[Merged] Brock Lesnar Discussion **KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!**

Fuck no. The ending for WM 9 should never happen again. I think they should just acknowledge his presence at the show and build from there. Punk doesn't need to be his first program if he's back anyways because they couldn't put punk over Brock. Brock will draw, but there isn't anyone on the roster they could over on him so they might as well just build him for one or two shows to get the payday. What they should do is build a taker-Brock program to sell summerslam, let Brock win, let taker get revenge at wm29. Then have punk-Cena in the title match to unify the world titles and let Cody retire the rock and bam you've got your big 3 for wm29 right there
I dont think WWE ever had any intention of having Brock Lesnar run-in on any match tonight, thats my opinion

now, 2 things

1, maybe the whole thing was a hoax to begin with, it is April Fool's Day after all

or 2, WWE just didn't want to detract from anything tonight, and are just saving it for Raw tomorrow

WWE accomplished 2 things, if indeed Lesnar signed. 1, more PPV buys at the eleventh hour, and 2, more people will now tune into RAW expecting him to show up there, leading to more ratings

After watching WM28, i have to say having Lesnar coming out during Taker-HHH or Cena-Rock would have felt........forced. and not needed

Now, i believe its been known Rock was going to be on the Raw after WM, so having Brock come out then to challenge Rock for WM29. Is a possibility

Or, maybe Taker comes out and gives some sort of fairwell speech, and Lesnar interupts that and leads to a Taker-Lesnar match.

But here's why i don't think Lesnar-Taker happens. For one, Taker's time in the ring is edging ever so closely to being up, they should have him feud with a younger guy to help push that guy over the top to elite status, and not waste it with Brock

Secondly, Brock-Taker just feels like another HHH-Taker, Taker would have then faced the same type of match 3 years in a row. Lesnar-Taker would undoubtedly be some slobber-knocker type, slugfest that we have now seen 2 years in a row.

Here is my whole opinion. The ROck just goes away. Having him wrestle again will take away from this years event. He has his perfect send off match, in his hometown. he is NEVER going to be a fulltime, or even parttime WWE employee in the ring again. Odds are he thanks the fans and heads back to Hollywood

Which brings me to, if Brock truly is coming back, have him face Stone Cold, or maybe even Sheamus.
It's fake. It was a pretty bad april fools joke, Lesnar is still under UFC contract and going on and signing with the WWE would only get him sued. I mean, that's just logical.


Yeah, real solid source there. You linked us to a forum, that would be like me linking someone on another forum to this thread and presenting it as absolute fact. Fucking idiot.

It may very well be a April Fools Day joke. I wouldn't put it past them. After all, all dirt sheet writers are stupid and the story was posted the day before April Fools Day. It would be right up their alley to make themselves look like fools.

However, if it is true, it really wouldn't make sense to have him come back at Mania unannounced. I'm not going to lie, I would have come out of my seat if he showed up. But it would make a lot more sense to have him come back tomorrow night on Raw to help spike ratings for the next few weeks.
Until I have some more confirmation or see him on the screen (maybe even tomorrow night), I'm gonna go ahead and think this is a big April Fool's joke. As a matter of fact, I suspect that it may be announced as such in about 35 minutes once April 1 is over
Alright, since WM is over and it's time to start coming up with new half-baked impossible booking ideas that blow minds and wads let me go outside the box and officially announce Lesnar-Austin for WM 29. The tagline can be "This Time We Do It Right". Austin says he has it in him. Brock has legit beef over the backstage shit from 10 years ago. And most importantly it's Austin so go fuck yourselves internet naysayers. Book It!
I dont believe there are any credible opponents for Brock Lesnar today besides Undertaker.

If he works on his mic skills then maybe he can feud with Punk or Rock.
Ha, thats one thing i forgot about Lesnars run with WWE. Guy was not a good mic guy. In fact, never really heard him at all talk??? Paul Heyman was the guy behind Lesnar doing all the talking during promos.

Wonder if they bring him back too?? One thing you HAVE to have these days, is the whole package. Its why Ziggler isnt there ...yet (mic skills), Ryder (mic skills but ring ability slightly meh),
Yeah, real solid source there. You linked us to a forum, that would be like me linking someone on another forum to this thread and presenting it as absolute fact. Fucking idiot.

Take the time to read whats in the forum instead of freaking out like a little girl next time and acting prejudice because you see that it's a forum and only a forum =]

Also, it's not only a forum, its the UG. But what do you know about what websites are credible in MMA.
Take the time to read whats in the forum instead of freaking out like a little girl next time and acting prejudice because you see that it's a forum and only a forum =]

Also, it's not only a forum, its the UG. But what do you know about what websites are credible in MMA.

