**Merged** Cena & Rock Discussion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!

Do you support The Rock or John Cena?

  • The Rock

  • John Cena

  • The Miz!!!!!

  • I'm just going to enjoy the show

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Are you high!!!??? Rock told everybody what they wanted to hear? Lets see he thank the fans & said we never left his side which some of us didn't which explains his Hollywood success then he said he was never going away which let all the doubters know that no matter how many times he leaves or how long he is gone is he always coming back in some way. Yep Yep that didn't sound like the truth that sounded like something we wanted to hear. So I guess w/didn't support his movies so we souldn't be thanked & I guess he is never coming back after this is all over w/Cena & Miz. So what or you going to say when he returns again that he is still telling ppl what they want to hear smh.

Rock had retired moved on & stated that the only reason he would come back is if WWE let him cut loose cause he didn't want to work in a PG environment. He congratulated Cena on his success inside & outside the ring then all of a sudden Cena is in a interview talking shit about The Rock so don't go off & make it seem like Rock came back & talked about John for no reason cause John throw the 1st punch. I'm not even about to go into Rock & childish insults when that is all John has been about for the past few years.

For the last seven years he has been gone. Vince has asked him numerous times to come back but yet what does the rock do, he does these pre taped promos that are lame as hell and expects the fans to love him, well I'm sorry Cena has been there working his ass off for the fans for the past 8 or so years now and love him or hate him he has not changed who he is for nobody. Rock comes back after 7 years and does the same routine and says the same crap he always says and everyone cheers for him like he's the messiah or something. I have been a Cena fan from day 1 and I am not going to start chanting Cena Sucks just because the rock comes back and does his same boring routine, been there done that. Rock turned his back on the WWE and it's fans to go to hollywood and become some big time actor and that's that.
Wow... After last night's Raw with the Cena and Rock segment I for one am hooked into this fued. I think a lot of fans, smarks, and the IWC is missing the whole point of this fued. The WWE/Vince has done something they haven't done in a long long time and that is entertain us by breathing new life into the company. Look at how much this attention is getting. Way more than if The Rock chose to stay in Hollywood and make movies. Like it or not for the moment the WWE needs The Rock, however The Rock does not need the WWE. Look at the ratings jump in which I'm sure Vince and the WWE share holders are enjoying at this moment.

I for one am marking out so much due to the fact that the WWE has my full attention more than ever. Hell, I quit watching the WWE around 2008 because it wasn't appealing to me anymore. I was tired of the PG era type of environment that pretty much attained to the younger audience (which is fine btw). My son however who is 8 is loving this more than ever as well. He see's my resurfaced passion in how I marked like crazy since The Rock returned. We have an in house rivaly now of us choosing sides. He adores Cena and I am on "Team Bring It". This is something we can share much like my father and I did during the Hogan/Warrior rivalry of the 80's.

Now I am no way at all a fan of the John Cena character. I can't stand the goodie goodie two shoes triumph over adversity each and every week. It's unoriginal and boring. I am however am a huge fan of John Cena as a person. Not because of his work ethic and dedication to the buisness because frankly, thats what your supposed to do for something you have a passion about. I don't need to be reminded each and every week from him or others that he loves the WWE. Now I am a huge fan of his for what he does through various foundations and charities for the children like Make A Wish. That shows a lot of character and I appaude him for it.

Now for The Rock. I still don't understand why it was such a bad thing he left and some ppl still hold it against him. Growing up in the buisness he accomplised each and everything there is to do in the WWE. Why can't he move on to a new career with new challenges that won't take a toll on his body and personal life. Would you not take a job promotion for more money and less work with new and exciting challenges? If you say no then you are full of it. Who wouldn't jump at the chance "Dwayne" was offered? Other than a handful of other wrestlers, he stood out from the rest and connected with a broader audience than let's say a Hurricane Helms or a Kevin Nash. Let it go. Could he have handled it a little better? Perhaps. A appearance or two a year wouldn't hurt his movie career but hey, who am I to judge? Let's just be grateful that we get to see both him and Cena in a program together.

Come sunday both PG and Attitude fans will be split, Cena fans will cheer and scream, Rocky chants will echo throughout Atlanta, and we the fans will be electrified like no other Wrestlemania since Hogan/Rock. We are the real winners of this right now, let's kick back and enjoy.:)

I have to admit I hated when the Rock left, but I got over it. I loved the Attitude Era for what it was. It was off the wall, what is gonna happen next type stuff which had me on the edge of my seat week after week. Awesome!I have come to appreciate what is going on now with this PG Era thing. I like some things and dislike others, but I understand because I have a 10 year old who not only likes to watch with me, but also go to shows with me as well on occasion.

I don't blame the Rock for leaving and wanting more time with his family and an easier life. The wrestling business is taxing and takes a lot of sacrifice if you want to be great. He not only wanted to be an actor, but see his daughter grow up and as a parent who is gone alot, I can definitely understand.

My daughter is a huge fan of John Cena and I, like you am not a huge fan of the character he plays, but the man that he is. Not only what he does for his foundations and charities, but what he also does for the military. I was in Baghdad during one of their Christmas shows and he reps the military like no other Superstar of his caliber I have ever seen. He's a real stand up dude and for that reason alone I could never hate on him.
This Cena/Rock (and miz) confrontation is gonna be great and I like everyone else will be waiting to see what the outcome is. Great job WWE for bringing life back into the programming.
LOL some people taking this thing very seriously. Guys, you need to understand, there is no real beef between these two. Yeah, I know cena talked some trash about rock in the past, but you see rock is not the type of guy that holds a grudge. That's why he's doing this whole thing, he's doing it for cena and miz, rock got nothing to gain out of this feud.

