Getting Noticed By Management
Because it's easy to insult people when you hide behind another identity you fucking moron, my last name is Foulds, my nickname is Fouldsy, moron.
Which is also attacking the chanters....
UK have to stay up till one in the morning to watch WWE, so I don't see how that's a point. I would much rather watch during the afternoon, it would most likely be held at 19.00 which is 14.00 over America, not that much really.
My old twitter sighhh, can't believe you're stalking me though since you apparently don't care hahahaa, make sure you don't *********e over my teenage photos too much![]()

2. Yeah I checked your old twitter account, you kept going on about how you use your "real nickname" on here so I wanted to see if that was true, but it is of no use to me or anyone here. I don't even like talking to you on here so why would I want your social media accounts? I don't see what the big fuss is about not hiding behind another identity. I picked petersellers as my username because that's the whole point! I want people to know I'm a fan of petersellers the actor! not because I want someone to actually think I'm the dead actor peter sellers!!!....this is an internet forum!! You're suppose to be largely anonymous.
3. It isn't a huge inconvenience for me to watch Wrestlemania at 10 but for the casuals it is and that would cost the WWE some money, from their largest fanbase, and you better believe the WWE knows that. You don't do that for your biggest event of the year.
and last but not least fuck any crowd that chants we are awesome, be they from philly or liverpool. fuck em.