**Merged** Cena & Rock Discussion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!

Do you support The Rock or John Cena?

  • The Rock

  • John Cena

  • The Miz!!!!!

  • I'm just going to enjoy the show

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The minute he crept up from behind, hauled Rock onto his shoulder and planted him with the FU, one very pleasant image began playing in my mind, and it will happen, whether the CeNation want it to or not.

The Rock will own Cena in-front of 80,000 people at Wrestlemania, because that's the only way for the feud to enhance and continue.

Getting FU'd from behind in-front of 20,000 people after The Rock destroyed both Riley and Miz, which Cena has had problems doing, isn't as bad as getting the Rock Bottom at the biggest event in the wrestling calendar.
I, for 1 was glad to Cena make Rock eat the AA.

There is no doubt about it that Rock was a huge superstar back in his day, and don't get me wrong, it is big news that he is hosting WM27, but why is the WWE bringing in Rock, Austin, HBK (RAW last night), JBL etc over the last month when there are plenty of other superstars that bust their ass 300+ days a year, such as Kofi Kingston, who aren't even on the WM card?

Back to the point, when Cena gave Rock the AA, I thought to myself, when are we going to see this?

I hope Miz beats Cena at WM, only to set up a run for Cena/Rock (if he stays around).
It was absolutely brilliant. The Rock put Cena over huge last night by letting him control most of the talking and Cena showed that he is one of the best on the mic today. Cena AA'ing Rock will be in the highlight reel for years to come and anyone who thinks that Cena is a hypocrite because he attacked the Rock from behind needs to get over themselves.

No I don't think we do need to get over ourselves. It's a fact that Cena is a hypocrite, he claims he is about hustle, loyalty and respect, fair enough he gave the Rock some respect to begin with, but he completely contradicted himself when he cheaply got the Rock into the AA from behind.

The only reason Rock let Cena do the talking is because Rock clearly stated via twitter that 'talk is over' he took the piss out of Cena to begin with, but when Miz and Cena were in the ring he didn't say much, he listened to Cena ramble on like a bullied school child and then owned Miz.
They showed The Rock and Austin being featured on the show before Cena and the WWE Champ.....dude, the Champ comes last!!!! That's how things go right? And no, this is not turning out to be a terrible Wrestlemania nor was it a terrible endidng to Raw. There were 3 players in the game, The Rock, John Cena and The Miz. They let The Miz beat down The Rock first, them The Rock hit the Miz with the DDT and People's Elbow, and then John Cena hit Attitude Adjustment on The Rock. It was the perfect play-by-play ending IMO.
I think The Rock has never been in a better psychical state in he's career, if you look at his last match at WM20 compared to now, he has beefed up alot whilst doing all the movies.

Obviously he had abit of ring rust last night as he hadn't layeth'd the smackdown for a few years, but he still looked awesome and I think over time (if he stays with us) he will become his old self with his explosive athleticism.

As for the kick up fail, Miz' arm was in the way, so not Rock's fault. :D

I disagree. 2001-2002 was rock at his best as far as psychical stat goes. He was like 250-260lbs. Right know I think he's walking around 265-275, the same condition he was in back in 1998 and before that, WHich is horrible. His rookie year aside, rock never did any kip-ups during that time(1998-2000), he didn't start doing untill mid 2001. The reason why? he was in no psychical condition to do it. And I want to point out another thing, not many of you heared about it, but during some film shooting, he hurt his ankle, and he hurt it bad.


John Cena believes the Rock turned his back on the WWE. During the confrontation with the Miz, the Rock turned his back on John Cena. That doesn't make Cena a heel. A LOT of current WWE faces would have done the exact same thing. Hell, can anyone honestly tell me that if given the chance, the Rock wouldn't have Rock Bottomed Cena? Of course he would. And Austin would have delivered a stunner, and Orton would have RKO'ed him in the exact same situation. And stop pretending like it was a sneak attack. In kayfabe world, Rock and Cena were just about to start scrapping when Miz interrupted. It isn't like they were best friends, and a hugely popular tag team, and then Cena superkicks Rock through the Barber Shop window...They were ready to brawl, and Miz's appearance delayed it.
No I don't think we do need to get over ourselves. It's a fact that Cena is a hypocrite, he claims he is about hustle, loyalty and respect, fair enough he gave the Rock some respect to begin with, but he completely contradicted himself when he cheaply got the Rock into the AA from behind.

There is the "hustle" part of his motto but we should just conveniently forget that, right?

The only reason Rock let Cena do the talking is because Rock clearly stated via twitter that 'talk is over' he took the piss out of Cena to begin with, but when Miz and Cena were in the ring he didn't say much, he listened to Cena ramble on like a bullied school child and then owned Miz.

