Dark Match Jobber
I agree with the OP about WM 27 being absolutely terrible. The 2nd poster is either being very sarcastic (hopefully), is on crack, is 12, or just a horrible fanboy. I'm a huge fan of The Rock. He's one of my all-time favorites. However, everything about him last night was off. His "promos" were 100% shitty. Who wants to hear 10 minutes of "when I say..."? That was old in the 80s. The CM Punk/Orton match may have been the best match...but if it was by default. Not one match held my attention at all. HHH/Undertaker was what I expected out of 2 old men that haven't wrestled in a year. You have HHH beat the hell out of him, but can't get the 3 count. Then Undertaker hits 1 move and the match is over. The Miz/Cena fake ending then ending was dumb as hell. The Lawler/Cole match went on about 12 minutes too long. And the reversal of the match is just stupid. The Corre being booked as unstoppable then getting squashed.....what a payoff for the original Nexxus. The only thing good about WrestleMania was making fun of Booker T's commentary. "WAIT A MINUTE!".
Now on to the purpose of this thread. In ring ability, charisma, and mic skill are all attributes of a wrestler. So saying The Rock is your favorite wrestler, even though he's not great at the actual wrestling part, is still accurate. This is a big reason why Jericho is towards the top of my list. Not only is he great on the mic, he's great in the ring too. I find it hilarious that all the Cena haters absolutely love The Rock. If you claim that you hate Cena because he sucks in the ring, but you love The Rock you should hang yourself. You're the biggest hypocrite on the planet. Are Cena's promos as good as The Rock's? No. Does Cena have to tone his down because of the pg rating? Yes. Cena is doing what the WWE is asking of him. I remember when the IWC loved Orton. (Another guy who can be good on the mic, but not that good in the ring.) Then he won the title and turned kinda-face. Now the IWC hates him and loves CM Punk and The Miz. CM Punk is actually good in the ring, but The Miz is awful. All of the hypocrisy you read on these forums in a given day is hilarious.
Now on to the purpose of this thread. In ring ability, charisma, and mic skill are all attributes of a wrestler. So saying The Rock is your favorite wrestler, even though he's not great at the actual wrestling part, is still accurate. This is a big reason why Jericho is towards the top of my list. Not only is he great on the mic, he's great in the ring too. I find it hilarious that all the Cena haters absolutely love The Rock. If you claim that you hate Cena because he sucks in the ring, but you love The Rock you should hang yourself. You're the biggest hypocrite on the planet. Are Cena's promos as good as The Rock's? No. Does Cena have to tone his down because of the pg rating? Yes. Cena is doing what the WWE is asking of him. I remember when the IWC loved Orton. (Another guy who can be good on the mic, but not that good in the ring.) Then he won the title and turned kinda-face. Now the IWC hates him and loves CM Punk and The Miz. CM Punk is actually good in the ring, but The Miz is awful. All of the hypocrisy you read on these forums in a given day is hilarious.