**Merged** Cena & Rock Discussion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!

Do you support The Rock or John Cena?

  • The Rock

  • John Cena

  • The Miz!!!!!

  • I'm just going to enjoy the show

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Lets see, cena owned the rock about as good as saying im rubber your glue, blah blah blah, owns someone else. he said nothing important. he was the one who trashed the rock first, so the rock made fun of him. the rock didnt make fun of his fans, the rock fucking makes kids movies. he called cena a child, because that is how cena was acting. there was no back and forth, because if there was, the rock would have dominated cena. cena cannot hold his own against the rock, and the wwe knew that. why do you think they didnt have the rock talk after cena? probably because they didnt want their top star looking like shit against someone who just came back. he didnt even address any of the points they were arguing the whole time. he just said, rock you can insult me about my gay shirt, rap, and fans, but i dont care. then he said he would face the rock face to face, but he didnt. if anything, the rock owned cena by showing that he didnt need to say a word, cena burried himself, and even if the cenation, consisting of kids under 5 and 10 people on these boards who just started watching wrestling cant see it, the overwhelming majority of people see it.

the cenation is an island in the world of team bring it.
Ya know what...this is my first post on here so I have decided to start off with a bang and went back and watched each promo one after the other to really size everything up and break it down for all these CeNation people...

The first problem is that people don't realize that this didn't start off a month ago...this started 3 YEARS ago...Cena doing an interview decided out of the clear blue to basically call The Rock out...In Cena's own words..."Associating with sports entertainment doesn't do much for his acting career. I get it....Just don't f*** me around and tell me that you love this...That's the only thing that gets me really p***ed off...Our fan base have so much admiration for him, he's got to respect that. He doesn't give anything back."

Now forget about fake story lines in wrestling and focus on the fact that there was absolutely no reason for John Cena to come out of left field and personally and professionally attack The Rock. What provoked such a personal attack?

Nonetheless let's flash forward to 2/14/11 shall we...The Rock is announced as the Guest Host of Wrestlemania which I’m sure everyone in the world expected to happen. ..The Rock comes out and brings down the house...but along the way he takes the time to address Cena...He lays it out...he thought he was cool but he came out of nowhere to talk trash...and as soon as Cena’s name gets mentioned that entire arena booed the hell out of Cena and chants Cena sucks...He goes on for almost 5 mins vintage Rock just burying Cena...Keeping in mind that Cena is the number face of the company to hear the crowd turn on him in seconds without him even being there speaks volumes as to his actual popularity...

The following week Cena comes out to boos and Rocky chants...I mean the crowd is just booing almost his entire promo (sorry Cena fans play it back you can hear a huge amount of boos)...his reaction is an entertaining freestyle not about the sports entertainment performer The Rock but instead he attacks Dwayne Johnson the person...which IMHO tells me that this feud is personal not just the typical kayfabe you normally see in wrestling...Now I admit the rap had its funny moments but nothing near what took place the week before...and yes throughout the entire freestyle the boos continued...he simply couldn’t get that pop he was looking for...now I’m sorry but how does a man that made 2 B-rated movies attack a man that has grossed over 1 Billion dollars in Hollywood movies...even if you hated The Rocks movies and I don’t think they were cinematic masterpieces...nonetheless he is an A-List Hollywood talent and you did The Marine...you should say nothing...

But it continues the following week with a satellite feed from The Rock...he goes on to explain his love for the business and you could see the emotion he felt at Cena’s “real comments” outside of the ring and how they hit him and again he lit Cena up...and you could see the fans ate it up...the cheers were there throughout the entire promo...The Rock clearly has the fans on his side and Cena is becoming more and more despised with each segment...

Needless to say the back and forth continues until this past Monday night when the Rock is live on Raw for the go home show before Mania and again he lights into Cena...trademark Rock playing it up to the fans and tearing down the homeless power ranger leading for Cena to come out and face the Rock in the middle of the ring and what happens...