Uh, what? You linked the 3rd page of the thread which is just a bunch of random ass people talking about the same shit we're talking about.

You're right, I know nothing about credible MMA sites. But I'm 100% confident that a bunch of people sitting at home on their computers, just like we are, are not credible reporters.

The very first post says that he is free to do whatever he wants. No one else on the page disputes it. So how exactly does this prove that it was an April Fools Day prank?
If Lesnar has signed some sort of deal with WWE then, to be honest, I'm glad he didn't show up at WM last night. None of the matches on the show had any cheap or screwball endings and I really liked that. There weren't any run ins, no heavily overbooked finishes in which shenanigans could have possibly overshadowed the matches, etc.

For instance, Lesnar doing some sort of run in or appearance in the Taker vs. Triple H or Cena vs. Rock matches could have cheapened them to some degree and overshadowed much of the event in and of itself. He could always pop up on Raw tonight as part of the WM aftermath and they could do their thing with him.
I Lessie shows up, I would like Cena vs Lessie. Cena has went against everyone else. Plus back in 2003, Lesnar was the catalyst for Cena's main event push. So why not use him as a catalyst for Cena's summer character evolution? Plus it keeps Cena out of the title picture which you guys all seem to love the idea of.
Ha, thats one thing i forgot about Lesnars run with WWE. Guy was not a good mic guy. In fact, never really heard him at all talk??? Paul Heyman was the guy behind Lesnar doing all the talking during promos.

Wonder if they bring him back too?? One thing you HAVE to have these days, is the whole package. Its why Ziggler isnt there ...yet (mic skills), Ryder (mic skills but ring ability slightly meh),
It hasn't really changed much. Lesnar has presence and a believable character. He'll get over. He can talk well enough. He's a HUUUGE draw, booking him as anything but that would be bad business.
Don't care much about what others might speculate... Speculation is why gas is over $4.40 a gallon in Cali.... but not my point...

Brock is Brock... He is still the baddest dude on the planet. If he does indeed come back it needs to be a surprise. It needs to be quick and painful for whoever he goes after. Make it someone big... If you want to push it to be Cena... then push it to be Cena but Lesnar needs to start a little farther south and work to Cena. He has brand power because of the UFC run. Most younger fans (anyone under the age of 15) wouldn't remember him as "here comes the pain" Brock Lesnar but as the guy that got his ass handed to him by Overeem in his last UFC fight.

Lesnar couldn't talk in WWE... He had Heyman. I would love to see Heyman back by his side and do a little talking for him but Brock has proven as a shoot man he can talk... so give him bullets and let him talk... He would draw regardless of where he was placed in the fray.
Must say peoples ideas of Brock's return over the last day before and after WM have been fun and a little crazy.

People have said things like:

"Brock will appear in the HIAC match, rip the cell door off and Beat the hell out of Triple H, so Taker can go 20-0"

"Brock will run through the crowd during Cena/Rock and F5 Rock so Cena wins"

Great ideas but not good for business as someone else already said.

I hope he has actually signed this 1 year deal and he appears on Raw tonight. Setting up the Main Event 1 year prior to WM29. Would love it to be Brock vs Austin but i have a feeling it could be Brock vs Cena. Cena needs someone to Fued with now and who better than Brock. It's gonna be very interesting.
As most have heard, Brock Lesnar reportedly signed a one year contract with the WWE over the weekend. He also reportedly landed in Miami, the location of Wrestlemania and tonight's Raw, on Sunday.

This is one of the hottest topics in pro wrestling right now, but people seem to be dancing around the question. So, let's directly address it now.

Will we see Brock Lesnar return tonight on Raw?

Personally, I seriously doubt it will happen. I would love to see it, but it just seems unrealistic. There's certainly a possibility for it, but I don't see it happening. A few months in the future seems more likely.

What does everyone else think?
I know it seems unrealistic, but if you think about it, is it really? With WrestleMania season now over, what is there to keep everyone wanting to tune in on a weekly basis? With even last week's RAW not breaking a 3.5 rating (I think it was even lower, 3.1 maybe?), I can see Vince wanting to pull out something huge the night after.