Just face it. Cena owned the Rock last night and Rock didn't own anybody.
I for one thought the whole episode between them was awesome! As a fan of both the Rock and Cena I got goose bumps watching them both in the ring together. Each of them cut a great promo, a lot of tension like something was about to go down. Say what you want about Cena, but he definitely did his thing on the mic. The funny thing about how this ended is, for as long as Ive been reading on here, mostly everybody wants Cena to turn heel and the minute he does something, well Heel-ish, he gets reamed for it. (Catch 22)
I got a lot of respect for Cena for a lot of reasons, but the main reason is he is who he is. He gave what seemed to me a promo from the heart even took the time to tell the Rock he was one of the Millions (and millions) of his fans. Oh and the Miz showed up for a bit too.
Now as far as the Rock goes, he looked great. You can tell he was ready for a fight. No Shades, already drenched. I just felt everything he said Ive heard before, all the way down to the "God can't save you from me" line. That was a line from 'Faster'. He did have a little rust, but he hit that DDT right on time. A little off on the kip up, but the People's Elbow was $$$.
IMO Cena's tactics, if anything, showed that he can be a little sneaky himself. I don't think that was a heel move he did, I just think it was done right. If he would've came in and made the save and they started having mutual respect for each, everyone on here would hate it(including me). SummerSlam - Rock v. Cena...I CAN'T WAIT!
There is the "hustle" part of his motto but we should just conveniently forget that, right?

Just face it. Cena owned the Rock last night and Rock didn't own anybody.

IMO, the only thing left to do is for the rock pulling his pants down, bend over, so just cena can kiss his ass. He was sucking up to rock big time the moment he grabbed a mic and start talking. And the only reason why rock didn't own anybody, because the wwe didn't give him the green light to talk smack to anyone, and that was a smart choice, because rock would simply ruin cena's career. No I'm not talking about, some via satellite promos, I'm talking about face to face live promo against rocky.

Enjoy it while you can, because at WM the rock will layeth the smacketh down on his candy ass. Trust me on that one ;)
There is the "hustle" part of his motto but we should just conveniently forget that, right?

Just face it. Cena owned the Rock last night and Rock didn't own anybody.

He said he was going address Rock like a man, attacking him from behind aint what a man does, it what a kid would do...but i guess that's alright for Cena considering 95% of his fans are under the age of 14.

And how about re-watch RAW on youtube or something, and you'll see Rock owned Miz and Riley (something Cena has not done) and Cena got him from behind, that is not owning him at all.
He said he was going address Rock like a man, attacking him from behind aint what a man does, it what a kid would do...but i guess that's alright for Cena considering 95% of his fans are under the age of 14.

So what was all that talking before The Miz and Riley attacked The Rock? I'm pretty sure that was Cena addressing The Rock.

And how about re-watch RAW on youtube or something, and you'll see Rock owned Miz and Riley (something Cena has not done) and Cena got him from behind, that is not owning him at all.

What happened on Raw last week? I believe it was Miz and Riley attacking Cena, Cena fighting back, Miz escaping, and Cena beating up on Riley. You complain about Cena attacking The Rock from behind but I guess it's perfectly acceptable for Miz to do the same because he is a heel. :rolleyes:
So what was all that talking before The Miz and Riley attacked The Rock? I'm pretty sure that was Cena addressing The Rock.

What happened on Raw last week? I believe it was Miz and Riley attacking Cena, Cena fighting back, Miz escaping, and Cena beating up on Riley. You complain about Cena attacking The Rock from behind but I guess it's perfectly acceptable for Miz to do the same because he is a heel. :rolleyes:

It was Cena whining like a bitch because the Rock verbally owned him the past month. If Cena was a man he would of waited until Rock turned round and faced him like a man, but he done a heel move, so hopefully Cena will turn heel now.

Yeah Miz escaped, therefore Cena was only fighting Riley, not Miz. The Rock took on both of them.
Excellent segment last night. The Rock came out, and had some pretty good lines like "homeless power ranger." Rock was all business coming out and there was no time for jokes, he came out to beat ass. He calls out Cena and Cena finally gets serious in this whole verbal back and forth. Excellent promo by Cena. The Rock simply says "God cant save you from an ass whoopin" and that's an awesome line. Then Miz comes out and I'm just like, this guy doesn't fit. He doesn't look like a star compared to these two. Miz says some boring crap, then Rock beats the shit out of him. Then Cena AA's Rock, which shocked me.