He spends the first 5 mins kissing The Rock’s ass...this is what he wanted...to see the champ come back and do his things and electrify the fans...I mean wow my girl who doesn’t even watch wrestling was saying he looked like he was kissing ass lol...but then he launches into a contrived diatribe about how he is who he is and he loves being a hero to kids even though he made fun of the Rock’s family films just a few weeks ago in his above mentioned freestyle (confusing isn’t it?) and jumps in the Rock’s face...

Before he can really respond out comes the Miz...Cena vanishes while the Rock cleans house and then like the punk he is sneak attacks the Rock (so much for that face to face thing he talked about just 5 mins earlier) the fans boo the hell out of him after an AA and peekaboo hand gesture and leaves...

Sorry you can like the Rock or you can hate the Rock that is entirely up to you but there is no doubt that when it comes down to it...the fans would rather have the Rock for 4 weeks via satellite then have John Cena full time in the ring...boos upon boos...anyone that disputes that is delusional...go ahead...re-watch the segments...

If you watched the Mania press conference today on WWE.com when Cena was introduced he came out to a chorus of boos...the fans have completely turned on him in everyway...he was booed throughout his entire time on the podium even hearing We Want Rock and Cena Sucks chants...

If Vince’s idea was to turn Cena heel he succeeded...if not then they made a colossal mistake cuz he is clearly despised now...
Sorry you can like the Rock or you can hate the Rock that is entirely up to you but there is no doubt that when it comes down to it...the fans would rather have the Rock for 4 weeks via satellite then have John Cena full time in the ring...boos upon boos...anyone that disputes that is delusional...go ahead...re-watch the segments...

If you watched the Mania press conference today on WWE.com when Cena was introduced he came out to a chorus of boos...
the fans have completely turned on him in everyway...he was booed throughout his entire time on the podium even hearing We Want Rock and Cena Sucks chants...

If Vince’s idea was to turn Cena heel he succeeded...if not then they made a colossal mistake cuz he is clearly despised now...

You were doing quite well until I read the bolded parts in your statement. Inno way am I a Cena mark however I feel some things you said wern't necessarily all truth and more opionated. Firstly when you said the fans would rather have Rock via satellite for 4 weeks than have Cena at all, I think that this is a completely false statement. Firstly because only having the Rock for 4 weeks not even in person is no wayy close as to not having Cena. Just because you view someone as a heel does not mean the WWE Universe does not want them. Without heels you couldn't have a sucessful wrestling business so I'm not sure how you can say Rock for four weeks is bettet than not having Cena again. It may be a small detail in a long post but its things like this you need to watch.

Secondly you say throughout your post that Cena received boos upon boos truth but you fail to mention the cheering Cena received. Yes Cena was booed by a portion of the crowd but the bias that seems to be placed with your post also comes out. Truthfully I have seen an influx of Cena fans appearing and praising his name. So to say he was showered with boos is not in any way the full truth. Yes you can rewatch the segments but honestly there is also a lot of cheering as well, unless of course you watched edited video segments which negated the actual cheering at the time....

Now as for the fans turing on Cena this statement is not true. Logically speaking the young kids don't know the Rock one bit and after the one segment with the Rock bullying the kid probaly actually dislike the Rock. The youth is the majority of Cena fans so clearly you can't say everyone has turned on him. Also the people who say he is dry now adore him so clearly not all the fans hate him. Once again I feel you put way to much personal opinion into this and not look at this from a factual standpoint.

