**MERGED** John Cena & The Rock: Match fallout, etc.*KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!*

Very predictable. I'm pretty sure they're going to do something like this anyway. Whether it be with the Cena/Rock feud or the Punk/Jericho feud. Maybe you're a member of creative trying to gain support for what was already going to happen, so when it does happen, it will look like WWE is listening to the IWC. /sarcasm
That sounds like a good idea, but i would have rock actually come out and just stand on the ramp. I dont think this should end the show though, we need the 12 man tag to end tomorrows raw, punk and jericho to end next weeks raw, and then cena vs. rock to end the raw before wrestlemania
Well there are only two Raws left before Wrestlemania, so this week is going to end with CM Punk/Jericho Probably and next week the Rock and Cena... And didn't they have a schedule that says the Rock won't be on Tomorrow? At least on this site they did...


Not sure if that had changed but I haven't seen anything that it has changed. Thus, I think they are just throwing Cena into a match to have him do something on the show.
Cena and the Rock do not need get physical before Wrestlemania. It is simply not needed, if anything, it would spoil the entire match at Wrestlemania if Cena and Rock were to even get into a slap contest against one another. So far, Cena and Rock are doing everything they can to make Wrestlemania, match of the year. Anything more than a stare down between the two would spoil and ruin everything these two have down to build up the match.
That sounds like a good idea, but i would have rock actually come out and just stand on the ramp. I dont think this should end the show though, we need the 12 man tag to end tomorrows raw, punk and jericho to end next weeks raw, and then cena vs. rock to end the raw before wrestlemania

That's gonna be quite hard to do, considering there is only 2 Raw's left before Wrestlemania.
I'm surprised they are putting Cena in a match with Henry so close to Mania... seems like an unnecessary risk at this point... one thing i'd have liked to have seen them do for this feud but they haven't done was take it outside of Raw and maybe work the TMZs or something by having a "confrontation" outside of WWE. If done right it could come off as real since there is already animosity between the two. I think they are at the point where if they are going to do it on Raw, they need at least one guy to slap the taste out of the other or something... the words aren't going to cut it and it needs to feel more personal now. Maybe Papa Cena is an alcoholic and Rock can exploit that... oh wait...
Cena has just been on my nerves lately. To me, his attitude and expression is just so contradicting. One day he will say "this is everything to me" then the next night he comes out with some lame poopy jokes and completely undermines the fact that something big is going on. its like when Benoit died and everyone in the business was getting slammed with accusations of steroid abuse, being asked if they used them. Someone asked Cena, with the seriousness of the situation that was the Benoit incident, John Cena sat their with bit of a grin on his face and he says something along the lines of "I can tell you that I've never done them, but you can never prove that I have." Just sort of slapping something worthwhile in the face with "Im John Cena, I don't have to answer to you. Fuck you." Cena's character is becoming increasingly revealed as just that, a character, I feel sorry for the people in the audience who buy into his good guy role and believe with their heart and soul that this guy is as good as they play him up to be, underneath the colored T-shirts John Cena is just like Hulk Hogan to me but hogan has more talent.

As I said, The Rock has been 100X more entertaining than Cena, when he is around that is, I just feel Cena needs to piss off after this match for a while. He needs to give it his all at WrestleMania, take his win, then go away for a bit and give the fans the benefit of a doubt. Take a month off, take a few months off, for Christs sake just go away for a while..

When it comes to enjoying a performer, to me it boils down to how they entertain me with whatever given time frame they have, and enough is enough with Cena for gods sake if people enjoy him, and for whatever reason I know they do, thats great but after Mania I will continue to change the channel everytime I hear that music hit and I hear women and young boys scream at the top of their lungs. The only reason I am interested in Cena at all at this point is because of Rock, in fact I think that says all that needs to be said about it, period.
Cena has just been on my nerves lately. To me, his attitude and expression is just so contradicting. One day he will say "this is everything to me" then the next night he comes out with some lame poopy jokes and completely undermines the fact that something big is going on. its like when Benoit died and everyone in the business was getting slammed with accusations of steroid abuse, being asked if they used them. Someone asked Cena, with the seriousness of the situation that was the Benoit incident, John Cena sat their with bit of a grin on his face and he says something along the lines of "I can tell you that I've never done them, but you can never prove that I have." Just sort of slapping something worthwhile in the face with "Im John Cena, I don't have to answer to you. Fuck you." Cena's character is becoming increasingly revealed as just that, a character, I feel sorry for the people in the audience who buy into his good guy role and believe with their heart and soul that this guy is as good as they play him up to be, underneath the colored T-shirts John Cena is just like Hulk Hogan to me but hogan has more talent.

As I said, The Rock has been 100X more entertaining than Cena, when he is around that is, I just feel Cena needs to piss off after this match for a while. He needs to give it his all at WrestleMania, take his win, then go away for a bit and give the fans the benefit of a doubt. Take a month off, take a few months off, for Christs sake just go away for a while..

When it comes to enjoying a performer, to me it boils down to how they entertain me with whatever given time frame they have, and enough is enough with Cena for gods sake if people enjoy him, and for whatever reason I know they do, thats great but after Mania I will continue to change the channel everytime I hear that music hit and I hear women and young boys scream at the top of their lungs. The only reason I am interested in Cena at all at this point is because of Rock, in fact I think that says all that needs to be said about it, period.

