I don’t and never have seen a big problem with the PG era.
I guess a lot of fans were just unlucky with their timing, to some degree. As a 20 year old, the first time I tried to watch wrestling off my own initiative and as a fan, it was during the Attitude Era. Sure, it was a lot of fun and you could never tell what was going to happen from show to show but I don’t think I miss it. The PG Era may not be as unpredictable or have as big a reputation but it is still a very good product. As I say, a lot of people who are around my age would be in the same boat as me. We started watching during the Attitude Era and as such, that is the product we were introduced to. It is the Era that is all began for us and that will be ingrained into our brains for as long as we continue to watch the WWE.
However, I don’t think that the WWE needs to be like the Attitude Era anymore. During the Attitude Era, the WWE had a very uncertain future. It was behind in the ratings war for a long time, almost 2 years and it had to resort to desperate measures to get people our age to watch the show instead of WCW. Anything could have happened but it just so happened that the WWE won the ratings war and became the best wrestling product around. However, the Attitude Era soon disappeared and for good reason. To me, the Attitude Era was a last ditch effort to save the skin of the WWE. I don’t think it was supposed to last until now or beyond. I am pretty sure that Vince concocted the idea and hoped that it would allow him to win the ratings war and then transition back to being a family friendly environment.
That being said, no one is going to accept the PG Era after being introduced to wrestling in the Attitude Era. It was more entertaining and the level of uncertainty just pushed them to keep raising the bar and giving it their all on every show. Going from the Attitude Era to the PG Era, it is not hard to see why people are pissed off but I think half the battle is just accepting the Attitude Era for what it was, a final resort from a worried company. By doing this, you’ll realise that the PG Era isn’t that bad. In fact, it is perfectly natural for the WWE to be doing. The Era that was most uncommon was the Attitude Era but need must.