Finally you say Vince wanted to turn Cena heel. It hasn't happened yet. And for sure it was not his plan. You can't possibly say that Vince would have a heel for heel match at Mania. it doesn't seel as well so that debunks that statement. Ingeneral you had a very good post with a few flaws. I hope to see more of you because you have potential.
If you watched the Mania press conference today on WWE.com when Cena was introduced he came out to a chorus of boos...the fans have completely turned on him in everyway...he was booed throughout his entire time on the podium even hearing We Want Rock and Cena Sucks chants...

i just saw the press conference cena cant even speak ppl are just booing him, chanting fruity pebbles and awesome and cena sucks , and snookie hahaha than u have the 10 ppl chanting cena hahahah this guy needs to go heel i think the lil kids might turn on him...HE LOOKED LIKE HE WAS GONNA CRY AGAIN AS WELL :lmao:
i just saw the press conference cena cant even speak ppl are just booing him, chanting fruity pebbles and awesome and cena sucks , and snookie hahaha than u have the 10 ppl chanting cena hahahah this guy needs to go heel i think the lil kids might turn on him...HE LOOKED LIKE HE WAS GONNA CRY AGAIN AS WELL :lmao:

:lmao::lmao::lmao::lol: :lol: He did look like he was about to cry again I just got done watching it also, man they was even chanting Awesome when he came out that was messed up I wasn't expecting that little moment of love for Miz when Cena came out. Man that shit was bananas that crowd was so hyped up!!!
:lmao: I really felt sorry for cena. He was about to cry. i don't what the wwe were thinking when they booked this fued, did they expect 50% fans behind rock -50% fans behind cena? It's a lose-lose situation for cena and the wwe. Even when it's all said and done, the heat will follow cena untill he make a change. Cena MUST turn heel, they can't go back now.
This whole fued has been weak imo. It had potential but as with typical modern wwe, its been way too short with not enough face to face conflict. I mean, they met for the first time in the ring, just once right? What kind of fued is that? Compare to classic or even normal fueds and its way too empty. They have mainly been fueding over tv and satelite. This is the type of thing that should have been built for weeks. These days its all so cheap. HHH and undertaker started their fued just by staring at each other, a fued over really nothing other than wanting to have a fight. Come on is that the best angle they could do with those 2 great talents? Just staring at each other in the middle of the ring for a couple weeks?
Just watched the press conference.The wigger was on the verge of crying again.I was on the edge of my seat expecting when he's gonna blow up and weep something along the lines: "Y u b h8in on me!!!!!!!1111111"

All that hate in that room filled my heart with joy and childish ecstasy.

It's Rocky Maivia come full circle. Too much to soon, fans feeling like a Superstar is being forced down their throats and now they are revolting. That's what Cena is going through right now. What I respect about him is he hasn't waivered yet. He still does what he does and he still carries on the same way. He respects the same fans that booed him in the press conference because that's their right to boo.

I for one hope he doesn't turn heel. Sure he could bust Miz a couple of times with a chair, but he's what Hogan used to be when I was a kid. All I wanted was for Hogan to win every match because back then, he was my favorite. When he lost to the Ultimate Warrior at WM, I almost lost it. I didn't understand what the business was about back then, all I knew is my favorite wrestler wasn't the Champ anymore. That's what Cena represents to today's kids. Sure thanks to the attitude era that gets lost in the shuffle and being a heel is more celebrated now than it was back in the day. I just think Cena is doing a great job being him despite what the reaction is. Like I said before in a previous post. He gets the biggest reaction. Good or Bad it's always the loudest. The CENATION cheers for him loud, and everybody else who hates him is even louder.
Cena got what he deserved at yesterdays press conference. The Rock represents the people. You give The Rock an Attitude Adjustment, you give The People an Attitude Adjustment. We all know by now that The Rock has a more dominant (crowd-wise) fanbase, and his fans will be the ones to be heard, so Cena got it in the neck, simple as that.

Unfortunately for Cena the majority of the people in his fanbase haven't grown balls yets, because they're still progressing through puberty. And all the adult Cena fans are sitting at home on their PC's, trolling on forums and Dwayne Johnson's FB page, so they can't do fuck all. I feel sorry for Cena because of this, and I don't think it's his fault that his fanbase is testicleless toddlers, his character appeals to kids, that's the way it is, and I respect him for dealing with it.
It's Rocky Maivia come full circle. Too much to soon, fans feeling like a Superstar is being forced down their throats and now they are revolting. That's what Cena is going through right now.