*sigh* Okay.. To the bolded part: You remember that this interview was originally taken completely out of context, and the executives of the program that aired it actually publicly apologized for cutting the interview in an incriminating way, right?

As for the rest of your post, you think Cena is less entertaining than The Rock, because he comes out with "poopy" (...what?) jokes about the feud to undermine what is going on? Have you seen The Rock during... most of his career?

Then you claim that you don't like Cena, because he doesn't take enough time off away from the ring? Ugh, nevermind, this point is such a mess that I don't even want to touch it.

As for the last part, okay. You don't like Cena, we get it. I'm pretty sure that whoever read that far already got the impression that you don't like Cena's character, so it was a little redundant to write an entire paragraph about changing the channel, but I hope getting that off your chest made you feel lighter.
Man I must be getting old. That promo was just so dumb to me. It was just like watching Mad TV or some un-inspiring SNL skit. Of course Im just talking about my own personal opinion, nothing more.....but putting Rock up against Cena's serious persona on the mic just seems stupid...it makes the Rock's promo's seem ******ed. (to ME)

When it was Cena doing a rap and Rock doing a concert, that matched up well - those 'went together.' But as Im sitting here listening to Rock, I cant help but think of the promo's Cena's been cutting and I get more irritated by whats coming out of Rock's mouth.
Man I must be getting old. That promo was just so dumb to me. It was just like watching Mad TV or some un-inspiring SNL skit. Of course Im just talking about my own personal opinion, nothing more.....but putting Rock up against Cena's serious persona on the mic just seems stupid...it makes the Rock's promo's seem ******ed. (to ME)

When it was Cena doing a rap and Rock doing a concert, that matched up well - those 'went together.' But as Im sitting here listening to Rock, I cant help but think of the promo's Cena's been cutting and I get more irritated by whats coming out of Rock's mouth.
Thought it was good tbh. He finally told us what his match with Cena meant to him.

Yes I know people were complaining he wasn't saying anything and going on and on about his jokes and catchphrases (that the live crowds still adore) but if you cut through all of that, his reason was actually pretty great.

That reason being that he talked about beating Austin & Hogan but needs to go through Cena to cement his status as the best. Also, that put Cena over huge, seeing as Rock lumped Cena into the same value of importance as Hogan & Austin. Beating Cena is as important as his wins over Austin/Hogan. Good stuff. That was a great touch that unfortunately will get overlooked .
*sigh* Okay.. To the bolded part: You remember that this interview was originally taken completely out of context, and the executives of the program that aired it actually publicly apologized for cutting the interview in an incriminating way, right?

As for the rest of your post, you think Cena is less entertaining than The Rock, because he comes out with "poopy" (...what?) jokes about the feud to undermine what is going on? Have you seen The Rock during... most of his career?

Then you claim that you don't like Cena, because he doesn't take enough time off away from the ring? Ugh, nevermind, this point is such a mess that I don't even want to touch it.

As for the last part, okay. You don't like Cena, we get it. I'm pretty sure that whoever read that far already got the impression that you don't like Cena's character, so it was a little redundant to write an entire paragraph about changing the channel, but I hope getting that off your chest made you feel lighter.
She was only saying what the rest of us feel. Cena is just plain uninteresting. Very little entertainment value, if any. Her post was one of the best in this thread.

I don't like the way Rock put Cena over tonight. Cena is not one of the best of all time. This match does not belong on the same level as his matches with Hogan and Austin. No way.

A feud which started decently last year and had its apex with Rock's summer youtube promo, is sputtering to the finish line. i don't expect anything exciting next week. Oh well, Rock did what he can to make people like Cena, but after he leaves, ratings will plummet again and WWE will go back to its earlier lower level of relevance.

Hopefully Rock never returns after WM. Idiot fans who don't know quality entertainment, don't deserve to be graced with his presence.
The Rock's taped segment tonight was very solid to me. The ultimate warrior impersonation was hilarious and the macho man bit was a nice touch. His self deprecating humor and ability to add more prestige to this match made it one of my favorite segments since his return.

Running in after the Cena/Henry match was unexpected for me. I planned on a 20 minute run over last the previous weeks. Hitting the rock bottom on Henry and walking out was short and to the point, I liked it. I would have liked a few more seconds staring down Cena or maybe some more body language to add to the intimidation but over all I liked it. It added physicality without them getting physical with each other.

After Cena's performance in the Henry match I'm really afraid they will use an injury angle from his auto accident as an easy out for The Rock going over at WM. I can still see The Rock hitting a clutch rock bottom or AA and falling down in exhaustion before The Miz runs in and puts the boots to both of them.
Man I must be getting old. That promo was just so dumb to me. It was just like watching Mad TV or some un-inspiring SNL skit. Of course Im just talking about my own personal opinion, nothing more.....but putting Rock up against Cena's serious persona on the mic just seems stupid...it makes the Rock's promo's seem ******ed. (to ME)

When it was Cena doing a rap and Rock doing a concert, that matched up well - those 'went together.' But as Im sitting here listening to Rock, I cant help but think of the promo's Cena's been cutting and I get more irritated by whats coming out of Rock's mouth.

