**Merged** Cena & Rock Discussion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!

Do you support The Rock or John Cena?

  • The Rock

  • John Cena

  • The Miz!!!!!

  • I'm just going to enjoy the show

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one of the funniest part of cena promo was when he was talking about the kids been his fans than they showed that 1 lil kid who looked like he was about to cry hahahaah classic..... wwe got some good people working those cameras
I think for me personally. Cena owned the Rock so much that it made me sway more towards him than the great one. He just spoke from the heart, which sadly killed what excitement I had about two giants facing off and beating eachother up, but it really made me look at the fued differently. It came off to me that Cena acted like a man, and The Rock acted like a child. Seriously, what problem does The Rock have with Cena?

When he first appeared on RAW it was awesome, I didn't really think about why he was so pissed off with Cena and just enjoyed it. Them trading insults was great to watch and I was expecting some epic face off. After Cena's speech however I felt a little bit deflated, no where near as interested in seeing them face off and just wondering how long The Rock was going to be around. I don't think a fued should ever make you think so much that it kills the excitement, I'd rather Cena just throw some insults and go nose to nose with the Rock.

Now Rocky just seems a bit pathetic, all he could say to Cena was a lame threat instead of answering anything honestly. Sadly that's because if he answered honestly no one would want to hear it, that's why I think Cena owned the Rock.

Thank god Cena AA'd him at the end otherwise the whole fued would be flat, now I'm a little bit excited again to see where they take this.
Cena verbally and physically owned the Rock on in this segment. The Attitude Adjustment was the icing on the cake. The may be Cena's best promo he ever did, speaking from the heart and being totally serious and angry with the Rock.

Those Cena hater's can take their gay jokes, their middle finger's, their boo's, their personal hatred for a guy they've never meet, their Austin 3:16 shirt's from 1998, their Cheeto's, their mountian dew, their sad pathetic excuses to why Cena's a bad wrestler, turn them sideways, and stick them up their candy-asses!

Cena owned one of the Attitude Era's biggest faces tonight. Team Bring it? Nah, I'm in the Cenation.
The difference is the one between style and substance. The Rock's promo was full of style, but Cena's was full of substance. Take away the catchphrases and the 15 year old pop culture references, what did the Rock even say? The Rock is GREAT at the insult/comic promos, but he is incapable of genuinely speaking from the heart like John Cena is. The Rock fans who actually believe that the Rock got the better of John Cena last night, and not the other way around are missing the forest for the trees. They can't focus on anything but "OMG, THE ROCK SAID STICK IT STRAIGHT UP YOUR CANDY ASS JUST LIKE HE DID 10 YEARS AGO! OMGOMGOMGOMG! OH SHIT! HE JUST MADE A POWER RANGERS JOKE! OMFG THAT WAS SOOOO FUNNY HE IS AWESOME!", and it causes them to miss the actual substance of what the Rock was saying...which was very little. Put away the nostalgia blinders. Yes, its the Rock. Yes he is hugely over. We know. We watched him the first time, ten years ago.

I don't want to bash the Rock. I love the Rock. I have been watching wrestling since the early 1980s, and he is one of the most entertaining wrestlers I have ever seen. But, in this instance, and in this ONE instance, he is in the wrong, and Cena is in the right. Cena has yet to say anything that wasn't the god's honest truth about the Rock, and all the Rock can bring to the table is insults, and while they are funny, they are non-substantive.
The difference is the one between style and substance. The Rock's promo was full of style, but Cena's was full of substance. Take away the catchphrases and the 15 year old pop culture references, what did the Rock even say? The Rock is GREAT at the insult/comic promos, but he is incapable of genuinely speaking from the heart like John Cena is. The Rock fans who actually believe that the Rock got the better of John Cena last night, and not the other way around are missing the forest for the trees. They can't focus on anything but "OMG, THE ROCK SAID STICK IT STRAIGHT UP YOUR CANDY ASS JUST LIKE HE DID 10 YEARS AGO! OMGOMGOMGOMG! OH SHIT! HE JUST MADE A POWER RANGERS JOKE! OMFG THAT WAS SOOOO FUNNY HE IS AWESOME!", and it causes them to miss the actual substance of what the Rock was saying...which was very little. Put away the nostalgia blinders. Yes, its the Rock. Yes he is hugely over. We know. We watched him the first time, ten years ago.

