**Merged** Cena & Rock Discussion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!

Do you support The Rock or John Cena?

  • The Rock

  • John Cena

  • The Miz!!!!!

  • I'm just going to enjoy the show

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I agree with the OP about WM 27 being absolutely terrible. The 2nd poster is either being very sarcastic (hopefully), is on crack, is 12, or just a horrible fanboy. I'm a huge fan of The Rock. He's one of my all-time favorites. However, everything about him last night was off. His "promos" were 100% shitty. Who wants to hear 10 minutes of "when I say...you say..."? That was old in the 80s. The CM Punk/Orton match may have been the best match...but if it was..it was by default. Not one match held my attention at all. HHH/Undertaker was what I expected out of 2 old men that haven't wrestled in a year. You have HHH beat the hell out of him, but can't get the 3 count. Then Undertaker hits 1 move and the match is over. The Miz/Cena fake ending then ending was dumb as hell. The Lawler/Cole match went on about 12 minutes too long. And the reversal of the match is just stupid. The Corre being booked as unstoppable then getting squashed.....what a payoff for the original Nexxus. The only thing good about WrestleMania was making fun of Booker T's commentary. "WAIT A MINUTE!".

Now on to the purpose of this thread. In ring ability, charisma, and mic skill are all attributes of a wrestler. So saying The Rock is your favorite wrestler, even though he's not great at the actual wrestling part, is still accurate. This is a big reason why Jericho is towards the top of my list. Not only is he great on the mic, he's great in the ring too. I find it hilarious that all the Cena haters absolutely love The Rock. If you claim that you hate Cena because he sucks in the ring, but you love The Rock you should hang yourself. You're the biggest hypocrite on the planet. Are Cena's promos as good as The Rock's? No. Does Cena have to tone his down because of the pg rating? Yes. Cena is doing what the WWE is asking of him. I remember when the IWC loved Orton. (Another guy who can be good on the mic, but not that good in the ring.) Then he won the title and turned kinda-face. Now the IWC hates him and loves CM Punk and The Miz. CM Punk is actually good in the ring, but The Miz is awful. All of the hypocrisy you read on these forums in a given day is hilarious.
Now on to the purpose of this thread. In ring ability, charisma, and mic skill are all attributes of a wrestler. So saying The Rock is your favorite wrestler, even though he's not great at the actual wrestling part, is still accurate. This is a big reason why Jericho is towards the top of my list. Not only is he great on the mic, he's great in the ring too. I find it hilarious that all the Cena haters absolutely love The Rock. If you claim that you hate Cena because he sucks in the ring, but you love The Rock you should hang yourself. You're the biggest hypocrite on the planet. Are Cena's promos as good as The Rock's? No. Does Cena have to tone his down because of the pg rating? Yes. Cena is doing what the WWE is asking of him. I remember when the IWC loved Orton. (Another guy who can be good on the mic, but not that good in the ring.) Then he won the title and turned kinda-face. Now the IWC hates him and loves CM Punk and The Miz. CM Punk is actually good in the ring, but The Miz is awful. All of the hypocrisy you read on these forums in a given day is hilarious.

Thank you for being one of the few who understand what i'm saying. Cena has been improving slightly but he's still not good. Cena haters have praised the Rock for the simple crappy comebacks and catchphrases he's been creating such as the fruity pebble stuff. I don't like the Rock as much, cena or orton at all but you're right, people seem to be hypocritical. Cena fans bandwaggon'd to orton when cena lost to barrett at S.S. and had to join nexus. "Oh cena u let us n ur fans down i hate you!" I've seen that before. People have opinions I know that but people complaining about others complaining is just stupid. You're gonna get people who complain and don't like certain things, big deal?
I don't hate Cena. He used to be entertaining when he was rapping, but that's not what the WWE needs right now. At the same time, I don't like him. I like him more than The Miz I guess, but that's not saying much. When you can't put your champion over clean against Jerry Lawler, he shouldn't be your champion. I would rather have Shaemus. There's not a lot of wrestlers, especially main eventers, that I really like right now. Angle and Anderson (Kennedy) are two of my favorites, but they are stuck in TNA.
There really comes down to one factor that makes someone a great wrestler: their ability to draw and entertain. Of course ring ability, mic work, and appeal all work into that. But the Rock draws. He entertains. That's why people like him.