So you think it was dumb for The Rock to explain that his goal as a wrestler was to be the greatest of all time period & the only way for him to achieve that goal is to defeat John Cena? :confused: Instead of dogging John out like he has been doing in all his other promos he puts John over by making it seem like this match is just as important as his matches against Hogan & Austin. That irritated you? Did you really listen to the promo he cut tonight or did you just pay attention to when he said a catchphrase?
Its the WAY Rock delivered the promo, not the message behind it. There are plenty of ways to put over his match with Cena as one of the biggest and most important matc whes of his career. But Rock did it HIS way, which is to use catch phrases from machoman, Flair and Hogan. Its to talk about makingg a giant philly cheesesteak ball to shove up Cena's ass. Its Rock talking about his 12 year old balls falling out of his shorts. I understand that this is what does and what he's always done and I used to eat it up. Its not Rock who's changed...its me.
Finally the Rock Has Come back.... To what he used to be. Seriously tonight was Rock's night. His pre taped promo was the best one he did since his return speech last year. It was short, it was to the point and most importantly, it was a serious promo. The kind of promo he would cut during his legendary feud with austin and with Hogan. It made me want to see this match and made me believe that anything could happenned in this match.

Also even through they had to sacrifice Mark Henry to make they point across, the whole what you can do, i can do better thing they had going with cena beating henry with the attitude adjustment and then rock coming out and doing a rock bottom on Mark Henry made for a nice visual and grab my attention again.

So finally the would comedic rock routine is over and we can actually get into the feud.
Yes I know people were complaining he wasn't saying anything and going on and on about his jokes and catchphrases (that the live crowds still adore) but if you cut through all of that, his reason was actually pretty great.

That reason being that he talked about beating Austin & Hogan but needs to go through Cena to cement his status as the best. Also, that put Cena over huge, seeing as Rock lumped Cena into the same value of importance as Hogan & Austin. Beating Cena is as important as his wins over Austin/Hogan. Good stuff. That was a great touch that unfortunately will get overlooked .

I liked it as a passing comment by The Rock but I smelled what The Rock was cooking when he said that and It was a steamy skillet of bullshit.

If The Rock already beat Austin and Hogan (2 of the 4 greatest wrestlers in the last 30 years) on the grandest stage of them all, why the fuck would he need to beat Cena to consider himself the greatest of all time?! That's already 2 top-guys from different generations. If you think The Rock isn't the greatest by now, you never will no matter who he's booked to beat at Wrestlemania. Sure it was a great way to build Cena up but you're kidding yourself if you think it was a good line because it actually made sense.
Thought it was good tbh. He finally told us what his match with Cena meant to him.

Yes I know people were complaining he wasn't saying anything and going on and on about his jokes and catchphrases (that the live crowds still adore) but if you cut through all of that, his reason was actually pretty great.

That reason being that he talked about beating Austin & Hogan but needs to go through Cena to cement his status as the best. Also, that put Cena over huge, seeing as Rock lumped Cena into the same value of importance as Hogan & Austin. Beating Cena is as important as his wins over Austin/Hogan. Good stuff. That was a great touch that unfortunately will get overlooked .

I still wasn't very entertained by the promo itself, but I have to finally give The Rock props for talking about the match itself and giving one reason why he wants to win. I think the reason he gave is a good one, too. Also, I agree that the way he put Cena over was great and somewhat subtle (which is very un-Rock), which I actually liked. Again, I wasn't very entertained the whole time, but after cutting out the crazy jokes, city pandering, and catchphrases as I always tend to do, the content was good.
Following things
-- Cena not being vulnerable going into the PPV match. Instead, looking very assured and confident
-- Cena trying to make people believe that he has everything to loose, if he loose this match. It is too personal for Cena to loose, and WWE would never want their top guy to loose.
-- Also Rock is going to have egg on his big-mouth if he loose to Cena, and he will loose face in front of his fans, if he looses to Cena
-- Vince/HHH may realize (kayfebe) that Rock-loosing-to-Cena may result in less profitable business.

is making me believe that either
-- Cena is going to loose the match cleanly or with interference
-- Or there is going to be a run-in to decide the winner.

WWE has surprised us many times, this could be another story of WWE pulling the rabbit out of the hat.
I thought the Rock's promo was great and that the rock bottom he gave to Henry perfectly set up Cena to sell concern for the first time in weeks, which he did with his facial expressions. It told the story that Cena may actually now be worried that Dwayne is gone and the Rock is back.

As far as the event itself goes anything can happen.

It makes sense for the Rock to go over as it's his hometown and a lot of those old fans that will tune in to this will expect him to win. If WWE want to try to get them back they won't want to turn them away immediately.

It makes sense for Cena to win by turning heel as it refreshes his character, appeals to the adults and gives the Rock an out for losing.

It makes sense for the Rock to put over Cena clean because that's what former stars are supposed to do, also Cena does still need that one massive Wrestlemania moment to out him up on the Rock's level. Plus the Rock has never been afraid of doing jobs.
She was only saying what the rest of us feel. Cena is just plain uninteresting. Very little entertainment value, if any. Her post was one of the best in this thread.

No, s/he was saying things that were factually inaccurate and dripping bias. The reason that you think it's one of the best in the thread is because, as many have already pointed out, you are just as fanatical in your anti-Cena posts as anyone else. In practically every post you make in here, you find any excuse to elevate The Rock over Cena or put Cena down without even a hint of effort to hide your ridiculous biases.

I don't like the way Rock put Cena over tonight. Cena is not one of the best of all time. This match does not belong on the same level as his matches with Hogan and Austin. No way.