2nd thing is some people say "hey cena owned rock verbally and psychically". You know why the wwe let cena do all the talking or should I say ass kissing when both him and rock were in the ring? Because it was the right thing to do, rock will kill anyone on the mic. Very few people can handle them self against rock on the mic(jericho, austin, vince mcmahon to name a few). I've been saying it since the whole feud started, they won't let them go at it face to face on the mic LIVE, and I was right. When the time came sucked up to rock big time and the only thing rock said is "Even god himself can't save you from getting his monkey ass whooped" lol. Another thing, Who in the blue hell told you that rock got his stuff written for him??! hey don't tell me you believed what orton said in that interview :lmao: just watch rock's wrestling dvd's to know exactly where he came up with all those insults and catchphrases. Hey speaking of that interview, I thought orton said cena will "outshine" the rock, that didn't happen. The crowd was pro rock big time.
So, Cena is the top seller becuase the rest of the roster suck's? Is that what you saying. No seriously, I wanna know? Austin was the top seller in the 90's, so does that mean the rest of the roster sucked? What about the 80's and Hogan? When guy's are top seller's, that's becuase people actually pay to see them, and want to buy whatever he has to support him. T-shirt's, headband's, wristband's, foamhand's, chain's. They buy it becuase they like him.

Cena is the top seller becuase people actually buy his stuff, he draw's house show number by his name, he's getting's immense money for the product. He's their top selling everything right now.

The Rock will leave, and it'll be like the last seven year's, good television. Sure, you may like The Rock, but he's choosing making movies (which I'm not aganist) and calling himself "Dwayne Johnson" over being there live every night for you and the fans.

Did you just compare Cena to Hogan, and Flair? Um, one thing, Cena's not past his prime. He's still relevant (one of the most relevant men today), not a broken down shell of his former self, like all the other legend's who "can't stop."

Yes,Cena is the top seller beacause rest of the roster sucks.It never sucked as much as it does today.It's a grey mob made of faceless frat boys (with few exceptions). Steve Austin had actual competition that his selling needed to rival,not a roster made out of faceless Theta Chi rejects. He needed to top Foley,Rock,Kane,Taker,Angle,Jericho,...........not Morrison,Rey Mysterio and Kofi Kingston. He didn't need a corporate machine shoving him down everyone's throat for years and years until the shit finally clogged the gullet to get over,he did it with his talent. He didn't rely on fanbase made mostly out of 12 year olds and lonely soccer moms, he needed to please a "bit" more demanding and unforgiving crowd. And he didn't compete when american wrestling was on its lowest point in history,but when it was on its highest,when everyone was pushing the limits to get on top and when actual talent was needed to make it,and not just 23 layers of colorful cartoonish merchandise,relentlessbacking of the corp,milking money out of the lesser minded,easy to please fans and face printed on everything from T-shirts to TP in all the colors of a rainbow.

I,and many of my friends started watching wrestling again JUST BECAUSE we heard the Rock was back.I myself stopped watching in about 2007 cause the shit really got unbearable. I tried to sit through RAW on couple of occasions since then but it was horrible to the point when i was ashamed of watching it. It turned into Sesame Street and Hannah Montana filled with grey average Joe's in Speedos. Lackluster,boring,childish,mindnumbing,bland,sterile corporate product made with a single purpose of effortlessly coasting while making buck.

I'm glad things got so bad that they needed to get Rock back. I really hope he stays and WWE starts moving forward again.

And lol at ******s believing Cena owned the Rock. He went from kisisng Rocky's ass,to bowing down,to getting on the verge of crying like a molested Polly Ann because Rocky bullies him and his mentally challenged 12 year old fanbase. How weak,how fuckin weak. I only regret WWE decided not to let Rock get into promo battle because he would bury Cena even further. Rock proved why they call him The Great One and Cena proved why there has never been a wrestler as hated and despised as he is. The crowd saw that too.Between the ROCKY! ROCKY! and CENA SUCKS! chants,only sounds that could be heard were the silent weeps of little Bobby and his lonely mommy on Valium in their purple t-shirts.

And then there was that moment when Cena said that his fans are mostly kids and the camera focused on little Jackie feeling all embarassed and ashamed.Damn,WWE has some great people working the cams.
For the last seven years he has been gone. Vince has asked him numerous times to come back but yet what does the rock do, he does these pre taped promos that are lame as hell and expects the fans to love him, well I'm sorry Cena has been there working his ass off for the fans for the past 8 or so years now and love him or hate him he has not changed who he is for nobody. Rock comes back after 7 years and does the same routine and says the same crap he always says and everyone cheers for him like he's the messiah or something. I have been a Cena fan from day 1 and I am not going to start chanting Cena Sucks just because the rock comes back and does his same boring routine, been there done that. Rock turned his back on the WWE and it's fans to go to hollywood and become some big time actor and that's that.

So your bitching about Rock going out there and being himself, being The Rock, not changing who he is, calling it boring. Yet praising Cena for not changing who he is and going out there and doing the same thing over and over? Flawed Logic at its best.