I don't want to bash the Rock. I love the Rock. I have been watching wrestling since the early 1980s, and he is one of the most entertaining wrestlers I have ever seen. But, in this instance, and in this ONE instance, he is in the wrong, and Cena is in the right. Cena has yet to say anything that wasn't the god's honest truth about the Rock, and all the Rock can bring to the table is insults, and while they are funny, they are non-substantive.

Did you even see The Rock speak from the heart a couple of weeks ago.

Cena was same old corny ass Cena. He loves little kids, The Rock has made movies for little kids. He loves hip hop, where did The Rock ever say he didnt like hip hop. He's been with the WWE for 9 years, well wasnt The Rock bustin his ass for years with the WWE aswell, He grew up on the road due to his both his father and mother being in the wrestling business. You honestly think he does not love the business.

Cena judged The Rock first and said he was a liar and didnt love the business. Rock replied to him in a heartfelt promo but all Cena can reply to is The Rock making fun of him. Cena fans are gonna run with this, honestly go watch that little speech again that shit sucked balls. Cena was like Eminem at the end of 8 mile. "Fuck yall if yall doubt me Im a piece of white trash I say it proudly.
Cena verbally and physically owned the Rock on in this segment. The Attitude Adjustment was the icing on the cake. The may be Cena's best promo he ever did, speaking from the heart and being totally serious and angry with the Rock.

Those Cena hater's can take their gay jokes, their middle finger's, their boo's, their personal hatred for a guy they've never meet, their Austin 3:16 shirt's from 1998, their Cheeto's, their mountian dew, their sad pathetic excuses to why Cena's a bad wrestler, turn them sideways, and stick them up their candy-asses!

Cena owned one of the Attitude Era's biggest faces tonight. Team Bring it? Nah, I'm in the Cenation.

Okay I can tell by reading most of your comments that you are a blind Cena Lover, but come on man REALLY how did Cena own Rock verbally? Cena came out & said a bunch of shit about he been wanting Rock back in a ring & that he was one of the ppl & that Rock belongs there w/him & the rest of the WWE & that the ppl missed him. Then he goes off & makes it seem like Rock really doesn't have a real problem w/him & that he just likes to make fun of him as a person. WHAT!!!! Cena said who is The Rock to judge him when in fact it was Cena that started this whole thing by judging The Rock!!! The same man that help make the way for Cena's ass & then showed Cena love on his success inside & outside the ring, but what does Cena do? Talk shit about The Rock & then when he is face to face w/Rock dance around the fact that he started this shit to begin with.

Now I will agree w/u he did catch Rock w/a mean FU, but in his promo he tried to play victim. His delivery was good the best I done seen from him but most of the shit he was talking about was some ass kissing BS.
WHAT!!!! Cena said who is The Rock to judge him when in fact it was Cena that started this whole thing by judging The Rock!!! The same man that help make the way for Cena's ass & then showed Cena love on his success inside & outside the ring, but what does Cena do? Talk shit about The Rock & then when he is face to face w/Rock dance around the fact that he started this shit to begin with.

this is very true.. john cena is a HYPOCRITE and a bit JEALOUS of the rocks success im thinking.. some wrestling fans are such morons to think the rock turned his back on the wwe he put the wwe on the map and after 7 years he put it BACK ON THE MAP shit load of wrestling fans stopped watching and are now back watching cause of the rock... i dont care if the rock leaves RIGHT after wrestlemania go get your money let cena break his back for the fans who hate him and boo him, cena spent his hole life for this wrestling business good for him cause this is all he can do without it he wont EAT !!!!! he cant make it outside of wrestling and he knows it...
this is very true.. john cena is a HYPOCRITE and a bit JEALOUS of the rocks success im thinking.. some wrestling fans are such morons to think the rock turned his back on the wwe he put the wwe on the map and after 7 years he put it BACK ON THE MAP shit load of wrestling fans stopped watching and are now back watching cause of the rock... i dont care if the rock leaves RIGHT after wrestlemania go get your money let cena break his back for the fans who hate him and boo him, cena spent his hole life for this wrestling business good for him cause this is all he can do without it he wont EAT !!!!! he cant make it outside of wrestling and he knows it...

