**Merged** Cena & Rock Discussion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!

Do you support The Rock or John Cena?

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  • John Cena

  • The Miz!!!!!

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He showed what a hypocrite he is, once again!

Mr. Squeaky Clean John Cena, the once former Rapper who used to have a disgusting mouth, but now is a wannabe marine who tries to be a fake hero to "kids", cowardly attacks Rocky from behind.

Cena is the face of PG WWE and it sucks, and he just spit on the face of the attitude era fan! Heel tactic for sure!

LOL stop starting this shit in every fucking thread get over it. WWe tells him what to do and if they want him to be a rapper so be it. And what he does now is his own free will, he helps all the children and everyone in need to entertain us so fucking appreciate it for fuck sake. All u idiots stop complaing about pg era attitude era, WRESTLING IS FUCKING WRESTILING.
Sorry, i see that what i said is kind of getting misinterpreted. I didn't mean to say that Cena was a heel because of what he did, it just felt under-handed to me; the atmosphere of the confrontation just felt like something different all together. It was a weird atmosphere for me.

The atmosphere wasn't really different for me, but I do see where you are coming from when you say Cena's action did seem kinda under handed after those heart felt words he said.
the fact that the writers scripted for The Rock to have this built up momentous return to the ring to face Cena and the Miz face to face ONLY to have Cena get him in the FU at the end shows that they gave Cena ENTIRELY TOO MUCH JUICE for that one! I mean c'mon for the real fans who have heard what Cena said about Rock when he left and for The Rock to talk so much smack about how he was gonna whoop his ass, and knowing EVERYONE wanted to see Cena get AT THE LEAST a rock bottom, WWE Creative REALLLLLY thought it was a good idea to have Cena leave as the last man standing??? smh. i mean it was already a fail when they allowed Swagger to put JR in the ankle lock but now they let Cena look untouchable next to the Rock??? smh was really disappointed that they played out the first RAW where Rock & Cena were FINALLY in the same ring together the way that they did.
I felt pissed off, if I'm honest. Simply because I am part of "Team Bring It" have been since the day I started watching wrestling, I wanted Rock to kick the living crap out of Cena, but for Cena to be a hypocrite and catch him from behind was a complete pisstake for hardcore Rock fans like myself.

On the other hand there is a part of me that is glad Cena hit the AA on Rock, everyone knows that Rock is the type of guy who will do anything in his power to get revenge - and that he will, on Sunday. And then hopefully Cena turns heel and they have a match at Summerslam. Because let's be honest Rock has tonnes more fans than Cena, he is respected more, he is overall a better WWE superstar so if one of them has to be heel then it's Cena, the fans will make him heel.

Glad Miz got his ass whooped.

And did anyone else feel that Cena was acting like a bullied little school girl when he was pouring his heart out to Rock? It seemed to me Cena was trying to suck up to him, but he played in tactical, waited for Rock to finish off Miz and then got Rock from behind.
the fact that the writers scripted for The Rock to have this built up momentous return to the ring to face Cena and the Miz face to face ONLY to have Cena get him in the FU at the end shows that they gave Cena ENTIRELY TOO MUCH JUICE for that one! I mean c'mon for the real fans who have heard what Cena said about Rock when he left and for The Rock to talk so much smack about how he was gonna whoop his ass, and knowing EVERYONE wanted to see Cena get AT THE LEAST a rock bottom, WWE Creative REALLLLLY thought it was a good idea to have Cena leave as the last man standing??? smh. i mean it was already a fail when they allowed Swagger to put JR in the ankle lock but now they let Cena look untouchable next to the Rock??? smh was really disappointed that they played out the first RAW where Rock & Cena were FINALLY in the same ring together the way that they did.

You're either really new at this, you have no intelligent thought of your own and live by having the words "breathe in and breathe out played on a loop for you every day, or you recently took a blow to the head.

Anyway, it was an amazing sight. I mean say this to yourself: John Cena just hit the Attitude Adjustment on The Rock. Say that in your heads a bit. This actually happened. I can't count how many threads I've seen talking about Cena vs. Rock and I kept saying it would never happen and tonight, John Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment on The Rock. That actually happened. That's a moment that's going to be on highlight reels for years as it's something that is going to take time to set in.
Cena did look a bit heelish, but if they wanted him to get the heel role, they would make him grab rocks foot when he was at the ropes delivering the elbow. I felt a little bad for Cena, though I am starting to get bored at his gimmick, when they were talking, he made a good point as a face. I think the better ending of the RAW would be The Rock actually countering the AA and just kick cena, no elbow, no rock bottom. Just to keep him on the ground... He would Salute to the millions and leave. As Cena and Miz get up in the ring and face each other, the GM stops them in the context: Save it for mania. That way we would accomplish 3 things:
*The Rock could still be a little bit wounded, but wouldn't acctually eat Cenas finisher, wich is good, cuz that is (or is supposed to be) the final insult
*The Miz would not become a 3rd wheel
*Cena vs. Miz would get more steam and would be more well balanced, as we had a glims of Miz beating down Cena, than Cena beating Miz - now they are even and face to face....
LOL stop starting this shit in every fucking thread get over it. WWe tells him what to do and if they want him to be a rapper so be it. And what he does now is his own free will, he helps all the children and everyone in need to entertain us so fucking appreciate it for fuck sake. All u foggots stop complaing about pg era attitude era, WRESTLING IS FUCKING WRESTILING.