According to Hogan, Austin, HHH, Ric Flair, Kurt Angle, and plenty of other people more credible than you, Cena is one of the best of all time. If you want to find a list of wrestlers that agree with your opinion on here, it would probably be highlighted by Chavo and Tarver.

Hopefully Rock never returns after WM. Idiot fans who don't know quality entertainment, don't deserve to be graced with his presence.

Ah, a prime example of why so few of us can take you seriously. According to these two little sentences, fans don't know what entertainment is (again, suggesting that your view of entertainment should be shared by everyone else) and don't "deserve to be graced with [The Rock's] presence." I'm stuck between a sensation of pity and disgust when you bring up the idea that The Rock's mere presence commands so much value to you, and it's even worse that you think that it should inherently hold that type of importance to every other fan of the business. Get over yourself, and try to work on not being such a tool.
WWE got it dead right this week, Rock's promo was very good, it made a clear point and added yet another dimension to the fued, whilst like many have pointed out subtly crediting Cena in the same company as greats like Hogan, Austin and Savage. The rock-bottom and Cena's facial expression after it was great, short, to the point and upped the physicality. The fact that it wasn't the main focal point of the program was actually good as it enabled more time for the other fueds and assuaged any feelings of over-kill whilst building anticipation for what should be a fascinating final week.

On another note the train wreck that was HHH/Taker/HBK, in the final promo if anything testified to the terrific job that Rock and Cena have done in keeping the match and promos interesting and fresh for a whole year.
I liked it as a passing comment by The Rock but I smelled what The Rock was cooking when he said that and It was a steamy skillet of bullshit.

If The Rock already beat Austin and Hogan (2 of the 4 greatest wrestlers in the last 30 years) on the grandest stage of them all, why the fuck would he need to beat Cena to consider himself the greatest of all time?! That's already 2 top-guys from different generations. If you think The Rock isn't the greatest by now, you never will no matter who he's booked to beat at Wrestlemania. Sure it was a great way to build Cena up but you're kidding yourself if you think it was a good line because it actually made sense.

Except its not BS. The main point of big feuds is to somehow in between make each other look good. Cena has to feel like someone who is above or with those guys. Hes the current big deal. Even Rock today on Twitter said that facing Cena is his greatest challenge. Its called selling the feud. A lost art these days it seems. We haven't really gotten that vibe yet, but finally its happening. Its supposed to be a big deal, two icons going at it. All we've gotten so far was the whining and shooting at each other. This was a great turn around.
This is probably going to be the longest post I've ever made, just to spite you all who hate it.

I would ask how it is a mess? Being a Cena fan automatically impairs your judgement on this because you, for whatever reason being to you as an individual, WANT to see him, where as myself and other people, and many more of similar mindsets across this planet, have had enough of him to last us two life times. I respect that you are a fan, I do, but for the mere fact that you are a fan of his, tells me you can't even see the point. There was a time where I thought Cena was great, I thought he was awesome, and no Im not talking like some bandwagon jumper fan who says "YEAH DR OF THUGANOMICS CENA IS BEST HE SO COOL NOW HE SUX", I admired him a few years ago when I believe he was at his best from 2006 - 2007.

Its a little insulting that you say my statement was a mess when you fail to even explain why probably because you don't know how. You can't say its a mess, because its true! People HATE Cena because he is shoved down the throats of everyone week in, week out. Its beating a dead horse, I still don't see why the common fan or even Cena fan can't see this? Ignorance, or inconsideration is the only logical answer. They think that just because THEY enjoy this guys routine and mundane overexposure, everyone else should.

Thats not the case, I hate to sound like a prick but the fact that my post riled you up so much to reply pretty much tells me you hold this guy to such a high regard that you would intercede in a wrestling discussion just to defend the guy with no solid backing or reason, other then the fact that someone spoke out so much against their favorite star. I'm kind of sick of these Cena fans, you are almost as bad as those little Jeff Hardy marks who think this guy is a god and would kill someone for making fun of them or calling them out on their flaws.

I know why people cheer for Cena, I know why people have faith in him and I know why people are fans. However, I am not one of those people. How would you feel if a performer or wrestler you didn't like hogged up all the air time night in, night out, for about eight years, give or take at most 8 - 10 months out for injury? I've been watching the product for 16 years and there has been no one, and I mean no one, who has been more consistent and more over exposed on a regular basis and over hyped on a regular basis then John Cena, PERIOD.

Cena is staler then Barbara Walter's vagina, he needs to GO AWAY for a while. There is nothing he can do now to save my interest as an individual, the ship has sailed a year or two ago, but to me if Cena had any sense of what is definitively considerate and beneficial for this business, Cena just needs to fuck off for a bit. Cena is a juggernaut for the WWE, there is no questioning that, but for the 20,000,000th time, the majority of us have just had enough. I never want to point fingers at anyone, but for the most part.. Cena fans and these die hard marks or overzealous little fanboys and girls are ruining credibility in the WWE on all levels. You do realize the WWE title, the world title, everything else is taking a backseat for John Cena's continued push? He is established enough. Give the spotlight to someone else for a while. Give us a break from this super man. For Christs sake people open your eyes.

There could be so much money to be made, and so much to benefit other people if Cena were to go away for a while. Imagine the people who could be elevated? Or the things they could do?

Or the money they could make for a Cena return? You have no idea, if done properly and if Cena were to go away for a set amount of time, hell even I would be a little excited to see that he would be returning and what for.

