I don't think WWE creative team will even think of putting the Rock and Cena in an in-ring face to face verbal showdown prior to Mania, because Cena is going to get buried. Jericho can hold his own along with maybe a handful more, but Cena will be so out of his league and will get undressed and buried in every way imaginable.

As for Cena's promo tonight, it was good in a poetry reading kinda way.
You make an interesting point, most guest host's had match making power etc for awhile, but didn't the new anonymous GM rule that guest hosts no longer had Power awhile back? Even if Rock had the power i doubt he would change any of the Main event matches or Fueds that are currently being set up, as if would take away from them being set up in the first place, WM isn't a weekly episode of Raw, so i doubt even if he had the power that it would be used, maybe for a Diva Dance off/Bikini contest or something like that, but Big changes NO.
So The Rock is going to guest host, but we all know that this will be much more than him getting on the mic and welcoming the fans. Below I have set out a few segments and promos that I would like to see The Rock undertake.

I had to be careful not to over expose The Great One before his anticipated showdown with John Cena. But at the same time this is The Rock, you want to expose the guy to make sure you get your moneys worth! Some people will say this isn’t about The Rock, there is too much of him well I say fuck you. He’s the best thing going on in WWE right now and they need to milk it for all it is worth. Rock can have the spotlight for all I care – he’s earned it.


The Rock comes out to open Wrestlemania. He introduces himself, he welcomes the fans, he lets us all know what lies ahead for the next 4 hours. The Rock also makes reference to whopping someones ass tonight, but doesnt directly say the name of said party.

Why: I feel it is only right a host should come out and start things off. That is what a host does. They cant start without the great one saying a few words! I wouldnt have him mention Cena, I would keep the crowd guessing, even though we know it's Cena.

We see The Rock in his Dressing Room. There is a knock at the Door and in comes Vince McMahon. McMahon is happy to see The Rock and wishes him good luck for the evening. Then Vince gets all serious and tells The Rock not to ruin tonight (destroying Cena). The Rock thanks Vince for his kind words, then rips on Vince before having him removed from his dressing room by security.

Why: I think it is only right the owner should have the shows best interest at heart hence this confrontation. Rock and Vince have never really seen eye to eye so there is bad blood there. Rock having the owner removed from his dressing room is a good way to receive a pop. Vince is disliked no matter what so it doesnt matter if he is heel or face (I forget anyway!).

The Rock comes out to the stage to introduce this years Hall Of Fame inductees. He announces them all - Sunny, Abdullah, HBK etc. He congratulates HBK before passing him the mic and then making his way to the back giving HBK his spotlight.

Why: Usually an announcer does this but you have a host for this Wrestlemania so have him do it. It would be nice to see The Rock acknowledge HBK for everything he did for WWE. Without stealing his moment and the spotlight of course. A simple introduction bit here, nothing more.

The Rock is backstage with Santino. Comedy moment here with Rock using a few catchphrases on Santino. He also asks where his rat tail has gone. Into the scene comes Stone Cold Steve Austin. Rock asks Santino to leave. Santino runs off thinking things are about to explode. We have a staredown before they both smile. Austin mentions that he beat Rock 2 times at Wrestlemania, Rock mentions that he retired Austin at Wrestlemania. They share a laugh before Austin departs for his match whilst The Rock looks on.

Why: In terms of storyline, this makes no sense. It is just a random meeting between 2 icons. But it doesn’t have to make sense – this is The Rock and Austin for fucks sake! To have both Superstars in the same building on the same night and not cross paths would be ludicrous.

The Rock comes out onto the stage to introduce Tinie Tempah who is doing a live set of the official theme tune 'Written In The Stars'.

Why: I don't know if this is going to happen but Wrestlemania usually has a live performance so this makes sense. A 30 second job here for The Rock. No music, he just walks out on stage and says a few things about Tinee and to enjoy the performance.

Todd Grisham backstage with the Host. He asks The Rock who he thinks will win the upcoming WWE Title match between The Miz and John Cena. We see vintage Rock here where he makes Todd look like an idiot (Kevin Kelly). The Rock says it doesn’t matter who wins. All that matters is that The Rock will see both of them at some point.

Why: Good to see Rock being interviewed. We all remember how he made Kevin Kelly and Michael Cole look idiots. It is important Rock gives his thoughts on this bout as he is heavily involved in the storyline.