And WM has been known for bringing in celebrities and bringing back old talent for one night. Every past WM has done it.
I really feel bad for John Cena. He seems like the most genuine, non-character based, superstar in the WWE. He seems like he is just being himself, and loves the WWE and people boo him. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a Cena fan, and actually, Cena was the reason why I gave up watching wrestling for about 5 years and just started watching again around this years rumble, but i don't hate him for the same reason many people do. they complain about his moves, and his clothes and all of that, but i dont have a problem with that. my problem is with the WWE making him unbeatable. back when i watch WWE all the time, he never lost. EVER. I made a vow that if Cena won a match against triple h back in the days that i would stop watchin the WWE. But I really feel sorry for him. I mean, seeing him when he speaks and watching his facial expression, it seems like the boos really hurt him, even if he refuses to admit it. Like when he was via satellite from his "home" a few weeks ago, it looked as if he was actually gonna cry. I think he gets alot of unfair heat because he wins so much. Even if he would turn heel, like many seem to want, including myself, i dont think that would make people like him more. People just hate Cena, but honestly, Cena is just a PG version of all the top guys who came before him. guys like hogan, and Rock. Cena seems to be a huge fan of Rock's, even using move similar to his, like the 5 knuckle people elbow fist. I think people should not hate Cena, but hate the WWE for making Cena the unstoppable force he is. I mean, i used to hate him, but getting over the wins and the moves, i realized that he is great for the WWE, because he actually seems like he loves the business. and thats what you want in a superface. But don't get me wrong, now I'm not a Cena fan or a Cena hater, just an honest outsider.
John Cena is this eras hulk hogan albeit not as successful. The op has been going on a rock hating rampage all day i think. Im going based off the sig. Anyways im a huge fa of the rock being 27 and a huge fan of the attitude era. I am a fan of cena as well but ish come to shove i choose the rock.

John cena got very unwarranted and unneccesary comments from the nyc crowd at the press conference. I know we have a right to hate him but somethings like lets kill cena or i fucked your wife is not needed to the man. Hate the character not the real person.

John is boring in the ring to me. So is the rock. They both have 5 moves of doom. But those are their sweet spots. To the poster knocking the spinebuster punch slap peoples elbow combo. Your boy john cena does the same thing. So does austin. So does hogan. Thats why i have a lolocaust in my head when people qq about that.

The rock is making movies but he was a dedicated and hard working performer in his 6 year in ring career. He was aroind in a then golden era and worked in a hard time. Cena has carried a company for 5 years and fought odds to get where he is. He busts his ass and works like no other. The rock and john cena are gold and neither one is perfect.

My two cents.

Now for the dislikes: Hes not a good wrestler. He did his normal moveset which was 3 punches/slaps with the 3rd being over-sold, he did a spinebuster, DDT, clotheslines and could barely lock in the sharpshooter correctly.

I disagree Rock was a pretty decent wrestler he wasn't Bret Hart but he didn't bore ppl when he was in the ring. He used more moves then what you mention so if you gon talk about a person don't sell him short list his whole moveset.

He over-sold moves all the time as well.

Besides for the stunner what other moves did he oversell.

Again, he wasn't horrible but i'd say he was average. His entertainment made some of his matches good and some weren't good.

I can agree w/this somewhat because everybody has bad matches sometimes.

His feuds for the most part were great and will be remembered as some of the best.


I do believe hes overrated since people think hes the greatest WRESTLER of all time.

Where is these ppl at that think he was the greatest WRESTLER of all time? Rock is my favorite wrestler & I don't believe that, now I do believe he was the greatest all around talent WWE has had w/Stonecold sharing that title w/him.

To me he's far from it, but if we're talking entertainment then maybe one of the best. Like Cena or not what Cena said to him on the past Raw's was the truth. I don't know why he'd come back, bury the locker room after he's been away for years at a time.

How did he bury the whole locker room when he was only in a program w/two ppl & if it wasn't for him noone would have really cared about Miz or Cena at Mania.

So much for this youth movement huh?

That blame should be on Vince not The Rock.

I don't want to see the Rock vs Cena because neither guy is good at wrestling.

False again Rock is always entertaining in the ring & John can & has put on good matches also.

WWE will get the hype, will get the sold out crowd and will get their money, PPV buys and ratings but a good match?...most likely won't happen at all.

All what you say is true but the last part, Cena & Rock have been in enough really good matches so I"m not really sure how you could say this & be serious.