You know what? I can see the comparison to Rocky Maivia, but I don't think Cena has it like Rock did to transform. He just doesn't have IT. I kinda don't want to see it either, because it's been done before. There's only one Rock and I'd like to keep it that way.

And you thought the press conference was bad? Lol I caught The Rock leaving the Hard Rock Cafe and everyone went NUTS. Cena came out forget it. More boos lol.
This is what's going to happen (.00000001% chance, but it could still happen): There is a ref bump and Rock comes in with a new referee and since he is the host of WM he adds himself into the match and rock bottoms Cena and Miz, then goes for The People's Elbow on Miz for the 1,2,3.

The following Raw Miz uses his rematch clause and the anonymous GM will announce that Cena will be guest ref and that is where the heel turn of Cena can happen by AAing The Rock and counting 1...2....3, the night after Wrestlmania.
Well this is my first post and I'll admit it straight away. I am a Cena fan. No doubt. Cane seems like a very nice guy outside the ring and that makes me a fan of the guy in the ring as well. No matter what.

1. I do not know what Vince has been thinking setting up this feud like it is now. Why on earth do wanna bury your top face in such a degrading way donig it at Wrestlemania. From Cenas reactions lately during his last promo and the WM press conference you can see that he is uncomfortable. This is why a heel turn will not happen. Is wants to be the good guy. Being a face is needed to continue the work for the make a wish foundation and as a PG show WWe needs someone to be there for the kids. He is an excellent icon if you ask me. The rock comes out with lame catch phrases and seems to be off the PG language leash. This is how he has to do it cause he doen't dare to change his ways to PG.

2. I must say im not very impressed with mater adults acting like they do towards Cena just because The Rock is back for a few weeks. The press conference was immature and from my point of view disrespectful.

The solution as I see it and the nessecary way to go is to bury The Rock without letting Cena do it. The Rock needs to turn on his fans. This is the only way WWE will come out on top. And the company is more important that one individual. At the moment they are killing off their only legitimate top face. And the guy doing it is a retired wrestler. Let's face it. The Rock will never be back on a permanent basis. If they end this with The Rock burying Cena or making him heel. How will step up to fill Cenas shoes as the top face? The Miz? Randy Orton? Noone of them will ever get as popular as Cena is. HHH is colse to the end of his career. So is The Undertaker. WWE needs Cena to stay on top, as a face.
Well this is my first post and I'll admit it straight away. I am a Cena fan. No doubt. Cane seems like a very nice guy outside the ring and that makes me a fan of the guy in the ring as well. No matter what.

1. I do not know what Vince has been thinking setting up this feud like it is now. Why on earth do wanna bury your top face in such a degrading way donig it at Wrestlemania. From Cenas reactions lately during his last promo and the WM press conference you can see that he is uncomfortable. This is why a heel turn will not happen. Is wants to be the good guy. Being a face is needed to continue the work for the make a wish foundation and as a PG show WWe needs someone to be there for the kids. He is an excellent icon if you ask me. The rock comes out with lame catch phrases and seems to be off the PG language leash. This is how he has to do it cause he doen't dare to change his ways to PG.

2. I must say im not very impressed with mater adults acting like they do towards Cena just because The Rock is back for a few weeks. The press conference was immature and from my point of view disrespectful.

The solution as I see it and the nessecary way to go is to bury The Rock without letting Cena do it. The Rock needs to turn on his fans. This is the only way WWE will come out on top. And the company is more important that one individual. At the moment they are killing off their only legitimate top face. And the guy doing it is a retired wrestler. Let's face it. The Rock will never be back on a permanent basis. If they end this with The Rock burying Cena or making him heel. How will step up to fill Cenas shoes as the top face? The Miz? Randy Orton? Noone of them will ever get as popular as Cena is. HHH is colse to the end of his career. So is The Undertaker. WWE needs Cena to stay on top, as a face.