Who cares about what Rock did at this point in time. He left, then he left. He finally showed up. Hes doing alot for the company. Ratings and Buyrates are being affected. Hes helping pout with Tough Enough. The guy is doing what he can to make YOU all happy. Let it Go. I hope at the end of this feud, Cena and Rock get on the same level of mutual respect and fans will finally shut up and stop whining over Rock leaving.
I have to admit I hated when the Rock left, but I got over it. I loved the Attitude Era for what it was. It was off the wall, what is gonna happen next type stuff which had me on the edge of my seat week after week. Awesome!I have come to appreciate what is going on now with this PG Era thing. I like some things and dislike others, but I understand because I have a 10 year old who not only likes to watch with me, but also go to shows with me as well on occasion.

I don't blame the Rock for leaving and wanting more time with his family and an easier life. The wrestling business is taxing and takes a lot of sacrifice if you want to be great. He not only wanted to be an actor, but see his daughter grow up and as a parent who is gone alot, I can definitely understand.

My daughter is a huge fan of John Cena and I, like you am not a huge fan of the character he plays, but the man that he is. Not only what he does for his foundations and charities, but what he also does for the military. I was in Baghdad during one of their Christmas shows and he reps the military like no other Superstar of his caliber I have ever seen. He's a real stand up dude and for that reason alone I could never hate on him.
This Cena/Rock (and miz) confrontation is gonna be great and I like everyone else will be waiting to see what the outcome is. Great job WWE for bringing life back into the programming.

Thank you. It's nice to see someone like myself who isn't drinking the kool aid to understand this is just entertainment. Some people are taking this way too personal between Cena's PG era and Rock's decision to take his talents to Hollywood. Geez I wonder do any of them ever go outside and play or if you're an older fan go out for a drink with your buddies. I totally forgot that Cena contributes a lot of his time and energy to those hero's oversees. As a former sailor in the U.S.N. it's nice to see someone of Cena's popularity devote his time to those in Iraq. If i saw Cena in person I wouldn't hesitate to shake his hand and thank him for what he does for others. The same for Dwayne. I'd thank him for the years he had me entertained both in the WWF/WWE and on the big screen.

With that being said come sunday at Wrestlemania I can mark the hell out for The Rock and boo the shit outta Cena (the character). Lol. Doesn't mean I hate or despise him as a person. Hell I already got my Summerslam tix which my son and I will be attending, and if I had ring side seats I tell both of them after the (possible) match "thank you" regardless of the outcome.

BTW: Isn't it sad to see that both of us see it as Rock/Cena at Wrestlemania co-starring the Miz? Poor Miz. Lol.
LOL...that's just the way it is. Everyone knows that the Miz just happens to be in the way as the champion. I don't feel too bad for him, especially since I believe he will leave WM still the champ and one of the only people to do that against Cena at a WM. the Miz is nowhere near the level of Cena/Rock on his best day. Ill give him credit for working hard, but everyone has a place at the table and his sure isn't at the head.
Rock didn't say that he said he came back cause of the ppl & he said the ppl was always w/him. He said he dream big & the ppl dream big w/him basically saying that his success in Hollywood was due to his fans so he thanked us again. He can never not be known as The Rock which he has stated himself many of times in interviews, he never said noone couldn't call him Rock anymore cause he said he will always be The Rock. Now you say you understand his decisions but yet you turn around & use them in your argument like it holds much weight. People act as if Rock bad mouth the WWE & said fuck them then all of a sudden pops back up & say hey I'm back & I'm the ppl's champ still!!! You not the only one that has followed Cena since he has been there & guess what The Rock congratulated him on his success inside & outside the ring, but what did Cena do talk shit about The Rock for no reason.

Rock has already bust his ass for the company way before any of us gave a damn about a John Cena, futhermore John isn't the only one there today that is busting his ass day in & day out so big fucking deal what does he want a cookie or something cause he keeps saying that he is there day in & day out like The Rock wasn't or something or as if he is the only guy that works in the WWE. You say that you was gon watch wrestling with or without The Rock while news flash your just one person & you watching don't equal the few million more fans that has tuned back in cause of The Rock. True John is the face of the company right now, but that's not saying much w/the current state of the product.

Thank you for that news flash because for a moment there I thought I was a million people and not just one..PHEW! Glad that's all settled.

As much as we want to believe our favorite superstars are what make the WWE, it's the opposite. No one superstar is bigger than the business. If what you say is true and millions and millions of people stop watching WWE until The Rock came back in February, then the WWE wouldn't be on tv so much to this day.
You wanna to talk about how The Rock said sooo many good thing about the Cena. Can you name me a situation where this show of goodwill happened? Because I can tell you in that same interview where he was "talking shit on the Rock" he also said: “The truth is that Dwayne Johnson is a great actor and I think always wanted to be an actor, and there’s nothing wrong with that. ... Dwayne’s one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet. He’s one of the hardest workers you’ll ever meet.” That sure sounds like a lot of shit talking to me. The fact is..they are both stand up guys and sometimes we as fans get our wires crossed and think this beef they have is legit when it's not. It's a great show for the fans. I'm hooked, and i'm pretty sure the millions (and millions) of other people are now hooked again.
I wonder if all the Rock fans understand how this feud will end? Logically, it can only end one way, with Cena going over. Its the exact same reasoning why the Rock HAD to beat Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania X8. As a booker, you have to have your current wrestlers look good. You can't do that by having them lose a feud to a "Legend". Since we all know that the Rock isn't really there permanently, and this is a short time thing, his job is to make the current roster look better, not bury them. He may do that in promos, but the end result has to be with the Rock eventually losing the fight. Having Rock get the best of Cena and then bolting isn't good for business. Cena is part of the WWE's current product. The Rock is a part of the WWE's past, by his own choice. As such, the die has been cast.
Thank you for that news flash because for a moment there I thought I was a million people and not just one..PHEW! Glad that's all settled.