The last match of the evening is Triple H vs Taker. Taker has departed and Triple H has just received a standing ovation for the punishment dished out by Taker. He starts to make his way up the ramp when The Rocks music hits. The Rock makes his way out and he stops half way down the stage. The Rock and Triple H stare at each other before The Rock enters the ring. The Rock thanks the fans for coming and says he has had a blast and hopes they enjoyed the show. We think that is the end before The Rock comes back on the mic and says “Wait, I forgot about something”. He talks trash about John Cena before calling him out. We wait…and The Miz’s music plays. Out comes The Awesome one with Alex Riley in tow, they both enter the ring. Rock rips on him for losing his Title Match and states he takes exception to The Miz mimicking him on Raw the other week. He lays the Smackdown on both of them. They make their way back up the entrance ramp as The Rock soaks up the crowd before getting back on the mic and talks more trash about Cena. He calls him out again.

Why: The Rock has stated a few times that he will see The Miz at Wrestlemania. I don't think it would do the story justice if they did this backstage. The Rock has to stay true to his word and lay the smackdown on him. In ring makes more sense to me.

John Cenas music plays and he makes his way down to the ring. He takes a mic. He cuts a promo about The Rock leaving the business, about The Rock trashing his movies and The Rock mimicking him with the boy on Raw. Rock responds with Cena trashing him in that infamous interview with the UK Sun. They face off eye to eye. They both turn away before turning at the same time and trade blows. Cena gets the upper hand and lifts The Rock for an AA but can’t get The Rock up due to injuries substained to his rib cage against The Miz earlier on. The Rock reverses into a Rock Bottom. The Rock stands over Cena while the crowd waits in anticipation. The Rock signals for the Peoples Elbow before dropping one. He stands over Cena and celebrates on the turn buckles.

Why: Well this doesn't need an explanation. 99.9% of Wrestling fans want to see this confrontation. And the other 0.1% are laying fucks! It think this confrontation MUST happen at the end. This story is the money maker and the biggest going into Wrestlemania. We get the promo we want, we get the staredown, we get the brawl. Both men are faces so it is important we don't make the loser of this brawl look weak. Yes, Cena loses, BUT he does have the upperhand until his injuries from his Title fight kick in. Rock capatalises on this and gives him The Rock bottom and The Peoples Elbow. Rock, our host, stands tall at the end of the show. The majority of us go home, switch of the TV happy.

Seeing The Rock return to Wrestlemania will be awesome. I went nuts during his return a while back, and I'm sure The People's Champion will be great as the host of Wrestlemania.

The Rock keeps hinting at some kind of interaction with John Cena and The Miz at Wrestlemania, and it's hard to tell how this big moment will go down. The Rock could become involved in the match at Mania, and he could play a role in costing Cena or Miz the Championship. I don't know what The Rock will do at Wrestlemania, but it has to be something big. Vince McMahon has to have something huge planned, because The Rock's return has brought a spark back to WWE, and I'm sure a lot of people would be let down if Rock doesn't do something memorable at Mania.
It's hard to say what will happen at Wrestlemania with the ROCK, but the anticipation is what gets me to watch. The Rock coming back makes this year's WM worth the 4 hours and 50 bucks im investing to watch it. His legendary mic work is second to no one in the business and having him as the "host" of the show is a great decision by VKM
If you're not pumped up for this match after what happened tonight, you need to check yourself for a pulse. Tonight was INSANE. The Miz came out and showed that he belongs in the same ring as John Cena and The Rock, or at least he has the nads to go ahead and try. And Cena showed that he's able to not only hold is own against The Rock, but beat him both verbally and physically. Whether you like him or not, Cena definitely cut the better promo tonight, and hitting that AA on The Rock was a HUGE deal, part of Cena we've never seen before.

If I had to make a guess right now... and I really can't say anything with any certainty... I'd say Rock screws Cena tomorrow night, and Miz retains.
Hi !
This is my very first thread so try and be indulgent please !
I've just watch MN RAW and as many of you must know....(little spoiler for those who didn't watch)..... The rock was there and a brawl came out.

The Rock beat the crap out of Alex Riley and The Miz....and then, John Cena gave him an AA.

So my question is, as the title says, ...Now what for the Rock ?

- He wasn't annonced as a guest referee for WWE championship match.
- This match has not been turned in a triple threat (miz vs. Cena vs. Rock)

So is The Rock is just going to come back a simple host for WM ? or came out as a surprise-guest referee ?

What are your opinions ?
He's the Host of Wrestlemania. There was never any solid speculation that he'd referee or be an enforcer. I'm sure he'll get involved either in the match, or after the match, though.

But his main presence at Wrestlemania will be to Host the show. That's what is next for The Rock.

That and to drop Cena's ass to the mat with a Rock Bottom and make a bunch of kids cry their little eyes out at Wrestlemania!
He's the Host of Wrestlemania. There was never any solid speculation that he'd referee or be an enforcer.