This W.M. was nothing more then a gimmick PPV and it was all so Mcmahon could get over a million PPV buys. Austin, the rock, snooki, trish, JBL, HBK, dusty rhodes, all of them coming back for a little to contribute to building this up. In the end W.M. 27 would have to go down as one of the worst built up 'manias of all time and its not all of the Rock's fault. My rant for the day

Didn't everybody know that this was all just a publicity stunt just to get PPV buys. They never intended The Rock to do more then any other Host. The whole point was just to set up him & Cena
Ok so if it wasn't obvious by the title I'm talking about John cena, a man who works his ass off for the company and gets booed by wwe fans, just because "The Great One" has returned, now. Before you chew me up for what I'm gonna say, know that I'm not a cena fan nor am I a rock fan. I have alot of respect for the two, they both have great promos but John cena is by far a much better superstar then the rock, I'm not talking promo wise, the rock is by far the best in www, I'm talking about working wise, John cena has always been good to the fans and wwe, he gives alot back to people and is always giving 110% now the ultimate question I have for you is, why do you think that 75% of the wwe fan base switched from sucking cena's d*** to hopping on the rocks and taking a ride on the jabroni express? There is honestly no loyalty at all cena has been here since 02 and hasn't left unless he was injured or had a movie, the rocks acting career kicks off and he jumps ship, avoids talking about wrestling in hollywood interviews and has the nerve to show up all these past years via satiellite not even in person like Austin. Yet he comes back and gets cheered, burys talent like Miz and Cena, and cena gets booed because he's doing his job, I'm not complaining I'm just trying to understand why this happened
The audience in today's age is a bit more sophisticated from the good guy vs bad guy stuff from the 80s. I think everyone aside from the little kids are just sick of getting Cena shoved down their throats and want a change.
People don't hate Cena, they hate how he's been booked.
He's an incredibly likable guy, in and out of character, and he's putting in all of his life energy into the company.

He gets booed out of arenas because he plays the same character as he did in 2006 (?) where he just comes out, does 5 moves, and wins his 15th world title. Hulk Hogan had a similar gimmick, but WWF programming was nowhere near as oversaturated WWE Programming is. Cena also doesn't have the appeal to the older crowd that Hogan did, making most 13+ Fans not like him. Once someone passes him up, he'll go from Super Cena, to veteran who garners respect, right now his work ethic and morales are respectable, but he's been the most Shoved down our throats superstar in years.
I hate Cena but i respect him for everything hes done. Same as the Rock said tonight, he respects him, but doesnt like him. Thats how most Cena haters probably do feel. The thing i cant stand most about Cena is that hes always in the title hunt. I wouldnt care as much at all if he wasnt always becoming champ and main eventing wrestlemania, but hes shoved down our throats and thats whats annoying about him. Also i hate how he always screams really loud to get people to cheer during a promo, uses kiddie humor, or trys to say things that the fans cant boo for him not to get heat. Like everything with the rock , saying how the fans wanted him back , to make them cheer, when they wanna boo. You know when people say cheap heat , that to me is cheap cheer ( yes i made that up lol ). Also his super cena stuff. Which also is making me not like orton anymore BTW.

Cena does bust his ass for the company and does alot for the kids. I respect that alot, but please WWE , get him out of the main event and title hunt for a long time so hes not forced.
I mean yeah you got to think of it from both generations. For me personally, I'm on Rock's side. I grew up as a kid watching him and being obsessed with him (like the kids are now a days with John Cena). Cena is today's generation Rock. Cena is the good guy superhero who comes out and wins week by week and that drives all the kids crazy. People who grew up in the attitude era are sick of seeing Cena always winning and always doing the same thing. I love Cena but he definitely needs a heel change and seeing The Rock back makes me feel like my two generations are colliding.
As far as The Rock not mentioning "wrestling", VKM himself just removed all references to "wrestling" from WWE this past weekend. Notice the new logo? Notice the nomenclature used by the announcers and Superstars in their promos since last week? "Wrestling" isn't even allowed to be mentioned anymore.

As for Cena, he's always had 50/50 from the crowd. This is nothing new. It's been this way since 2003.

The Rock never "jumped ship". That would be guys like Flair and Hogan who retire, go into the HOF, then come back with another company on a full-time basis as if they never retired at all. The Rock did none of this. He didn't accept the accolades of retirement and then showed-up on TV as part of another company. He retired and moved-on to another career. And in that time, never said anything but good things about his former employer and career. The fans respect him for that. Simple.
I think the Rock spoke for a lot of the fans tonight. Yeah, you're a good guy, you bust your ass for this company, you're one of the best, but...that doesn't change the fact that we just don't like you. Plain and simple

I've always been on the fence about John Cena, but I can't help but cringe from the amount of hate he gets at times.
The only people who should feel stupid are the ones who may be guilty of going from supporting Cena to suddenly cheering the Rock. It's like a one night stand with an old girlfriend. We all knew deep down the Rock wouldn't really stay around. I bet we won't see him until next year now except for a couple times maybe to remind us that they are going to have a match at next years WM. You really think the Rock is gonna keep showing up on a regular basis? No way.