I was disappointed there really wasn't a verbal back and forth between Cena and Rock, but it was good nonetheless. To people saying Cena "owned" Rock, he really didn't. He made a good promo but he didn't "own" the Rock. Yes, Rock did make fun of his shirts, his music, his catchphrases, but he said the main problem he had with Cena was that he said Rock didn't love the business, and pretty much insulted his bloodline, and Cena didn't address that.

I'm definitely hyped for this Mania match.
I think between what happened here, and what happened with the Undertaker and HHH/HBK. They definitely came to the end of the road to WM on a great note. I will definitely be tuning in. Hell even the CM Punk/Orton angle is great. This WM is very underrated and might surprise some people.
Lets see if people agree with this. This is also my 1st post. Lets just say that the miz VS cena ends with the rock screwing cena and the miz retains. What happens with the Miz after mania? who does he fued with? i dont see wwe(vince) letting the miz run with it any longer. The C-nation(14 year old little girls) gets what they want cena wins and then turns heel somewhere on the road to summerslam then we FINALLY get what

The Rock VS John Cena(WWE CHAMPION) Winner=(as sad as it is for me to say this) John Cena
There is no doubt about it that Rock was a huge superstar back in his day, and don't get me wrong, it is big news that he is hosting WM27, but why is the WWE bringing in Rock, Austin, HBK (RAW last night), JBL etc over the last month when there are plenty of other superstars that bust their ass 300+ days a year, such as Kofi Kingston, who aren't even on the WM card?

thats a easy one MONEY!!!!!!!! The rock, austin and hbk draw in money on the biggest ppv of the year.. Kofi while i like him and he was my favorite wrestler 2 years ago just doesnt draw and i like to blame the backstage diva randy O i suck orton on that one... even santino is on the card...
Well i guess they could go in Face VS Face but i dont see the half the crowd or even 15% of the crowd cheering for cena in that match because of how crazy most E fans love the rock.
Last night, Cena owned the Rock.

As a huge Rock fan, I believe in a battle of insults, nobody can keep up with him. However, Cena didn't play the insult game. Cena spoke truth. It sucked, because the Rock couldn't cut him and and yell, "It doesn't matter...that I went to Hollywood for 7 years and abansoned everybody here!" Everything Cena said was real. After cutting through all the catchphrases and insults, Rock said very little.

With that being said, the AA finish was great because it set up WM perfectly. WWE loves to leave a good taste in people's mouths after Mania. With everyone expecting Del Rio to win the Smack Down main event, it looked inevitable that Cena would win the WWE championship. Now, with him hitting his finisher on the Rock, WM can have two heel champions win, and finish with the Rock, who keeps getting the loudest pops, being the one costing Cena, or at the very least, hitting the Rock Bottom on him after Miz wins. People would go nuts for it.
Last night, Cena owned the Rock.

As a huge Rock fan, I believe in a battle of insults, nobody can keep up with him. However, Cena didn't play the insult game. Cena spoke truth. It sucked, because the Rock couldn't cut him and and yell, "It doesn't matter...that I went to Hollywood for 7 years and abansoned everybody here!" Everything Cena said was real. After cutting through all the catchphrases and insults, Rock said very little.

With that being said, the AA finish was great because it set up WM perfectly. WWE loves to leave a good taste in people's mouths after Mania. With everyone expecting Del Rio to win the Smack Down main event, it looked inevitable that Cena would win the WWE championship. Now, with him hitting his finisher on the Rock, WM can have two heel champions win, and finish with the Rock, who keeps getting the loudest pops, being the one costing Cena, or at the very least, hitting the Rock Bottom on him after Miz wins. People would go nuts for it.

I don't know how you see Cena owning The Rock lastnight when most of his promo was ass kissing & saying shit The Rock already knew. If you cut through all the insults Cena said toward The Rock these past few weeks he didn't say much either, & The Rock already said weeks ago what his beef w/Cena was all about, Cena last night talked about Rock judging him as a person when in fact Cena judge Rock on his decision to leave wrestling for a min & start a new career. Cena said who in the hell is Rock to judge him, but who the hell is Cena to judge or question The Rock after all he did for the business. See this is what this thing is all about Rock gave love to Cena in & outside of wrestling & Cena turned around & talked bad about The Rock in some damn interview. If Cena would have came to The Rock to begin w/Rock would have never talked bad about his ass.
Last night, Cena owned the Rock.

As a huge Rock fan, I believe in a battle of insults, nobody can keep up with him. However, Cena didn't play the insult game. Cena spoke truth. It sucked, because the Rock couldn't cut him and and yell, "It doesn't matter...that I went to Hollywood for 7 years and abansoned everybody here!" Everything Cena said was real. After cutting through all the catchphrases and insults, Rock said very little.