As he is now, he just does the same shit over and over and over and over .And he will continue to do so after he beats the Rock at Mania, he will return to beating everyone, conquering the odds, until there is nothing left to do but rehash old rivalries, bring in greener the grass guys from the possibly soon to be defunct FCW just to feed to this guy, until the next big storyline where Cena is at a moral conflict and has to be the underdog and do whats right and be the hero once again. How will he manage to beat the odds and make me want to shoot myself for the 100th time and ask myself why do I keep watching this time?

After he beats the Rock its going to be trivial. Its always trivial with John Cena, he could wrestle Jesus Christ at WrestleMania 30, and when he wins he would still completely undermine or get over it within a couple weeks.

I firmly believe, if you don't enjoy something, don't watch, which is why I change the channel 8 times out of 10 when this guy comes out because I know I saw it last week.

I think Cena is less entertaining then The Rock because John is the most predictable, stale, mundane, routine, eye-rolling, cliche super hero who has barely, and I hardly mean ever, sold anything believable to me as a wrestling fan in the past three years or so.

You do realize the only time Cena has ever lost in clean, decisive and notable fashion without getting screwed or cheated out of it by controversial means or interference was when he lost to Triple H in a WWE Title match in 2008? In four years, that is the only time I can ever recall Cena ever laying down and being beaten fairly in believable fashion, and heres the kicker, the guy who beat him probably has more of an ego then he does and runs a part of the company.

Like I said, pile on top of this the fact that this guy could get shot, stabbed, ran over, kicked in the nuts by a horse, decapitated, burned at the stake, reanimated by a necromancer, raped by Brian Peppers, smashed over the head with a log by Tarzan, blown up, reanimated once more and then slapped in the face by Rue Paul and he would still fail to sell in any believable fashion just by winning in the most mundane and routine fashion and smirk like a little prick at the end of it and salute to the audience and look at the camera and say "NEVER GIVE UP!" Yeah John, you get the WWE fed to you on a silver spoon, you can't afford to give up right?

Even last night on RAW, he is getting his ass kicked by Mark Henry, I mean just DOMINATED and he comes back and wins with what, two moves? Fucking bullshit. Mark Henry losing to this guy by two or three moves after completely dominating and making Cena his bitch just made Henry look like a joke, and he hasn't looked like a joke in almost a year. Don't insult my intelligence, where is the story? Where is the psychology? Where the fuck is the logic? Its not there because it doesnt need to be, because the guy could wrestle a mop, cut a promo on it, tell it to choke on these nuts and wave his hand in front of his face and fickle Cena fans will still cheer and jump and say "yay, yaya oh yay oh my god yay yay Hes so cool! Hes so funny! Wow hes so brave he just beat a fucking mop on RAW, I want to be just like him."

Not to mention that they threw this stupid story of him being in a car crash? I don't buy that, his fans will because they love him and dont want precious Johnny boy to be hurt, so they will root for him even more but for the commentary team to say "He must be hurt! How will he be at WresltleMania?"

Oh no! The odds are again stacked, John Cena is not 100%! What is going to happen?!?!?! This is a huge factor in the match, so lets build it up bit by it. I mean by all accounts, a fender bender just must draw a guy from 100% to at least 20% if he is John Cena, I sure hope he is ok because this is so unexpected and wow what heart and drive shown by this man who was love tapped in his automobile hours ago, to come out after such an excruciating accident and win with nothing but pure heart and drive. My god, this Cena is so amazing, I mean last week he stubbed his toe on his way to the ring but still managed to overcome the odds for the 1242352365th time in the last decade, god praise Cena! God praise us all! YAAAAY!!!

If the guy is walking to the ring and lifting a 450 pound man over his head, hes pretty fucking OK to compete, jackwads.

You miss the point, again, entirely. The problem with Cena not being entertaining is because he is nowhere near believable. Credible as a main eventer and champion, yes, but does he make it believable to anyone over the age of 12 or who lacks a vagina or a sex life? NO. His third grade level "poopy" jokes, as I refer to them because he has gone on record to call people "poopy" in the past, is just so juvenile that its hard to think this is the same guy that panders to be a guy who rises above hate and is pimping out a gimmick of loyalty and respect but never shows it to anyone, in that ring, or on that microphone. I don't think I ever saw The Rock smile like a fucking ****** while painting "JBL IS POOPY" on a limo. Rock had his weak moments and his lame promos and segments, but it never went that bad. One week he comes out all serious, HUSTLE LOYALTY RESPECT, BUY MY SHIRT then the next he comes out rapping about putting his nuts on his opponents face? Fuck off. At least the Rock is consistent with his points in his promos and segments.

He never gives anyone else a chance to get over, he always has to be the guy with the relevancy at the end of it even when he shouldn't be. He comes up with these lame jokes or references that are either completely stupid or no one gets, or says these ******ed statements and people laugh and go along with it anyway cause Clark Kent himself said it.

I'd rather listen to anyone from from The Rock to David Schultz talk about Kung Pow chicken, fruity pebbles, even throw in the occasional twitter reference which I hate, and I'd rather them screw up lines fed to him from a titantron for an hour and then slapping an interviewer for asking if the business is fake then listen to Cena for two minutes with his preachy, condescending, over done, over rated, ridiculous, irrelevant, cheesy, cringe worthy dialogue and god awful shit eating expressions any day of the week. Hell, I'd even take a fifteen minute Mike Adamle promo on the fundamentals of physics over your typical Cena work now.