Kill all that name calling man you don't have to insult ppl just to get your point across, on top of that Cena not only is a rapper he enjoys to do it, so it wasn't just the WWE that had him be the rapper that was mostly his idea & free will also. Noone is gonna stop voicing there opinion on how bad the product is intel the product gets better, now tonight was great but overall The PG era does indeed suck!!! The Attitude & Ruthless Aggression era wasn't perfect by no means but it is a fact that things was better then compared to now.
wasnt a heel move rocky woulda done the same thing (kayfabe)
Cena beat him to the draw and now thi gives rock reason to cost cena his match.

Was amazig to see the AA on rock.

EVEN more amazing to see rocky fuck up his kipup haha but dope ddt and peoples elbow.

Chicago crowd was dope from the punk chants to one more match chants for hbk but they were to harsh on cena. Cena dereves better then what hes getting, fuckin dope to see him hit the AAAAAAAA
I read some interview where Rock said seeing that his foot is really good into Hollywood now he feels like he could do both, but I do agree w/u I wasn't really up for him coming back either just cause I didn't want to see him lose lease not in his 1st match back. I also noticed how he didn't seem as graceful as he normally does in the ring, but that can be expected seeing that he has been away for a min. I noticed the samething w/HBK in some of his 1st matches back, but it didn't take long for him to smooth things out & I expect no different from The Rock. I will say he played the nip up off pretty well I bet he was like damn I wonder if they noticed that, shit I really I'm rusty lol.

HBK was out for 4yrs, rock was out for 7yrs. You see rock's style is more of a fast paced style or should I say explosive style, which means he need to be young and athletic enough.. that's not the case with hbk, hbk has more than 1 styles, he could be a highflyer, he could be a brawler, he could be a shooter, he could be a technican, he could be whatever he wanted to be, simply because he's the greatest damn performer of all time. I really didn't like rock's last match(WM20) I saw a decline in his performance, you can tell he wasn't the same. After that, he did the right thing, he quitted while he was ahead. 1st I was just like all of you pissed off, but 3yrs later I let go, he was right there was nothing left for him to prove.

I'm happy that he's back and all that, but I don't want him to wrestle, that will do him nothing but tranishing his career.
I know where you're coming from. It did seem sort of un-Cena-like. I was more surprised by him just standing on the outside while Miz and Reilly double-teamed The Rock. I can't really remember him ever doing that. He usually plays the superhero and makes the save, but I think that is what makes the AA seem more heelish. He was like a snake in the grass; waiting for Rock's attention to be diverted. The "You Can't See Me" didn't help, especially with the fans booing him. I don't know if they wanted him to appear like a heel for that moment, but that was the impression that I got from it.
You're either really new at this, you have no intelligent thought of your own and live by having the words "breathe in and breathe out played on a loop for you every day, or you recently took a blow to the head.

Anyway, it was an amazing sight. I mean say this to yourself: John Cena just hit the Attitude Adjustment on The Rock. Say that in your heads a bit. This actually happened. I can't count how many threads I've seen talking about Cena vs. Rock and I kept saying it would never happen and tonight, John Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment on The Rock. That actually happened. That's a moment that's going to be on highlight reels for years as it's something that is going to take time to set in.

I agree 100%. I am not a fan of John Cena at all, I was a fan of The Rock before he left and came to terms with the idea that he would never return. I had assumed that he may come back sporadically for the occasional ratings boost (ie host a Raw, comment on a certain angle) but I never thought he'd come back long term.

It was to the point where I would tell people that kept wanting him to come back, that it would NEVER happen.

To see what I saw on RAW tonight, was a momentus occasion. The Rock was given the AA by John Cena. The friggin Rock and John friggin Cena. In the same ring.

It gets no better. Two of the most over superstars the WWE has ever produced, from two totally different eras. For years alot of people, including myself, would have laughed our asses off if someone said this would happen, but it did.