What are you high. Rock came back and told everybody what they wanted to hear after 7 years of pre taped promos and you idiots ate it up like candy. Don't get me wrong I loved Rock in the attitude era as much as the next guy but for him to come back and insult the top star in the WWE today, it's like he can't let go of the past or something. Cena really didn't insult the Rock during his promos the last couple of weeks he told the truth and all the Rock can do is hurl insults at Cena that even a kindergardener can top. Cenation will be in full force at mania.
this is very true.. john cena is a HYPOCRITE and a bit JEALOUS of the rocks success im thinking.. some wrestling fans are such morons to think the rock turned his back on the wwe he put the wwe on the map and after 7 years he put it BACK ON THE MAP shit load of wrestling fans stopped watching and are now back watching cause of the rock... i dont care if the rock leaves RIGHT after wrestlemania go get your money let cena break his back for the fans who hate him and boo him, cena spent his hole life for this wrestling business good for him cause this is all he can do without it he wont EAT !!!!! he cant make it outside of wrestling and he knows it...

I have to disagree with you on a couple of points you made. Now granted, im a huge Rock fan and always have been, but I am also a fan of Cena. That being said, everything that was said by Cena has been accurate. The Rock DID leave the WWE and he DID disassociate himself with the WWE. Remember when he didn't want to be known as the ROCK, but only Dwayne? Now granted, I understood, because he wanted to make it on his own, but to come back and say he has always been with the people is far from the truth. He is now a hit in Hollywood and I commend him for that, but while he left, Cena was here and I've followed him ever since he slapped K. Angle in the face talking about Ruthless Agression. You say the fans hate him and boo him, but who is the top seller in the company? That's right...John Cena.

Now what I will agree with is The ROCK has made WM27 much more interesting to watch, but I was gonna watch whether he was there or not. I have for the 7 years he's been gone and I will when he decides to leave again.
I've been thinking a lot today about Cena's promo. I was extremely excited about it right after I saw it, and I was kind of angry at The Rock for not having an interesting rebuttal, but the more I think about it, the more I feel as if Cena went into business for himself when he "spoke from the heart" rather than doing a wrestling promo.

How does making his problems with the Rock all emotional and personal really help the storyline? Obviously, both The Rock & Cena are supposed to be portrayed as babyfaces in this whole thing, but Cena's promo really made Rock seem like a dick. The whole thing is almost too real to be a pro wrestling feud.

Also, as many people have already pointed out, Cena was the one who originally "poked the bear" so to speak. Maybe he's being a little more melodramatic than is really warranted...

The whole segment was to put Cena over.

The Rock spoke very little after both Cena and the Miz got out to the ring. He said what he needed to say before they came out. Cena did in fact address the Rock on everything he said, and the Rock let him.

At what point in Rock's entire career has he not dominated a talking segment in the WWE? Name just one. You guys are arguing over nothing.

The Rock came back and did exactly what he was asked to do. He let Cena talk and made him look good. He trounced the Miz, but didn't trounce Cena. To make him look good, and not have Cena do that to the Miz. WWE always makes the champion (and generally the heel) look strong against his opponent, which the Rock is not.

Are we now forgetting how many other people the Rock has put over this same way? Honestly?

It was a fun segment, that ended the way it should have. Had the Rock gone over on Cena before WM27 it would have taken the momentum off him. This makes him look strong. The Miz doesn't lose face because he wasn't beaten back by his WM opponent. And it gave Rock the opportunity to look strong regardless of what happened afterwards.

It doesn't get much simpler than that. This is what the WWE has been doing for years.

Stop reading so much into it.
Mixed? Nothing was mixed with the entire crowd was chanting Cena sucks. Erupted in cheers? The crowd booed him out of the building the entire time, esp when he hit him with the AA. I disagree with you on that. Back to the main question though. I felt kinda shocked cuz i didnt expect that. Cena was talking about facing the Rock like a man face to face, yet pulled a heel move and caught him from behind. Made him seem like a hypocrite. On the other hand, i enjoyed it because now i know the rock is going to get revenge.