Ok he's the host, but what does that mean ?
IMO, it has to be bigger than this..... I mean, he's the Rock !! :blush:

And I agree, he's gonna get involved in or after the match.... he just can't stay on a beat down like yesterday night ! ^^

(BTW sorry for the "no" in my title instead of "now" )
Im thinking rock costs miz the title then that lines up rock vs cena for the title at ppv

or it could turn into a 3 ways match rock vs cena vs miz
Last night played out as expected - Rock and JC verbally bitch slap eachother, Mizanin comes out to try pretend he's not an after thought in this match, gets his ass handed to him and JC drops the Rock to build up the idea that Rock might a) get involved and cost JC the title and b) stick around after WM.

What happens at WM is we get segments from JC and Mizanin saying they can't trust the Rock, Rock saying he's just a host - cut to title match, ref gets bumped, Rock comes out with a refs shirt on, JC gives the AA to Mizanin, Rock hesitates, counts 3, JC new champ, Rock drop JC with the Uranagi, People's Elbow, Rock lays the WWE title on JC, poses at the top of the ramp, fade out.

Kids happy JC is new champ, grown ups happy Rock dropped JC, VKM happy people paid to watch a mediocre 'celeb' studded WM and will pay the same to see a Rock vs Cena match at SummerSlam, Rock happy he's pocketed the huge sum Vince paid him and can go back to being Dwayne and making shite movies without a lingering whiff of being a wrestler.
Well actually this could be a first, the WWE doesn't over-complicate something that is extremely simple. Rock will get involved with a match somehow, but for now they want you to buy the PPV
I have to jump on the bandwagon of people that think he will cost Cena the match. Ofcourse that leading to a match between Cena & Rock or a triple threat with Miz. If not that Cena may win and during his celebration receive a rockbottom.
I think they should use Rock for special PPVs etc, not use him every week or anything like that. Dwayne said he wants to do acting and wrestling at the same time, so obviously can't expect to see him every week as he will be shooting films.

Personally I like that, as I'm a fan of The Rock and I'm also a fan of Dwayne Johnson.
the match is gonna happen im sure cena gonna win while he celebrating bam.. IF YA SMELLLLLLLL...and the rock walks down face to face with cena and cena gets rocked bottom n made to look like a jobber
As we all know the Rock is the guest host for this years Wrestlemania but what is he actually going to do at the event?

Kim Kardashian was the special guest host at Wrestlemania 24 and all she did was announce backstage that the MITB match was going to take place next, getting interrupted by Mr Kennedy and announcing the attendance of the event, so it had me thinking is this what Rocky is going to do on Sunday? Announce the attendance and interview the superstars and divas backstage? Because of Rocky i'v taken more interest in Wrestlemania this year cus lets be honest a couple of the matches have just been thrown together making it look like it was a last minute thing and making me not care about the PPV as much as i should do but if Rocky is going to be doing this i am going to be extremely disappointed. All the hype for sumthing crappy like this?... But i have a feeling that somehow Rocky's going to get involved in the WWE championship match and hopefully cost Cena the chance of winning the WWE title.

I'v been thinkin about how Rocky will be involved at the PPV for the last couple of days and i would like to hear your views... How do you think he'll be involved on Sunday?
Been contemplating putting this threas up for a while now. As we come up to 'Mania (3 days to be exact), thre is a lot of talk about the legit heat between Rock and John Cena.

So I was just wondering: How much of this heat is actually legit? Because it appears to me that this is just an angle and nothing more. Yes, I know about Cena's interview, and that he said Rock 'Turned his back on the WWE fans', but am I the only one who feels that legit heat between the two almost non-existent?

I would love to hear what you people think about this.
I've seen a lot of people saying that on The Rock is going to screw Cena on Sunday and The Miz will retain the championship. I don't doubt this being a possibility at all, but the WWE probably knows we think this, and we all know that Vince has no problem blowing our minds with some big twist.

That said, I think The Rock still has to get physical with John Cena in some way. Perhaps it'll be during the pre-match, maybe the post-match, maybe he'll attack both Cena and The Miz during the match, but it seems odd that they'd have Cena AA Rocky and not have Rock seek revenge on the biggest stage of them all.
Good segment from The Rock but good lord, the crowd was piss poor.

He got a louder reaction on Raw in front of 15,000.

Is it the crowd, or is it the acoustics? There are tons more people, they're outside (I believe. I only saw Rock's promo before my stream died.) Even if they're indoors that many people require a larger venue / bigger roof. The cheers don't seem as loud. Not saying that's the case, just stating that for argument's sake.
Is it the crowd, or is it the acoustics? There are tons more people, they're outside (I believe. I only saw Rock's promo before my stream died.) Even if they're indoors that many people require a larger venue / bigger roof. The cheers don't seem as loud. Not saying that's the case, just stating that for argument's sake.

Not sure, Austins pop seemed marginally louder but even so, didnt seem that big.

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