The fans won't buy it. The heel turn will fail just like his last one did, why? Because the fans will keep cheering him no matter what. And if you ask me, IMO, rock is better as a heel, you see that's the reason why he got over with the fans from the 1st place. It's a lose-lose situation for cena and the wwe, unless cena turns heel.
Cena is pretty much doomed and backed into a corner to where he has no choice but to turn heel. It might be one of those classic double turns where Miz becomes a face in the process. Maybe he holds on to the STFU too long or maybe he bashes the Miz with a chair over and over again. I don't feel bad for Cena because if it were his choice it may have gone diffently, but I don't understand what Creative is doing right now.
Exactly. Unless WWE writers have a grand masterplan they have in my opinion destroyed the top face of their company. I really and sadly cannot see how Cena will recover from this. Still I really hope he does.
I can say now that the next few months, or even for the rest of the year, it won't be that pleasant for John Cena. Majority of the fans will now boo him every time he comes out, especially if he wins the title at Wrestlemania; which he probably will. Cena will take it on the chin though, and that's the thing I like about the guy, he's a worker and he'll do his best for the company, no matter what the fans think of him, and he'll always put 110% in the ring. No matter how much I don't like the character, the man himself I have alot of respect for, and appreciate what he does for my favourite sports entertainment business.
Watching that press conference I was uncomfortable myself watching it cause you could see Cena's butt starting to tighten up the more and more he is boo'd. 6 months ago if you told me Cena should go heel, I'd say "Whats the point?" But now, I say, "You almost have to."

Here's the problem with it; what would a heel Cena character be? What could they possibly turn him into? The rap character today wouldn't really go over as well as it did back then and I don't think he can just revert back to that. I just don't know if Cena has the ability to pull it off anymore cause they've went so far in the other direction with him to the point where I think the people that still cheer for him, won't understand and will still cheer for him anyway or they'll lose those fans altogether.

The only way I think the WWE could make it out of it the way they went into it is if they had Rock help Cena win the title if Alex Riley got involved or something. I think if anything, that might keep the reaction to Cena the same way it has always been before The Rock showed up.
You were doing quite well until I read the bolded parts in your statement. Inno way am I a Cena mark however I feel some things you said wern't necessarily all truth and more opionated. Firstly when you said the fans would rather have Rock via satellite for 4 weeks than have Cena at all, I think that this is a completely false statement. Firstly because only having the Rock for 4 weeks not even in person is no wayy close as to not having Cena. Just because you view someone as a heel does not mean the WWE Universe does not want them. Without heels you couldn't have a sucessful wrestling business so I'm not sure how you can say Rock for four weeks is bettet than not having Cena again. It may be a small detail in a long post but its things like this you need to watch.

Well I didn't mean that they don't want him in the WWE at all. I was merely making this statement as one of popularity...IMHO The Rock got much more and louder pops from the crowd then Cena...and more often then not Cena was certainly getting a lot of boos...

Secondly you say throughout your post that Cena received boos upon boos truth but you fail to mention the cheering Cena received. Yes Cena was booed by a portion of the crowd but the bias that seems to be placed with your post also comes out. Truthfully I have seen an influx of Cena fans appearing and praising his name. So to say he was showered with boos is not in any way the full truth. Yes you can rewatch the segments but honestly there is also a lot of cheering as well, unless of course you watched edited video segments which negated the actual cheering at the time....

I'm not saying there weren't points where Cena received cheers cuz its obvious he has his cheer of fans...BUT...you can't deny there were plenty of more boos then cheers...I mean it was obvious...especially on the go home show when Cena both arrived on the scene and left ending the program...the fans booed him out of the building...now if you wanna say he had some points where he heard a pop from the crowd I will acknowledge that...BUT AGAIN...you could see the majority of fans turned on him...

