**Merged** Cena & Rock Discussion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!

Do you support The Rock or John Cena?

  • The Rock

  • John Cena

  • The Miz!!!!!

  • I'm just going to enjoy the show

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Cena's promo tonight was nothing amazing in my eyes. All he did was say what everyone already knows. He caters to kids and he's here week after week busting his tail. Well of course why wouldn't he be? He's a wrestler. Every one else in the locker room busts their tails as well so Cena talking like that made him better than Rocky was asinine. And let's not forget he was proud that he caters to kids. If you're a baby face like Cena everyone would love you. Most of the demographic can't stand him and if he turns heel he'll lose all the kids.

It doesn't matter what Cena says. Rocky is just too good. He just didn't get the chance because they ran out of time. If given the time he would have tore him down and I think that's a safe bet.
I have always said this about Cena as well he is almost on par with the likes of AE era superstars, his problem why it doesn't look like he could hang is because there is nobody on his level to make it interesting.
Just look at him since the Rocks return and he HAS to bring it or get clowned, pray for rock to stay at least until summerslam for their big finale. the IWC will all have his respect when its all said and done. Thats what The Rock or any quality opponent can do.
I just hope Vince sees this and demands better from the guys in the back and has them watch as the great of yesterday and today show what its like to create a story and keep the fans interest
Cena's promo tonight was nothing amazing in my eyes. All he did was say what everyone already knows. He caters to kids and he's here week after week busting his tail. Well of course why wouldn't he be? He's a wrestler. Every one else in the locker room busts their tails as well so Cena talking like that made him better than Rocky was asinine. And let's not forget he was proud that he caters to kids. If you're a baby face like Cena everyone would love you. Most of the demographic can't stand him and if he turns heel he'll lose all the kids.

It doesn't matter what Cena says. Rocky is just too good. He just didn't get the chance because they ran out of time. If given the time he would have tore him down and I think that's a safe bet.

He hadn't admitted that before. It's not necessarily that he caters to kids; he simply admitted that a lot of his fans were kids and he had no shame in that. I don't think Cena came out to say that he was "better" than The Rock. He just came out to face him man to man. This is what would make a Rock/Cena feud interesting; Rock would have to go the extra mile to really offend someone like Cena, while Cena would have to up his game to be in Rock's league. I say bring on the feud....it's refreshing. Who cares if Cena or Rock turns heel. In reality, a heel turn isn't really necessary, unless the crowd will it.
I have always said this about Cena as well he is almost on par with the likes of AE era superstars, his problem why it doesn't look like he could hang is because there is nobody on his level to make it interesting.
Just look at him since the Rocks return and he HAS to bring it or get clowned, pray for rock to stay at least until summerslam for their big finale. the IWC will all have his respect when its all said and done. Thats what The Rock or any quality opponent can do.
I just hope Vince sees this and demands better from the guys in the back and has them watch as the great of yesterday and today show what its like to create a story and keep the fans interest

I couldn't have said it better myself. There are few in the business who could go toe to toe with The Rock, in terms of mic skills. Maybe Jericho, but that's it. Cena is top of the game right now. Whether you like his gimmick or not, Cena is up there for a reason. When Rock & Austin left and when the Attitude era died, Cena carried the company. He had several memorable feuds, with the likes of Orton, Edge and Batista. Cena is one of those guys that is cool to hate, yet deep down, most of us mark to see him win and get the upper hand :)
Wow, some people really are NEVER happy with anything. The WWE gave us an AMAZING segment tonight with Cena, Miz, and Rock, and you somehow had to find something negative about it. And while it SEEMS predictable, anything can change during it and anything can happen.
Come on man that segment was awesome, cena looked strong for the second straight week, WWE wants it to be predictable, maybe rock does cost cena the belt, but maybe he takes out riley who tries to interfere or does something else to help cena saying he respects him, plus cena may have hit the AA but miz talked shit on the rock and didnt back it up, which rock has used in the past as an excuse to whoop someones ass. There are reasons to think he will interfere to help miz or to help cena, hell he might not even do anything, or he might come down after the match and attack cena or the miz, i honestly dont know and thats what the WWE wanted, i think they did a great job
But this just adds to the unpredicability of the overall WWE product. You can't honestly say that you saw Cena giving Rock and AA tonight. You seem for certain that Rock is going to interfere at Wrestlemania but we don't know that. The Rock will be there, FACT but will he get invovled who knows. Knowing the Rock's character traits he will probaly wait after the match to attack anyone because he has respect for the WWE. There is no reason as to why he would ulitmately ruin the Main Event. This would be bad writing for the WWE because the WWE Universe would feel ripped off. I see no logic behind saying how the entire promo was lame. You seem unappreciative of what the WWE has provided us with today and by doing this you are making a fool out of yourself.
Michael "Mr. WZNexus" V.;2979410 said:
Wow, some people really are NEVER happy with anything. The WWE gave us an AMAZING segment tonight with Cena, Miz, and Rock, and you somehow had to find something negative about it. And while it SEEMS predictable, anything can change during it and anything can happen.