As much as we want to believe our favorite superstars are what make the WWE, it's the opposite. No one superstar is bigger than the business. If what you say is true and millions and millions of people stop watching WWE until The Rock came back in February, then the WWE wouldn't be on tv so much to this day.
You wanna to talk about how The Rock said sooo many good thing about the Cena. Can you name me a situation where this show of goodwill happened? Because I can tell you in that same interview where he was "talking shit on the Rock" he also said: “The truth is that Dwayne Johnson is a great actor and I think always wanted to be an actor, and there’s nothing wrong with that. ... Dwayne’s one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet. He’s one of the hardest workers you’ll ever meet.” That sure sounds like a lot of shit talking to me. The fact is..they are both stand up guys and sometimes we as fans get our wires crossed and think this beef they have is legit when it's not. It's a great show for the fans. I'm hooked, and i'm pretty sure the millions (and millions) of other people are now hooked again.

It is already a proven fact that The Rock coming back has jumped the ratings up I didn't say anything about WWE was on the edge of going bankrupt when Rock left & his coming back is saving them. What I was saying was that when he left ratings went down now his back the ratings went up sooooo don't try & come on here & make it seem like he doesn't effect the product cause he does. Is he bigger than the business, Hell No does his presence have an impact on the business, Hell Yeah just as well as the other legends. There was an interview he did a min ago after one of those Kids Choice Awards that both him & Cena attended in the interview the guy or girl asked Rock about his thoughts on Cena & Rock didn't have anything negative to say about the guy there's been a few other times I can remember him being asked about John but I can't really remember what interview the one I explain sticks out in my mind because both of them was at that event.

Now you are right John did say alot of nice things about The Rock but that doesn't change the fact that he judge the man & question his love for a company that he had already bent over backwards for. That's just like if we worked together & someone ask me about you & I say "oh he is a great guy takes really nice care of his kids, he is a loving husband & a good friend but he has the IQ of a handicap dog I mean I dont know anybody dumber than him." You see what I'm saying that's backwards. John complemented Rock then insulted him at the sametime.

Oh BTW please man look at my age I don't get wires crossed, & I don't live in the land of make believe even though that may be nice LOL. I already know that if there was any real beef between these two over what John said they have squashed it by now everything that is going on right now is all storyline. Now all I was saying in my other comments is that John comments on Raw seemed backwards he came out & made it seem like Rock was picking on him for no real reason when it was he who started this whole thing. He said who is The Rock to judge him, but who is he to judge Rock. Rock has been there done that so for John to make it seem like he is special just cause he works hard is silly to me cause all the guys there work hard. Now I'm not a Cena hater I'm a fan of the guy I don't like that WWE is making him so kid friendly but that's another subject. I agree w/u I'm enjoying this whole thing myself cause in the end Rock is just there to put Cena & Miz over.
If it's true that Rock has come back just to boost the ratings and to put Cena and Miz over, then he shouldn't of came back at all, because that means the Rocks fans are going to be disappointed. I think the only way to keep Rock fans happy is by either the Rock winning the fight which would mean Cena turns heel, or if Rock and Cena become allies and end their feud without a fight.
For the last seven years he has been gone. Vince has asked him numerous times to come back but yet what does the rock do, he does these pre taped promos that are lame as hell and expects the fans to love him, well I'm sorry Cena has been there working his ass off for the fans for the past 8 or so years now and love him or hate him he has not changed who he is for nobody. Rock comes back after 7 years and does the same routine and says the same crap he always says and everyone cheers for him like he's the messiah or something. I have been a Cena fan from day 1 and I am not going to start chanting Cena Sucks just because the rock comes back and does his same boring routine, been there done that. Rock turned his back on the WWE and it's fans to go to hollywood and become some big time actor and that's that.

Okay yes Rock has been gone & yes I to was a little upset about it cause not only is Rock one of my favorite wrestlers but the guy is one of my idols as well. I also was like why can't he just do both he has been doing both this is some bullshit wrestling is gonna suck 1st Austin now The Rock is how I was thinking. Then you know what I got over myself & looked at it from Rock's point of view. The guy has been a witness to the ups & downs of the wrestling buisness since he was little, there is many guys who became legends & there's even more who didn't but paid a price for working in the business to long. Rock on the other hand reached Legend status faster then anybody & on top of that had enough talent to where he could use his wrestling platform to jump start him a new career where he wouldn't end up like others. I understand him leaving so I got over it & yes Vince asked him to return sooner than he did. So to prove to you that he loves the business he has to jump everytime Vince feels like he can make money off him is what you are saying.

You are telling me that after all The Rock has done for wrestling he shouldn't be respected by the fans when he comes back just cause he retired & moved on. The guy has came back after all the doubters said he wouldn't after all the ppl said he was a sell out & that he didn't love the business. He has come back not to become champion not to reclaim his supremacy as the top dog or the best in the buisness but to help put over Cena, Miz & maybe others but you still have hate towards him anyways. He didn't have to come back, cause when it's all said & done he is going to lay down & get beat by another superstar making them look good while his losing steak continues to grow. So you tell me how can you not respect him & cheer for him when the only reason why he is back is to make John Cena & others look good at his own expense.