With that being said, the AA finish was great because it set up WM perfectly. WWE loves to leave a good taste in people's mouths after Mania. With everyone expecting Del Rio to win the Smack Down main event, it looked inevitable that Cena would win the WWE championship. Now, with him hitting his finisher on the Rock, WM can have two heel champions win, and finish with the Rock, who keeps getting the loudest pops, being the one costing Cena, or at the very least, hitting the Rock Bottom on him after Miz wins. People would go nuts for it.

I really can't see how Cena owned Rock. Both agreed that the time for talk was over, yet Cena came out and starting pouring his heart out about how the Rock is basically bullying him. However during Cena's little rant he missed out the most important part - the part that started all of this, the reason WHY Rock decided to own Cena the past month. Cena got a cheap AA on Rock and that was it, if anyone did any 'owning' last night it was Rock:

He kept it short and sweet, came out said hi to the fans, threw in typical Rock catchphrases, called out Cena, and then he knew talking wasn't necessary now. He done something that took Cena WEEKS to do - which was own the hell out of Miz and his bumbuddy Riley. Atleast 70% of the crowd were Team Bring It, Rock has and always will have the people on his side. This is a battle that Cena won't win face, he needs to be heel.

Roll on Sunday.
Cena does not need to turn heel. We all know that males 17-30 like to boo Cena and some of you do it. Cena's mixed reaction has been recognized for years and hell, even Cena has embraced it on some occasions like Wrestlemania 26. You ever wonder why J.R. and Cole always said he's the most controversial champion ever? That is the reason why.

Also, people who criticize Cena for not being able to do what Rock did don't understand proper booking.
I really can't see how Cena owned Rock. Both agreed that the time for talk was over, yet Cena came out and starting pouring his heart out about how the Rock is basically bullying him. However during Cena's little rant he missed out the most important part - the part that started all of this, the reason WHY Rock decided to own Cena the past month. Cena got a cheap AA on Rock and that was it, if anyone did any 'owning' last night it was Rock:

He kept it short and sweet, came out said hi to the fans, threw in typical Rock catchphrases, called out Cena, and then he knew talking wasn't necessary now. He done something that took Cena WEEKS to do - which was own the hell out of Miz and his bumbuddy Riley. Atleast 70% of the crowd were Team Bring It, Rock has and always will have the people on his side. This is a battle that Cena won't win face, he needs to be heel.

Roll on Sunday.

Agree. Cena didnt own him. The reason why cena sounded great in the promo because he was telling the truth, based on his own point of view and experience. The stuff he said was not from the script so that makes a huge differnece. A typical cena promo would only have a few mediocre joke and yelling for no reason.

Even though cena promo was good based on the content he said, i still dont like how he presented. Besides the purple shirt, it gets on my nerve seeing him acting funny and then seeing him crying in tear about how he love the business.
I dont know why
The Rock has posted the following on Twitter:

"John Cena - God himself can't save you from the ass kicking I will give you this Sunday at WrestleMania."

I really dont understand where the WWE is going with this. The title match is between Cena and the Miz. The rock is not involved with that. So you have the rock saying hes going to beat Cenas ass this sunday? When do you plan on doing this, before, during , or after the match? I dont think the Rock should have wrote that tweet because hes basically saying hes going to interfere with the Title match.

Very interested to see how this all plays out.
Besides from calling Cena a homeless power ranger (I gotta admit I even chuckled at that one but the the power rangers went out of style about 10 or so years ago) The Rock didn't really say much. Cena came out and spoke from the heart and Rock just kept hurling the same old worn out lines he did when he was still in the WWE. Now I am between 17-30 years old and Cena is my favorite wrestler and not because of his catchphrases or moves because lets be honest they are starting to wear a little thin. I am a Cena fan because no matter what he is always there working his ass off for the fans and unless he has a major injury he will always be there to work his ass off. The only two times he took a long time off is when he tore his pec and then again when he broke his collarbone or something of that nature other than that he has not taken much time off. You know The Rock can say that the WWE is his life but to be honest I'm not buying what he's selling because if WWE was really his life he would have come back a long time ago and he wouldn't be doing these pre taped speeches but rather be live in the ring. Even if it wasn't scripted The Rock deserved that AA because all he's been doing is showing disrespect toward Cena.
Wow,i'm so glad Rocky buried Cena. Cena didn't even go and try to confront him. He just went on kissing The Rock's ass and apologising. How weak,even for him. And then there what that moment when he was on the verge of crying while talking about how Rock bullies him and his 12 year old/soccer mom fans. So so weak,like a shoolgirl bitching because her boyfriend didn't pull it out of her mouth on time. Again,so so glad he buried him. And the whole crowd was fantastic,with the ROCKY! ROCKY! and CENA SUCKS! chants.

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