I was SO SCARED that when the rock was getting beat down , that Cena was going to come in the ring and help him, and make them somewhat cool with eachother. I applaud WWE for not doing that. Now i legit have no idea whats going to happen at mania but i hope it ends with Rock costing Cena the title and also rock bottoming MIZ .. Setting up a match each with both of them.

The crowd was not mixed, it was an Anti-Cena crowd and a Pro Rock/Attitude era audience. WWE should take note, Cena to the "older" fans IS a heel, he is the face of the New PG ERA of wrestling that many of us hate.
I have to disagree with you on a couple of points you made. Now granted, im a huge Rock fan and always have been, but I am also a fan of Cena. That being said, everything that was said by Cena has been accurate. The Rock DID leave the WWE and he DID disassociate himself with the WWE. Remember when he didn't want to be known as the ROCK, but only Dwayne? Now granted, I understood, because he wanted to make it on his own, but to come back and say he has always been with the people is far from the truth. He is now a hit in Hollywood and I commend him for that, but while he left, Cena was here and I've followed him ever since he slapped K. Angle in the face talking about Ruthless Agression. You say the fans hate him and boo him, but who is the top seller in the company? That's right...John Cena.

Now what I will agree with is The ROCK has made WM27 much more interesting to watch, but I was gonna watch whether he was there or not. I have for the 7 years he's been gone and I will when he decides to leave again.

Rock didn't say that he said he came back cause of the ppl & he said the ppl was always w/him. He said he dream big & the ppl dream big w/him basically saying that his success in Hollywood was due to his fans so he thanked us again. He can never not be known as The Rock which he has stated himself many of times in interviews, he never said noone couldn't call him Rock anymore cause he said he will always be The Rock. Now you say you understand his decisions but yet you turn around & use them in your argument like it holds much weight. People act as if Rock bad mouth the WWE & said fuck them then all of a sudden pops back up & say hey I'm back & I'm the ppl's champ still!!! You not the only one that has followed Cena since he has been there & guess what The Rock congratulated him on his success inside & outside the ring, but what did Cena do talk shit about The Rock for no reason.

Rock has already bust his ass for the company way before any of us gave a damn about a John Cena, futhermore John isn't the only one there today that is busting his ass day in & day out so big fucking deal what does he want a cookie or something cause he keeps saying that he is there day in & day out like The Rock wasn't or something or as if he is the only guy that works in the WWE. You say that you was gon watch wrestling with or without The Rock while news flash your just one person & you watching don't equal the few million more fans that has tuned back in cause of The Rock. True John is the face of the company right now, but that's not saying much w/the current state of the product.
What are you high. Rock came back and told everybody what they wanted to hear after 7 years of pre taped promos and you idiots ate it up like candy. Don't get me wrong I loved Rock in the attitude era as much as the next guy but for him to come back and insult the top star in the WWE today, it's like he can't let go of the past or something. Cena really didn't insult the Rock during his promos the last couple of weeks he told the truth and all the Rock can do is hurl insults at Cena that even a kindergardener can top. Cenation will be in full force at mania.

Are you high!!!??? Rock told everybody what they wanted to hear? Lets see he thank the fans & said we never left his side which some of us didn't which explains his Hollywood success then he said he was never going away which let all the doubters know that no matter how many times he leaves or how long he is gone is he always coming back in some way. Yep Yep that didn't sound like the truth that sounded like something we wanted to hear. So I guess w/didn't support his movies so we souldn't be thanked & I guess he is never coming back after this is all over w/Cena & Miz. So what or you going to say when he returns again that he is still telling ppl what they want to hear smh.

Rock had retired moved on & stated that the only reason he would come back is if WWE let him cut loose cause he didn't want to work in a PG environment. He congratulated Cena on his success inside & outside the ring then all of a sudden Cena is in a interview talking shit about The Rock so don't go off & make it seem like Rock came back & talked about John for no reason cause John throw the 1st punch. I'm not even about to go into Rock & childish insults when that is all John has been about for the past few years.
You say the fans hate him and boo him, but who is the top seller in the company? That's right...John Cena.