So to those people, yeah, you're stupid if you started booing Cena for the first time, or starting booing him louder just to support the Rock. Everything Cena says is true. If the Rock really loved the people he would still be there.
i don't know about anyone else but the way this whole thing has been booked has done a great job of getting me to jump sides and appreciate john cena way more. He's holding his own against the rock, in fact 2 of his 3 promos against the rock were way better (his first rap and the one b4 mania) than any the rock did. I always respected what Cena did and my hatred was for how he was booked, but now he's in a feud that has a lot of meat on it and it's entertaining as hell... I just hope the rest of the fans start to see the things the way I do and Cena wins over the fans and gets the place in WWE history that he deserves
The rock told the fans what they wanted to here, he said what he needed to say to get over with the fans all that "I'm here to stay" crap that the rock says isn't true, have you noticed cena running around saying that? Maybe one or two times but the old saying is actions speak louder then words, and honestly i hear John cena loud and clear
its the popular thing to do for all these internet nerd marks to do is hate on cena.

With no legit complaints its obviously a case of some jealous nerd marks sippin some haterade.

How can you boo the face of the company who works is fucking ass off and takes a beating everyweek just for your entertaiment? your a hater thats why. plain and simple.

I actually have nothing against cena but at times his character gets a bit stale and boring. But when he seldom shows badassness I mark out. Put wrestling abillity aside because alot of the top guys in wwe history weren't the best wrestlers. Cena isn't bad but rock is just head over heels better. I don't care that he went to make movies because I don't give a flying fuck about most of his movies. When I think of the rock I think of his wrestling career.
People don't hate Cena, they hate how he's been booked.
He's an incredibly likable guy, in and out of character, and he's putting in all of his life energy into the company.

He gets booed out of arenas because he plays the same character as he did in 2006 (?) where he just comes out, does 5 moves, and wins his 15th world title. Hulk Hogan had a similar gimmick, but WWF programming was nowhere near as oversaturated WWE Programming is. Cena also doesn't have the appeal to the older crowd that Hogan did, making most 13+ Fans not like him. Once someone passes him up, he'll go from Super Cena, to veteran who garners respect, right now his work ethic and morales are respectable, but he's been the most Shoved down our throats superstar in years.

Cena the person and what he does for the company outside the ring, deserves all the credit. It's Cena the wrestler that is horrible. Super Cena the Barney the Dinosaur wannabe we hate.

Soon as he reverted to his Thuganomics character for those couple of RAW's what happened? he suddenly got alot more people behind him.

The Rock coming back and playing the Jerk character brought out the best in Cena til the match at Mania then all his steam went back to ZERO.....

At mania Cena did almost nothing but Super Cena i'm suddenly 100% again, then no selled the rest. Miz as crap as he was, did all the work in that match

That's the problem, he can wrestle but doesn't most of the time, he can talk but sounds like Barney the Dinosaur most of the time and as said til the last year it's been nothing but Cena over and over again. Hogan played the same character but he still had attitude and catered to more than just kids, though out of the ring he catered to the kids just like Cena does.
i think rocky was just jealous of Cena's success cause he was a forgetten icon and Cena seemed to have been passed on the tourch by Stone Cold,and was tsking WWE Universe by storm both in and out of the ring.S o for me,long live Cenation.....H e still has loyal fans who to date respect him....:worship:
I love all the Rock/Cena talk cause it's two of my favorite entertainers. One who I watched since I was a young adult (Rock) and the one who im watching now (Cena).

That being said he does give effort night in and night out. Most of the people on here who bash him are only repeating what they've read or heard.
Tired of SuperCena? When is the last time we've seen this, happen. People say Royal Rumble, but I though ADR won that one. Moving on.
Tired of him winning title after title and being in the main event picture? He hasn't been the champ since June 20th last year and he has only had 1 title shot since then, WM. Would you rather him be in the Battle Royal Dark Match? I sure wouldn't watch. He's the top money drawer in the business and believe it or not, he does better than the Rock did when he was on top.
To me it was unfortunate because The Rock came in like a thief in the night. He stole what was left of Cena 's possible fans and turned them against him and now he's leavin again. Then he tried to give some of that back by saying he respects Cena...no you don't! Now Cena gets the most heat and undeservingly so. Seeing that we didn't see the normal "5 moves of Doom" and another championship run that everyone is soooo tired of seeing. I hope Cena maintains who he is and doesn't change to make people happy. He will be more respected that way if he does.
I remember reading Cena's comments with regards to The Rock some years ago. Now one thing that popped in my mind is whose to say Cena won't leave the WWE after a few years once he breaks out of Hollywood? Cena says he loves the business and stuff but its only natural for most people to move on once they have achieved their goal in what they are currently doing.