Dude you are so full of shit it isn't even funny you talk about you not gon boo Cena just cause Rock comes back w/his same boring routine, this is the same boring routine that help put WWE on the map, the same boring routine that has brought back some of the old fans so they can not only see him but the new guys as well, the same boring routine that has gotten John Cena to cut some of the best promos of his career cause NEWS FLASH John Cena has been using his same boring ass routine for the last few years now, but instead of bringing in fans he has driven them away w/his routine. BTW noone is telling you to booo Cena but to not cheer for Rock just cause of his career choices after he has come back anyways to make John look good is ASS of you. You don't have to admit it cause it is already fact that The Rock returning is the most exciting thing to happen to wrestling in a min.
If it's true that Rock has come back just to boost the ratings and to put Cena and Miz over, then he shouldn't of came back at all, because that means the Rocks fans are going to be disappointed. I think the only way to keep Rock fans happy is by either the Rock winning the fight which would mean Cena turns heel, or if Rock and Cena become allies and end their feud without a fight.

I agree w/u I don't like the idea of one of my favorites coming back just to help push the guys of today either, but seeing as he isn't coming back full time it has to be done. Cena is the main man right now & he should have Rock pass the torch to him so to speak, & the other guys can benefit as well from this. What I'm hoping for is what John said he was hoping for & that is that both him & Rock are gonna clash more than just once so that way we real Rock fans (not those two timing ones that's on Cena's side just cause Rock became an actor) can get to see Rock win a few matches.
Geez... What I don't understand from the view point of the Cena haters is why does this "PG" sucks fall upon the shoulders of John Cena and John Cena only? By now you Cena haters (like myself) should see he is nothing more than a puppet, an errand boy, a lackey for the WWE. Granted he is the face of the company however he has no power in the company other than wrestling in the ring. Much like Austin,Rock,Hogan before him John Cena is doing what he is told. If anyone is to blame for the sharp decline in the quality of the product it's is Linda, WWE creative team, WWE writers and most of all Vince himself.

By now I'm sure WWE creative, John Cena, the boys in the locker room and Vince have realized that we older fans (17+) are not amused nor entertained by whats presented to us. However it seems like they are still headed in the direction it is going and there is no stopping them from doing what they want. Hell, it's Vince's company. He can run the damn thing into the ground if he wants. I recall sometime ago watching a DVD on the rise and fall of ECW and J.R. spoke on the rise of the attitude era and more importanly the sudden popularity of Stone Cold. He said that we fans choose the direction the company is headed, as we should, and we are the ones who make the choice for them. Not anyone in the back and not even Vince.

Somewhere down the line Vince decided it wasn't enough and made the choice to moved Cena in the top spot. Can't say I blame him. After the majority of his top stars either left (Brock,Rock,Angle) or retired (Austin) or passed away (Guerrero,Benoit) he had limited options to choose from. Even now after the WWE's failure to connect with the older audience they still decide to push Cena down our throats even though we are very vocal about him not being "our" guy. He wasn't made by us fans like Austin was. He was manufactured and packaged out to those who are of a younger crowd and swooning women.

After this program between the Rock and Cena is done and after Cena comes out on top, the majority of us older Attitude fans will either continue to bitch and moan about Cena/WWE/PG or (like myself) leave again and not bother to torture ourselves with a product that isn't aimed towards us. I rather enjoy the fact that The Rock is back for the time being and when it's over quietly get up and walk away or change the channel.

If you older or mature fans really want your voice to be heard by the WWE and Vince I would suggest you do the same and quit watching. Nothing gets a companys attention more than noticing that their wallet is getting smaller. As bad as things are compaired to the WWE in it's hayday, things aren't to the point of desperation. That's why Cena, his chain gang merchandise, and the PG era isn't going anywhere, because you aren't going anywhere. Once the majority of the older fans leave or quit he will be stuck with an inferior product and will have no choice over a period of time but to change or see his company collapse (if there is good competition). Remember without us older fans the WWE wouldn't even be around. It would've fallen under Ted Turner's pocket book and Eric Bishoffs "booking". It isn't the Rocks fault for leaving no more is it Cena's fault for being who he is. It falls upon the shoulders of Vince. So instead of bitching about how it sucks now be vocal not to Cena but to Vince. Give Vince hell like you do to Cena. Scream "Fuck you Vince" or "PG sucks" when you get a chance. If anything it isn't the Rock who owes us fans, its Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon who owes us long time fans everything. Without us the WWE wouldn't be shit.

Phew...sorry for the long rant but I had to get that off my chest.
Geez... What I don't understand from the view point of the Cena haters is why does this "PG" sucks fall upon the shoulders of John Cena and John Cena only? By now you Cena haters (like myself) should see he is nothing more than a puppet, an errand boy, a lackey for the WWE. Granted he is the face of the company however he has no power in the company other than wrestling in the ring. Much like Austin,Rock,Hogan before him John Cena is doing what he is told. If anyone is to blame for the sharp decline in the quality of the product it's is Linda, WWE creative team, WWE writers and most of all Vince himself.

By now I'm sure WWE creative, John Cena, the boys in the locker room and Vince have realized that we older fans (17+) are not amused nor entertained by whats presented to us. However it seems like they are still headed in the direction it is going and there is no stopping them from doing what they want. Hell, it's Vince's company. He can run the damn thing into the ground if he wants. I recall sometime ago watching a DVD on the rise and fall of ECW and J.R. spoke on the rise of the attitude era and more importanly the sudden popularity of Stone Cold. He said that we fans choose the direction the company is headed, as we should, and we are the ones who make the choice for them. Not anyone in the back and not even Vince.