A great way for WWE to set up The Rock costing Cena the title and an even better way to set up the main event for SummerSlam.
HBK was out for 4yrs, rock was out for 7yrs. You see rock's style is more of a fast paced style or should I say explosive style, which means he need to be young and athletic enough.. that's not the case with hbk, hbk has more than 1 styles, he could be a highflyer, he could be a brawler, he could be a shooter, he could be a technican, he could be whatever he wanted to be, simply because he's the greatest damn performer of all time. I really didn't like rock's last match(WM20) I saw a decline in his performance, you can tell he wasn't the same. After that, he did the right thing, he quitted while he was ahead. 1st I was just like all of you pissed off, but 3yrs later I let go, he was right there was nothing left for him to prove.

I'm happy that he's back and all that, but I don't want him to wrestle, that will do him nothing but tranishing his career.

I didn't notice anything wrong w/his performance at Mania 20 he seemed ok to me besides that fact that they lost in the end which I didn't understand that. Now I did notice that he physically didn't look as intimidating as he normally did cause he had tone down I guess for movies but he looks pretty jacked now, & on top of that his body has had many years to rest so I think he should be fine as long as he works the bugs out so to speak before he steps back in the ring for a 15 to 30min match. I believe he will make the needed adjustments much like Taker has done over the years. I was also upset when he left but I understood his reasons, & realized how smart of him it was to leave when he did. I don't feel like he has anything to prove either cause he really has done it all in his era, but I gotta say as a fan it feels good to see him back for a min & the stare down that he had w/both Cena & Miz did have me pretty hype tonight. I think he will be fine in a few more matches but I don't wont him pulling Hogan & Flair moves never wanting to quit.
HBK was out for 4yrs, rock was out for 7yrs. You see rock's style is more of a fast paced style or should I say explosive style, which means he need to be young and athletic enough.. that's not the case with hbk, hbk has more than 1 styles, he could be a highflyer, he could be a brawler, he could be a shooter, he could be a technican, he could be whatever he wanted to be, simply because he's the greatest damn performer of all time. I really didn't like rock's last match(WM20) I saw a decline in his performance, you can tell he wasn't the same. After that, he did the right thing, he quitted while he was ahead. 1st I was just like all of you pissed off, but 3yrs later I let go, he was right there was nothing left for him to prove.

I'm happy that he's back and all that, but I don't want him to wrestle, that will do him nothing but tranishing his career.

Well, it would depend. It would depend on what type of match that they would have. If they have a "No Holds Barred" type of match, then the match could be very, very good. The Rock's style wouldn't be a big factor in that type of match.

I'm going to give him a pass on the kip up. That move is hard to do, especially if you haven't done it in awhile. I'm sure he'll stick it the next time. I'll be honest. I didn't think that The Miz and Alex Reilly sold his moves very well. Reilly, especially, with The Rock's punches. And, I couldn't help but get distracted by Miz's coat flying all over the place. It just made it seem awkward. I'm not trying to use this as a excuse for Rock's kip up, but Miz was extremely close after the DDT. Maybe that hindered his kip up? Didn't he use to be farther away from his opponent when he did that? I don't know. It's just a possibility.
I am now almost certain that cena will completely turn heel come mania. rock called him out, cena did his little bitchy speach, which i still think was good, but made him come off as a bitch kinda. then the rock just said that he would whoop his ass, and cena says he'll do it face to face. miz and riley come out. cena leaves for some reason and doesnt help the rock in the beat down. rock beats both guys, and cena attacks him after the beatdown, and when the rock's back was turned. completely heel move from cena, and he showed that he was the bitch in the situation, not the rock.

and as for the rock fucking up the pop up, if you rewatch it, you see that the miz's arm was in the way, so he didnt get good leverage in his pop up. sorry rocky haters, while a bit of ring rust was evident, the rock still looked damn good whooping ass.
i feel the rock is going to interfere and cost cena the title, when cena hit the AA i think he did it for everyone who felt like the rock turned his back on wrestling from hhh, hbk, taker, so on and so forth. i think they are going to have an excellent match when it goes down
I for one enjoyed it because this is the perfect opportunity for Cena to turn heel. And whufc1994 you said Cena was acting like a bullied little school girl when he was pouring his heart out to Rock, well what's the difference between Cena saying what he said and The Rock saying how Cena insulted him and his family? If Cena was being a little girl then so was the Rock. I just hope that this results in Cena FINALLY turning heel.
It needed to be done to make him look strong. The WWE couldn't just have there star of the last 5 years look useless. Also after having Miz and Riley look like complete wusses, so they had to do it to save face. Plus it showed he couldn't be bullied and set up for something for everything.
I'm a little torn on this. In some ways, I feel like Rock has been playing the role of heel in this whole thing. What Cena did is send a message to Rock. "Rock, you disrespected the business. You walked away and never looked back. You went Hollywood. Now you just want to walk back in after weeks of satellite time and act like you are here to stay? Bring It? Well, HERE IT IS!!"

