[Merged] Brock Lesnar Discussion **KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!**

I agree with a couple of people in here who posted before me. Brock had a good look and was alright in the ring, since he was an athletic freak of nature (though his technique left a little to be desired), but he didn't bring much to the show. He wasn't a good mic worker, he wasn't in the business for very long, and he left unceremoniously to be a football player.

I mean, I get the hype, though. The crowd was already amped up by an amazing show, and a "surprise" return added to the end was a great way to top off the night. Beyond that, I'm not really sure what most of you saw in him. He just wasn't really that good at the peak of his wrestling career in my opinion..
why choose Lesnar taking out John Cena? I think it would of been way more interesting if the F-5 was on The Rock! Wwe great choice to bring Brock Lesnar Back! Now if Cena Lost to Rock how will they have Cena lose to Brock Lesnar too? Rock said hes the BEST! Brock Lesnar should of F-5'd Rock
I guess Brock Lesnar got tired of people not being made to lay down for him to win. his MMA run was a joke and he's still not entertaining in wrestling.
I think my favorite thing about all this is that The Rock And now Brock just proved how Cena really is. A superstar in a small ass pond with no superstars. Brock had a bigger reaction then when the Rock came back last year. INSANE. I almost felt bad for Cena that these larger then life stars come back and just make Cena look less then them. Brock was going to be the face of the company and left, which gave Cena the ball. This should be interesting

Brock is a national wrestling champion and has been on some classics with Eddie, benoit and Kurt. I am extremely excited to see him back
Brock Lesnar is better on the mic than 80% of the roster. Unlike almost everyone they have he CAN wrestle. He is an athletic freak of nature. A powerhouse. He was a UFC Champ. Anyone who says his UFC run was a joke, is stupid. He won the belt and defended it. He will bring MASSIVE ratings to the WWE.
Lesnar can cut promos in an amazing way, hell... to those who think otherwise, check all his press conferences with UFC. In fact he took promos from UFC to another level.

This is pure gold.

And for those who are worried about his muscle tone, the guy still has his body for MMA competition, you cant seriously fight with a body like he had back in 2002. You need to be lean and quick.

Give him a couple of month and he will be a beast again.

Best return in a long long long time.
oh man what a night.. Brock Lesnar back in WWE.. Here comes the pain baby!!!

this reminds me of when Ken Shamrock debuted in the WWF/E.. a LEGIT MMA fighter in the WWF..

but the difference is Brock was already a star in the WWE before he became and MMA star.. remember he has A MILLION PPV tucked under his belt from UFC 100.. well one can argue it was against a POP MMA Icon as well in the mold of Randy Couture.. but he still has a million PPV's.. and he is a LEGIT MMA star.. if not for his MAJOR SICKNESS he could have easily trained for his fights.. his sickness clearly affected his transition to being the MMA star he wanted to be..

he is even the home page of yahoo sports now.. that means A LOT in terms of mainstream sports..

THE ROCK and BROCK LESNAR are heaven sent for the WWE..
Lesnar may have been an athletic freak back in the day he looked worse than Flair tonight. And he was never that great on the mic. He doesnt have that physical imposing look anymore without that I cant see this run doing very well.
Lesnar may have been an athletic freak back in the day he looked worse than Flair tonight. And he was never that great on the mic. He doesnt have that physical imposing look anymore without that I cant see this run doing very well.

Muscle is not equal to power and brutality. Lesnar was all about power and brutality, and i can tell you... he still has the strengh of a bull and the intensity. Those are the trademarks of Lesnar.

And he delivered a gigantic F5 to a guy that weights over 220 pounds like if he was a pillow.
Knocking Lesnar's physique is off base imho. one, as a ,MMA fighter, he had to be 265 every fight. Two, he's health problems lately that he's getting over and he's had some time off from the UFC as well.. All that said, he still looked in good shape to me and it's not like he's gonna be wrestling every week. He'll be ready and look ready when the time comes.
why choose Lesnar taking out John Cena? I think it would of been way more interesting if the F-5 was on The Rock! Wwe great choice to bring Brock Lesnar Back! Now if Cena Lost to Rock how will they have Cena lose to Brock Lesnar too? Rock said hes the BEST! Brock Lesnar should of F-5'd Rock

I saw it as this... Cena will turn but how I'm very unsure. I wondered last night that with Kana trying to get Cena to embrace the hate where he overcame and won, but then following a loss to the Rock I wondered if a heel turn would happen and it would've been great last night for the turn after his loss BUT never happened. My idea is Brock could be the breaking point Cena needs. Number one. Brock clearly came out a heel but he will be the heel everyone will cheer for and Cena will be the face everyone will boo. Think this, both Rock and Cena went into Wrestlemania as faces and left as faces with Cena crushed that he lost and throughout that whole time everyone cheered the Rock. Now Brock is here, he is a face and I can guarantee you, the cheers will overshadow him being a heel. I think this could be a great time for Cena to just snap.
gotta say that was a piss ass return. the fans ruined it by chanting for him 10 minuites before he returned. we all knew when he came out that was gonna f-5 cena which also sucked cause he took his time getting to the ring. now he shouldve came out, grabbed a mic and said, "The rock? i thought u were calling me out, Brock" then f-5ed him. hopefully this goes down at summerslam. it barely worked with the rock, but another year long build could do nothing for each other, and since he is back. i think we deserve more then jus a tag match and a main event match at wm.
if this is indeed a one year contract, i could see brock lesnar potentially going undefeated all year (how many fights that is, is beyond me) until being called out by undertaker. Brock v. Taker would be big enough to headline the card.
i dont see that, but then again i could see vince doing that. id rather see lesnar work with up and comers and people like orton and so forth id rather undertaker hang up the streek at 20-0 instead of a chance of 20-1 vs lesnar. theres nothing to gain from that, cause lesnars already beat him for the title and in a hiac
Brock's mic skills were weak in his first run in the WWE. IMO he cut some bad promos. It will be interesting to see if he improved. But it doesn't really matter the guy will be treated like a god.