Somewhere down the line Vince decided it wasn't enough and made the choice to moved Cena in the top spot. Can't say I blame him. After the majority of his top stars either left (Brock,Rock,Angle) or retired (Austin) or passed away (Guerrero,Benoit) he had limited options to choose from. Even now after the WWE's failure to connect with the older audience they still decide to push Cena down our throats even though we are very vocal about him not being "our" guy. He wasn't made by us fans like Austin was. He was manufactured and packaged out to those who are of a younger crowd and swooning women.

After this program between the Rock and Cena is done and after Cena comes out on top, the majority of us older Attitude fans will either continue to bitch and moan about Cena/WWE/PG or (like myself) leave again and not bother to torture ourselves with a product that isn't aimed towards us. I rather enjoy the fact that The Rock is back for the time being and when it's over quietly get up and walk away or change the channel.

If you older or mature fans really want your voice to be heard by the WWE and Vince I would suggest you do the same and quit watching. Nothing gets a companys attention more than noticing that their wallet is getting smaller. As bad as things are compaired to the WWE in it's hayday, things aren't to the point of desperation. That's why Cena, his chain gang merchandise, and the PG era isn't going anywhere, because you aren't going anywhere. Once the majority of the older fans leave or quit he will be stuck with an inferior product and will have no choice over a period of time but to change or see his company collapse (if there is good competition). Remember without us older fans the WWE wouldn't even be around. It would've fallen under Ted Turner's pocket book and Eric Bishoffs "booking". It isn't the Rocks fault for leaving no more is it Cena's fault for being who he is. It falls upon the shoulders of Vince. So instead of bitching about how it sucks now be vocal not to Cena but to Vince. Give Vince hell like you do to Cena. Scream "Fuck you Vince" or "PG sucks" when you get a chance. If anything it isn't the Rock who owes us fans, its Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon who owes us long time fans everything. Without us the WWE wouldn't be shit.

Phew...sorry for the long rant but I had to get that off my chest.

You don't have to be sorry your right, & I agree w/u that's why I also stop watching cause complaining wasn't gon change things if it wasn't for The Rock I wouldn't be watching now, I would just come on here & read the results of the shows or skip through utube & see if things has changed. I don't think The Attitude or Ruthless Aggression era was perfect but damn this water down product that is PG was killing me. It's so obvious that most of the guys w/alot of talent is being held back by this tv rating it is sickening but all we can do is just wait it out & hope things get better entertainment wise if not well we always got old footage of the good times to enjoy.

I don't hold PG just on John Cena I just voice my opinion to the Cena lovers that act like he has been entertaining on the level of the past legends when in these past few years he hasn't. He hasn't done anything to make the product better so it is crazy to read most of these comments of ppl that say owe give him a break he is hard working & a good person like he is the only hard worker in the WWE or they just support him now cause they are mad at The Rock still for retiring even though he is back now to help the product get over. Just because the guy works hard & is a nice person outside the company doesn't change the fact that besides for these past few weeks dealing w/The Rock Cena has been boring. Not all his fault but he still is or was.
A few things...anyone think Cena made Rock out to be a 'bully' with his promo? Came across that way to me. As far as the promos going. Cena didnt own Rck at all. Rock said his bit, then allowed Cena to have his bit and Miz came out to interupt. They didnt have a back and forth at all. Cena made some decent points I suppose, but majority of his promo was kissing the Rocks ass.

As for Rock leaving...tried of discussing it now. He left, he came back, he will leave again...and probably come back again. Get over it. Hes done it all, he still loves the business but he also loves another business. Hes a man with ambition and if Cena could act he would be a part timer in WWE FACT.

Finally those saying Rock hides behind catchphrases...dont make me laugh! He uses them because he has the crowd eating outta his hands. They are iconic and the live crwod WANTS to hear them and join in.

Watch 'The Rock Show' or his promo in montreal from 2003. He cuts the best heel promo in the business and has the crowd at his mercy when he's a face. He's a Wrestling God.
For those of you saying that The Rock turned his back on WWF/WWE, thats not true, for those of you that doesn't know, Vince McMahon backed him up in his movies Scorpion King and Walking tall, don't believe me?


it says there "forming a collaborative partnership with wrestler-turned-actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson on a series of action-filled Hollywood blockbusters, which McMahon executive produced and The Rock headlined. These included The Scorpion King (2002) and Walking Tall (2004). McMahon launched additional action vehicles (sans Johnson) with such icons as John Cena (The Marine, 2006) and wrestler Steve Austin (The Condemned, 2007)."

The Rock was just a sensational actor, mcmahon gave him the chance to become a hollywood actor and he just clicked, the reason why John Cena stayed on wwe is because he's movie didn't hit that well , if you'll look at "The Marine" with a budget of $20million, it's grossed revenue is only almost $23million, unlike The Rock's 1st movie the Scorpion king, A budget of $60million, grossed almost $260million, so probably if I were john cena, I'd probably stay in the WWE business since he's money is there and Hollywood is just not for him.

Do you think if he became as famous as the rock in hollywood in his first film, would he still be in WWE? I doubt it, if he wasn't "Mr.I-dont-want-to-be-a-moviestar" he would refuse being in a lead role. Vince McMahon, does that to his wrestler, he puts them up to the big film to make money out of them, win-win situation if you ask me.