John cena is a top seller agreed a big fish in a small pond, hes a top seller when wwe was probably at its lowest point, nexus was the only thing interesting wwe did the last couple years and they dropped the ball on that one.. but back to cena been a top seller lets talk about numbers.. the rock comes back and wwe.com is backed up and hella slow cause everybody wants to order i bring it shirts!!! 7 years gone and out doing cena.. reason cena is a top seller look at his competition weak roster .. When the rock goes back to making his millions and millions of dollars in hollywood the wrestling fans who are emotional cause he left for 7 years can have cena cause he aint going anywhere and the wwe program is gonna be a GIANT YAWWWN AGAIN
fans are selfish ppl and need to go watch the movie the wrestler ppl like (flair,cena,hogan,jake the snake, and others) are the randy the ram of wrestling.. while wrestlers like the rock, JBL, jesse ventura get out and move on to BIGGER AND BETTER THINGS.
John cena is a top seller agreed a big fish in a small pond, hes a top seller when wwe was probably at its lowest point, nexus was the only thing interesting wwe did the last couple years and they dropped the ball on that one.. but back to cena been a top seller lets talk about numbers.. the rock comes back and wwe.com is backed up and hella slow cause everybody wants to order i bring it shirts!!! 7 years gone and out doing cena.. reason cena is a top seller look at his competition weak roster .. When the rock goes back to making his millions and millions of dollars in hollywood the wrestling fans who are emotional cause he left for 7 years can have cena cause he aint going anywhere and the wwe program is gonna be a GIANT YAWWWN AGAIN
fans are selfish ppl and need to go watch the movie the wrestler ppl like (flair,cena,hogan,jake the snake, and others) are the randy the ram of wrestling.. while wrestlers like the rock, JBL, jesse ventura get out and move on to BIGGER AND BETTER THINGS.

So, Cena is the top seller becuase the rest of the roster suck's? Is that what you saying. No seriously, I wanna know? Austin was the top seller in the 90's, so does that mean the rest of the roster sucked? What about the 80's and Hogan? When guy's are top seller's, that's becuase people actually pay to see them, and want to buy whatever he has to support him. T-shirt's, headband's, wristband's, foamhand's, chain's. They buy it becuase they like him.

Cena is the top seller becuase people actually buy his stuff, he draw's house show number by his name, he's getting's immense money for the product. He's their top selling everything right now.

The Rock will leave, and it'll be like the last seven year's, good television. Sure, you may like The Rock, but he's choosing making movies (which I'm not aganist) and calling himself "Dwayne Johnson" over being there live every night for you and the fans.

Did you just compare Cena to Hogan, and Flair? Um, one thing, Cena's not past his prime. He's still relevant (one of the most relevant men today), not a broken down shell of his former self, like all the other legend's who "can't stop."
Cena really didn't insult the Rock during his promos the last couple of weeks he told the truth and all the Rock can do is hurl insults at Cena that even a kindergardener can top. Cenation will be in full force at mania.

Cena and his gay raps were pretty lame i wouldnt take them as insults either more as a very very weak DISS.. the rock was just uncut the way it should be the rock said watt all the fans on the internet have bin saying for years. stupid quotes "you cant see me" ugly green and purple shirts and hes the next barney the dinosaur.. the rock is original not copying anyones style, while cena is repackage hulkamania wait i mean cenation :lmao::lmao: the 15% of cenation at mania will be in full force hahah they might start crying if they see a sign that reads cena is a homeless power ranger but thank god for wwe they will confiscate the signs so the cenation wont CRY or get there feelings hurt :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Cena and his gay raps were pretty lame i wouldnt take them as insults either more as a very very weak DISS.. the rock was just uncut the way it should be the rock said watt all the fans on the internet have bin saying for years. stupid quotes "you cant see me" ugly green and purple shirts and hes the next barney the dinosaur.. the rock is original not copying anyones style, while cena is repackage hulkamania wait i mean cenation :lmao::lmao: the 15% of cenation at mania will be in full force hahah they might start crying if they see a sign that reads cena is a homeless power ranger but thank god for wwe they will confiscate the signs so the cenation wont CRY or get there feelings hurt :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Yeah, I know. The Rock doing all of his cliche catchphrases from 15 year's ago, that's very original. :suspic:
So, Cena is the top seller becuase the rest of the roster suck's? Is that what you saying. No seriously, I wanna know?