Business wise this is great for WWE. Brock is a bigger draw than the Rock. Look at Brock's last UFC fight buyrates... it blows away Rock's comeback match at SS. It will be interesting to see if he can bring over more fans to the WWE.

Another rumor I just read floating around the net is Brock might face Cena at Summerslam not WM. He would face Rock for the WWE title at WM. I'm not sure if I like that idea too much.
As someone who has suffered from diverticulitis....after it being so bad to the point where you need surgery....good luck NOT losing muscle after that. Myself i had a foot of intestines taken out, i don't know about him. Should they have waited longer for him to recover and hit the gym more? Maybe, but Vince felt like now is the time, so i guess we'll have to wait and see. However, if he's healthy enough to get back in the ring, you can bet we'll get to watch him bulk a bit over the course of the next few months....hell you may not even see him without a shirt for at LEAST a month.
Apparently Lesnar has a 2 dates minimum a month contract, so he could possibly be on most Raw's and a few PPV's across the year as it just says minimum.

I really hope they have some long term plans in place with him that involve more than just one off matches that do nothing to further the overall WWE product. I mean right now they have a few name guys lingering around, have some of them wrestle the guys the WWE are trying to make and get these guys some extra credibility.
I'm sure this is one of the many Brock Lesnar threads here in WZ and many more to come...Now that he has come back, I have got a scenario here...
What if he beats John Cena...beats every other guy in the roster...becomes WWE champion...goes undefeated for a year till Wrestlemania...on the other side...Undertaker makes a comeback at Royal Rumble and wins it...challenges Brock Lesnar for the title at Wrestlemania 29...and we have our dream match with unbelievable hype...

Now, I'm not sure what type of contract Brock has signed...but if it is a full time schedule...then it would be Awesome if something like this happens...
No way did Brock sign a full time contract. He hated the traveling and that is why he quit in the first place. I think you will see him on Raws and PPVs.

I don't know what they are going to do with him. I really don't think another year long feud is going to work.
I'm not saying that WWE should call this match right now...they can make Undertaker win Royal Rumble and then they can build it from there...And the hype which I have mentioned is in reference to the momentum which Lesnar will have with the undefeated run...
Lesnar vs Taker doesn't need the title and I see little point in jobbing out the entire roster to Brock before having a title match against a guy who only works one match a year. Then factor in the fact Brock's deal is done after Mania 29 and Taker will go back into hibernation and you essentially have a vacated title the next night with the rest of the roster treat as inferiors picking up the scraps in a title tournament.
sorry, BAD idea. Lesnar has signed a one year contract with 30-35 dates, including Wrestlemania 29. Sure Brock would be believable as an unstoppable force, he has proven legitimately he could kill anybody on the roster if they got into a shoot. How on earth would anybody be able to suspend belief and think Mark Calaway, who will be 48 bu then could honestly compete with Brock Lesnar. Taker does not need to be anywhere around a title belt, he isnt around to defend it. The Streak is never going to end, so the result would be a no-brainer and stupid to build Lesnar up to have him get beat by a washed up, old guy who does not need the title.
A far more believable scenario is for Lesnar to go through disposable guys like Greta Khali, Kane, Big Show, Mark Henry. Really build him up even further than he already is in the fans eyes. Not sure why they throwing Cena Lesnar's way, he wont be the building block for him to smash through. Id suggest that Rock, who will now go on about beating Hogan, Austin and now Cena, will say he has beaten everybody at Wrestlemania. Enter Brock, who reminds The Rock it was him he won his first WWE title from and in turn had Rock leave the company to head to Hollywood. Leanr vs Rock 2 at Wrestlemania 29 would be huge and the result would not be a foregone conclusion.
I have no idea what they are going to do with him. was this the set up for next years wm they were talking about? cena/brock makes no sense except from a huge money standpoint. now with rock saying hell be champion again you cant give lesnar the title for him to fued with rock over for the next year without them being there. i also dont believe they will hve brock lose to anyone except taker at mania and even then it is a stretch. also the first thing i thought of when i saw abraham washington was i hope they dont try putting him as lesnars mouthpiece bc heyman probably wont be there
but then again....the huge toolbox aka johnny ace, did tell punk that he saw dark clouds even catastrophic events in his future (or something to that extent) maybe he somehow arranges for lesnar to quickly take the title from him thus setting up brock/rock and letting punk/jericho battle over the "best in the world" title, because they dont need the belt for their matches to be worth watching. who knows, at least raw is interesting again
Lesnar vs Taker doesn't need the title and I see little point in jobbing out the entire roster to Brock before having a title match against a guy who only works one match a year. Then factor in the fact Brock's deal is done after Mania 29 and Taker will go back into hibernation and you essentially have a vacated title the next night with the rest of the roster treat as inferiors picking up the scraps in a title tournament.

I thought somebody would come up with the point that what would happen to the title as both brock would leave after wm 29 and undertaker is not gonna be around defending the tile...
The answer to that would be the money in the bank winner cashing it in against undertaker the night after wrestlemania... after that the undertaker can again take a break...

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