Finally The Rock Has Come Back....



as everyone saw on raw, the rock was shown on the titron saying vince is going to get his head shaved. i nearly fell off my seat when i saw the rock. im a big rock fan and just seeing him back is great. but is he back full time, is he on raw? and will he be at mania?? whats everyones thoughts on this? and whats with all these lengends coming back???
I think the Rock just appeared on TV quickly as a favor to Vince McMahon, to promote Wrestlemania. It seems that he is understanding that the fans aren't interested in the Battle of the Billionnaires, and wants to promote it a bit more.

Don't expect the Rock to be back anytime soon, or at all in that matter. It would be great to see him appear at next week's Raw, just to cut a 20 minute promo on their asses :) but don't expect that to happen either. I think it was just a one time thing.
Yeah it was just a one time thing as Rock has said himslef that hes basically done with wrestling. Yet he can talk like no other so never rule out him showing up like he did tonight with a taped segment about something. Rock will never wrestle again
Don't look much at all into this 'returning' thing, because all it was was Vince getting more interest in his feud. Yeah it was good to see him back but don't expect to see much of him at all after this. It's a shame that after waiting for him to return and do all this stuff, that all we get is a short, pre-taped segment about Vince/Trump, and didn't really have the spark that Rock is known for. He looks in good shape though, so I am hoping (and it's a long shot) that he will have one more match. But again, this was just a one-off segment that he did that doesn't mean anything really. Good to see him on TV though, no matter how short it was.
+ it wouldn't make much sense to return..odds are he mite do wat austin's a role at each i would die to see another rock-austin brawl..that rivalery was the greatest and made WWF sorry WWE..shine the most!
He probably only made an appearence because he know's Umaga. It's no sceret that a lot of Samoan wrestler's are related and the other's are part of ther community.
I was at RAW last night and boy that was a pleasant surprise. Austin/Foley/Rock all on one show...Attitude Era for a moment...
Id also have to say it was a little quick favor for vince to build the hype for the Battle of the Billionaires hair vs hair match. ALthough i think i speek for everyone that we would like to see the great one back on in the wwe lets face it the guy is hilarious and he proved that last night once again
I was surprised to see him period. He's said for a while he's done with wrestling and in a way it kind of pissed me off because without wrestling, he'd be a nobody. He would of never got into acting or anything. I think he owes it to the wrestling community to come back one last time for an extended period of time and not for WrestleMania. I use to be a fan of his but since he left and has given up wrestling for good, I've lost some respect for him. Never forget where you come from and who helped you get there Rock.
The Rock was great in WWE..loved his charisma, wrestling, and comedy..i remember him making fun of everyone before his 6 man hell in the cell match.. "The game the middle of the ring uh...and his two dolla b*tch for a wife uh..classic! He will be missed. If WWE can get someone like the Rock, man that will be good!
WWE needs someone like The Rock or Austin to reinvigerate the fan base. Atleast Austin is coming back for a little while. WWE is hoping Cena can be the next Rock or Austin but I don't see it.
I think that the next Rock or Austin will be Kennedy. Obviously he wont be nowhere near as popular but he will still be pretty big. I dont think Orton is as diverse on the mic. He's not a bad talker but he does'nt seem to be able to switch it up a bit. Austin & The Rock could do everthing on the mic. I feel Kennedy will be very similar in that respect.
He probably only made an appearence because he know's Umaga. It's no sceret that a lot of Samoan wrestler's are related and the other's are part of ther community.
The Rock and Umaga don't just know each other. They're cousins.
Yeah I pretty much agree with all of you... did anyone see him laughing at the end??? that has promo written all over it, and a short lived one at that. I dont know, it was amazing having foley back, then austin, then the rock (kinda), but it would blow the wrestling entertainment world out of the water if the rock came back for another fued with austin.... and by the way I am so sick of the fans at every event saying what after someone says anything... I mean christ i understand for vince or someone hated, but seriously that has to be annoying when youre trying to say something... sorry didnt mean to vent...
I absoloutaly the Rock, he isnt going to come back any time soon, but similarly Jericho has said hes done with wrestling, butnow hes in talks about returning this year. If the rock gets 6-9 months free say in the next 2/3 years then i think he would consider going back for 1 last title run, i would love him to come back as a heel, but if he did it would probably be as a face. I am just talking here im not saying this will happen but, if Vince begs him enough i think he would find the time to do it at some point.
that was a good surpirise, but did the rock look alot smaller now? maybe too much hollywood

but his promo reminded me why he was one of the best entertainers ever in wwe

ya smell it???
Hes not one of the best promo men in the history he IS THE BEST of all time without a doubt. that was really awesome to see even my girlfriend who does not watch wrestling one bit was watching with me last night and then the Rock comes on and even she was suprised. Absolutely amazing.
Hes gonna come back! My friend said that he will come back..he told me the website that he read it in but i forgot.
u wish he was, he gets more money in one movie then he does in an entire year in the wwe, i would love for him to come back but i highly doubt it
k one movie can take about a year to make u no right.
i wish the rock comes back i never really seen his matches. but ive watched a few on youtube (not advertising) and they looked awsome.
I read most of the comments about the Rock and how people say hes not gonna come back to wrestle or won't return after monday's 5 minute promo here's the thing never say never money talks and vince has the money to get the rock back but right now with how the rock is enjoying doing movies why return to wrestling right now when hes making 20 million a film.Plus the wrestling business has always been in his family's blood and if i remember right didn't mick foley say he was done wrestling but came back or didn't Stone cold say he couldn't do much in the ring and he still does my point is this just because they say they won't return they do when the time is right and how they feel. It's Like Austin said in one of videos once your hooked on to the business your always back into it and knowing the rock and he once said he had WWE in his blood he'll be back when who knows but the wait will be worth it.

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