Finally The Rock Has Come Back....

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Well, think about this .. why would vince put the rock on TV only to not be seen again ... I don't think we'll see him wrestling again but I do think we'll see him a 'Mania maybe laying the verbal smackdown on some loud mothed 'superstar' (MVP??) I would personaly love to see him in the ring and I don't think that Monday is the last we'll see him on WWE.
i would like to see The Rock come back, i am a big fan of his and i was really suprised when i saw him. The Rock would show everyone who is top 5 greatest of all time.
Umaga = Jamal from WWF.. that guy.. You'll never know.. He said " starred in a movie, and still have the ability to whoop your candyass!".
Umaga = Jamal from WWF.. that guy.. You'll never know.. He said " starred in a movie, and still have the ability to whoop your candyass!".

Just to clear it up he said layth the smackdown on your candyass ... and wat exactly is ur point of bring up that part of the rock's rant?
I think he only came back tpromote Wrestlemania, not to wrestle.
Forget the Rock returning to wrestle in the WWE. Not going to happen. He pre-recorded that one clip to hype Wrestlemania, that's all, nothing more.

At most we may see him appear in one gimmick match to hype some particular PPV, but full-time wrestling- no way. Personally I don't see him wrestling anymore or even appearing in a ring anymore.

Fans will tire of him re-surfacing every blue moon, then disappearing again for months or years. And the new upcoming generation of wrestling fans won't even know who he is.

He isn't even in good in-ring shape anymore. His skills, which were average at best, have likely deteriorated. Face it folks, he's done.
Well from the pop he got on Raw compared to the pops the 2 top face's on RAW atm (hbk and cena) then its ridicolous to say that the fans will tire or wont know who he is, especially when more people watch one of his movies than do an addition of wwe raw. What we tire of is that useless shite Cena holding the title for practically 2 years, and the ape-like batisita almost the same. And if you think those pieces of crap Batista and Cena are gonna have long lasting appeal then your v. much mistaken, you say the rock had average in-ring skills, these guys had no skill. They are v. close to using up their shelf life on top, in the case of batisita he's older than the rock! you are talking out of your arse mate if you think these guys are. The rocks mic skills are better than the entire RAw and Smackdown rosters combined, in-ring shape? i mean he was a football player at some half decent teams before he joined WWE, now i know american football sucks, but surely they would do just a little bit on fitness... and i think if oversized montriosities like the great khali, kane, and a in denial oap ric flair can wrestle week in week out then he can. He was good in the ring, not great i admit but hes a lot better in there than guys like HHH, Cena, HBK, Batista etc. and he had the charisma of all of them combined, and then some! He still looks great he hasnt but on any weight, the guy could still wresle if he wanted to.

As for whether he will yes, i admit the odds of him comming back are quite long, but stranger things have happened in wrestling. Now stop having a go at us Rock fans, just because we are loyal and would go mad to see him wrestle again.
I hope The Rock comes back for AT LEAST one more match. What was his last match, WrestleMania 20? Evolution vs. Rock N' Sock Connection? Thats not a decent last match..Come on Rockyyyy!
I think it's inevitable that he has a match somewhere down the road. But it has to be the right timing, the right opponent and the right event.

It needs to be at Wrestlemania and it needs to be against someone who'd be able to carry to match (the Rock's in good health but I'm sure he's not in wrestling shape anymore - he looks a lot smaller), and it needs to be someone who the rock would be willing and needing to put over.

Maybe Wrestlemania 24 or 25, depending on how things go until then.
I dont think The Rock would be back in wrestling since he's too busy being an actor. He'll only come back if no one signs him for a movie, which will be very impossible since he has a very good charisma.
i really really really hope the rock comes back. WrestleMania XV was gold... I miss The Rock vs Stone Cold.... stuff Batista.... The Rock rules WWE.

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