I must admit, I agree with the last thing you said, but this segment wasn't amazing. The Rock came out and gave us a typical promo, though he nailed it well. John Cena comes out, and he honestly tries to get his point of view out there and defend himself. That segment was annoying as hell, and I've never been more annoyed. John Cena gave his views of The Rock, he even insulted him a bit, and he defended himself with a bunch of pointless reasons. What WWE was trying to do was make Cena look like the better man. And they did that by not letting Rock state why he hates John Cena. The Rock had plenty to say about Cena, he could've told him that Cena appealed so much to kids, that he lost the adult audience. Adults need a face of the company to cheer for, but Cena isn't the guy, even though he should be. If he's the face of the company, than why do people hate him so much? They boo'd him out of the building tonight, because he won't stop his ways of appealing exclusively to kids with not one inch of knowledge of how to get older fans on his side. And as for The Miz, he insulted The Rock big time... AGAIN. His promos every week are always the same, I'm better than you. I can beat you up. I will beat you up. Because I'm awesome, because I'm the WWE champion. The only real reason why he's good on the mic is because he never messes up, or accidentally hesitates. Otherwise, his storytelling is shit. And again, for John Cena, he tried to act emotional in his storylines, and it gets very annoying. The Rock had such little to say to The Miz and John Cena, this whole storyline was boring. The Miz gets hit with The Peoples Elbow, a nice surprise. John Cena cheaply hits The Rock with his AA, basically making ADULT FANS hate him more. Good going Cena. Unpredictability at it's FINEST!!!!
Yeah its too predictable now that Rock might screw cena out of the title. Although, I would have preferred to see Miz have clean win. Miz is definitely a better in-ring worker than cena is, and after having been champion for so many months straight, he can be given a clean win over the so-called 'cha(u)mp'.
the feud took a big leap tonight. glad that rock beat miz and riley. disappointed that tonight, cena got the better of the rock. i was hoping that rock and cena would have at it, least then it would be mano 'a' mano instead of cena giving the rock one AA then having it all end like that. disappointed but at least miz and alex got their just dessert from the rock. almost though that cena would help out rock instead of standing idly by and just watching but oh well..
Yeah its too predictable now that Rock might screw cena out of the title. Although, I would have preferred to see Miz have clean win. Miz is definitely a better in-ring worker than cena is, and after having been champion for so many months straight, he can be given a clean win over the so-called 'cha(u)mp'.

for one thing the miz sucks just as much as cena the only difference is that most people like cena more then miz, the miz is a joke plain and simple. alex is there again, so it wouldnt have been a clean win (if miz was to win, which i dont think will happen), cause alex always get involved. as for rock, obviously the rock will get involved to some extent. still hoping he returns to the wwe, which may happen soon (or he lied to us in those promos and will disappoint the world for another 7 years) which hopefully cena and rock would feud.
cena did not pown the rock tonight. the rock called out cena, cena came out and spoke for a few minutes, then the rock got one line in. what did you expect? how exactly did anything that cena say own the rock. he basically said im rubber your glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you. rock pretty much just said he wanted to fight, and cena was again kinda immature.