And if i'm not mistaken, Lesnar first debuted 10 years ago as well. The night after WrestleMania 18. That also makes sense to bring him in tonight. I for one will be watching and waiting!
They say if one wants to know what happens in the future they have to look at the past. WWE has a history trying to make the night after Wrestlemania huge. I remember Mick Foley the night after Wrestlemania 12 and Goldberg debuted the night after Wrestlemania 19. This is one of the biggest Wrestlemanias they have had in years. If I had to put money on it I would say Lesnar is showing up tonight.
I am thinking if there's build for next year's Wrestlemania, Brock debuts and challenges or steps up to Undertaker. Doesn't necessarily call him out, but comes out and takes him out if Undertaker is there tonight. Just a thought. But I am almost expecting Brock to be there tonight. Maybe that's too high of hopes.
Why would they fly him to miami if hes not appearing, he could have signed at wwe headquarters, id like to see him and bastista show up as sort of a new N.w.o, but like hall and nash did years ago in wcw.
If they did the deed and signed Lesnar that is still huge. If he got the Undertaker schedule and doesn't have to do live events and limited Raws and or Smackdowns which Smackdown was Lesnar's brand. Come to think of it what if he challenged Sheamus and not the Rock as everyone is expecting that would be a great starter fued though I'd feel bad for Sheamus after the push he's been receiving.
And if i'm not mistaken, Lesnar first debuted 10 years ago as well. The night after WrestleMania 18.

Hmmm, interesting. You're right - he debut on March 18, 2002. The night after Wrestlemania.

Last week during the Rock/Cena promo, Cena said "there is one guy who 10 years ago was the guy put into a meat grinder and is still standing". (paraphrased)

I found that an interesting choice of words considering the Rock had only been gone for 7.

I'm sure it's reading way too much where there is nothing, but maybe Lesnar's return story would be that he was peeved at Cena and he believes that the only reason Cena become "The Franchise" was because Lesnar handed it to him when he left.
Sorry if this thread is in the wrong section.

Seeing as it's being reported that Lesnar has signed a 1-year contract deal with the WWE, and seeing as most people think that he will re-debut tonight on Raw, I thought I'd see how people would have Lesnar return if they were booking it.
I am almost certain Brock will indeed be on Raw tonight. Besides the interest in how Cena reacts to his loss, nothing else can really keep the new eyes on the product interested that The Rock brought in. Because Rock will be leaving after tonight, you would have to think Vince would want to announce Rock in another big time match for next year's Mania to gie these new eyes on the product a reason to tune in. Cena? Why should he get a rematch, he lost clean to The Great One? Undertaker? We won't be seeing the Deadman until next year I'm afraid. Batista? This guy is not coming back anytime soon, just my thoughts. Brock Lesnar is the obvious choice and here's why it makes perfect sense:

Because The Rock won last night, he will close the show giving his farewell speech that he has completed his journey of beating all the greats to become the greatest superstar of all time and that he has wrestled his last match. Out of nowhere, the music hits and out comes Brock Lesnar, the same man that Rock has never beaten. Maybe Brock gives him an F5 or they just have a staredown until one of them says something, but I can guarantee you if Brock is coming back tonight he is coming for The Rock. Think about it: I think the whole time Cena was supposed to win only if the deal with Brock fell through. I think Jericho was supposed to pick up the win too and then Cena would have gone after Jericho for the title. But instead much better things have happened where Punk retained and Cena actually lost! I think we could be looking at a major character change for Cena, hell maybe even a heelturn, hence why I think Punk got the win and Jericho will turn face tonight or the near future. Brock Lesnar coming for The Rock makes all the sense in the world after the events of last night, all you need you to do is put together the puzzle and you'll know why.
Hmmm, interesting. You're right - he debut on March 18, 2002. The night after Wrestlemania.

Last week during the Rock/Cena promo, Cena said "there is one guy who 10 years ago was the guy put into a meat grinder and is still standing". (paraphrased)

I found that an interesting choice of words considering the Rock had only been gone for 7.

I'm sure it's reading way too much where there is nothing, but maybe Lesnar's return story would be that he was peeved at Cena and he believes that the only reason Cena become "The Franchise" was because Lesnar handed it to him when he left.
I wouldn't say you're reading too much into it at all.

Cena tends to drop little hints to us if we listen. Just like he said the night they announced who the host of Wrestlemania was, he said he had "Rock Solid" proof he knew who it was or something like that. I just remember he used the words "Rock Solid" during his promo when talking about the guest host of Wrestlemania.
The question I have is, Why would Vince sign a guy with the ratings magnitude of Lesnar to only 1 year, and wait to use him? And the answer is he wouldn't

If Lesnar really did resign, we will either;
A) See him tonight
B) Have promo's (Like Jericho's) where we "Don't know"

Vince can't waste the little time he has with Lensar (A year ain't so long in any sport)

I see The Rock saying something like "I have now beaten them all... I am done' then Lesnars music hits, walks down and without saying a word hits an F5, then stands over him and says "Not me" setting up Lesnar-Rock for SummerSlam (I doubt WWE would bring up when Rock beat Lesnar and HHH at Rebellion or whatever)

Because supposedly Rock will be at Summerslam and WM29 according to the contract he signed

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