Don't get me wrong, lot of Cena hate in this post but believe it or not, I respect the guys work ethic, I do think, and I know, he is a valuable asset to the WWE, but he isn't the only thing WWE has, as much as they will it to be so for the majority of their product. There are guys in that locker room who are toe to toe better then Cena that we never, ever get to see. To me he is somewhat like the maxipad of the WWE, he stays in one place for set amount of time, absorbs the bad, protects the host, has a purpose, and lays comfortably among its wearer, it supports and gives a sense of relief to its host, but if it hasn't been changed every some odd hours people will start to smell something funky and look down and say "Yo, its been more then four hours you need to change that."

Don't give me that bullshit, while I think the whole steroid craze after the Benoit incident was a little ridiculous and unnecessary as a scapegoat for these uneducated reporters, if you are going on record for an interview for the sole purpose of your opinion and your ideas on the topic at hand its easy to say what John said,"Its tough to answer that because of the way society is now." The fact of the matter is, he was in a position where, yes, he could have incriminated himself if he had not chosen his words right, but any sensible person would know why they were being interviewed in the first place at that particular moment in time, so its just stupid. John Cena coming in for an interview and being surprised that he was asked if he ever did steroids, is like someone trick or treating and being surprised to get candy when someone answers the fucking door.

CNN or whoever conducted that interview, as ignorant as they were, only apologized when it put Cena and WWE under an even worse light then it already was. It wasn't enough for them to apologize that they had included a guy that fell from 75 feet in 1999 and die in the ring to steroid abuse, it wasn't enough they had an employee die of heart problems due to substance abuse a couple years earlier, it was just enough for a guy to kill himself and his family in some inexplicable rage to get the attention for them to spew accusations and completely miss the point and facts and blame everything on the most common known problem in sports, but when they question the top guy in the top company with a question from left field, suddenly they feel the need to apologize?

I don't recall them ever publicly saying "Sorry for our misguided and uneducated views on the steroid abuse in pro wrestling" or "sorry for any offensive material we may have broadcast, up to and including, disrespecting our guests such as former professional wrestlers to air their opinions on the subject, or exaggerating truths in order to build on this particular story". To me, when he said "I can say Ive never done them, but you cant prove that I have" or whatever it was he said is just John Cena going for an interview to drive the stick in deeper. Every interview those assholes ever aired during that fiasco was incriminating! But for some reason, John Cena gets an apology for the WWE. Facts are facts, if it were anyone else who was asked that, CNN or whoever it was wouldn't have apologized. Cena is the ultimate do good puppet for the WWE and I, along with millions and millions of other fans, who, the majority of which actually know the English language or have legal residency on the continent of North America, see right through it and are 199% sick of it. Thats a whole nother story altogether.

Long enough?

I doubt you guys read it anyways.
As far as I am concerned, I am okay if some one says that 'Cena sux' or 'he is forced down my throat'. But problem comes when people try to say that this is the opinion of majority. This is where the debate starts.

If majority of people didn't have liked Cena, you can be rest assured that WWE as a responsible organization would have made Cena make mend his ways. But the mere fact that Cena has close to 11 million fans on facebook and distant second is Dwayne Johnson with 6 Million fans (followed by Rey Myserio 3 million), tells you that he is the number one guy by some margin.
This is probably going to be the longest post I've ever made, just to spite you all who hate it.

I would ask how it is a mess? Being a Cena fan automatically impairs your judgement on this because you, for whatever reason being to you as an individual, WANT to see him, where as myself and other people, and many more of similar mindsets across this planet, have had enough of him to last us two life times. I respect that you are a fan, I do, but for the mere fact that you are a fan of his, tells me you can't even see the point. There was a time where I thought Cena was great, I thought he was awesome, and no Im not talking like some bandwagon jumper fan who says "YEAH DR OF THUGANOMICS CENA IS BEST HE SO COOL NOW HE SUX", I admired him a few years ago when I believe he was at his best from 2006 - 2007.

Its a little insulting that you say my statement was a mess when you fail to even explain why probably because you don't know how. You can't say its a mess, because its true! People HATE Cena because he is shoved down the throats of everyone week in, week out. Its beating a dead horse, I still don't see why the common fan or even Cena fan can't see this? Ignorance, or inconsideration is the only logical answer. They think that just because THEY enjoy this guys routine and mundane overexposure, everyone else should.

Thats not the case, I hate to sound like a prick but the fact that my post riled you up so much to reply pretty much tells me you hold this guy to such a high regard that you would intercede in a wrestling discussion just to defend the guy with no solid backing or reason, other then the fact that someone spoke out so much against their favorite star. I'm kind of sick of these Cena fans, you are almost as bad as those little Jeff Hardy marks who think this guy is a god and would kill someone for making fun of them or calling them out on their flaws.

I know why people cheer for Cena, I know why people have faith in him and I know why people are fans. However, I am not one of those people. How would you feel if a performer or wrestler you didn't like hogged up all the air time night in, night out, for about eight years, give or take at most 8 - 10 months out for injury? I've been watching the product for 16 years and there has been no one, and I mean no one, who has been more consistent and more over exposed on a regular basis and over hyped on a regular basis then John Cena, PERIOD.

