punk, Taker, Bryan, and the list goes on and on.

One of the best debuts on Raw and definitely one of the most exciting Raws I have seen in years.
PWInsider.com has released some details regarding Lesnar's deal with WWE.

Lesnar is contractually obligated to make a minimum of 2 appearances per month and is expected to make between 30 to 35 appearances in total, possibly more. The deal is indeed for a year and Lesnar is scheduled to have some sort of role at WrestleMania 29. No details on how much money Lesnar is making but, no doubt, it's quite a hefty sum.

There's rumors right now of possibly having Lesnar face The Rock at WM 29 for the WWE Championship. However, the same sort of rumors were going around for Cena vs. Rock for much of the build for their match this past Sunday. Personally, I hope the WWE Championship isn't involved if this program goes down because it puts the whole title scene in a questionable situation. For instance, how can Rock realistically be champion without working a full WWE schedule? He's not going to give up becoming a movie star and I don't see WWE going for months at a time without the reigning WWE Champion appearing. It'll throw the entire main event picture into chaos. I don't see Lesnar winning it because, quite frankly, I don't see Lesnar sticking around after his current deal is up. He doesn't particularly love pro wrestling and is only in it for the money, so how can the title be given to him?

However, that's all 100% rumor right now and I'm sure there'll be many more rumors to come. Personally, I'd prefer seeing Lesnar try to end The Streak but there's probably more money with Rock vs. Lesnar.

This is the info I think many of us have been waiting for thanks Jack. The big qestion in my mind was is Lesnar back full time or just on a Rock schedule. Show up 5 or 6 times over the next year building towards a Cena/Lesnar match at WM29... or was he back solidly and was there to maybe give Cena some time off.

35 appearances.. 52 weeks in a year, he's going to be around qite a bit it seems.

As for the other part I highlighted, Vince is a very smart man, and Lesnar would have seen the Undertaker's, HHH's and Rock's recent schedules. Lesnar could very well negotiate along these lines to keep him in the company for years. Think of how dominant Lesnar is, he is comparably as if not more so in the ring than the Undertaker. He could have two programs a year with up and coming stars and then a Mania have him take on someone in big fight feel matches.

With his dual UFC/WWE Championship credentials he can be a huge asset for Vince over the next few years no doubt!
Kayfabe wise...

why did he attack the "loser" John Cena? If you really wanted to make a statement wouldn't you attack the Rock or the WWE Champion Punk?

Rock solidified himself as the man at WM28... and he's leaving again to who knows when, wouldn't Vince have Lesnar come out and have Lesnar take out Rocky? Rock has an excuse to be gone, and Lesnar is now the biggest and the baddest in one F5...

or maybe if they want the Cena/Brock feud, maybe Cena should have won... I'm a bit confused about it. Is Cena the face aymore after being beaten?? Brock should have gone after Punk or Rock...
Kayfabe wise...

why did he attack the "loser" John Cena? If you really wanted to make a statement wouldn't you attack the Rock or the WWE Champion Punk?

Rock solidified himself as the man at WM28... and he's leaving again to who knows when, wouldn't Vince have Lesnar come out and have Lesnar take out Rocky? Rock has an excuse to be gone, and Lesnar is now the biggest and the baddest in one F5...

or maybe if they want the Cena/Brock feud, maybe Cena should have won... I'm a bit confused about it. Is Cena the face aymore after being beaten?? Brock should have gone after Punk or Rock...

Punk is still in a programme with Jericho and Rock is leaving for a few months to film some movies. Attacking either of them made no sense at all. Plus can Brock just walk back into the business and in his first time make a claim for a title shot?!

Attacking The Rock in his own back yard with THAT crowd wouldnt have been smart either. The crowd would have booed his ass taking away some of the return. Look at the clusterfuck that was Jerichos?

This was a huge return and smashing the fuck outta Cena made the most sense. Brock can be face or heel next week, attacking Cena made no difference in the direction they are going.
Now I wish Batista would come back. Batista & Lesnar never locked horns before. You wouldn't even need to put the WWE title in the mix; the feud would be brutal.
Now I wish Batista would come back. Batista & Lesnar never locked horns before. You wouldn't even need to put the WWE title in the mix; the feud would be brutal.

Definately be interesting. I would bring Batista back and build him first though. He got duct taped by Cena last time he was arond :lmao:

Oh and they did fight, check it out on youtube. From their OVW days. Think Brock went over.
I just thought Brock's Return was great and I hope we get a Cena/Lesnar Feud. We got a little taste of it in 2003 going into Backlash and I hope we get it again. It was a fantastic way to close out an Epic RAW after Wrestlemania.
i am not happy with this return, a men who doesn't respected Undertaker and the men himself,its the worst return of the entire WWE.
what Dana white think about this,and for finish Brock lesnar is like Goldberg,batista the same wrestlers in the ring.
I loved Brock back when he was feuding with Angle, Just not sure hes the same Brock though. You could see the muscle deformity in his arms, really hope this ends up being a great feud. But I don't wanna see it last more then two more PPV's
I love how WWE's big names return and feud with John Cena. First The Rock, then Masked Kane and now Lesnar.

But mark my words : Brock Lesnar is back to get his arse kicked by Cena. I'm pretty sure their feud is gonna end in an ''I quit match'' at WrestleMania 29. SuperCena will be more ''super'' than ever :)
Brock is a nostalgia act it will be near impossible to turn him heel. WWE have already acknowledge that a lot of the fans dont like Cena. I dont think they really care anymore that he gets booed.

I like that he has to make 2 appearances per month. They can have a old school type of build. I guessing now they will wrestle at Summerslam with Brock going over. Rock barely showed until the last few weeks leading up to WM. Brock will be more of a regular on tv.

I rather see Lesnar wrestle Undertaker at WM 29. Their is some legitimate bad blood which always makes things better. I think two part-timers in Rock and Lesnar wrestling each other for the WWE title is extremely corny... Fans know neither are sticking around. Brock is just looking for big money this year and will probably sign a legends contract after. We all know he doesn't really love the business.
I think it will probably be Brock vs Rock at mania 29 for the title it is a massive marquee match, will draw massive money and both aren't full-time meaning that they wouldn't be tying the main full-timers like Cena, Punk and Orton down.

Having said that given the choice I would much rather have seen Lesnar fight and put over Orton. It could be a tremendous fued, both are similar in that they are portrayed as complete lethal bad-asses and the fued would be more about physicality than promo work. In essence it would decide who the most dangerous man in WWE is, Cena has had Rock, there is constant speculation about Punk/Austin, I think Randy deserves his marquee match and this could be it.

I know this is extremely unlikely to happen at WM 29 but perhaps sometime after it if Brock stays.

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