now i actually liked cena's promo. it seemed from the heart, and it seems that his words were also directed at the audience that boos him. but he said he would do it to the rock face to face, yet he snuck up on the rock to give him the aa. kinda made it seem like it was cena who was full of shit. either way, im excited for mania now.
Has anyone realized that the WWE is doing with Cena and The Rock the same thing that they did with Rock and Hogan? Think about that night: Hogan cuts the first promo, the Rock responds with a longer promo with Hogan only interjecting a few words here and there. Ends up with Hogan getting Rock-Bottomed. Just like tonight, Cena, the younger mega-star, got one over on the Rock. Same basic formula.

The only mistake The WWE made was having Alex Riley accompany The Miz to the ring. It automatically made The Miz seem the weakest out of the 3, before he ever opened his mouth. Other than that, this was a great segment and one that reminded me of the good old days.
I honestly think the WWE is trying to turn Cena heel with these latest actions, and I think it worked. I don't see how anyone who is over the age of 13 will cheer for Cena in the near future after sneaking an AA on the Rock.A baby-face does not sneak attack another baby-face. Let's face it, I think the WWE is giving the adult audience what they finally asked for, a true reason to hate Cena. I know at this point I can't stand Cena. I bet in the very near future Cena will be hearing plenty of what he heard from the crowd tonight in Chicago and that is a lot of boo's.
Cena attacked Rock from behind like a COWARD AKA A HEEL!

Did Cena's heel turn begin tonight? Gotta figure ROCKY will screw that big fat phony John Cena
Did anyone else feel like Cena was playing the heel when he did that. It made me a little upset, as a kayfabe wrestling fan, that Cena caught him off guard instead of striking him face to face.

The crowd reaction was insane; it made me feel a little bit bad for Cena. Like he said in his promo, he is proud of what he does, and he really does bust his ass. So for him to get the "Cena Sucks" treatment was a little disheartening.

I had mix emotions through out the entire Rock-Cena-Miz promo.

What did you guys think about it?
Cena attacked Rock from behind like a COWARD AKA A HEEL!

Did Cena's heel turn begin tonight? Gotta figure ROCKY will screw that big fat phony John Cena

I don't believe there turning Cena heel he was just sending Rock a message since he let his guard down. Rock/Austin/HBK & a few other faces use to catch ppl w/there finishers all the time when they was off guard so it's not always a heel that does this.
He showed what a hypocrite he is, once again!

Mr. Squeaky Clean John Cena, the once former Rapper who used to have a disgusting mouth, but now is a wannabe marine who tries to be a fake hero to "kids", cowardly attacks Rocky from behind.

Cena is the face of PG WWE and it sucks, and he just spit on the face of the attitude era fan! Heel tactic for sure!
I had mixed feelings kinda cause I did feel where Cena was coming from w/some of his statements & seeing as he kinda looked like he was about to come to tears cause he seemed so into his words, but it was he who started this thing by judging Rock's decision to move on from wrestling for a min to start another career. So some of his statements sounded backwards, but I don't feel like he was being a heel when he attacked Rock from behind, he was just sending a message. How many times have Rock/Austin/HBK & other faces have done the samething, so I don't think he is turning heel nor do I think it was heel of him to do it, Rock should have been on guard.

I was pretty excited when he hit Rock w/the FU cause I was like Rock gon get that ass at Wrestlemania & then they gotta have a match now it just wouldn't be right if they didn't. I personally believe that they will fight at SummerSlam & Rock will lose there & then they will have a rematch at Mania 28 where Rock will win. The reason I feel this way is because Rock said in an interview that now that his foot is really good in Hollywood he feels like he can do both acting & WWE since he injoys both, & Cena said that he wanted to have more than just one match w/The Rock so here's hoping for some great action between the two of them in the near future.
Exactly how I thought it would be. I told you the wwe won't allow rocky to go head to head with cena live on the same ring, that would be too risky. Cena did the smart thing, he sucked up to rock. Actually, I was against rocky's return from the start, because I knew he's not young anymore, and it's a bit late to make a comeback. Did you see rock's kip up? Man back in the day...I hope he go back to retirement after WM, I want to remember him as 30yrs old rocky.