Finally you say Vince wanted to turn Cena heel. It hasn't happened yet. And for sure it was not his plan. You can't possibly say that Vince would have a heel for heel match at Mania. it doesn't seel as well so that debunks that statement. Ingeneral you had a very good post with a few flaws. I hope to see more of you because you have potential.

I never said he did turn him....I only said "IF"....I was merely hypothesizing the reasoning behind Vince's handling of Cena during this feud...again re watch the Wrestlemania Press Conference...the fans booed nearly the entire time Cena was on stage to the point where Cena himself pauses multiple times as if in disbelief...if there were any cheers they were severely drowned out by the massive heat he was getting...

There have been plenty of cases where faces turned heel at major PPVs and it looks in my opinion as if Vince is looking at this as a possible heel turn following tonight's PPV...

All in all I am a Rock fan and while I may on a personal level prefer one to the other if the pendulum had swung the other way I would have no problem acknowledging that cuz if you want my honest opinion...I ACTUALLY PREFER THE ROCK AS A HEEL!!! I think he is much funnier when the fans hate his guts then when he is a face playing to the crowd...to me some of his best sketches are as a heel character so even though I don't personally like Cena, I would prefer him as a face against a heel Rock but clearly that isn't the case in this scenario...
The way that arena was reacting, I think if they would of let Cena hulk up and win, they would of had a riot on their hands. Cena had the crowd eating out of the palm of his hands, but in a bad way. Everything he did, they booed. Everytime he got a close pinfall I was waiting for the trash to come flying into the ring.

It seems to be they have a Bret Hart situation on their hands. He is still playing the role for the kiddies but everyone else is booing him. There is really no way they can go except turn him heel. The problem is, that you have to have a big time face that the fans are cheering to turn him heel. Who is this going to be? The only person of pulling this off right now is Triple H to be honest. But do we want to see another HHH and Cena feud? Really? Really?
It seems to be they have a Bret Hart situation on their hands. He is still playing the role for the kiddies but everyone else is booing him. There is really no way they can go except turn him heel. The problem is, that you have to have a big time face that the fans are cheering to turn him heel.

I think it's that fans get bored watching the same person dominate for too long. It becomes an over saturation and the fans go from loving it to resenting it. If your favorite food is pizza and you eat pizza everyday for 6 months your gonna start to hate the sight of it. They want progress of some sort. The reason he keeps the kids is because for kids its the good guy beating the bad guy.

It's funny that you should mention Bret Hart because he along with Hulk Hogan himself would have to be the best examples of this happening. Hart started getting boos and it lead to inevitable heel turn which resulted in the Hart Foundation reunion and a great run that culminated in one of the biggest controversies in wrestling history in the "Montreal Screwjob".

Hogan himself experienced the same thing. Fans got tired of the same promo followed by the same match and were no longer interested in the Hulkamania concept. Hogan the face was experiencing the diminishing cheers being replaced by boos. What happened was a reinvention of Hogan and the massive concept of the nWo taking over wrestling for a few years.

I mean both eventually became faces again but the idea of a big name company face becoming a strong heel does happen and 9 times out of 10 is hugely successful not only to the worker but the company as well...

Think of how many big heels in wrestling history that were once huge fan favorites...

It seems like Cena is going heel whether he wants to or not...
Hmm I really do not see that happening.

1. WWE need a huge face to sell their merchandise. Noone is there to replace Cena as the nr 1 face (yet)

2. Would the fans really buy it? Sure some of the "booers" might buy it and love a heel Cena. But he still has a huge fanbase that supports him. What would they do?

Besides. What will happen when The Rock is gone? Sure some might call him "The Great One" but lets face it. He uses the same old lame phrases. He makes lame jokes (fruity pebbles come on!) His in ring skills are mediocre at best atm. He seems out of sync and when he jumps to his feet after dropping the DDT you can see that he is rusty. To be honest if we would have had two more months of The Rock as he has been lately would be torture. There is a limit for how long yabba-dabba, fruity pebbles and dino anuses are funny. And in addition. How would a PG Rock be? No we need John Cena. He is without equals THE idol for the kids watching. He is an excellent role model. The Rock is not.