Cena is staler then Barbara Walter's vagina, he needs to GO AWAY for a while. There is nothing he can do now to save my interest as an individual, the ship has sailed a year or two ago, but to me if Cena had any sense of what is definitively considerate and beneficial for this business, Cena just needs to fuck off for a bit. Cena is a juggernaut for the WWE, there is no questioning that, but for the 20,000,000th time, the majority of us have just had enough. I never want to point fingers at anyone, but for the most part.. Cena fans and these die hard marks or overzealous little fanboys and girls are ruining credibility in the WWE on all levels. You do realize the WWE title, the world title, everything else is taking a backseat for John Cena's continued push? He is established enough. Give the spotlight to someone else for a while. Give us a break from this super man. For Christs sake people open your eyes.

There could be so much money to be made, and so much to benefit other people if Cena were to go away for a while. Imagine the people who could be elevated? Or the things they could do?

Or the money they could make for a Cena return? You have no idea, if done properly and if Cena were to go away for a set amount of time, hell even I would be a little excited to see that he would be returning and what for.

As he is now, he just does the same shit over and over and over and over .And he will continue to do so after he beats the Rock at Mania, he will return to beating everyone, conquering the odds, until there is nothing left to do but rehash old rivalries, bring in greener the grass guys from the possibly soon to be defunct FCW just to feed to this guy, until the next big storyline where Cena is at a moral conflict and has to be the underdog and do whats right and be the hero once again. How will he manage to beat the odds and make me want to shoot myself for the 100th time and ask myself why do I keep watching this time?

After he beats the Rock its going to be trivial. Its always trivial with John Cena, he could wrestle Jesus Christ at WrestleMania 30, and when he wins he would still completely undermine or get over it within a couple weeks.

I firmly believe, if you don't enjoy something, don't watch, which is why I change the channel 8 times out of 10 when this guy comes out because I know I saw it last week.

I think Cena is less entertaining then The Rock because John is the most predictable, stale, mundane, routine, eye-rolling, cliche super hero who has barely, and I hardly mean ever, sold anything believable to me as a wrestling fan in the past three years or so.

You do realize the only time Cena has ever lost in clean, decisive and notable fashion without getting screwed or cheated out of it by controversial means or interference was when he lost to Triple H in a WWE Title match in 2008? In four years, that is the only time I can ever recall Cena ever laying down and being beaten fairly in believable fashion, and heres the kicker, the guy who beat him probably has more of an ego then he does and runs a part of the company.

Like I said, pile on top of this the fact that this guy could get shot, stabbed, ran over, kicked in the nuts by a horse, decapitated, burned at the stake, reanimated by a necromancer, raped by Brian Peppers, smashed over the head with a log by Tarzan, blown up, reanimated once more and then slapped in the face by Rue Paul and he would still fail to sell in any believable fashion just by winning in the most mundane and routine fashion and smirk like a little prick at the end of it and salute to the audience and look at the camera and say "NEVER GIVE UP!" Yeah John, you get the WWE fed to you on a silver spoon, you can't afford to give up right?

Even last night on RAW, he is getting his ass kicked by Mark Henry, I mean just DOMINATED and he comes back and wins with what, two moves? Fucking bullshit. Mark Henry losing to this guy by two or three moves after completely dominating and making Cena his bitch just made Henry look like a joke, and he hasn't looked like a joke in almost a year. Don't insult my intelligence, where is the story? Where is the psychology? Where the fuck is the logic? Its not there because it doesnt need to be, because the guy could wrestle a mop, cut a promo on it, tell it to choke on these nuts and wave his hand in front of his face and fickle Cena fans will still cheer and jump and say "yay, yaya oh yay oh my god yay yay Hes so cool! Hes so funny! Wow hes so brave he just beat a fucking mop on RAW, I want to be just like him."

Not to mention that they threw this stupid story of him being in a car crash? I don't buy that, his fans will because they love him and dont want precious Johnny boy to be hurt, so they will root for him even more but for the commentary team to say "He must be hurt! How will he be at WresltleMania?"

Oh no! The odds are again stacked, John Cena is not 100%! What is going to happen?!?!?! This is a huge factor in the match, so lets build it up bit by it. I mean by all accounts, a fender bender just must draw a guy from 100% to at least 20% if he is John Cena, I sure hope he is ok because this is so unexpected and wow what heart and drive shown by this man who was love tapped in his automobile hours ago, to come out after such an excruciating accident and win with nothing but pure heart and drive. My god, this Cena is so amazing, I mean last week he stubbed his toe on his way to the ring but still managed to overcome the odds for the 1242352365th time in the last decade, god praise Cena! God praise us all! YAAAAY!!!

If the guy is walking to the ring and lifting a 450 pound man over his head, hes pretty fucking OK to compete, jackwads.

You miss the point, again, entirely. The problem with Cena not being entertaining is because he is nowhere near believable. Credible as a main eventer and champion, yes, but does he make it believable to anyone over the age of 12 or who lacks a vagina or a sex life? NO. His third grade level "poopy" jokes, as I refer to them because he has gone on record to call people "poopy" in the past, is just so juvenile that its hard to think this is the same guy that panders to be a guy who rises above hate and is pimping out a gimmick of loyalty and respect but never shows it to anyone, in that ring, or on that microphone. I don't think I ever saw The Rock smile like a fucking ****** while painting "JBL IS POOPY" on a limo. Rock had his weak moments and his lame promos and segments, but it never went that bad. One week he comes out all serious, HUSTLE LOYALTY RESPECT, BUY MY SHIRT then the next he comes out rapping about putting his nuts on his opponents face? Fuck off. At least the Rock is consistent with his points in his promos and segments.