Now, It's safe to say rock will screw cena at mania.
The crowd was mixed for him tonight, but Chicago is always like that, and when he hit the AA the crowd erupted with cheers. He was being a face, HBK, Austin, Rock, RKO, Edge are all faces that on occasion hit their finisher when the opponent isnt expecting it, its not for sure a heel thing, people are reading too far into this, it was the only way to make Rock return to fighting, and own the miz, and make Cena have the last action/word..so at the end of the day Rock beat down miz and Cena shut up the rock just because the Rock wasnt looking doesnt mean anything at all, he waited and had him turn around...it was something faces do from time to time, just because you come into a ring when someones not looking and then hit them with your finisher doesnt make you a heel, as i said earlier other faces do it all the time...hell Cena did it to Nexus members a ton. And Rock may be a face also, but he talked down on Cena so that means they can still lock up even if they are both faces
Sorry, i see that what i said is kind of getting misinterpreted. I didn't mean to say that Cena was a heel because of what he did, it just felt under-handed to me; the atmosphere of the confrontation just felt like something different all together. It was a weird atmosphere for me.
Exactly how I thought it would be. I told you the wwe won't allow rocky to go head to head with cena live on the same ring, that would be too risky. Cena did the smart thing, he sucked up to rock. Actually, I was against rocky's return from the start, because I knew he's not young anymore, and it's a bit late to make a comeback. Did you see rock's kip up? Man back in the day...I hope he go back to retirement after WM, I want to remember him as 30yrs old rocky.

Now, It's safe to say rock will screw cena at mania.

I read some interview where Rock said seeing that his foot is really good into Hollywood now he feels like he could do both, but I do agree w/u I wasn't really up for him coming back either just cause I didn't want to see him lose lease not in his 1st match back. I also noticed how he didn't seem as graceful as he normally does in the ring, but that can be expected seeing that he has been away for a min. I noticed the samething w/HBK in some of his 1st matches back, but it didn't take long for him to smooth things out & I expect no different from The Rock. I will say he played the nip up off pretty well I bet he was like damn I wonder if they noticed that, shit I really I'm rusty lol.
How did I feel? First thing that said in my head was "I got tickets to Summerslam, guys. Please have a match at that event." Second...I felt torn. I love Cena but I also love The Rock. My reaction was...mixed since I like both.
The crowd was mixed for him tonight, but Chicago is always like that, and when he hit the AA the crowd erupted with cheers. He was being a face, HBK, Austin, Rock, RKO, Edge are all faces that on occasion hit their finisher when the opponent isnt expecting it, its not for sure a heel thing, people are reading too far into this, it was the only way to make Rock return to fighting, and own the miz, and make Cena have the last action/word..so at the end of the day Rock beat down miz and Cena shut up the rock just because the Rock wasnt looking doesnt mean anything at all, he waited and had him turn around...it was something faces do from time to time, just because you come into a ring when someones not looking and then hit them with your finisher doesnt make you a heel, as i said earlier other faces do it all the time...hell Cena did it to Nexus members a ton. And Rock may be a face also, but he talked down on Cena so that means they can still lock up even if they are both faces

Mixed? Nothing was mixed with the entire crowd was chanting Cena sucks. Erupted in cheers? The crowd booed him out of the building the entire time, esp when he hit him with the AA. I disagree with you on that. Back to the main question though. I felt kinda shocked cuz i didnt expect that. Cena was talking about facing the Rock like a man face to face, yet pulled a heel move and caught him from behind. Made him seem like a hypocrite. On the other hand, i enjoyed it because now i know the rock is going to get revenge.

I was SO SCARED that when the rock was getting beat down , that Cena was going to come in the ring and help him, and make them somewhat cool with eachother. I applaud WWE for not doing that. Now i legit have no idea whats going to happen at mania but i hope it ends with Rock costing Cena the title and also rock bottoming MIZ .. Setting up a match each with both of them.

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