Does the WWE understand Geography?

It is annoying. They should definatley research where they are a bit more. No offence to the Americans here, but a lot of Americans generalise too much, like they think anyone Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Australian or New Zealander are English. They are all different countries. I had the opportunity a few years ago to go to America and it was the best fucking time of my life, American’s are great people. They are friendly, happy and all round hospitable nice people. BUT. America is very self absorbed as a country, it doesn’t branch out as much in regards to learning about other parts of the world as say England or Australia.

My ex girlfriend at the time lived in America and I had gone to see her when I went. She told me during history at school, pretty much everything was on American history. Here in Australia, we learn about World War 1 (not just Australia’s involvement but Germany’s, Englands, The French and yes, America’s). We learnt about the American civil war as well as our own history about the stolen generation and how Australia began.

It’s funny, whenever I first met someone over there their first reaction was that I was from England because of my accent. I got so sick of telling people I was from Australia and that we are completely different countries with different people. Yes, we are “brothers” of sorts in regards to our history but lifestyle, beliefs and government are quite different.

WWE is just like the leaders of America, they just want their face out for the rest of the world to see but don’t really care about looking back.

Nothing against the people of America, you guys are great. Trust me I met quite a few great friends over there and had a 2 year relationship with one. All I’m saying is that the way your country has grown has sort of kept you tied into just the good ol US of A.

It’s good to branch out and learn more about another country and parts of the world, it’s very rewarding and can really open your eyes to how different it is over the other side of the world.

Sorry, may have been on a bit of a rant.
It's just an ignorant American thing. I'm American and it annoys the hell out of me when they do that. Every time the go the Britain or any other place in Europe they tend to say "we're here live in the UK.." Okay, WHERE in the UK are you? There are cities there, you know. I know alot of Americans don't care, but I'm always interested in where they peform at so they could narrow it down a bit for me.

On a side note, I hate the sets they use when they wrestle in Britain. They always cover the stage in double-decker buses, British phone booths (if there is such a thing, i'm not sure) and just stereotypical British stuff. Like the doing that will make the English seem more comfortable, more "at home" even though the show's in their country to begin with.

Ugh, rant done.

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