It just happens that Rock became a star out, who wouldn't want that, heck even Stone Cold wanted to be in a Movie! That's why for cena fans out there, don't say that Rock betrayed WWF/WWE, McMahon gave him the opportunity which was given to Cena too, The only difference is Rock boomed and was the first of the TWO, cena stayed on WWE cause he would look like a Rock-copy.

He is the face of today's era, back when I was young, I prefered Man-Kind to Hulk Hogan, Eddie Guerrero to Macho Man, we can never force cena fans to like Rock too, but you can't deny that Rock was one of the Unforgettable stars, He can still rise today if he were to comeback for another 4 years, Cena is good wrestler, but you can't just say he's better than Rock, he's not even there yet. He will be, but not yet.

so for all you cena fans who accuse Rock for leaving the Wrestling industry, better check again, even cody rhodes appeared in an Episode of Warehouse 13 :) peace! but then again, this ROCK VS. CENA will be epic, I agree that Rock will pass the torch cause if he were to win the match, he'll have to sign a long contract which wouldn't fit in his acting career. Rock knows and accepted what he needs to do to keep the business Going.

Or Rock would win so that there would still be a Rematch in Summerslam.
The Scorpion King was also the third film in a hugely popular, already well established film franchise. Yes, he appeared at the end of Mummy Returns...as a CGI scanned face. He didn't have to do any acting at all, just let a computer scan him. The Marine, meanwhile was a completely new endeavor. Its an apples to oranges comparison.

Further, your 23 million figure only takes box office into account, and doesn't include DVD/Blu-Ray rentals. Once those are included, The Marine actually made a little more than 50 million bucks...or, to put it another way, made two and a half times what it cost to make. Not bad at all. percentage wise, at least. Its overall return of investment is very similar to the Scorpion King, which made about two and three quarters times what it cost back. But again, well established franchise vs. unestablished newcomer.

How many people went to see the Scorpion King only because it was a prequel to the Mummy movies, and not because it starred the Rock? More than you will admit, I bet.
Finally those saying Rock hides behind catchphrases...dont make me laugh! He uses them because he has the crowd eating outta his hands. They are iconic and the live crwod WANTS to hear them and join in.

Watch 'The Rock Show' or his promo in montreal from 2003. He cuts the best heel promo in the business and has the crowd at his mercy when he's a face. He's a Wrestling God.

Two of my favorites as a heel is when he was doing his promo in Sacremento where he had his guitar and sung a song about the Lakers beating the Kings in May. Hilarious!

the other one was in Indy..where he goes. Finally ..........has come back to Indian.......ah who gives a crap! Classic!

There is nobody better on the Mic than the Great One and that is a fact. I know whatever capacity they have him in while he's back is gonna be awesome and i will be watching.
Like it or not for the moment the WWE needs The Rock, however The Rock does not need the WWE. Look at the ratings jump in which I'm sure Vince and the WWE share holders are enjoying at this moment.

This is very fucking true.. after watching the crappiest ppv of my life this past summerslam i stayed alway from wwe ppv didnt order any after that one n watched them for free online :lmao::lmao: now that the rock is back im fully back for the time been.. The rock saved this years wrestlemania the buy rate is gonna be 20 to 30% higher just cause of the rock..
I agree w/u I don't like the idea of one of my favorites coming back just to help push the guys of today either, but seeing as he isn't coming back full time it has to be done. Cena is the main man right now & he should have Rock pass the torch to him so to speak, & the other guys can benefit as well from this. What I'm hoping for is what John said he was hoping for & that is that both him & Rock are gonna clash more than just once so that way we real Rock fans (not those two timing ones that's on Cena's side just cause Rock became an actor) can get to see Rock win a few matches.

I don't think it 'has to be done' at all, why would The Rock come back with all the pride he has, just to tarnish his career by losing to some punk who disrespected him to the media. The Rock stated in an interview that the feeling he got that night he returned was the greatest feeling he has ever felt and no movie could beat that. He also stated that he loves both of his careers and can easily do both now he has both his feet firmly in Hollywood. If it's true and he is - and i quote - "never ever going away" then he has no need to put over Cena, he needs to electrify his fans again and beat Cena.
I don't think it 'has to be done' at all, why would The Rock come back with all the pride he has, just to tarnish his career by losing to some punk who disrespected him to the media. The Rock stated in an interview that the feeling he got that night he returned was the greatest feeling he has ever felt and no movie could beat that. He also stated that he loves both of his careers and can easily do both now he has both his feet firmly in Hollywood. If it's true and he is - and i quote - "never ever going away" then he has no need to put over Cena, he needs to electrify his fans again and beat Cena.

yeah no need of putting a guy who talks shit behind your back to the media over.. cena needs the rock more than the rock needs cena... and fuck passing the torch to cena the rock already passed it to brock but he didnt wanna deal with the wrestling business how many times does the rock gotta pass the torch to these loser ass wrestlers who cant run with it.. the future of the company is del rio, the rock needs to lay the smackdown on the crybaby cena and than if he decides to stay start a feud with del rio
I don't think it 'has to be done' at all, why would The Rock come back with all the pride he has, just to tarnish his career by losing to some punk who disrespected him to the media. The Rock stated in an interview that the feeling he got that night he returned was the greatest feeling he has ever felt and no movie could beat that. He also stated that he loves both of his careers and can easily do both now he has both his feet firmly in Hollywood. If it's true and he is - and i quote - "never ever going away" then he has no need to put over Cena, he needs to electrify his fans again and beat Cena.