Let's say Cena starts landing movie roles, is there a guarantee Cena will turn them down to keep wrestling for the WWE? And I am talking about real movie roles not those fabricated hype machines created by WWE Films.

Personally though I'm quite tired of people saying The Rock turned his back from the WWE and all that stuff. I mean here is a guy who was one of the focal points in WWE beating WCW, carrying the load of the company when Austin was injured and sidelined (in a time when the WWE relied heavily on Austin for Ratings), broght the WWE mainstream attention something Vince McMahon has always been obsessed about, and worked just has hard as anyone during his stay as an active competitor. He moved on, there's nothing wrong with that, and yeah sure he did distance himself from the WWE but heck it's not like WWE hasn't distanced themselves from anything controversial right?
Ya know what? I don't think its Cena that everyone hates...I think people hate the PG era itself and because Cena is the face of the new era he is the one that gets the heat for it...

Cena is boring to watch and I don't like his gimmick personally but who else is there for the WWE to push? Between the serious downgrade in talent and charisma in the current WWE who can't help but love the idea of the past Attitude Era to come back...

I'm sorry but you can't honestly tell me that the current main event scene consisting of:

John Cena
The Miz
Randy Orton
CM Punk
John Morrison etc..

can even vaguely compare next to the previous era of:

The Rock
Stone Cold Steve Austin
HHH (in his prime)
Undertaker (in his prime)
Kurt Angle
Chris Jericho etc...

I mean its like the Pros vs the High School Varsity...its apples and oranges...

Bottom line is this more like Attitude vs PG and the fans older then 10 all remember that era and thats what has made it so easy for people to back the Rock and boo Cena...
First of all, I'll say that WM was avarege, even rock appearence couldn't save it. Edge vs Del Rio was the match of the night, taker vs HHH was amazing also, I don't why people complain about this match, the story telling was great, HHH as the cold blooded assassin, and taker as "If there ain't no grave can hold his body down", and after hhh's comment on raw it seems to me that there will be one more WM match between the two next year. Miz-Cena match was awful, the crowd was dead, and you can tell that everybody was waiting for the rock to show up and cost cena the match, and that's exactly what happened.

Raw, the night after WM. It's nice to see austin kick ass one more time, and I have to say he's in a great shape comparing to late 2001 and early 2002, but I hope he don't take this "one more match" thing seriously, cause I don't want to see him get hurt. On to cena-rock segment, it seems to me that rock was trying to make cena look good, first he said he respect him(Cena almost cried when he heared that), and then he let that "tooth fairy" slide(That's not a characteristic of the rock), and after that he teamed up with him to take out thoses jabronies(Core or whatever). And at last he shocked hands with him(That something he never did before a match with an opponent, not even austin). hmmm....Well, here we go, Rock is on the mission to mold up cena, pass him the torch(LOL how many times does he have to do that, I thought the torch was already passed to lesnar..?), get inducted into HOF, get the "you left us" & "you never gave anything back" monkeys off his back, retire from from wrestling, and move along with his acting career.

WM 28, Miami Florida, rock's hometown, cena will be lucky to walk out alive after the win:lmao: (kidding). It will be rock's final match, he better get in shape, and IMO he must have a match before mania. I believe he'll be inducted into the HOF. They'll try to reach out rock-hogan WM18, but that won't happen, simply because cena can't wrestle. Speaking of WM18, I believe hogan gave the match of his life, he did more than his usual moves, and did a great job on working the hyped up crowd.

WM 28 will be cena's biggest chance to prove himself as one of the elites this business has ever seen. It will be his last chance to shut the critics up. It will be his last chance to have a historical defining moment for his legacy. To say the least, "It will be the time to put up, or shut the hell up"

As far as the comment about rock being in the same "in ring wrestling" level with cena, how many times do we have to explain this? wrestling isn't just about move-set it.... you know what I'm getting tiered to say the same thing over and over again. I suggest you go search up some of the posts I made about this issue. Hollywood E Rock also made some good explainations about it, you can search up his posts too.

And hey, here is rock's move-set:
People's Elbow
Rock Bottom
Dragon Screw
People's Punch combo
Samoan Drop
Belly to Belly snap suplex
Running Thrust lariat

Keep in mind, this move-set based on the year 2002(Rock changes his move-set with time).

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