Becuase, Cena is the top seller becuase people actually buy his stuff, he draw's house show number by his name, he's getting's immense money for the product. He's their top selling everything right now.

The Rock will leave, and it'll be like the last seven year's, good television. Sure, you may like The Rock, but he's choosing making movies (which I'm not aganist) and calling himself "Dwayne Johnson" over being there live every night for you and the fans.

Did you just compare Cena to Hogan, and Flair? Um, one thing, Cena's not past his prime. He's still relevant (one of the most relevant men today), not a broken down shell of his former self, like all the other legend's who "can't stop."

yes im saying the roster is the weakest and does suck .. not the hole roster but majority of it SUCKS the ones thats are good are the heels cm punk, wade and del rio ect... GOOD TELEVISION u said it good not great, not excellent, not surprising, just good!!!! Yup im comparing cena to hogan and flair he might be younger but he will be doing this tell he is a broken down dog its a wrestlers curse and u can tell how much cena loves it he wont quit..
Yeah, I know. The Rock doing all of his cliche catchphrases from 15 year's ago, that's very original. :suspic:

"a blind folded locked in the basement sleeping ray charles can see you "

"yabba dabba bitch"

" homeless power ranger"

" shot out of barney the dinosaurs anus "

it made the lil kid playing cena cry at the rocks house, and it almost made cena cry on raw hahahah
yes im saying the roster is the weakest and does suck .. not the hole roster but majority of it SUCKS the ones thats are good are the heels cm punk, wade and del rio ect... GOOD TELEVISION u said it good not great, not excellent, not surprising, just good!!!! Yup im comparing cena to hogan and flair he might be younger but he will be doing this tell he is a broken down dog its a wrestlers curse and u can tell how much cena loves it he wont quit..

So, basically your a smark? "Like the heel's, hate the faces" kind of guy right?

So he's one of the most hardest working athlete's ever, becuase "he's got the wresling curse and won't quit in the future?" Wow, I did'nt know you could see the future.

Yes, I said good television because it can get bad or dull sometime's it's not perfect. Some thing's I won't like. It's possible.

Did you grow up in the Attitude Era? Was every match or promo great? Was there a few bad matches a weak. I'm betting watching D-Lo Brown vs. Road Dogg had to be hard to watch.
Lol I find this comical. I had to join this forum.

There's really people out there that honestly believes John Cena OWNED The Rock? The Rock? The Great One? Seriously?

I get it, Cena is the new face of the WWE, but that's not saying much when The Rock was needed to breathe life back into the WWE. This isn't even an opinion it's FACTS. From ratings to him, trending worldwide on twitter. People (including myself) are watching wrestling again because of THE ROCK, not John Cena lol let's be serious.

On that note...

Yeah the Rock's catchphrases are old blah blah, but some of you fail to realize that's part of his persona lol...it's fine for John Cena to wear that horrid purple shirt, horrific jean shorts and those God awful Team Jordan sneakers and terrible raps but when The Rock uses CLASSIC material, recyled or not, it's tired? Lol stop it.

I cannot stand John Cena, but Monday night's RAW, I was really impressed with his promo. He acted like a man. He bowed down to The Rock and spoke from the heart. Great. The only way he "owned" Rocky was when he AA'd him. He got him good, it even pissed me off. But let's not get carried away with the owning stuff. The Rock called him out told him he was here, made a few funnies and John Cena got to talk is ish. The Rock didn't get a rebuttal because The Miz came out so again let's not get carried away with the owning crap.

And one last thing...LOL at the crowd cheering Cena or it was a mixed crowd...in what universe? Too be honest I was quite shocked when they STILL booed the kid after hitting the FU on Rocky. Face it...late 90s, early 00s or present day, it'll always be The Rock, Stone Cold etc > John Cena.

-Team Bring It :)
So, basically your a smark? "Like the heel's, hate the faces" kind of guy right?