He never gives anyone else a chance to get over, he always has to be the guy with the relevancy at the end of it even when he shouldn't be. He comes up with these lame jokes or references that are either completely stupid or no one gets, or says these ******ed statements and people laugh and go along with it anyway cause Clark Kent himself said it.

I'd rather listen to anyone from from The Rock to David Schultz talk about Kung Pow chicken, fruity pebbles, even throw in the occasional twitter reference which I hate, and I'd rather them screw up lines fed to him from a titantron for an hour and then slapping an interviewer for asking if the business is fake then listen to Cena for two minutes with his preachy, condescending, over done, over rated, ridiculous, irrelevant, cheesy, cringe worthy dialogue and god awful shit eating expressions any day of the week. Hell, I'd even take a fifteen minute Mike Adamle promo on the fundamentals of physics over your typical Cena work now.

Don't get me wrong, lot of Cena hate in this post but believe it or not, I respect the guys work ethic, I do think, and I know, he is a valuable asset to the WWE, but he isn't the only thing WWE has, as much as they will it to be so for the majority of their product. There are guys in that locker room who are toe to toe better then Cena that we never, ever get to see. To me he is somewhat like the maxipad of the WWE, he stays in one place for set amount of time, absorbs the bad, protects the host, has a purpose, and lays comfortably among its wearer, it supports and gives a sense of relief to its host, but if it hasn't been changed every some odd hours people will start to smell something funky and look down and say "Yo, its been more then four hours you need to change that."

Don't give me that bullshit, while I think the whole steroid craze after the Benoit incident was a little ridiculous and unnecessary as a scapegoat for these uneducated reporters, if you are going on record for an interview for the sole purpose of your opinion and your ideas on the topic at hand its easy to say what John said,"Its tough to answer that because of the way society is now." The fact of the matter is, he was in a position where, yes, he could have incriminated himself if he had not chosen his words right, but any sensible person would know why they were being interviewed in the first place at that particular moment in time, so its just stupid. John Cena coming in for an interview and being surprised that he was asked if he ever did steroids, is like someone trick or treating and being surprised to get candy when someone answers the fucking door.

CNN or whoever conducted that interview, as ignorant as they were, only apologized when it put Cena and WWE under an even worse light then it already was. It wasn't enough for them to apologize that they had included a guy that fell from 75 feet in 1999 and die in the ring to steroid abuse, it wasn't enough they had an employee die of heart problems due to substance abuse a couple years earlier, it was just enough for a guy to kill himself and his family in some inexplicable rage to get the attention for them to spew accusations and completely miss the point and facts and blame everything on the most common known problem in sports, but when they question the top guy in the top company with a question from left field, suddenly they feel the need to apologize?

I don't recall them ever publicly saying "Sorry for our misguided and uneducated views on the steroid abuse in pro wrestling" or "sorry for any offensive material we may have broadcast, up to and including, disrespecting our guests such as former professional wrestlers to air their opinions on the subject, or exaggerating truths in order to build on this particular story". To me, when he said "I can say Ive never done them, but you cant prove that I have" or whatever it was he said is just John Cena going for an interview to drive the stick in deeper. Every interview those assholes ever aired during that fiasco was incriminating! But for some reason, John Cena gets an apology for the WWE. Facts are facts, if it were anyone else who was asked that, CNN or whoever it was wouldn't have apologized. Cena is the ultimate do good puppet for the WWE and I, along with millions and millions of other fans, who, the majority of which actually know the English language or have legal residency on the continent of North America, see right through it and are 199% sick of it. Thats a whole nother story altogether.

Long enough?

I doubt you guys read it anyways.

Now I won't replicate Homer's Illiad from above here but:

A puppet? He is the top employee.

Here is the deal. When ECW started doing shows at the Hammerstein Ballroom, who showed up? Did Hunter ever show? DId Shawn ever show? Taker? Batista came, Cena came. They knew they were the top babyfaces but would be booed outta the building but they came. Why? Coz even if a buncha adult haters will diss on their style, it's what making their company millions.

I am very happy with Cena's style. Hell When I go through some of Hitman's old matches, I switch the channel coz its boring to me. You know why a Cena match keeps me intrigued? The crowd. The kinda bi-polar crowd reactions, his smirks and acknowledgment of such is what first draws me these days. He is the top guy. He will steam roll over the mid card heels. That's why he IS the top face. Henry, whether you like it or not, is now demoted, deal with it. Cena wouldn't go over this easily over a Daniel Bryan or a Chris Jericho, because they are top heels.

And now you and people like you should come to grips with the fact, THAT YOU ARE IN A MINORITY STILL.

There was a Rapper Cena who went over well, there was a Super Cena who went over well with kids and, for me, brought attributed to the dawn of the PG era which in itself speaks volumes of his fan following; now he is in a role of Super Cena 'whether you like me or not'. A lotta people still pay money JUST to see Cena. His character has been reinvented not by the management but by us this time. Instead of taking the traditional route of turning your top face heel when he becomes stale, they took a unique route (which I applaud) and let us boo him. Hey atleast there aren't piped chants to drown out the boos huh Bill?

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