Well John & Rock has come to an understanding so the real beef is dead between them. I don't believe John meant any of what he said anyways I think he was just tryn to get Rock to come back & what better way to do that then to talk about him personally. See it's not about Rock's pride Rock loves the business I he doesn't want the WWE to fail, & on top of that he is a legend now so once you reach that status losing to the young guys really doesn't hurt you at all. Just look HBK, HHH, & Kurt Angle has all lost to John Cena & other young superstars & we don't look at them any different & all 3 of them are legend status.

I'm w/u I don't want him to come back just to get his ass beat either specially when you take under consideration that most of his fans are still bitching about him leaving in the 1st place. Rock is not selfish & he has done it before he has come back a couple of times just to put ppl over. Randy & Batista w/Mick being apart of the push also, Brock Lesnar (who took his youngest champ ever title) even Goldberg after he came off 1 of the biggest wins in his career by beating Stonecold at Mania. So If he did it for them I'm sure he doesn't have a problem doing it for Cena, Miz & whoever else he may throw down with.
It is really funny to see the super smart IWC that is supposed to understand exactly how this business works, continue this ridiculous debate about who owned who each and every week. Jesus, someone actually said that Cena was scared that the Rock was going to kick his monkey ass. You want to know what I see? I see Cena and the Rock drinking a beer together laughing their ass off about how well this whole storyline is progressing. To quote the Miz, it is must see TV at its finest. I suggest everybody take a step back and see this for what it really is; a superstar of the old guard and the new generation working extremely well together to put on a huge production at Wrestlemania.
You don't have to be sorry your right, & I agree w/u that's why I also stop watching cause complaining wasn't gon change things if it wasn't for The Rock I wouldn't be watching now, I would just come on here & read the results of the shows or skip through utube & see if things has changed. I don't think The Attitude or Ruthless Aggression era was perfect but damn this water down product that is PG was killing me. It's so obvious that most of the guys w/alot of talent is being held back by this tv rating it is sickening but all we can do is just wait it out & hope things get better entertainment wise if not well we always got old footage of the good times to enjoy.

I agree 110%. In hindsight we're the real winners as we have a huge collection of stock footage of matches and promos from a time that cannot be duplicated.

I don't hold PG just on John Cena I just voice my opinion to the Cena lovers that act like he has been entertaining on the level of the past legends when in these past few years he hasn't.

Like it or not nothing you, I, or anyone can say or do can change his fans minds. As of right now John is a dedicated performer who will one day be a future Hall of Famer. How he became one is an entirely different discussion.

He hasn't done anything to make the product better so it is crazy to read most of these comments of ppl that say owe give him a break he is hard working & a good person like he is the only hard worker in the WWE or they just support him now cause they are mad at The Rock still for retiring even though he is back now to help the product get over. Just because the guy works hard & is a nice person outside the company doesn't change the fact that besides for these past few weeks dealing w/The Rock Cena has been boring. Not all his fault but he still is or was.

I agree with you 110% again. Let's get this out of the way first. If you're still upset over The Rock leaving get over yourself. The Rock or "Dwayne" doesn't owe you, me, or anyone a damn thing. The only people he owes anything to is himself, and his family. You Rock haters are sounding like a bunch of scorned ex-girlfriends who can't get over a break up. Grow the fuck up. The only reason why Dwayne is back is because he loves this business, his roots. After accomplishing each and every goal the WWE has to offer he decided way back in 2003 that his time was up and he did the "honors" for new talent multiple times (Goldberg, Brock, Hurricane). By the way I don't see in the IWC or anywhere one fucking thread about Austin in 2002 leaving than rather put over the new guy which was Brock at the time. What a bunch of fucking hypocrites you are. You praise Austin like little 12 year old school girls, yet Rock does the right thing by doing the honors for the new guys, quietly and gracefully bows out and he's a sell-out? What a bunch of whining bitches you are.

At the risk of becoming stale and boring he left at the top of his game and gave up his top spot to up and coming guys as it has been a tradition in the wrestling business. In fact Dwayne loves this business so much that he understands that his time in the spotlight is up and it's time (once again) to put the new guy (Cena) over. Be glad Dwayne decided to even come back and entertain you ingrates. The Rock being back is adding a breath of fresh air to the WWE which it sorely needs. Hell in his promo on Raw even John Cena said the The Rock is wanted and needed. If you can't see that then your a blind sheep. Take some advice, it's simple. Grow up and move the fuck on.

If your upset at The Rock for leaving and creating a gap in the WWE blame Vince. Vince dropped the ball plenty of times in finding new talent to replace The Rock and Austin. Remember before Rock was the youngest WWE champion at the time. What happended? Brock became the youngest to get the Rock out of that spot. After that what happended again? Orton became the youngest to replace Brock as the youngest. Notice a pattern here people? It's Vince's lack of vision to create a product worth paying for.

Now you "Rock is here to save us from the PG" and attitude sheep/fans. The same advice applies to you as well. Move the fuck on. Cena and the PG era isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Don't like it? Change the channel or go back and relish in the fact that we have something these new and younger fans will never have. Memories of being entertained night after night for years with an era that cannot be duplicated. A time when wrestling was at it's peak. Great talent, excellent promos, classic matches, well told storylines. That is something to cherish. It's like being there and witnessing Babe Ruth, Ali, Jordan perform in their prime. Be grateful you were alive to see it.

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