WWE made a huge mistake putting The Rock up against John Cena. Anything they do to try make a retired wrestler outshine one in their current rooster is a stupid mistake. They should have put The Rock up against STSA or just kept him the host without interfering with the storylines. I mean they could hav pushed The Miz real good. They could have made him Cena fair and square (I'm still a Cena fan) and in such a way he could become a top heel for the future. They sacrificed that for a cena/rock feud that might have sold some tickets in the short term, but in the long term they lost in my opinion. Cena has more of the crowd against him now. The Miz seems weaker than before and when The Rock is gone they will have to start all over again.
This is why I like the Rock: Because he's entertaining. He was gold on the mic back in the day and is still somewhat good in the present time. He knows how to get the crowd over and to get the fans pumped. His segments and his feuds were always entertaining (especially with Austin) because of how he could work the crowd, the mic and just how he used his personality. W.M. 27 was going in bad before the Rock came into the picture so its not all his fault the PPV was bad. He did bring slight interest to 'mania. He has contributed a ton to the WWE in an entertainment perspective.

Now for the dislikes: Hes not a good wrestler. He did his normal moveset which was 3 punches/slaps with the 3rd being over-sold, he did a spinebuster, DDT, clotheslines and could barely lock in the sharpshooter correctly. He over-sold moves all the time as well. Again, he wasn't horrible but i'd say he was average. His entertainment made some of his matches good and some weren't good. His feuds for the most part were great and will be remembered as some of the best. I do believe hes overrated since people think hes the greatest WRESTLER of all time. To me he's far from it, but if we're talking entertainment then maybe one of the best. Like Cena or not what Cena said to him on the past Raw's was the truth. I don't know why he'd come back, bury the locker room after he's been away for years at a time. So much for this youth movement huh? I don't want to see the Rock vs Cena because neither guy is good at wrestling. WWE will get the hype, will get the sold out crowd and will get their money, PPV buys and ratings but a good match?...most likely won't happen at all. This W.M. was nothing more then a gimmick PPV and it was all so Mcmahon could get over a million PPV buys. Austin, the rock, snooki, trish, JBL, HBK, dusty rhodes, all of them coming back for a little to contribute to building this up. In the end W.M. 27 would have to go down as one of the worst built up 'manias of all time and its not all of the Rock's fault. My rant for the day :lmao:
I get Vince and the Board of WWE! that last year wasnt profitable, since they need money to run the show, i get it why bring the legends!!

And i'm sorry but i loved WrestleMania XXVII!! omg every promo that The Rock did!
The matches were all great (apart of the tag team ones);
Michael Cole fucking won :eek: i'm withouth words!!
Del Rio lost - Suprised :eek: but he looked good losing!!
John Cena Singles Match streak ended!!
The Miz is 2-0, 17 wins away to tie with Undertaker Streak XD

Cody Rhodes won, hello!!
Randy vs Punk was voted has the best wrestling match of the night!!
Undertaker vs HHH will probably win the PWI prize, of best match!!

The Rock is the most electryfing superstar os all the entertainment!! I get chiils, just of watching people screaming his catch-phrases!!
He is one of the bests, a legend and a NAME of an ERA!!

SCSA vs Rock - Legend Feud, at least TOP5 feuds!!
So their confrontation was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:shrug: i dont know why people are complaing, only 'cause DBD not fight on TV? :X
as far as im concerned if the rock dosnt do somthing big on raw it will feel like the monteral screw job again and another thing when chris jericho came back in 2007 he back to lance storms wrestling school and got a new finisher in the code breaker if the rock is gonna wrestle again maybe he should do that to

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