The TNA Maximum Impact Tour In It's Entirety To Be Filmed For TV


Lord And Master
Staff member

It was kind of a given as they were advertising the tour as all tapings in the summer. But now it's fully official. Following TNA's 3 day tapings at the Manhattan Center, TNA will then film presumably 6 episodes of Impact Wrestling from Glasgow, Manchester and London like they did last year. Of course some magical questions pop in. Will these shows be leading us to a Lockdown? Or is that not a thing now? Samoa Joe is being advertised despite his contract being up. Did he re-sign? Jeff is obviously not there, but Matt isn't advertised either.

If anything, this tour promises to be free of the pandering to the ECW crowd they've been doing since the summer.
Think it'll be four Impact tapings, amigo - single tapings in Glasgow and Manchester and a double in London including an Ultimate X bout.
Think it'll be four Impact tapings, amigo - single tapings in Glasgow and Manchester and a double in London including an Ultimate X bout.

No complaints on that. The shows get very stale the farther tape delay gap is. My guess is they'll film Xplosion matches to fill up Glasgow and Manchester.
I always like when they do this every year. Doing Impact from the UK makes the shows look major league and really beautiful with a big crowd and a big arena.
The UK crowds eat up everything TNA. Even if it means no Hardy brothers, or potentially no Samoa Joe, or potentially no... well, whoever. The crowds are going to react positively regardless, IMO, and the product that makes it onto television will show that.

Last years' tapings were arguably some of the best crowds and live atmospheres for TNA minus the Manhattan Center crowds during the Summer in New York, and the first set of tapings in Bethlehem, PA.

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