So people want to say it was a heel act. Maybe in some ways the act in itself is a heel act. BUT, it wouldn't be the first time a face has pulled such an act. As an example I give face Shawn Michaels superkicking then also face Hulk Hogan.
I think The Rock has never been in a better psychical state in he's career, if you look at his last match at WM20 compared to now, he has beefed up alot whilst doing all the movies.

Obviously he had abit of ring rust last night as he hadn't layeth'd the smackdown for a few years, but he still looked awesome and I think over time (if he stays with us) he will become his old self with his explosive athleticism.

As for the kick up fail, Miz' arm was in the way, so not Rock's fault. :D
You're either really new at this, you have no intelligent thought of your own and live by having the words "breathe in and breathe out played on a loop for you every day, or you recently took a blow to the head.

Anyway, it was an amazing sight. I mean say this to yourself: John Cena just hit the Attitude Adjustment on The Rock. Say that in your heads a bit. This actually happened. I can't count how many threads I've seen talking about Cena vs. Rock and I kept saying it would never happen and tonight, John Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment on The Rock. That actually happened. That's a moment that's going to be on highlight reels for years as it's something that is going to take time to set in.

typical wrestlezone mod attitude, to act like a complete douche bag to someone whos just stating their opinion. Its sad that this forum is ran by marks like you, grow up, its just an internet forum. Im sure youll delete this and ban me, thats cool, have fun with that.

I keep reading a few of the replies before me, and i see some people actually said "mixed reaction"?? wow, there was nothing of a mixed reaction there when even cena acknowledges the entire crowd is chanting "cena sucks"
The only good thing that can come out of this terrible ending to raw is The Rock costing cena the title and giving him a rock bottom. I for one am not that excited over this cause i mean, its not the rock vs hogan or someone that actually matters, we have a terrible wrestlemania in the horizon. BTW anyone see the mania ad? they named and showed the rock and austin as being featured on the show before cena and their wwe champion... ridiculous and just shows you the state of wwe, and their current lackluster roster.
I'm a little torn on this. In some ways, I feel like Rock has been playing the role of heel in this whole thing. What Cena did is send a message to Rock. "Rock, you disrespected the business. You walked away and never looked back. You went Hollywood. Now you just want to walk back in after weeks of satellite time and act like you are here to stay? Bring It? Well, HERE IT IS!!"

So people want to say it was a heel act. Maybe in some ways the act in itself is a heel act. BUT, it wouldn't be the first time a face has pulled such an act. As an example I give face Shawn Michaels superkicking then also face Hulk Hogan.

Yeah, but technically, didn't that turn Shawn heel? I'm pretty sure that he played the heel role after that. I remember him making fun of the fans and other things. Now, they were hilarious, but they were still heel things. I think the reason that Cena's actions made him look like a heel is because he physically attacked The Rock first. You've got to admit that if you knew nothing about the product and didn't see what proceeded that, you would think, "Look at that cheap shot. The other guy wasn't even looking." I think that is where the heel act perception is coming from.
Yeah, but technically, didn't that turn Shawn heel? I'm pretty sure that he played the heel role after that. I remember him making fun of the fans and other things. Now, they were hilarious, but they were still heel things. I think the reason that Cena's actions made him look like a heel is because he physically attacked The Rock first. You've got to admit that if you knew nothing about the product and didn't see what proceeded that, you would think, "Look at that cheap shot. The other guy wasn't even looking." I think that is where the heel act perception is coming from.

No. I don't believe that Shawn turned heel. If you recall, he superkicked Hogan to get his attention and get the match. I just watched the end of the match on YouTube to confirm my thoughts and I was right. At the conclusion of the match Michaels comes back in the ring and shakes Hogans hand before he walks off. Shawn made the heel move of the Superkick and took the heel role in the lead up and match but in the end he was always face. That is my perception as well with what is going on with Rock and Cena. You can argue that either Cena or Rock is in a heel role (my argument is Rock is the antagonist or heel). But really they are both still face.
I think the issue here is that Cena made this big deal about coming out "face to face like a man" and "hustle loyalty and respect" and then attacked the Rock from behind when he wasn't looking. I mean even the Miz attacked from the front. I got the point that they didn't want Cena looking weak going into 'mania, but I felt that after all his big talk, it was a cowardly move. Sure Austin, taker, etc etc all have done the same thing, but that was there personas. Thats not who Cena has been or claims to be, and thats why it left a bad taste in my mouth.
Ofcourse it was a nice move that Cena hit AA on The Rock. It is far from fail. This is Raw 28 3 11, it was NOT the biggest event of the year. Who stays above on this episode of Raw does not even matter.
It was absolutely brilliant. The Rock put Cena over huge last night by letting him control most of the talking and Cena showed that he is one of the best on the mic today. Cena AA'ing Rock will be in the highlight reel for years to come and anyone who thinks that Cena is a hypocrite because he attacked the Rock from behind needs to get over themselves.

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