So he's one of the most hardest working athlete's ever, becuase "he's got the wresling curse and won't quit in the future?" Wow, I did'nt know you could see the future.

Yes, I said good television because it can get bad or dull sometime's it's not perfect. Some thing's I won't like. It's possible.

Did you grow up in the Attitude Era? Was every match or promo great? Was there a few bad matches a weak. I'm betting watching D-Lo Brown vs. Road Dogg had to be hard to watch.

No i like some faces as well but the heels are the ones that wont sell shirts. who is john cena competition randy orton :disappointed: ray mysterio:disappointed: john morrison come on i grow up watching wrestling in the late 80's but watching road dogg and dlo brown in the attitude era was still better than seen celebrity B-LIST STARS HOST RAW
Wow... After last night's Raw with the Cena and Rock segment I for one am hooked into this fued. I think a lot of fans, smarks, and the IWC is missing the whole point of this fued. The WWE/Vince has done something they haven't done in a long long time and that is entertain us by breathing new life into the company. Look at how much this attention is getting. Way more than if The Rock chose to stay in Hollywood and make movies. Like it or not for the moment the WWE needs The Rock, however The Rock does not need the WWE. Look at the ratings jump in which I'm sure Vince and the WWE share holders are enjoying at this moment.

I for one am marking out so much due to the fact that the WWE has my full attention more than ever. Hell, I quit watching the WWE around 2008 because it wasn't appealing to me anymore. I was tired of the PG era type of environment that pretty much attained to the younger audience (which is fine btw). My son however who is 8 is loving this more than ever as well. He see's my resurfaced passion in how I marked like crazy since The Rock returned. We have an in house rivaly now of us choosing sides. He adores Cena and I am on "Team Bring It". This is something we can share much like my father and I did during the Hogan/Warrior rivalry of the 80's.

Now I am no way at all a fan of the John Cena character. I can't stand the goodie goodie two shoes triumph over adversity each and every week. It's unoriginal and boring. I am however am a huge fan of John Cena as a person. Not because of his work ethic and dedication to the buisness because frankly, thats what your supposed to do for something you have a passion about. I don't need to be reminded each and every week from him or others that he loves the WWE. Now I am a huge fan of his for what he does through various foundations and charities for the children like Make A Wish. That shows a lot of character and I appaude him for it.

Now for The Rock. I still don't understand why it was such a bad thing he left and some ppl still hold it against him. Growing up in the buisness he accomplised each and everything there is to do in the WWE. Why can't he move on to a new career with new challenges that won't take a toll on his body and personal life. Would you not take a job promotion for more money and less work with new and exciting challenges? If you say no then you are full of it. Who wouldn't jump at the chance "Dwayne" was offered? Other than a handful of other wrestlers, he stood out from the rest and connected with a broader audience than let's say a Hurricane Helms or a Kevin Nash. Let it go. Could he have handled it a little better? Perhaps. A appearance or two a year wouldn't hurt his movie career but hey, who am I to judge? Let's just be grateful that we get to see both him and Cena in a program together.

Come sunday both PG and Attitude fans will be split, Cena fans will cheer and scream, Rocky chants will echo throughout Atlanta, and we the fans will be electrified like no other Wrestlemania since Hogan/Rock. We are the real winners of this right now, let's kick back and enjoy.:)
"a blind folded locked in the basement sleeping ray charles can see you "

"yabba dabba bitch"

" homeless power ranger"

" shot out of barney the dinosaurs anus "

it made the lil kid playing cena cry at the rocks house, and it almost made cena cry on raw hahahah

I can almost guarantee he didn't come up with these right off the top of his head. I don't know if someone wrote these for him or not, but I know he didn't freestyle these because he never does. Now don't get me wrong, there is no one better at cutting a promo than the Rock, but if you watch some of his greats it's just a mixed bag of things he's said in the past. John Cena held his own on monday and delivered without using his old "Dr. of Thuganomics" gimmick to do it.

I enjoy the confrontations so I will just watch WM to see how everything unfolds. I like them both and I because they are from different eras of which I enjoyed both when I was a teenager and now that I'm an adult (technically). I can guarantee you it will bring the best out of everyone involved. Win win for everyone watching.

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